Priceless (Finding Love Book 5)

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Priceless (Finding Love Book 5) Page 10

by Paris Hansen

  Andi had no idea how long she sat and cried in a stranger's office, but by the time she picked herself up off of the floor the music in the restaurant had died down a little. She could hear someone speaking through a microphone, welcoming everyone to the celebration, congratulating the newest associates of Archer, Quinn, and Associates. Andi knew there was no way she could walk through the restaurant to leave. She had a feeling she looked like hell and there was no way she wanted to see Braeden after the stunt he pulled.

  Wishing she’d paid more attention as Braeden had guided her to the backroom, she navigated through the restaurant until she found the kitchen. One of the waitresses took one look at her and offered her assistance. While Andi waited, the waitress went out to the dining room, found her purse and sweater and brought them to her. Then she guided her out the back. Andi thanked her over and over as she fought back tears.

  In the waning light of the summer night, Andi hurried to her car. Once inside, she cried again, the hurt from Braeden’s words and what they meant coursed through her. He hadn’t been happy to see her when she got there. He hadn’t been willing to talk. What he wanted was revenge. What he wanted was to hurt her the way she’d hurt him. And he succeeded. Probably far better than he’d expected.

  As she turned her car on and pulled out of her parking spot, her hurt was replaced by anger. He might have been her best friend at one time and he might still be the love of her life, but if she ever saw Braeden Clarke and his stupid face again, it would be too soon. She’d been foolish to think he could forgive her and not hold a grudge. She needed to realize there was nothing there for her anymore.

  No matter how much it hurt, it was time she moved on.


  Andi - Present Day

  Three nights after Braeden crashed her date with Matthew, Andi sat in Brooklyn’s living room listening to Savannah tell stories about her daughter Ryan. As she looked around the room at the women she’d become fast friends with, she marveled at how far she and her guys had come. She remembered Gabriel and Oliver as snot-nosed little brats that liked to pull her hair when Declan wasn’t looking. To see them both settled down with women they loved more than anything else in the world nearly brought her to tears.

  To know that Gabriel was currently at home with his little girl while his wife was out with friends warmed her heart. Aside from her brother, Gabriel had been the one she’d worried about the most. After everything he went through with his ex, the death of his brother, and the way he pushed away his friends, she wondered if he’d ever find his way out of the hole he’d been in. When she learned about Savannah, she was both excited and relieved.

  The front door of the house opened and closed with a slam.

  “I’m here. I’m here. Sorry, I’m late. I had to finish up something at work,” Meghan said as she ran through the living room and into the kitchen. Andi watched her pour a glass of wine before she made her way back into the living room where Andi and the three other women were sitting.

  “You’re right on time, Meg,” Savannah said. “Andi hasn’t started telling us why she called an emergency girl’s night yet.”

  “My sister has been regaling us with tales of her adorable kid to kill time,” Brooklyn said as Meghan found a spot on the floor.

  “I’m sorry I missed them. Speaking of your kid, Oliver sent me a whiny text because Declan has been hogging her all evening,” Meghan told them with a laugh. “Oliver said he even offered to change her diaper, but Declan refused to give her up.”

  “Seriously? Now that’s freaking adorable. Too bad you don’t have one of those nanny cams set up in your house so we could watch this in action. I bet it’s sexy as all get out,” Kerrigan said as she fanned herself.

  “You’re not wrong. I cannot wait to see my man holding our children. Talk about a walking lady boner....shit, sorry Andi,” Brooklyn apologized as she looked at Andi. “I know that’s probably the last thing you want to hear about.”

  “Whenever you talk about my brother like that, I just picture someone else.”

  “Oh really?” Savannah asked. “Does this other person bare an uncanny resemblance to a certain Avenger?”

  “Oh, so you can admit it now?” Brooklyn asked her sister.

  “I mean Chris Evans is ten times hotter than Braeden, but I can’t deny there’s a resemblance. I didn’t want to see it before because I didn’t want Braeden to ruin him for me. After our encounter this summer, I realized that nothing could ruin Chris Evans for me.”

  Andi laughed and shook her head. She wished she’d been with the women when they’d taken a nine months pregnant Savannah to meet her celebrity crush. Everything she’d heard about the day made her laugh. Seeing the pictures from the encounter nearly had her peeing her pants from laughing so hard.

  “Alright, enough about me and the love I have for Mr. Evans. Let’s talk about Andi and what’s going on between her and Braeden. Inquiring minds have been dying to know for a very long time.”

  “I don’t even know where to start,” Andi admitted.

  “How about the beginning,” Kerrigan suggested as she tucked her legs underneath her on the couch.

  All four women seemed to be getting comfortable so they could listen to her story. Brooklyn reclined in the cushy recliner that Andi knew her brother loved. With her feet up, she rested her hands on top of her swollen belly, waiting for Andi to begin.

  “It all started so long ago. I mean, I can barely remember a time when Braeden wasn’t a part of my life,” she told them and then launched into the history of her love for Braeden Clarke.

  Andi told them everything, well almost everything, they didn’t need the dirty details, even though they wanted them. Her story wasn’t necessarily a happy one. Even though it was filled with love, it was also filled with sadness and heartache

  “And now I don’t know what to do. I still love Braeden. I think I always will, but I don't know if it’s enough to forget about the hurt we’ve caused each other and move on. Braeden’s also made it clear over the years that he’s not interested in a relationship and he’s proven that over and over, so how can I believe that he’s changed his mind about that? And to top it off, I’ve met a guy, and he’s pretty great, but he doesn’t make me stand up and take notice the way Braeden does. But maybe he could...I just don’t know.”

  Andi looked around at the women in the room, waiting for one of them to start giving her grand advice. She’d thrown a lot at them, she knew that, but she needed their help because she had no clue what she was supposed to do about the conundrum she found herself in. Nobody said anything for what felt like forever but was probably closer to two minutes. However long it was, it was enough time for Andi to get up and refill her wine glass then rejoin her friends in the living room.

  “There’s a lot to tackle here. Least of which is the fact that I want to punch your brother for not seeing what was right in front of him for years. We haven’t known each other for very long, but I knew you and Braeden had feelings for each other and you’re not even together. How the hell did he miss the fact that you guys were a couple for two years?” Brooklyn asked, anger lacing her voice.

  “Declan was different back then. He believed his own hype for sure. I love my brother, but until Erin, he was single-mindedly focused on baseball. To be honest, I was surprised he had time to get Kara pregnant. He lived for the game, and my parents were just as bad. I always wondered if Kara got pregnant on purpose to get his attention not realizing how badly it would backfire on her. Of course, I never got a chance to ask her. But really...don’t be mad at him. Seventeen-year-old Declan was a bit of a selfish prick, but thirty-six-year-old Declan is one of the best men I know and an amazing father.”

  Brooklyn sighed as she rubbed a hand over her belly. “I know. It just makes me angry that you and Braeden missed out on so much and Declan could have kept that from happening.”

  “We don’t know what would have happened had we stayed together. I try not to think about the what
-ifs. I’d rather focus on the here and now. What the hell do I do now?”

  “Okay, once again I feel like I’ve got to stick up for the man I now consider my older brother. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the reason Braeden hasn’t been interested in being in a relationship over the last few years is because he was waiting for you? He knew no one else would ever measure up, so why bother even trying. Perhaps that’s why you don’t feel anything at all when you’re with this new guy. He will never measure up to the love of your life, so why waste your time.”

  “ know Meghan, once upon a time I thought you were just a pretty face that liked to have a good time, but there is so much more to you than that. I’m so glad we’ve become friends,” Savannah said as she put a hand on the younger girl’s leg.

  “Ahhh you think I’m pretty…” Meghan said with a laugh. “Just kidding. I get it. That was the person I wanted people to think I was. I didn’t want anyone to take me seriously or look at me and expect anything serious. With so many uncertainties in my life, it was easier to play a role than to have people ask questions. Braeden and I have a lot in common. We’re cut from the same cloth. Think about that when you wonder about the man he’s become and if he’s the man you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with.”

  Although she wasn’t any closer to figuring out what to do about her love life, Andi was thankful she’d called the emergency girl’s night. Meghan’s words weighed on her, making her realize she needed to give Braeden the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he had been waiting on her. It wasn’t the strangest thing she’d ever heard. And maybe the reason she struggled to conjure up feelings for Matthew was because he couldn’t hold a candle to Braeden. It all made a lot of sense, but didn't do a damn bit of good when it came to making up her mind.

  Go with the man that had the power to destroy her or the man that was straightforward, yet powerless? One sounded scary and exhilarating, the other sounded easier on her heart. But only one of them made her heart sing.

  Chapter 6


  Matthew Price was a Grade A asshole.

  There was no way around the fact. No matter how many times Braeden tried to see something good in the other man, he came up short. Since the moment he stumbled upon Andi out on a date with the biggest prick he knew, he figured there had to be something he was missing. Andi was usually an excellent judge of character, but the fact she was dating Price made Braeden wonder if she’d suffered some sort of head injury he wasn’t aware of.

  In the week since he’d seen them at Arrow, Braeden kept up hope that Andi would come to her senses. He kept thinking she’d have to see Price’s true colors sooner or later. Then they walked into the party together, Price’s arm wrapped around her shoulder, a smile gracing her beautiful lips. Braeden’s stomach dropped the minute he saw them looking so happy. He almost faked being ill so he could cut out of the party early. Standing around watching them make their rounds didn’t scream holiday spirit to him.

  Braeden had taken two steps toward his boss Richard Archer to say goodbye when he saw Price walk away from Andi. It took everything in him not to immediately rush to her side. Instead, like a creeper, he watched her, waiting for her date to rejoin her. After an hour of her standing at the bar alone, Braeden went in search of Price. He never went far enough that Andi was out of his line of sight, but he needed to see what the jackass had planned. There was every possibility that he could finally have his much-needed talk with Andi. He had to know if he could take it.

  “Hey there Matty. Where’s your date?” Braeden asked knowing full well where Andi was at that moment.

  Hell, he knew where she was in any given moment. It was like he had a sixth sense where she was concerned. His body honed to recognize hers no matter how many other people were in the room. Even if he hadn’t purposely kept her location in sight, he’d still know where to find her.

  Price glared at him. Irritated with his use of the name he hated. It was Matthew. Not Matt or Matty or anything else. If anyone tried to shorten it, he got angry. The dummy couldn’t even hold in his disgust when a client called him by a shorter version of his name. Braeden didn’t give a shit what a client wanted to call him as long as it wasn’t derogatory and even then he didn’t mind if he deserved it.

  “Don’t worry about my date, Clarke. She’s around here somewhere enjoying herself.”

  The guy was an even bigger idiot than he thought. He didn’t know Andi at all, which Braeden knew would end up working in his favor. How the guy could think anyone would appreciate being brought to a party where they knew no one and then left to fend for themselves was beyond him. How he could think Andi would tolerate his dickhead behavior for much longer was even more baffling.

  Deciding he had no interest in engaging with the jackass any longer, Braeden made a beeline for the bar where Andi still stood. He knew it was now or never. After weeks of not being able to connect with her, he needed to tell her how he felt before Price screwed everything up. So much time had been wasted over the years. He didn’t want to waste anymore. It was about time he finally got what he wanted.

  “You’re looking absolutely gorgeous tonight, Ms. Reese,” he said as soon as he was within earshot of her.

  Andi looked up at him as he took the final few steps until he stood next to her. He could see the anger she was keeping at bay in the slight narrowing of her eyes and the nearly imperceptible way she clenched her jaw. Braeden was no stranger to Andi when she was angry. In fact, he probably knew the signs better than anyone else in her life. He’d been on the receiving end of that look more times than he could count and he’d give anything to spend the rest of his life making her angry.

  It sounded ridiculous, but to him, if she was angry with him it meant they were no longer in the weird limbo space they’d been in for the last seven years. Friends, but not friends. People who still loved each other, but were too scared to take the final step. Well, he wasn’t scared anymore. It was finally time to go all in and get his girl back.

  Fear could kiss his ass.

  “What do you want, Braeden? It’s been a long night. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Will you come to my office with me? We won’t be gone long.”

  Andi looked around the overly decorated conference room that had been transformed into party central. The law firm owned the top five floors of the skyscraper located in downtown Bellevue. The top floor of the building was strictly conference rooms. The one they currently stood in was by far the largest, designed to hold every single employee of Archer, Quinn, and Associates. The other conference rooms, as well as the lobby area, had been decorated for the annual company Christmas party. Guests had the run of the entire floor, but it seemed like most of them were gathered in the larger room.

  Braeden waited patiently for Andi to try to locate her date knowing she would come with him when she discovered Price was nowhere to be seen. Not only had he left her alone, but he’d completely left the room she was in. A total dick move if Braeden had ever seen one. If Andi had been on his arm, he would have paraded her around the party, proudly introducing her to everyone he knew and even people he didn’t. He’d have stayed by her side no matter what because her feelings meant something to him.

  “Fine. Let’s get this over with so I can go home.”

  “Wow, thanks for making me feel special,” Braeden joked as he grabbed her hand so he could lead her through the crowd.

  They made it to the elevator bay without being stopped. There was no sign of Price on the walk across the conference room or through the lobby. Price’s disappearing act hadn’t surprised Braeden, but he could tell by the way her shoulders slumped a little, Andi hadn’t seen it coming.

  “I’m sorry. I told you I wasn’t in the mood. It’s been a really shitty night, so I’m not the best company.”

  Turning to face her, Braeden smiled down at her. “You are always the best company for me, even when you’re in a bad mood. There’s no one else I’d rather han
g out with.”

  Andi’s mouth opened slightly before slamming closed. Before either of them could say anything else, the elevator arrived, the doors opening slowly. Thankfully, no one was waiting to exit, so Braeden ushered Andi into the box, then pushed the button for the 26th floor. The short ride two floors down was made in silence despite all of the things Braeden wanted to say. There was no telling who they might run into once the doors opened on his floor, and he didn’t want to have to stop what he had to say once he started.

  As soon as the doors opened again, Braeden grabbed Andi’s hand, loving the way her palm felt against his, the way her fingers wrapped around his. It wasn’t necessary to hold her hand, Andi knew where his office was, but he couldn’t help it. He needed to touch her. The fact that she wasn’t objecting gave him hope she felt the same way.

  Once in his office, he closed the door behind them then turned to face her. Nausea suddenly rolled through the pit of his stomach catching him completely off guard. Now that he had her exactly where he wanted her, he was nervous as fuck. He could give speeches in front of hundreds of people, argue the law in front of a judge or a jury, and never feel like he was going to throw up.

  Get him standing in front of the one person who could make his dreams come true, and he began to wonder if he could make it to the garbage can near his desk before losing his overpriced dinner. Taking a deep breath, he turned his back to her so he could try to calm down the nerves. If he didn’t get his shit together, she was going to walk and that was the last thing he wanted.

  As soon as the wave of nausea passed, he turned back around, to find a very annoyed Andi standing in front of him. Her hands were on her hips; her lips pressed together tightly. He needed to do something and fast or he was going to lose his opportunity.


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