Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1)

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Aiden (The Emden Series Book 1) Page 12

by H. L. Swan

  I stall. “I’m fine, Mom. What’s happening here?” I look around with wide eyes, gesturing to everyone.

  She grabs my hand, leading me to the garden at the back of the shop. I smile as we pass the wall of yellow roses. “Oh honey, it’s wonderful! I had an investor come in. He wanted to support hometown businesses.” She claps her hands together.

  Noting that no one is around, I can feel the tears brewing again. I’m happy for her, but I feel so broken. I force a smile, but I know it’s only a matter of time.

  “We have enough to keep the shop open for another twenty years!”

  The overwhelming relief of not having to worry about Mom mixed with the utter heartbreak of leaving Aiden overwhelms me, and I envelope her in a hug and burst into tears. Sobbing uncontrollably.

  Minutes pass before she pulls back and studies me. “I know you’re happy for me, but those are tears of sadness too. I’m your mother, I can tell these things.” She gives me the look.

  I nod once.

  “Come!” She leads me inside. “I’ll get one of the girls to run the shop for today. We can head home. I drove the work van here so we can take your car.”


  Relief floods me as the familiarity of my childhood home surrounds me.

  The scent of cinnamon and apple wafts through the air. Our home smells like fall all year round, and I love it. Baby pictures of me lining the hallways make me smile, but it’s the golden lab that is currently barreling towards me that warms my heart.

  “Rex!” I exclaim in delight, falling to the ground from his weight as he jumps on me. “Who’s a good boy?” I hug his soft golden body as he wiggles underneath me, his tail wagging hard. I missed him.

  My mom laughs before she helps me up and guides me to the kitchen table, the place where we have all our important discussions.

  I tell her everything.

  Well, not everything, but the gist of it. That I met a guy and I really liked him, but something happened. She hounds me, wondering if it’s his fault, but I assure her that it isn’t. I just want to come home and relax.

  She’s quiet as we sit at our old kitchen table. Scratch marks from years of use make me smile. She places her hand on mine and changes the subject, for that I’m grateful.

  “What do you want for dinner? Absolutely anything. You name it, I’ll make it.”

  “Umm, roast? And maybe apple pie?” I look at her hopefully.


  I throw on a pair of slippers and go to grab the mail for Mom the next morning, Rex trotting along beside me. He’s been following me everywhere. I think he knows that I’ve broken my own heart.

  I see Caleb across the street. The boy who broke my heart in high school.

  I stare as he washes his white truck in his driveway. The same truck he kissed the head cheerleader in, while we were dating. Why was I so caught up with him back then? That slight pain is nothing compared to the breaking of my heart when I left Aiden behind.

  What if I made a mistake?

  What if he’s the one?




  When you find the one, you’ll know.

  I know it.

  She knows it.

  Fuck. Everyone knows it.

  And yet, she left me.

  I don’t blame her though. I quite literally put her life in danger. But I’ll be damned if I let something as miniscule as the fear of the Mafia separate us. We’re bigger than that. We’re destined for something greater.

  I’d let her live without me, if I were a better man.

  But I’m not, and she’s mine. It’s all very simple, really.

  I’ll get her back. I’ll find her.

  It won’t be hard.

  Ashley tried to keep it from me, but after I asked her fifty times, she broke. I found out Emma’s been calling every few hours, wondering if I’m okay.

  She’s too precious.

  I know she’s safe. I only bothered Ash because I wanted to know if Emma contacted her. Em had a security detail on her since she left the hospital. Luckily, I told Ricky of my plans to have my best detail on the girls at all times before I got shot. I wanted them to follow her at every turn, and that’s what they’ve done.

  I’m upset that she left her stuff behind. I enjoy her having nice things. Her phone is the worst though, smashed on the side of the road. I hate having to check in with the security personnel to get an update on her. My clever girl threw it out in case the guys that took her had implanted a tracking device.

  The hospital wanted to hold me longer but fuck that. Ricky was cleared the day after we were brought in and he’s been taking care of Ash.

  I want my girl, she’s the one that can heal me. A bullet hurts less than her leaving. But again, I can’t blame her. I need to prove to her that I can protect her. I’ll let her breathe for a couple of days before coming for her.

  I throw my hoodie in the backseat of my car, knowing she likes to sleep in it. I also sent her a gift, to let her know I am thinking of her.

  I hope she likes it.


  Ipull on a light blue dress I had stuffed in the back of my closet and head to visit Dad. I stop by Mom’s shop to grab a dozen yellow roses. It’s a ten-minute drive and I’m so nervous the entire way. I already know I’m going to tell him everything. He always listens.

  I gently place the flowers on the lush green grass at the bottom of his tombstone. I shed a million tears as I hug the cool marble slab. Yellow roses are what he bought for her every Friday when he got off of work.

  She’ll check him out and blush, asking, “For someone special?”

  And he’ll always respond with, “Only the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  He’ll set them in a vase once she got home without fail, and he’ll always take out one solitary rose for me and place it in a small vase.

  They did this for twenty years.

  I still have my vase, but it’s been empty since he was murdered.

  While I play with my solitary rose, gently plucking the yellow petals off in a childish game of ‘He loves me, he loves me not’, I tell him all about Aiden and what happened. I pray for him to show me a sign of what to do. I know he wouldn’t want this life for me.

  Dad was a lead detective. The fact that Aiden’s tied up with criminals would be a problem, but I don’t think he’d hate Aiden. He’d hate what he got himself into, but Dad was an understanding man. He’ll get that Aiden’s just trying his best to build a life for himself with the shitty hands he was dealt.

  I’ve never told anyone about Dad. Ashley knows he isn’t with us anymore, but she doesn’t know what happened on that cold winter’s night. I just can’t bring myself to talk about what happened to him. I know I should, but it breaks me to pieces every time.

  I place my hand on his tombstone, blowing him a kiss. “I love you, Dad. So much.”


  It’s three when I pull into the driveway, deciding to check the mail.

  It wasn’t a good idea.

  A familiar voice shouts my name as I close the lid. My eyes roll dramatically into the back of my head as Caleb makes his way over to me.

  “Em! I didn’t know you were home.” He smiles, pulling his blonde hair out of his face.

  I stare, willing myself to be cordial even though I want to punch him in the nose. Our families grew up together, so I don’t want to be rude.

  I fake a smile. “Hey.”

  I manage not to contort my face with the simple greeting. Go, Emma.

  I’m not jaded about what he did, but how he did it. He told me he was too busy at the tackle shop to hang out on my birthday. So you can imagine my surprise when I caught the rudest girl in school straddling him in his truck, her tongue down his throat, a few hours later at a bonfire.

  I’ve gotten over it, but I can’t stand a cheater.

  He steps in front of me, blocking my path to freedom, as I turn on my heel to walk
away. This time, I visibly rolled my eyes.

  “What’s up, Caleb?” I ask in a disinterested voice.

  “Just curious what you’re doing back. I thought you had a place at college now?” He smiles.

  I want to tell him how stupid he looks but I bite my lip instead. It’s summer, you idiot.

  “Ah, I see you still have the habit of biting your lip.” He chuckles and crosses his arms.

  I can tell he’s flexing his muscles on purpose. Aiden would crush him like a bug. I take my lip out from between my teeth and change the subject. “How’s your mom?”

  “She’s great! She’d actually love to see you. Want to come over for dinner tomorrow? You and Mrs. Banks.”

  I try to think of the best excuse I can but I’m coming up short. Besides, he’ll just ask Mom if I say no, and everyone knows Pamela Banks would never turn down a dinner invite because it’s rude.

  I never told Mom Caleb and I dated. She always thought we were best friends. That way, he could come over and stay however late he wanted. It’s not like we ever did anything crazy; I kissed him but that’s it. Now I wish I had told her.

  I hesitate for a moment before giving in, not figuring a way out. “Sure.”

  He flashes me one victory smile. “See you later.”

  I head inside, climb into my pajamas and sink into the warm bed. Speaking to Dad takes a load off me. I know he hears me; I just wish he was still here. It’s easy to pretend he’s here with Mom while I’m away at college, their laughter filling the house. But now, it feels empty. Mom tries her best, but we’ll always be a puzzle with a hundred missing pieces without him.

  My heart aches for Aiden, but I can’t shake the nightmares. I’ve woken up screaming multiple times. Luckily, Mom believes me when I tell her it’s PTSD. I hate using Dad’s death as an excuse, but telling her the truth, that I was kidnapped, would break her. She’s always been so supportive of my decisions; I don’t want her to be paranoid.

  A light knock on the front door prompts me to crawl out of bed. Mom’s at work and my heart pounds with anticipation that it may possibly be Aiden.

  It isn’t.

  Instead, a small Tiffany blue box sits on the front porch with a note attached.

  You’re still mine as much as I’m still yours. Wear this so everyone else knows it too.

  Aiden’s handwriting. I can’t help my smile.

  I know that he knows where I am. It’s hard to not miss the black glossy escalade parked out front since I arrived. I didn’t have my ID on me when I was taken so I know they don’t know my address, and Ashley told them my name was Claire. But the extra security makes me feel better. Like Aiden is here himself, protecting me.

  Gift in hand, I smile brightly at the car parked down the street and return inside. I carefully open the Tiffany box, too cute to tear into and ruin. I open the jewelry box and gasp when I see the beautiful necklace.

  A delicate rose gold padlock is attached to a thin rose gold chain. The lock is closed, and the word ‘Aiden’ is embedded into the gold across the front. I put it on and admire how it looks against my skin. It’s small and subtle. Just perfect.

  I resist the urge to call him, to tell him how much I loved it. I’m sticking firm to my decision. I will not be a burden in his life.


  Mom arrives home after a busy day at work, her dark hair pulled back haphazardly. She looks exhausted.

  The countertops are lined with macaroons and cupcakes after I spend the day baking to keep myself busy.

  “Looks like we’re having sweets for dinner.” Mom laughs as she examines the treats dotting every inch of her kitchen, before picking up a macaroon and happily biting into it.

  “Wow, Emma! These are deli–”

  A loud knock on the door cuts her off and she makes her way back to the door. I hear it creak open before she speaks again, her voice is full of surprise.

  “Mr. Scott?”

  That name. Could It be?

  My brain tells my feet to slow, but they don’t listen. I glide out of the kitchen and into the hallway. That’s when I see him standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He looks unusually casual in his black shirt and dark jeans, but still heavenly. His eyes are pleading as he looks between Mom and I.

  He’s here.

  …I never showed Mom a picture of him, let alone told her his name. Definitely not his last name. So how does she know?

  His deep velvet voice fills the house. “I’m sorry, Miss. Banks. I need to have a talk with your daughter.”

  He walks right past her and straight for me. Mom’s face is twisted in confusion, as is mine, as he wraps me in a tight hug.

  He buries his face in my hair. His chest rises and falls as he breathes me in. “I missed you, baby. So much.”

  His strong arms envelope me, and I can’t help but wrap mine around his neck.

  I can’t think straight. He smells too good. The familiar scent of my childhood home, cinnamon and apples, is replaced with another aroma. Mint and smoke, my other version of home.

  My resolve falters and I squeeze his waist, he winces slightly, and I’m reminded of his wound. “Sorry.” I whisper, my voice cracking.

  I pull back and study his face, his features a mixture of relief with a hint of anger. His eyes pan down to my chest where his necklace lays. His uneven smile makes me melt.

  I ask the one question that keeps running through my mind. “How do you know my mom?”

  Mom walks up and smiles at Aiden, answering my question. “Honey, this is the man I was telling you about. The investor.”

  He places his hand on the small of my back.

  “Well, this is the guy I was telling you about.” I shoot him a curious glance.

  He gives away nothing. His face is stone.

  My mom pats his shoulder. “Now I see why you’re so invested in a small business from a town you’re not even from.” She laughs, gesturing for us to sit.

  She brews a pot of coffee and brings us each a mug before taking her spot at the table. Aiden is next to me and Mom across.

  “So, Mr. Scott…”

  He politely stops her with a smile. “Please, just Aiden.”

  “Aiden.” She sits a little straighter. “What’s going on here?” She looks between us and I wait for him to speak up. Thankfully, he does.

  “Emma and I are together.”

  The way he says it sends shivers down my body. A definite thing. A tangible object you can touch.

  I look between them, wondering how Mom will react. She’s got a couple of tattoos herself, so I’m not worried about her judging him based on that. But he’s older and this is all weird.

  “I wished you told me during our meeting. Surely I would have figured out who you are when I went to visit.”

  He shrugs, smiling as he looks down at his hands. “Yes, I know. I figured I would meet you sooner or later. But I knew if you or Emma knew, you wouldn’t let me invest.” His charming smile lights the room. “Better to ask forgiveness.”

  “You’re right.” She raises an eyebrow as she stirs her frothy creamer into her coffee.

  I bring the mug to my lips and swallow the warm liquid. How does he even know?

  “Ashley,” I say out loud, without thinking. “Ashley told you.”

  I’m going to kill her or hug her. I don’t know yet.

  “Ashley?” Mom looks at me inquisitively.

  Aiden smiles. “I’m her big brother.”

  He sounds proud, and I’m glad they’re getting along better.

  Mom claps her hands. “Oh! I just love her! This all makes so much more sense now.” She calms and clears her throat. “But still, Mr... Aiden, I appreciate the gesture, but we can’t accept such a gift knowing what we know now.”

  I nod in agreement with her words.

  Aiden places his large hands on the table, looking more business than friendly. “It’s already done, and I can assure you it’s not a gift. You’ve owned this business for over twenty yea
rs. It’s not charity, it’s an investment. I promise you, it’s no big deal.”

  Her inhibitions melt away and she wipes a tear away. “Thank you. I know I can’t talk you out of it, but I will repay you for everything.”

  He shakes his head. “Investment,” He reminds with a smile.

  I sit in admiration. He would do something like this for me?

  Aiden’s green eyes glide over the full countertops. “You baked?”

  He smiles the sweetest smile before moving to devour some cupcakes. I admire his lean frame in our small kitchen. If he were to move two feet his head would hit the fan.

  Mom laughs as she watches him. What she says next doesn’t surprise me. She’s always been this way with my friends.

  Just never a boyfriend. I can’t believe I just thought that. Is that what he is?

  She watches with a worried mother expression as he picks up another.

  “Look at you!” She stands up, pulling pans from the cabinets. “You’re starving. You’re not heading back to the city tonight. Have dinner with us. You can sleep on the couch. I know it’s not much, but it would make me happy.”

  He takes another bite of a blueberry cupcake. “No, it’s more than enough. Thank you.” He continues as she’s about to turn the burner on. “Thank you, really. But I’d love to eat what Emma made. I missed her cooking around the house.” Well, that wasn’t subtle.

  Mom smiles, giving me a sideways glance. Hopefully, she won’t ask about that for a while.

  Being the amazing woman she is, she leaves to give us some privacy and tend to her garden. But she leaves us with a parting sentence.

  “Regina called and said Caleb invited us to dinner tomorrow night when you saw him earlier. I thought that was sweet. Why didn’t you tell me? It’s been years since we’ve been there for dinner.” She smiles.

  I shrug. Thanks, Mom.

  Aiden raises his brow at me, but I shake my head. It isn’t a conversation we need to have right now.

  A very happy Rex jumps on Aiden when Mom opens the backdoor and steps outside.


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