Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 6

by H. L. Swan

  I hope his words are true. I can’t think straight, and I’m wishing I was better equipped at sex.

  “Yes,” I finally say.

  An encouraging chuckle escapes his lips. “Good girl.”

  He brings himself to my opening and barely gets the tip in before I let out a yelp, not expecting the discomfort.

  He retreats instantly and I whimper at the loss. “Why did you stop?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” His chest rises and falls quickly.

  “I’ll be fine. It’ll hurt anyways, right?” I pout slightly, looking up at him innocently when he doesn’t respond. “You don’t want me?”

  He bites his lip, sliding a hand around the nape of my throat. “You know better than that.”

  I dig my nails into his back and rock forward, satisfied when I hear him let out a soft moan.

  “Later,” He promises, bringing a solitary finger to my lips to silence me. “I want to take you properly. For now, let me make you feel good.”

  With that, he lifts my hands above my head and pins them down with one hand while the other slides down my body towards my core. His fingers push into me, stretching me, and I have to admit this is a much more comfortable feeling. I moan his name when his thumb strokes my clit while his long fingers simultaneously pump in and out of me.

  “Fuck. I love it when you say my name,” He rumbles into my ear before returning to lavish his attention on that spot on my neck. Moans spill from my lips as my body comes undone from the overwhelming pleasure his fingers bring, my legs shaking.

  “Come for me,” He demands.

  And I do, just as his mouth crashes down on mine.


  I smile as I wipe the steam from the mirror, watching as Aiden walks up behind me. He pulls my hair away from my neck and kisses the spot he’s been paying a lot of attention to. When he lifts his head, I spot a large purple spot.

  “Aiden! You gave me a hickey,” I snap, thinking of ways to cover it up.

  “Just marking what’s mine.” He smirks before kissing it once more.


  I can’t believe that just happened. I can still feel his hands on my hips, thighs, neck and between my legs. I shiver as I remember the pleasure he brought me.

  Needing a way to collect myself, I throw on one of Ian’s T-shirts over my tank top and a pair of soffee shorts before going to do my laundry. I’ll burn his shirt once I have something clean and comfy to wear. But first, I need some coffee.

  Aiden is leaned against the kitchen counter, flipping through some documents as worry lines crease his forehead. He’s dressed smartly for work, all black of course. I take a moment to admire how his tattoos peak through. I’ve never thought much of tattoos before, but they are sexy on him.

  I tiptoe around the kitchen as I get myself a cup of coffee, careful not to disturb him. However, my presence is made known when the mug slips from my hand and shatters against the hard tile.

  Aiden looks up, his concentration turning to anger as he stares at me. He sets down the papers on the countertop and takes a deep breath.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  Taken aback by his unexpected anger, I frown slightly. “Umm...I’m sorry, it slipped.”

  He straightens, eyeing me. “No, sweetheart, not the mug.” He gestures to me impatiently. “That shirt you have on. I know it’s not yours.”

  “Oh, I didn’t have any more clean clothes and Ian’s shirt was all I had.” I state nonchalantly.

  He makes his way to me in two strides, emitting a deep, almost territorial laugh. He places his hand out and demands, “Off.”

  I take a step back and bump into the countertop. “It’s just a shirt,” I snap.

  “You’re mine.” He growls, his eyes darkening.

  Rolling my eyes, I slip it off, thankful I have a tank top on underneath. I watch as he takes it from me and chucks it into the trashcan with a smug look. I bend down to pick up the broken shards, but he redirects me to the counter before grabbing the dustpan and doing it himself.

  “Come,” He beckons me to follow and I oblige.

  He can be demanding but that’s what I like about him. He knows what he wants, and I’m more than happy to follow his commands.

  He seats me on the armrest of the couch before laying his luggage out, revealing an array of neatly folded black T-shirts. He grabs one and slips it over my head, his fingers greedily stealing a touch of my skin as he does so.

  I blush when he kisses my forehead and whispers, “Better.” He gestures to the coat rack. “If you want it, my hoodie is over there. Wear it whenever you like.”

  The delicious scent of his cologne invades my senses making me dizzy.

  “Thanks. Why did you get so jealous? It’s just a shirt,” I question out of curiosity.

  He tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “Remember our shower?” His warm hands make their way to the nape of my neck.

  I nod as butterflies erupt in my stomach.

  “I told you, you were mine. I meant it. I may have not gotten to fuck you properly, but I will. You’re mine now. It’s that simple.” His voice is smooth like silk as he kisses his mark on my neck.

  My body trembles with need as I eye the bulge in his pants. A sense of satisfaction washes over me, knowing that he wants me as much as I want him.

  He uses his knee to nudge my legs apart as his mouth crashes down on mine, his tongue caressing mine. His knee presses against my core and I moan at the flash of pleasure. I’m surprised by how easily he turns me on. I rock my hips, grinding myself against his leg as whimpers escape me, begging him for relief.

  He pulls away with a chuckle.

  “Why did you move?” I whine, needing more.

  He caresses my inner thigh, his thumb lingering dangerously close to where I want it to touch. “I’m going to be late for work if I stay any longer.”

  “When will you be back?” I blush, pressing my thighs together to alleviate the ache. I probably sound desperate, but I don’t really care.

  His smile grows. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

  My eyes fall to the ground, embarrassed by his brazen words. “Umm...”

  He cups my face gently. “I’ll be back later,” He promises. “You can hang out with Ashley when she gets home.”

  “She’s gone for the next few days. That’s why she was in a rush earlier and didn’t shower.” I remind him, blushing as images fill my mind.

  “That’s right.” He hums in thought, his eyes growing dark when he looks down at my fidgeting legs. “Wait, so you’ll be here alone?”

  I shrug. “Yeah, but I’ll be fine. If I need anything, I have some friends down the street.”

  Crossing his arms, his eyes narrow. “Please tell me you’re not going back to the frat house.”

  I bite my lip. “I’ll know if Ian’s around if his car is in the driveway.”

  He frowns in thought, carefully running a hand through his styled hair. “Wanna come to work with me?”

  I twiddle my fingers as I ponder. It’d be better than having to sit and wait around all day. But can he just have people go to work with him whenever he wants?

  “Is it okay if I go?”

  “I’m the boss so...yeah.” He pushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  With that, I run to Ashley’s closet to change, picking out a simple summer dress and flats. It’s nothing fancy but it’s cute.

  I stand in front of Aiden and twirl. “Is this okay?”

  He bites his lip before nodding his approval.

  “I’m sure you prefer high heels and tight dresses.” I joke, curious about his preferences.

  He places his hand on my cheek, and I lean into its warmth.

  “I prefer this, I promise you.” His eyes trail down my body. “You looked hot as fuck at the club, but it was too revealing with all the men around. I prefer this cute innocent look on you.” He winks. “We can save the other stuff for my eyes only.”

nbsp; Seven

  I slide into the Challenger, the leather seat is warm under my legs from basking in the morning sun. I love the classic feel of the car and the heavenly scent of leather mixed with Aiden’s cologne. The engine roars to life and I watch in admiration as Aiden’s muscles flex while he changes gears.

  I turn the radio down and look to him. “When will your place be done?”

  A half smirk forms on his face as he places a large hand on my thigh. “My apartment got finished yesterday.”

  “What? I thought it would be weeks.” I droop a little, surprised and disappointed our time together is ending. “Why did you stay?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” He grins wolfishly.

  I look away with a blush.

  His hand moves from my thigh to grip my chin, turning me back to face him. “It’s adorable when you’re shy.”

  I plaster on a smile. “Are you dropping me off at home and staying there tonight then?”

  “That’s where we are staying tonight.” He winks, sliding his hand further up my dress as we drive along.


  I eye the massive building in front of me curiously as Aiden helps me out of the passenger seat, handing his keys to the valet. His arm wraps protectively around me as we make our way into the lobby and towards the elevator. I look around, noticing the bottom floor is filled with men in business attire who are staring in our direction.

  I glance at the directory by the elevator and my eyes widen.

  Fortieth floor: Scott Investment Corporation.

  Aiden gives me a cocky nod when I peer up at him. It’s definitely something to be proud of, especially at the young age of twenty-five. I would be the same way too.

  I giggle as he escorts me inside the empty elevator. “Why is everyone staring at you?”

  He laughs. “They aren’t staring at me.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Right.”

  He cups my face. “That’s what’s going to get you in trouble. You don’t know when men are flirting with you.” He smirks before planting a kiss on my neck.

  The soreness makes me jump and reminds me of something I forgot.

  “I forgot to cover my hickey!” I shriek, embarrassed.

  He shrugs, pulling my hair away from my neck so it cascades down my back, and admires his mark. “I would have wiped off any make-up you put on it.”

  His voice is so stern and authoritative, it makes me gulp.

  The elevator dings and Aiden releases me, his features sharpening and growing cold. The doors slide open revealing a sleek and modern office design.

  A woman sits at the white front desk, a bright smile plastered on her face. “Mr. Scott,” She greets with a nod.

  I return her polite smile when she looks over at me.

  Aiden guides me over and introduces me to Lexi.

  “Would you like some water?” Lexi asks with a smile.

  I shake my head politely, not wanting to bother the nice lady. “I’m okay, thank you though.”

  “She’ll have a water with lemon.” Aiden instructs before guiding me towards the back of the room, his warm hand pressing into the small of my back.

  The faint sound of heels and dress shoes against the marble flooring makes me stand a little straighter. A man hands Aiden a manila folder but they exchange no words.

  I study them curiously. Is this how it will be like when I work in an office one day? Everything looks so serious; from the white polished floors, ironed dresses to pressed suits. So different from my dream of being covered in flour all day, creating delicious treats with my hands.

  This is what Aiden was born to do, his general no-nonsense demeanor shows more than usual. I can’t deny that being next to him feels powerful and a little intimidating. I notice his voice sounds different when he talks to his employees, it’s deeper, more serious.

  My wide eyes take in the beautiful sight of Portland’s skyline as Aiden ushers me into his office. The interior design is different from the rest of the floor; deep colors adorn the walls while rich oak furniture dominates the space. Fine-Art of various deep hues sit flush against the deeply colored walls. It fits Aiden.

  Despite the natural light shining in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he flips on a lamp that casts a faint golden hue over his desk. It looks incredible, like a luxurious cabin.

  I spin around in awe. “How is everything so established? I thought you just got this place.” I peer at the awards framed on the wall.

  Aiden sits in the large leather chair behind a dark oak desk and powers on his computer. “This is the same set up I had when I went to Stanford and worked in the city. I already owned the company when I was in school, my employees just came with me. It’s been an easy transition.”

  He beckons me over, pointing to his lap. “Come.”

  I shuffle over shyly and slide onto his lap sideways.

  “We won’t be here long.” he twirls my hair as he taps away on his computer. “I just need to send some paperwork to my clients, and then we can head out.”

  The door opens and Lexi steps in, her bright smile fading.

  I move to stand up, but Aiden holds me in place.

  “Why didn’t you knock?” He demands, his face set in a scowl.

  “I’m sorry, sir.” Lexi sets a glass down in front of me before making a quick getaway.

  I tilt my head, puzzled. “Isn’t it unprofessional for me to be on your lap?”

  He shakes his head, his tone filled with disgust. “I’m the boss, I pay their wages. It was unprofessional for her to barge in here like that.”

  I push away my thoughts on the sadness I saw on Lexi’s face. “Didn’t you ask her to bring me water?”

  He chuckles in amusement and leans back. “Okay, so let’s say I had you bent over the desk,” He taps the sturdy wood, “and someone just waltz in.”

  I blush as I picture him holding me down and taking me over his desk.

  “Exactly.” He nods. “This office is my sanctuary. Ms. Stone is skating on thin ice.” He waves his hand absentmindedly.

  “How so?”

  He opens his mouth to answer, but stops himself. “I’m not sure it was a good idea to hire her on. She’s…” He shakes his head, planting a kiss on my bare shoulder.

  I slide off Aiden’s lap and explore his office, browsing the bookshelves that adorn the far wall. I trace the spines with Hemingway, Orwell, and Faulkner, making me put Aiden on more of a pedestal than before.

  “All done.” He turns off the screen.

  I raise my brow. “Really? We’ve only been here for twenty minutes.”

  “Perks of being the boss.” He smiles, gesturing to the door.

  I point to the bathroom, letting him know where I’m headed. I see Lexi as I step in, her smile not as prevalent as it was before. I look at myself in the mirror, unable to stop from comparing myself to Lexi. Her golden locks are curled to perfection and she looks like Aiden’s type. My concerns are answered when she turns to me with a scowl.

  She crosses her arms as she examines me with beaded eyes before sneering, “You’re not that special, you know.”

  I take a step back, stunned by her cruel words and confused at the same time. “Excuse me?”

  She laughs as she scans my body. She rolls her eyes, throwing her blonde hair to one side. “Aiden brings his little toys around all the time. You aren’t the first.”

  She turns to the mirror, puckering her lips. “Nothing to worry about,” She murmurs.

  “I don’t understand why you’re being so mean to me,” I state quietly, uncomfortable with confrontation.

  She titters, stepping towards me. “I came here for Aiden. Don’t screw that up for me. I know what he likes. I’ve seen the way he looks at me. He doesn’t need some little girl like you, not with that body.” With that, she leaves, the clicking of her high heels echoing in my ears.

  I bite my lip, blinking back tears. Her words bring up some of my insecurities. I know I’m just a freshman in c
ollege who dreams of opening her own bakery. She may be a few years older than me and more established in her career, but so what?

  Thinking of Aiden and her is way out of my comfort zone. I try to hide my emotions as I leave the bathroom. Aiden seems as drawn to me as I am to him. He wanted me to come here with him, or perhaps he felt guilty for leaving me alone?

  Aiden’s heavy footsteps break me from my thoughts. I wipe my eyes discreetly.

  “What happened?” He demands.

  I shake my head, not wanting to talk about it.

  He cups my face, his voice soft and calming. “What happened, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing,” I whisper as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

  His jaw clenches as he waits patiently.

  I take a deep breath and gesture towards his office. Taking my hand, he guides me in as I figure out what to say. He lifts me up and sits me on the desk, planting himself between my legs.

  I note the way his eye color changes when he’s concerned. Light flakes of gold trace his emerald irises. “Please, Emma. Tell me what happened.”

  Another tear falls. “I don’t want to sound immature,” I admit.

  He touches my cheek while his other hand rests on my leg. “Did someone say something to you?” His voice is laced with venom as his eyebrows crease.

  I nod.

  He stiffens. “Who?”

  “Can we just go? It’s not a big deal.” I lie.

  “Who?” He demands, bringing his face closer.

  “Lexi,” I admit.

  He lets out a long breath. “What did she say?”

  I hesitate, not wanting to cause trouble.

  “Fine. You don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. She made you cry, and that’s all I need to know.” He opens the door and calls someone over. “Ask Ms. Stone to come to my office, please.”

  I shake my head, not wanting to deal with her meanness again. Why can’t I be more confident in myself? I should have told her off.

  Lexi bounces into the room moments later, her face falling once she catches sight of Aiden and I.

  The door is barely closed behind her when Aiden instructs coldly, “Get your shit and get out.”


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