Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 8

by H. L. Swan

  He catches my moans in his mouth, then he nibbles on my bottom lip. “You’re so fucking tight, baby.” Aiden groans, cupping my breasts. Holding them firmly, he speeds up his thrusts, going harder.

  I moan his name, and I can tell he likes it because his deep moan turns into a growl as he thrust deeper inside of me. His large hand grips my hair as he dives into me, sweat glistening off his skin.

  “I’m going to come,” He growls, his breathing ragged. His hands hover over every inch of my skin, he grips and squeezes in all the right places.

  A whine escapes my lips when he pulls out. I want more of him, I need him. I watch, confused and enthralled, as he removes the condom before pumping his length. With a groan, he spills himself on me, marking me.

  I look down at the sticky substance, panting as my legs tremble. I wonder why he didn’t just cum in the condom?

  “Fuck.” He moans, placing his warm hands on me. Lowering himself down to place his forehead on mine, he grins. Planting gentle kisses along my face, his minty breath tingles my skin.

  We admire each other and the breathtaking city skyline as we cuddle on the rooftop.


  I jolt awake as a female voice booms through the apartment. My eyes squint at the bright glare of light filtering into the room. The unfamiliar bedding alarms me until realization floods me of where I am.

  After Aiden made love to me, we took a shower together and then we snuggled up in his bed talking for hours. I still can’t believe how perfect everything was.

  The voice gets closer, more recognizable. “Wake up, bitch!”

  Oh no! Ashley’s back from her trip.

  I scramble. My hands grasp for Aiden but come up empty, except for a small note by my pillow. I’m gone until tomorrow, stay out of trouble. I roll my eyes at the short message. Why didn’t he wake me up to say goodbye?

  The door swings open and Ashley marches in. “Oh my God.”

  Rolling my eyes playfully, I fall dramatically back onto the silk bedding. “Shut up.”

  She hops onto the bed, throwing her head back in a fit of laughter as she falls beside me. “I can’t believe you’re here…in his bed. He let you stay? What is happening to my brother!”

  I look over at her and throw my hands up in innocence “Nothing happened.”

  She shakes her head. “Truly, I don’t want to know.” She saunters over to the drapery and throws them open, revealing the morning view of the bustling city below.

  Grabbing my dress, she tosses it to me. “Take my brother’s shirt off and get dressed. We’re going out tonight and we need new clothes.” She dangles a black credit card between her fingers, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

  “Out?” I’m unsure if I want too. Aiden did say to stay out of trouble.

  She peels the covers back. “Yes, out. Now, up!”

  I gesture for her to leave the room, not wanting her to be stuck with a vision of her brother and I that she won’t be able to get out of her head.

  Now that Ash stepped out, I can reminisce on last night. My body may be a little sore, but Aiden handled me with so much care that my heart flutters when I think about it.

  After we finished making love, the sheets were ruined. I was embarrassed and felt guilty for destroying his crisp white bedding, but he handled everything with such maturity that it made me realize, this is a man and how a man is supposed to treat a lady.

  He wrapped me in the clean top sheet and took his time collecting our things and bundling up the other sheet to dispose of it. It was full circle; I gave him my virginity and he gave me the respect of not embarrassing me about the blood. He didn’t even flinch, as a real man should.

  We showered together, silent but perfect as he swiped the soapy loofah across my skin, planting kisses as he rinsed me off. It was the first night I saw him let his guard down, his full dimpled smile graced me last night and my only fear now is him pulling that away and returning to the serious man he normally is.

  The rooftop was decorated so beautifully. Aiden made losing my virginity the most romantic experience of my life, what I always dreamed it would be. I shouldn’t word it as a loss, as I don’t see it that way. No, it’s a gain. A new exploration of myself and I trust Aiden to hold it with respect, my first gift to him.

  I spot a note on top of a blue box on the dresser. I had my shopper grab these for you. They’re for my eyes only. By the way, I’m only a town over. So, if you need me, just text me. Last night… it was fucking perfect Emma. I’ll be back before you wake up tomorrow, and again…stay out of trouble.

  So, his first gift to me. I open the box to find a matching set of lingerie. I slip it on, seeing as I have nothing else to go under my dress. The lace is soft against my skin. I find myself tracing the places Aiden’s hands had been last night, longing for him to be back.

  I sigh and slip my dress on before heading out. I find Ashley in the kitchen, surrounded by trays of food, fruits, pancakes, bacon and eggs. It looks like a breakfast buffet.

  Ashley picks up a piece of paper and reads it in a deep voice, mocking Aiden. “I wanted to make sure you ate while I was gone.”

  I laugh as I snatch the note away, moved by the sweet sentiment. I sit down and happily dig into the delicious food.

  “What did you do to him?” She teases, as she walks around the spacious kitchen, admiring Aiden’s new apartment. She tosses a grape into her mouth. “I missed you so much.”

  Walking around the bar top, I throw my arms around her neck. “I missed you too. How did it go with Brian?”

  She flicks her wrist in the air dismissively. “Awful, I’m over him. That’s why I need a girl’s night. Plus, we’re in the city, which means better clubs!” She cheers, sliding my fake ID across the marble countertop.

  “I don’t know, Ash,” I hesitate, sliding it back to her, unsure what Aiden will think.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. You may be staying here and doing God knows what with my brother, but you’re still my best friend and I have the power,” She declares.

  We glide through moderate traffic thirty minutes later, arriving at a swanky boutique.

  “So why are we here?” I run my hands along the fabric of a navy-blue dress. My fingers clasp against the price tag as I turn it to her.

  She doesn’t flinch. “Shopping,” She states in an obvious tone. She pulls out the black card from her wallet and dangles it. “It’s Aiden’s.”

  I shake my head. “You can use it, but I’m not.”

  “He said you would say that.” She laughs. “I promise he gave me this card specifically for us to get something nice to wear tonight,” She assures.

  I relax a little. I don’t want to spend his money, but if he insists.... Plus, I’ll wear it all the time.

  “He knows we’re going clubbing?” I’m a little disappointed he doesn’t care if I party without him. I kind of like his jealous side.

  “Not exactly...”

  I roll my eyes, waiting for her to elaborate.

  “He may have specifically told me we aren’t allowed to go “out-out”, so I may have told him we’re going out for a really nice dinner. Which we are! He made the reservations, but after that...we’re going out!” She grins and shrugs. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  I’m already thinking of a million ways to cancel tonight.

  “His driver is taking us to dinner, but we will just get out of that.” Her grin is mischievous.

  After hours of shopping, we stuff our bags into her backseat and make our way back to the apartment. I spy the guard from last night talking to a woman I don’t recognize; her scarlet hair is perfectly curled as it lays against her crisp and skintight white dress. The dress is short, more suited for a night out. She huffs as she makes her way towards the exit.

  Ashley hands me her bags and runs off. “I can’t wait until we get up to the room. I have to pee now!”

  I catch the lady’s ramblings as she hurries past me. “I’ll just fucking call Aid
en myself.”

  I grab her elbow instinctively, surprising myself. “Aiden?”

  She stops, tilting her head to the side as she studies me. She raises her brow, a fake white smile plastered on her face. “Yeah, you know him?”

  “Yeah.” I frown. “Why do you want to talk to him?” I ask in a venomous tone, my cheeks burning as jealousy floods through me. She could be a business associate or something, I need to calm down.

  She crosses her thin arms over her chest and looks down at me. “He was supposed to have me over last night, but he never called.” She pouts. “Be a doll and tell him to call me. My name’s Rebecca.” Smiling, she turns on her heels and heads for the door. Her brilliant red hair bounces as she exits, the color matching my mood.

  Anger boils deep inside of me. She was supposed to stay the night with him. How much betrayal can I handle? What’s worse now is that we shared the most intimate moment of my life. No one has ever seen me the way Aiden did last night. But he’s seen plenty of girls, who spread for him probably nightly. How am I special? I’m not.

  I try to hide my anger when Ashley returns. The guard escorts us onto the elevator. I straighten myself up and plaster on a smile. Screw it, I’m going out tonight. We obviously aren’t exclusive so who is he to say what I can and can’t do?

  I lean into Ash, so only she can hear. “So what club are we going to?”



  After a million handshakes and talks of business investments, I wonder how long this meeting will last.

  My meetings usually take place in an office, yet here I am, a whole city away from Emma in an overly lavish home. I didn’t want to deal with the pointless conversations and the sleazy women these men throw around to help them secure high-profile investment deals, but it is a big account.

  I check my phone when it buzzes with a text. Why did the girls refuse my driver? The thought of Emma being out at night in the city without protection pisses me off. The driver I hired doubles as security.

  I step onto the balcony and call the restaurant to see if they made it to their reservation. Lighting a cigarette, I calm when I hear that they’re there. I wonder what Emma bought today. I hope she didn’t refuse my offer to pay. I know from Ashley that she and her mom get by on the little money her mom’s florist shop makes, and the thought of her doing without upsets me.

  I hope she likes the lingerie set I got her. I found them online this morning and sent my shopper to fetch it for her. Imagining her wearing what I bought her makes my dick get hard. She’s so fucking sexy and innocent. The things I want to do to her drives me fucking wild, but I need to be patient.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose, remembering the call from my guard earlier about a woman trying to find me, probably from my late nights in the city back when I was doing business in Portland while in college. I don’t even know which one of those crazy women showed up at my apartment. I just moved there, so why does everyone know where I fucking live? Someone is leaking information and I have a suspicion it may be Lexi. I need to deal with that first thing tomorrow.

  My jaw clenches when I read the next text that arrives.

  Mr. Scott, your sister just arrived at the club. Would you like me to seat her and her friend in VIP?

  Absolutely fucking not. She’s supposed to take Emma to get a new outfit and then to dinner, not to a fucking club. I slide the phone into my pocket and head for the door.

  “Mr. Scott! The night just started. Where are you heading off too?” A woman in a short-glittered dress calls out as she glides over.

  “Someone’s in trouble,” I state absentmindedly as I pull my keys from my pocket.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Anything I can do to help?” She skims her finger along my blazer while fluttering her eyes at me.

  I grab her wrist and move her disgusting hands away. “No, no not in trouble as in harmed. But she better pray that I calm down by the time I get to her.”

  I push past, shaking a few hands and thanking them for having me. I try to temper my anger as I slide into my car and haul ass to the club. The club that I own.


  After a mess of hairspray and make up, we walk out of the penthouse, ready for a night out.

  I have on the royal blue dress I bought earlier; it’s tighter and shorter than what I normally wear, but I bought it with the intention of wearing it for Aiden when we go out to dinner or something. I frown at the thought. Maxon, Aiden’s driver, is supposed to take us out tonight, but we opt out so smoothly I don’t think he’s aware we’re up to something.

  Our first stop is an Italian restaurant. The ambiance of the place is beautiful; warm light cascades over the thick white tablecloths. There aren’t as many tables as I’m used to at a restaurant. We’re ushered to a very private spot upon arriving.

  We can barely read the words on the menu and laugh at how ridiculous it all is. But when the food comes and everything melts in our mouths, we quickly declare it as our new favorite place. The waiter even told us our meal will be put on Mr. Scott’s tab and to enjoy the rest of our night.

  I’ll thank Aiden for the beautiful scenery and food, if I ever speak to him again.

  Who am I kidding? He’s all I can think about. Every time someone passes by in a black suit my heart races as I peer from the corner of my eye, hoping it’s him.

  I shake my head; I should be mad at him. He used me. He had planned on having another girl at his place last night. Was I not special to him?

  I chug down the remainder of my wine.

  Our fake IDs aren’t necessary here, but I’m thankful they don’t bother to card us. It makes me feel more grown, more like a woman, more on par with Aiden. It gives me the confidence to go to the club and flirt with every guy to take my mind from him. No one owns me; I can do whatever I want.

  It’s not like Aiden will ever find out anyways.

  “So where is this club?” I look down the dark street while Ashley fixes her hair and smooths down her dress, putting my hand out to hail a cab.

  Ashley grabs my hand and leads us down the sidewalk. “Just a few blocks over.” She claps as we make our way through the dark streets.

  I stumble, trying to keep up with her long legs. How does she walk so quickly in heels? I glance down at my black stilettos, a thin strap wrapping around each ankle.

  A long line wraps around the front of the club, but Ashley heads for the front door.

  “What are you doing?” I watch the line speed by at a dizzying pace as we rush past.

  “Seeing if we can just go straight in.” She winks as we walk up to a huge bouncer, who scans us both, a sleezy smirk spreads across his face.

  “Welcome ladies.” He undoes a silk ribbon from a post and ushers us in. The thumping of music, flashing lights and fog fill the night as the steel door opens.

  I drag Ashley to the bar, needing to forget Aiden and the pain in my chest. The bartender greets us promptly, and I look over at Ashley. “I’m drinking tonight. Order whatever will get me absolutely wasted.” I may be overreacting, but I thought he really liked me, but now that I know another girl is within reach it makes me feel like he’s a player. But he said I was his? What if that was just dirty talk?

  She shoots me an odd look, but a wide smile plays on her face before she slides Aiden’s black card across the black countertop. “Tequila, double shots. Keep them coming and open us a tab please.”

  The first shot hits me hard, and I’m thankful we ate earlier and had a nice walk to settle my stomach. My throat burns, but after the second shot, a soothing warmth spreads to my stomach.

  “Calm down, tiger.” Ashley jokes as she slides a third shot out of my reach.

  I pout. I notice a man dressed in a suit watching Ashley from across the bar. His head is tilted to the side, as though curious.

  “Don’t look now but someone is eyeing you,” I murmur as I reach for the shot, downing it before Ash can stop me.

  “Who?” She asks, thankfully not turnin
g around because he’s making his way towards us.

  “He’s walking over here. Act natural.” I fumble, trying to quietly flag down the bartender. I need another drink.

  “Ashley Walters?”

  Now that the man is closer, I can see his features better. He looks sweet, not covered in tattoos, with a hint of scary but very sexy.

  Why am I thinking of Aiden right now?

  I study the guy. He’s tall but not as tall as Aiden.

  Why am I comparing him to Aiden? I need more alcohol.

  “Oh my gosh! Ricky!” Ashley screams, jumping into his arms and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

  I spot a small metal name tag on his suit. I guess he works here.

  Ashley pulls me close. “Em, this is Ricky. He is Aiden’s only friend.”

  Seriously? Why is he freaking everywhere?

  They laugh but I can tell Aiden probably doesn’t have many friends.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He gestures to the name plate. “I work here?”

  “I didn’t even know you lived here!” Ashley leans against him, the alcohol clearly taking effect. I get lost in my own mind while they catch up, tilting my head to my left I note a figure looming nearby. His dark eyes are trained on me for a moment, I shift in my seat uncomfortably. He’s young but I can’t tell if he’s checking me out or if he has ulterior motives. I know Aiden told me after the incident at the penthouse to always keep a watchful eye out. So, I turn my body back towards Ricky and Ash, trying to ignore the bad feeling in my gut.

  I watch Ricky pull out his phone and tap on it. After a while, he shrugs and shoves it back in his pocket. “Do you ladies want a VIP booth?”

  We turn to each other before nodding our heads eagerly. We giggle as he takes us upstairs and into a private room. There’s a leather couch with a table in the middle. A silver bucket filled with ice sits on the table and a champagne bottle sweats on top.

  “I’m not going to ask how you got in here, but just be careful tonight, okay? If you need anything, come find me.” He looks at Ashley intently, caressing her cheek.


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