Meant to be Mine: Kincaid Sisters Book 1

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Meant to be Mine: Kincaid Sisters Book 1 Page 6

by Buchanan, Lexi

  “Mmm, well, you don’t have to miss that anymore because I’m not going anywhere.”

  In a deep place at the back of my mind is still worry about our age difference. I’m trying to not let it bother me, and for the most part, it doesn’t anymore—not since I saw her across the bar unable to focus. I knew then that I wasn’t going to be able to walk away from her for a second time. The first time had been difficult. She’d help me more than she will ever know with the words we spoke that night. It was because of her that I changed my spiraling life around. Now, I have money in the bank because I went to work for my father.

  It was an easy way for me to get back on my feet and I took it. I’ve worked hard. Harder than most, so the money wasn’t given to me. It was earned through long days and even longer nights. That was all about to come to an end though.

  I didn’t like working for my father and I’d started growing tired of the work, so I knew even before I saw Jessie that I would have to change some things around. Jessie is the reason why I’m going to make the changes now, and not prolong them. I need to separate myself from that life in order to hopefully move forward in the one I want with the girl who has currently fallen asleep on me.

  Smiling, I gently move us both so we’re lying on the bed and keep one arm around her shoulders.

  Jessie looks so young lying in my arms, and so beautiful that I get a funny feeling in my chest. More than anything, it feels right having Jessie in my arms in this way. Just holding her close.

  I love her.



  Kix is busy tonight, some regulars, and some, never seen before. It doesn’t matter to me because the roadhouse is safe to work most evenings. Regulars know that Ryder keeps a clean house, and word spreads. There are nerves in my belly though because I know I have to confront Adam. I’m mad as heck at him, but at the same time I’m not completely sold that he’s the one responsible. He’s the one who had easy access to my drink—at least from the bits of that night I remember. My mind is still fuzzy on that evening and it’s frustrating. I don’t fear what I’ll remember because I know Evan got me out of that place and to his apartment before anything bad could happen.

  I certainly want the asshole responsible to admit to it and be stopped from doing it again. Makes me wonder if I was the first, or if he’s done it before with a different outcome.

  My brother, Reece, is in his usual seat with his best friends, Jack (Phoenix), and Donovan. Donovan is married to my sister and they have twins—one of each. They have their hands full and I know my sister wouldn’t have it any other way with the man she loves. He loves her too.

  Evan is standing at the opposite end of the bar nursing the same beer that he’s held in his hand for the past hour, and now he’s engaged in conversation with Ryder. I don’t miss his gaze keep landing on me while I’m serving drinks from behind the bar.

  My eyes are constantly scanning the room, hoping I’ll see him before he sees me. Adam never misses an opportunity to talk to me, he just has the habit of sneaking up on me. Drives me nuts.

  “Adam’s here,” Ryder whispers, suddenly behind me.

  For a moment, I briefly panic, which causes Ryder to pause.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks.

  Inhaling, I admit, “I’m nervous, but I want to ask him and watch him closely as he replies. It’s the only way I’ll know for certain.”

  “I’ll cover you here then.” Ryder nods toward the back of the room. “He’s over near the back exit. Leo is out the backdoor so you’re covered.” He grins.

  I roll my eyes and feel myself settle, knowing that the guys have my back. Hopefully Evan will stay out of sight, at least for now.

  Slipping from behind the bar, I move along the wall, trying not to get jostled. Adam spots me moving toward him and moves to meet me halfway. I tip my head toward the back hallway, which is marked with a staff only sign. He nods and follows.

  The moment I can think without the pounding music, I turn and ask bluntly, “Did you drug me the other night?”

  His eyes widen in surprise and then he frowns, and the only thing I see on his face is shock.

  “Someone drugged you?” His jaw clenches. “And you think I’m the one responsible? I thought better of you Jessie?”

  I snap. “Someone with open access to my drinks put a date rape drug into my drink. I think I’m allowed to ask questions considering I was sitting next to you! And, you are the one who brought those drinks from the bar.”

  He scratches his head. He’s either got a lot better at lying, or he’s being truthful. He deeply exhales. “I promise you Jessie, I didn’t drug you. You know I’ve never done drugs, I wouldn’t even know where to get them from.” He shakes his head. “I know my friends can be idiots, but none of us have ever been involved with drugs.”

  “Then if it wasn’t you, who was it?” I question more to myself than Adam.

  “I wasn’t the only one sitting beside you,” Adam slowly comments.

  “Get real, no way did Evan drug me.”

  “But you believed so easily that I could, huh?” Adam walks away with his shoulders hunched and his head down.

  “I heard,” Evan says moving closer with Leo. “We need to talk a look at who else was around because Adam sounded pissed that you’d accused him, and I know I didn’t do it.” He looks me in the eye as though he’s waiting for my agreement.

  Taking his hand, I squeeze. “Allyson was sitting with us. She didn’t look pleased to have her evening with you interrupted by joining our group. Nor was she happy that I was at your place.”

  “I really don’t want to believe it was her, but I only had eyes for you once I saw you there.” He winces. “She was annoyed.”

  “She’s a woman scorned, Evan.” I press a hand to my stomach. “She isn’t crazy is she?”

  He rolls his eyes and I smile. “I’m serious. If she is responsible, then I’m wondering if she’ll stop with just that considering we’re now together, and she really is out on her ear.” Grinning, Evan sighs, a worried frown covering his features.

  “I never thought she was capable of drugging someone so I don’t think my judgment should be relied on.” Evan wraps an arm around my neck, pulling me in closer.

  My eyes stray to the storeroom, which I know has been used for more than storing roadhouse supplies. My sisters used to gossip about what Reece and Donovan would get up to in there. Jack also.

  Evan catches my eyes drifting between him and the storeroom and his eyes widen in surprise. “No way are we going in there.” He grabs me around the waist and lifts me off my feet, moving us back into the main part of the bar.

  “So not fair.” I pout.

  “You are not going to persuade me with that sweet expression.” He grunts as I wiggle down his body.

  My eyes light with pure mischief. “You want me Evan. Just like I want you. We’re both adults. I don’t want to wait.” Moaning, I add, “I sound like a child about now, huh?”

  Evan’s eyes are deep and narrowed, but he shakes his head. “No, just impatient.” He smirks. “You know why I want to wait.” He kisses me on the forehead. “Be patient.”

  “I’m a Gemini and I don’t do patience.”

  “That’s true,” my brother agrees. “What happened?”

  “Apart from me trying to get Evan into the storeroom, you mean?”

  Reece’s eyes narrow on Evan who coughs. “I said no! That counts for something right?” Evan glares at me so I smirk, and he adds, “You behave yourself.”

  Evan fills Reece in on what went down with Adam and by the time he’s finished relaying the information, Jack and Donovan have joined us. They’ve been friends for a long time now and can read each other’s body language. They’re all family men with young children and it makes me happy to see my brother and the others in this way. It softens them.

  My thoughts drift to having all that they have, with Evan. If I have my way I’m going to have everything with him.
He’s the one I’ve been waiting for in all of my twenty-one years. Not long, I know. But when you meet the one person who you connect with, I’ve learned that you should hold on to them.

  I listened to Evan and his reasons as to why he couldn’t stay, but now, I think his heart is as just as involved as mine.



  Jessie hadn’t made it easy for me to leave, but at least she understood why I had to. The sooner I can sort things out here, the sooner I can get back to her and decide exactly where I want to go with Jessie. I already know she’s what I want, even though my head is telling me to take a step back and really think about everything. Somewhere inside of me, I just know that Jessie is the one. Maybe I should take it slow, make sure that I’m what she wants, except I know I don’t have slow in me were it concerns Jessie.

  Smiling at the thought of Jessie and taking it slow, I’m damn proud of myself for not taking her up against the wall of the shower. Her body had been firm all over. The curve of her hips makes my mouth water. The thought of holding on to her while my mouth suckles on parts of her body has me reaching down to move my cock into a more comfortable position.

  Tightening my fists, I try to get my mind back onto my letter of resignation that sits in front of me on the desk. I haven’t gotten further than the first line because my brain refuses to stop wandering. My body might be in the office, but my mind is certainly back with Jessie. I’m fixated on her and I can’t wait to get her to myself, away from her family and friends. No interruptions.

  “So, has she sent you home with your tail between your legs?” Allyson questions.

  She walks toward me and drops her ass on the corner of my desk. Her white suit is fitted to the slight curves of her body, which makes me wonder how her skirt didn’t rip when she perched.

  Sitting back in my chair, I narrow my gaze as I hover over her features. She’s pretty in an ice cool way, and her company has only been tolerated due to our family connections. Play nice and socialize my father had asked, but I knew it hadn’t been a choice. I’ve already made my choice. Making it official will have to wait a few more minutes until I can get rid of Allyson.

  “Why are you here?”

  Tilting her head, she caresses over my body spread out in the chair while I raise a brow in question when she’s finished and finally meets my gaze. “I’m not a very good looser,” she reaches out but I knock her hand away, “so, I thought I would forgive you.”

  I blink a few times wondering if she said one thing but I heard another. I didn’t. Sitting forward, I rest my elbows on the desk and run my hands through my hair before I turn my head, debating how much to tell her. I can’t tell her anything, I realize. Because the first chance she gets she’d be off telling my father.

  Once or twice the thought that she was screwing my father had flittered through my mind, but I’d dismissed it as quickly as it had popped in there. With what my father knew of my life, and knowing my father liked ‘em young, I don’t think it would surprise me.

  “I’m not back in the city for you, Allyson. I’m here because I have a job to do.” If only for a day or two. “What did you do to Jessie?” I ask, wanting to catch her off guard.

  She blinks hard and her complexion pales. “What are you talking about?” she counters, moving toward the sofa in my office. Not once do her eyes focus on me.

  “You know what I’m talking about. You were the one to drug her.” I shake my head and pace in front of the floor to ceiling windows. “We thought Adam was responsible, but he had no idea what Jessie was talking about when confronted.” I turn to face her. “It was you!” I snap and move closer. “You had an opportunity and you took it, but it backfired, huh? You didn’t expect me to pick her up and demand she come back to my place.” I get into her face, pushing her back into the sofa. “What did you expect? That I’d let the woman I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about in over twelve months leave with another man.”

  I start pacing again as the anger builds. “Have you got any idea how serious it could have been? You could have killed her! Fuck!”

  Allyson clears her throat having pulled herself together. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I pick up the paperweight from the corner of my desk and throw it at the glass coffee table. It shatters into small fragments of glass while Allyson shrieks, rapidly running out of my office.

  I’m so angry with her and want to force her to tell me the truth. It infuriates me that she still blatantly acts as though she has no clue. She’s not the clueless woman she likes to pretend she is.

  In the next breath my father is in my office and rapidly on his heels is my assistant, Susan. “Why is Allyson storming into my office telling me you’ve lost your damn mind?” He takes in the shattered glass before his eyes narrow on mine. “Susan,” he says holding my gaze, “can you leave us please?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Close the door on your way out,” he adds.

  The door slams closed causing my father to wince. “You’ve been distracted lately. Want to tell me why?”

  “No.” Walking around the desk, I sit and let out a heavy breath in frustration and annoyance. “Why is Allyson running to you?” I stare unable to look away.

  Usually my father’s glare is enough to make a grown my shrink, and I’m ashamed to admit that I’m one of them. No more though.

  Before I had to play nice to come back into the family so that I had the chance of pulling myself together. I wanted to do something that would look good on a resume with a fat paycheck. I’m not ashamed to admit to wanting the money. The plan had been to save, which I have been doing. So while I’m thankful he gave me this job, the apartment, and a fat paycheck, I’m done.

  I want a life that doesn’t involve so much time in the office—a wife that loves me without thought to whom my parents are.



  “So,” I drawl, leaning over the bar in Kix, “I believe a certain attorney couldn’t take his eyes from you last night?”

  My sister, Amanda, blushes and clears her throat. “He may have looked, but he’s had years to take,” she says, sadly. “I’d notice him looking when I worked for the law firm. He never once acted inappropriately.” She sighs.

  I roll my eyes. “Jeez, Amanda. He’s an attorney so you can’t expect him to have made the first move. You worked for him at the time. You probably made him nervous.”

  “I haven’t worked there for a few years.” Amanda rests her elbows on the bar and drops her face between, groaning. “I think I’m going to change my wardrobe again.” She lifts her face and smiles. “Men like a good pair of legs, right? Mine are amazing in high heels,” she mumbles. “Hmm, I know just what I’m going to do.”

  With that she rushes from the bar while I wonder the wisdom of my older sister. I really hope she doesn’t get her heart broken. Even though she was around my age when she worked at the law office, I don’t think she was ready for Ryan Townsend. Now, I don’t think he’s ready for her.

  Grinning, I turn to put the tray of glasses I’ve been cleaning behind the bar and bump into my sister Robin’s boyfriend, Leo. He only works part time at the roadhouse because he’s in his last year of college with Robin.

  “Why was Amanda in such a rush to leave?” He asks, his gaze briefly toward the door.

  “High heels and a lawyer.” I chuckle at his bafflement. “Don’t worry about it.” Leo takes the tray from me. I frown. “Anything wrong?”

  He shakes his head. “Not really. I just wanted to see how you’re doing and if Evan has spoken to that woman yet.”

  “I wish I was with Evan. I miss him.” I inhale and slowly exhale, really missing him. “I haven’t heard from him one way or the other.” I shrug, acting nonchalant when I’m worried about his lack of contact.

  “I saw the way he was with you, Jessie. He’s probably busy getting everything sorted. He’ll be back.”

  “I hope so, because if he isn’t, I�
��m going after him.”

  Leo grinned. “That’s my girl.”

  “I thought I was your girl,” Robin comments, smacking Leo on the butt.

  He turns and kisses the hell out of her to the point that Robin is unsteady on her feet when he’s finished.

  “You’ll always be my girl, babe. With Jessie it was just a figure of speech.” He gives her one quick kiss before leaving me along with my slightly older sister.

  “So, want to tell me what’s going on? I feel like I miss so much now I’m living with Leo.”

  I snicker. “I bet you are.”

  Robin nudges me with her hip. “Stop putting me off. I want to know about Evan. Mom said you were smitten, and then he left.”

  The problem with having siblings is that unless you’re all in the same room at the same time, you end up repeating yourself. I end up giving Robin a condensed version because I’m fairly sure that Leo will have filled her in on everything to date.

  “It sounds like he has his hands full,” Robin says, her mind appearing a million miles away. “Maybe you should call him instead of waiting for him to call you. Keep him on his toes so he knows you’re thinking about him. Missing him.”

  Chewing on my lip, I watch my sister, and because I’m watching her closely, I notice when Leo comes back into the bar from the back. Her face softens and love shines in her eyes.

  Leo slips his hand behind the back of her head and holds her steady while he gently places a kiss on her smiling lips. I also catch Robin pinch Leo’s butt before she backs away. “Later,” she whispers, quickly going up on tiptoes for one last kiss.

  “I love that man,” Robin sighs softly.

  With a teasing note, I drawl, “I know.”

  She giggles and wraps an arm around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. “Is Evan really what you want, Jessie?”


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