International Banker, Beach Boy

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International Banker, Beach Boy Page 20

by Mia Terry

  When Ollie’s thick dick pushed in, the world stopped. They groaned simultaneously, the pleasure of the stretch too amazing to stay silent through.

  They held still for a moment, then Ollie said, “Anyone could walk by and see you taking my dick so well.”

  The idea of public sex had never been more than an occasional jerk-off fantasy for Rhys, but he couldn’t help his body’s reaction to Ollie’s words. His body fluttered around Ollie’s dick. He’d known when he’d chosen the place that they could be caught, and someone coming across their coupling was part of the appeal. That slight frisson of fear, at being seen in such a vulnerable position, only added to the exhilaration of being so on display for Ollie while he gave up all control of his body to the man.

  So, in response, all Rhys could whisper was “Show me.”

  As if he had been saving up everything for that moment of submission, Ollie started moving as if he were a man possessed. He clamped his hands down on Rhys’s hips and started a hard, punishing rhythm.

  With Ollie’s dick hitting his prostate with perfect accuracy, and his body primed to blow, all Rhys could do was lie there and brace his body, unable to do anything but accept the pleasure Ollie was inflicting.

  Rhys knew how visual Ollie was and he could only imagine how Ollie felt. Out here in the open, cool air against his body, looking down and watching his dick disappear over and over into Rhys’s ass. Just that thought sent Rhys over. Without touching his dick, just the pressure of it rubbing against the towel on the table and the pleasure of Ollie inside of him was enough for orgasm. He erupted, and the world fell away for a moment, just pleasure and Ollie remained. When Ollie’s rhythm faltered behind him, and he could feel the jerking that meant Ollie was coming, he wished away the condom between them. He wished that he got to feel Ollie coming inside him. However, the bone-deep pleasure he felt let him relax into the table and was only marred by the slight sting as Ollie pulled out and away.

  “Damn it,” Ollie said, and Rhys turned to look at him. Ollie gave him a rueful look before continuing. “Spectacular sex out here in the open is amazing, but now there is no place to dump the condom and no place to lie down.”

  Rhys laughed, the sound as loud and carefree as their earlier grunts of pleasure. “You’re such a city boy looking for all your home comforts. Luckily, we’re not exactly roughing it here. You’ll have to hang onto the condom as we stagger the whole three hundred meters back to our luxury cabin.”

  Ollie rolled his eyes and tied the condom off, before looking down at an unmoving Rhys with an amused stare. “Well darling, are we moving?”

  Rhys was thinking that, despite his words, three hundred meters sounded like quite a walk on his rubbery legs and a body that had been unmade by the strength of his orgasm. “Um, I might need a little help with that.”

  Ollie’s laugh sounded suspiciously like a giggle, though Rhys didn’t call him on it, as he himself was still feeling drunk on pleasure. He also liked how Ollie tenderly wrapped his arm around his body and pulled him to a standing position, where they stood for a moment, silently skin-to-skin. Ollie then reached down and pulled up both their swimsuits. Rhys knew he should have felt ridiculous in a tiny Speedo, staggering down the path back to Ollie’s cabin, but he was too happy for any other emotion to really register. They were lucky enough not to come across any witnesses before they finally reached their private haven.

  Twenty minutes later, and Rhys was slumped in the cabin’s deep bath with only the presence of Ollie’s body behind him stopping him drowsing off. Sex that good, especially combined with beautifully hot water, was the perfect recipe for relaxation. When they had got back to the cabin, Ollie had insisted on filling up the massive porcelain tub. He must have been worried about the aches he might have inflicted on Rhys’s body on that hard table. He didn’t seem to realize, yeah, there might have been a few bruises, but for Rhys, they were just delicious proof that would keep on reminding him of one of the hottest things anyone had ever done to his body.

  And although Rhys didn’t feel he needed pampering, he couldn’t complain about the tender way Ollie was washing off his chest.

  “What will I do without my personal manservant, when you leave?” Rhys asked. Sudden stiffening, and not the good kind, in Ollie’s body, penetrated his haze of contentment.

  “You’ll have to find someone else to wash you I guess.” Ollie’s voice was definitely forced, like a man trying to make a joke he wasn’t completely pulling off.

  Rhys tried for the same kind of humor. “Yes, I suppose. Although you’re the only one really fit for the kind of valet duties I require.”

  “Well, I can report for duty for three more days,” said Ollie. This time his voice was more natural, though the tension had not left his body.

  “Three more days seems such a short time. I don’t suppose you’d consider the occasional trip up north to come and tend to my needs?” Rhys tried to keep his words light, but there was a neediness to them that he couldn’t help but reveal. He knew there was an unspoken agreement between them that they didn’t talk about the future. However, that future and its implications were getting closer every hour and he just couldn’t shut off his compulsion to ask.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to come,” Ollie said. “It’s just that there will be a lot of loose ends to tie up in the next month. And when I’m overseas, I won’t be back much. But there is always Jai’s wedding. We can see each other then.”

  Suddenly, the intimate position of being held to Ollie’s chest was too close for him to bear. Rhys stood up in the bath and almost caused a flood in the wash of water over the overfilled bath edge.

  “I wasn’t aware you’d made that particular decision.” Rhys’s words when they came out of his mouth sounded accusatory and, at this moment, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  “I told you my plans on that first night,” Ollie said, his voice now going to a cold and reasonable place that made Rhys want to throw a tantrum.

  Even though he’d spent literally hours with Ollie naked, Rhys needed to cover up now. He grabbed at the towel rack and wrapped the towel around his waist. “And I thought whenever we’ve talked about it, your decision was still evolving. And stupidly, it seems, I thought that maybe the week we’ve spent together might have had some impact on your decision making.”

  Rhys was embarrassed his voice sounded so breakable, so hurt. But the truth was that was how he felt, and he would not give Ollie a guilt-free path to walk out of his life. Ollie was a big boy and he could acknowledge Rhys’s feelings.

  He thought he had reached him as they stood there in the bathroom staring at each other; then he got Ollie’s stock standard rueful grin. “We're just dripping all over the bathroom here. Why don’t we at least dry off so we can talk properly?”

  Rhys got dried off on automatic pilot, put on a large robe, and followed Ollie into the lounge room. As Ollie mucked around with the heater, Rhys knew he was just buying time. He fucking resented being the one bleeding emotionally here. Especially when he knew it was a lie, that there was some feeling there behind Ollie’s self-possessed facade. The only problem was that he wasn’t sure Ollie knew the facade existed.

  This time they didn’t sit huddled together, as if they couldn’t bear not to touch. They sat on either end of the couch, and Ollie started. “This week has been amazing. I’ve loved every minute, but in the end we both knew I would have to go back to my real life.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was just the holiday entertainment. I thought you were your real self here with me,” Rhys replied.

  “Of course you’re not the bloody holiday entertainment.” The crack of anger in Ollie’s voice was the first real emotion Rhys had heard since the start of their argument. Unfortunately, the anger was the only thing registering with Ollie, and even that he quickly got under control. “This has been one of the best weeks of my life. But I have commitments I’ve got to get back to. Commitments you knew about, so you can’t tell
me there were promises that led you to believe anything different.”

  The worst of this was that Rhys knew Ollie was right. It wasn’t like Rhys hadn’t noticed the lack of any talk of any kind of future on Ollie’s part. He was just stupid enough to have believed that the very real affection he’d seen in Ollie’s eyes was going to translate into the man actually acting on his feelings. And that really was shit, because he knew in his heart Ollie would be happier if he gave himself that chance, but what he hadn’t contended with was how stubborn Ollie actually was, and how hard he had sold himself on the idea of living up to a standard of professionalism that only he would care about.

  Seeing that, Rhys conceded defeat. “No,” he said. “You very clearly never promised me anything.”

  As if Rhys’s lack of fight triggered something in Ollie, he softened. “I want to promise you more. I want to promise you a lot more, but I don’t think I can do what I need to do and make sure I have a future with you at the same time.”

  “I can see that you feel that way,” Rhys said. He carefully only acknowledged that Ollie felt trapped, not that he actually was trapped. “And on that note, I need to go home.”

  “We still have three more days,” said Ollie. If Rhys hadn’t been feeling so hurt, the stark disappointment in Ollie’s voice would have been enough to make him give in.

  “No, we really don’t,” Rhys replied. “My fault for mentioning the future tonight, but eventually, I suppose, reality had to intrude. I’ve been kidding myself that there might not be a final good-bye at the end of your stay, and as much as I don’t want to walk out that door tonight, I can’t let myself stay here because I know I’ll fall even deeper for you.”

  Ollie just sat there, looking stunned. Rhys really wished he could go back in time, just half an hour, and be happy in that warm bath with that beautiful man’s arms around him. However, he had to have some sense of self-preservation. If Ollie saw absolutely no future for them, he had to stop the emotional bleeding for both of them. The damage was probably already done to his heart, but if he stayed, knowing their impending separation was inevitable, they’d probably batter each other emotionally until the last bitter good-bye. Now, at least the cut would be quick.

  “Hey,” Rhys said, as he stood. He had to put his hands in his pockets to stop himself from reaching out and touching Ollie for comfort. “Eventually you’re going to have to choose to be happy.”

  “That’s why I don’t want you to go,” Ollie replied. “I’ve been happier with you this week than I’ve been for a long time.”

  “And if you’d sounded just a little less sure about moving away, I might be able to stay here with you another few days and play pretend. But you have made up your mind, and sadomasochism just isn’t my thing.”

  Rhys went into the bedroom and picked up his overnight bag and the few pieces of his clothes that were scattered around it. The heft of the bag made him feel even more stupid. Yeah, he’d packed it not planning to go home until Ollie left. His current state of humiliation and pain was definitely self-inflicted. This was inevitable, why hadn’t he held something of himself back?”

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” Ollie said, just as Rhys was about to say his good-byes.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “No, I do.”

  Their walk out to the resort’s car park was in stark contrast to their earlier stumbled post-sex journey just an hour earlier. Silence rather than euphoric giggles were heavy between them.

  Rhys didn’t think he’d ever been so glad to see his truck. He would probably cry, and while he didn’t mind Ollie knowing he was hurt, he was determined not to look that bloody ugly in front of the man.

  That meant when he turned to Ollie all he could manage was, “say my good-byes to the others for me.”

  “Thank you,” Ollie said. “Thanks for everything.”

  As Rhys drove away, he only took a quick look in the rearview mirror to see the handsome, tall, blonde figure of Ollie, looking somehow more fragile than he knew it was possible for him to look. Rhys knew immediately he shouldn’t have looked.

  Damn it, this was going to hurt.

  Chapter 17

  Ollie woke up the next morning and for a second questioned why his alarm was blaring so loudly. Then last night flooded in, and all he wanted to do was hide under the bedcovers.

  Rhys getting into his car, looking so hurt, would be imprinted in his memory for the rest of his life. Ollie was definitely a moron for never facing up to the moment when their relationship would have to end. Though the reason for that probably was he knew it would hurt so damn much. He couldn’t have guessed though how the other man’s sadness would cut him to the core. How his own pain would have kept him up for hours, as he replayed their last conversation in his head, over and over again.

  He half wanted to turn up on Rhys’s doorstep just to hold the man one more time, to beg for the last few days he’d been promised. But to do that would be cruel to them both when Ollie still intended to go to the Gulf. He’d really made that call months ago, and he was determined to be a man who lived with his decisions.

  The snooze warning blasted again, and Ollie stumbled to a stand. The others were leaving in the next twenty minutes. Last night, a few sleepless hours after Rhys had left, he had changed his own flight for today, though he wasn’t intending to let them know that.

  Ten minutes later and laughter greeted him as he made his way to Jai’s rented cabin.

  “Looks who has finally shown up,” Kris said. “We thought we might have to say our good-byes to you and Rhys by invading your bedroom, and we were terrified of what we might see.”

  “I don’t know,” Billy said with a laugh. “I was actually a little intrigued about what we would get a look at.”

  “Perv,” said his boyfriend affectionately.

  Ollie ignored the reference to Rhys and kept a forced smile on his face. “You guys are looking remarkably chipper this morning.”

  “Clean living will do that for you,” Jai interjected and ignored the laughs from the others. “Is Rhys just behind you?”

  “Nah,” Ollie said, forcing a casual tone into his voice. “Last minute client popped up.”

  Yeah, he had flat out lied to his friends, but he wasn’t ready for the inevitable questions and probably accusations that would come if he told them the truth.

  “Damn,” Jai said, and the others looked just as bummed. “I wanted to get to say good-bye to him. You guys left so quickly last night we hardly got a chance to hang.”

  Ollie laughed and wondered how he managed to sound so carefree. “Like you noticed anything last night. A bomb could have gone off next to you, and you wouldn’t have noticed.”

  “Not entirely untrue,” Luke interjected. “Now as we have a long drive ahead of us, we better get moving. Ollie aren’t you glad you have such good timing for bag carrying duty.”

  Ollie ended up with Kris’s surplus bags and was actually grateful for the forced activity. Everyone was making sure they had left nothing behind, and consequently, he could fade into the background. His sharp-eyed friends being distracted was a blessing, as even Ollie’s acting skills wouldn’t have stood up to hiding the way he felt, as they walked down the same path he’d walked with Rhys less than twelve hours earlier.

  Their final good-byes hung in the air and it was only as his friends pulled out of sight that Ollie allowed himself to cry.

  * * *

  It was a week later that he finally had to come clean to Kris. He’d avoided texts and phone calls, but missing rowing would have probably warranted a search party, so here he was.

  They had gotten their scull in the water at the Balmain rowing club and were gliding over the sleek harbor when Ollie got the inquiry he’d been dreading.

  “How were those last few days? Did you and Rhys get up to anything fun?” Kris asked, with the air of a man who definitely wanted to know all the details.

  “Not really,” Ollie replied. He was trying to concentr
ate on the way his oars stroked through the water, as if that would give his voice neutrality. “I ended up coming home the same day you did. Rhys and I weren’t going to see each other anymore, so there didn’t seem much point hanging around.”

  Their scull stuttered in the water as Kris stopped moving his oars. “Fuck off,” he said succinctly. “So, when did you make this little decision to stop seeing each other? Last time I saw you together you were going off for what I presume was for some very dirty sex.”

  “Kris, if you’re going to gossip rather than row, can you at least get your bloody oars out of the water, so I’ve got some chance of getting us moving again. I can concentrate much better on giving you the information you want if I’m not afraid we’re going to end up run over by the morning ferry.”

  The muttering Ollie could hear behind him was not complimentary, but at least the scull started moving across the water again with some fluidity.

  Satisfied they were back on their designated path, Ollie started talking. “I had told Rhys about my plans for an overseas transfer and he seemed fine with it.” Okay, Ollie knew those words were a bit of a lie because of how fervently Rhys had argued against a move to the Gulf. “On our last night, when I reiterated my plans, Rhys thought ending the relationship then was the best way forward, rather than a drawn-out good-bye.”

  Ollie didn’t need to look directly at Kris to sense the eyeroll that came with that particular head toss. “Well, you were a dumb bastard. Yeah, Billy told me about some bogus move you were considering. Details please because I do so love hearing news about one of my best friends from my boyfriend. But mainly I’m just not entirely sure why exactly you’d want to say good-bye to a gorgeous man who made you happy. He made you laugh and was basically a guy your friends all agreed was actually better than you deserved.”


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