Priceless (Finding Love Book 5)

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Priceless (Finding Love Book 5) Page 23

by Paris Hansen

  “They think Price might come after you,” he hadn’t even bothered with a greeting. “He made a bunch of threats when they finally found him so they could fire him. The police are trying to find him because of the illegal dealings the investigators uncovered. Since he leveled threats against both of us during his tirade, they want us to be cautious. I don’t think you should be alone until he’s caught, so I’m sending someone to come stay with you.”

  “You could come yourself,” she suggested hopefully.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Please...I just want to talk to you.”

  She nearly begged knowing that it wouldn’t do any good. He was bound and determined not to see her and she had no idea why. She was trying to apologize, trying to tell him everything he’d been wanting to hear, but he wasn’t giving her a chance.

  “I’m sorry, Andi, but I can’t.”

  “I know you’re not the father of Nikki’s baby,” she blurted out. “I’ve always believed that.”


  “She came to see me a couple of days ago. She told me the truth.”

  “Is that the only reason you believe me now because she recanted her story?”

  “No, I believed you before, but I was too scared to see through the fear. I tried to tell you sooner, but you wouldn’t talk to me so I could. Nikki coming clean didn’t change anything for me. I just figured you’d want to know that her lies are over. It has nothing to do with why I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a week.”

  “I can’t do this now, okay. Just be safe and don’t go anywhere alone. As soon as Price is in custody, I’ll make sure you’re informed.”

  Before she could respond, Braeden disconnected the call. It wasn’t lost on her that he didn’t say he would be the one to let her know when Matthew was caught. He didn’t plan on talking to her himself, and she had no idea what that meant. Had she missed her shot? Had he moved on already? Her heart felt like it was being ripped to shreds again, her stomach threatening to expel the toast she’d eaten for breakfast. What if he no longer wanted her? What would she do if this was the end of them?

  A knock on her door allowed her to shake off the maudlin thoughts before she ended up on the floor in the fetal position. She couldn’t let herself get caught up in the what-ifs anymore. It was the what-ifs that had gotten her into this mess in the first place. They were nothing but trouble and not worth her time. Life was what you made of it, what-ifs be damned. She was going to go after her man, and if he didn’t want her anymore, then that was that, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  Swinging open her door, she smiled at the couple standing on the other side. “Just the two love birds I was hoping he sent to guard me. I need your help.”

  The smile she got back from Meghan told her that her friend was down with whatever scheme Andi could come up with. Her husband, on the other hand, looked like he was going to be harder to convince. Once they were inside sitting in her living room, Andi gave them an overview of what she had planned.

  “All great romance novels have the big declaration of love and the grand gesture that reunites the couple after the black moment. Well, Braeden and I have had our black moment, and I’m done with that crap. I need to show him that I mean business, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I need you guys to help me make that happen since he refuses to see me.”

  Meghan smiled over at her husband, who was finally smiling back. “Oh, we’re going to help you, Andi. I even have the perfect place for you to make your big grand gesture. It’s going to be amazing.”

  As they talked it out, Andi finally started to feel like everything was going to be alright. Meghan’s proposed venue was indeed perfect, and Oliver seemed to think the plan was going to work. All she needed now was to pick up a couple of things and then wish the days would pass by quicker. She needed it to be Saturday already so she could get the man of her dreams back.



  “Congratulations Braeden. You’re going to make a great addition to the senior partner group. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for the old place.”

  “Thank you, Cynthia,” Braeden said cheerfully even though cheerful was the last thing he felt.

  It was one of the biggest nights of his life, and yet he felt like shit. His boss’s secretary wasn’t the first person who’d stopped by his table to congratulate him, and she wouldn’t be the last. Too bad he could barely find it in himself to fake his enthusiasm. Sure he was happy to have gotten the offer to become a senior partner. It was what he’d been working toward his entire career, but it all meant nothing without Andi by his side.

  “I would have thought Ms. Reese would’ve been with you to help you celebrate. Especially since the rest of your friends and family are here.”

  Braeden tried not to scowl at the older woman. Of course, she would ask about Andi. She’d been excited to hear about their relationship, in the beginning. It would be weird if she hadn’t inquired about her not being there as his date. Braeden gave her the standard answer he’d given everyone that happened to ask about Andi. No one would question the work obligation that she couldn’t get out of. Satisfied with the answer, Cynthia gave him one last pat on the shoulder before walking away to check on their boss.

  The fact that he wasn’t celebrating his achievement with the love of his life was just one more thing he could thank Matthew Price for.

  Because of that jackass he hadn’t seen Andi in weeks. Not even after she called him a million times to tell him she was sorry and that she wanted to be with him. He could have spent the last ten days in Andi’s arms, but instead, he’d ignored her because he was worried that Price would go after her. In all his infinite wisdom, he’d thought they’d all be better off if Price thought he and Andi weren’t together. The man had threatened them both, but Braeden was the one he hated the most.

  It seemed apparent to everyone that Braeden was going to be the first person he went after in his psychotic revenge plot. Boy had they all been wrong. Waiting on Price to make his move made the last week and a half the longest of Braeden’s life. To realize he’d wasted an entire week only to learn that Alexander Quinn was the first person on Price’s revenge list, had hurt like hell. The fact that the police hadn’t captured Price until that very afternoon just seemed like par for the course.

  Braeden didn’t have time to see Andi before the party, but he tried to call her. When she didn’t answer, he asked Meghan to bring her to the party, but Meghan said Andi had other plans. He wanted to yell at his friend, to ask her what the hell kind of plans the love of his life could have while he was dying inside, but he didn’t.

  Meghan didn’t seem worried, hadn’t given him the look of pity she’d given him after he’d first walked out on Andi. He had to believe that everything was going to work out. He just needed the damn party to get over with so he could find Andi and give her the ring that was burning a hole in the pocket of his tux.

  The grand proposal plan he had no longer mattered. All he wanted to do was slip his ring on her finger and pledge his life to her. He didn’t need flowers or balloons or the perfect romantic setting. All he needed was her.

  An hour later, dinner was over, and Braeden was wondering when he could hightail it out of there. Unfortunately, he knew his boss still had things planned that Braeden couldn’t miss. Every second he sat in that room was a second of his life wasted. He didn’t care about his job or the honor he was receiving. All he cared about was finding Andi and making things right between them.

  “Good evening everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your dinner. We’ll have dessert out in a little bit, but first I’d like to talk about the reason we’re all here tonight.”

  Richard Archer stood at the front of the room, a microphone in his hand, a glass of champagne in the other. He commanded the attention of the entire room and not just because he had the microphone. Wherever he went, the man demanded everyone look at hi
m, just by the way he held himself and the way he walked. His voice was always laced with authority even when he was admitting that he’d let too many things slip past him.

  “We’ve been through a lot in the last few weeks. A lot has been said, a lot has come to light, but through it all Braeden Clarke stepped up and focused on what needed to be done here at the office. Braeden has done a fantastic job for our firm. His work on pro bono cases has helped this firm get justice for so many people who never would’ve had a chance if he hadn’t stepped in. We’re lucky to have him as a part of our team. We look forward to…”

  “Excuse me. I’m sorry to interrupt Mr. Archer, but I have something I need to say.”

  Hearing the voice of the woman he loved over the loudspeaker perked Braeden up for the first time since he’d arrived at the party. He couldn’t believe she was there, crashing his big celebration. It was so unlike her to put herself in the spotlight, yet there she was interrupting his boss’s speech. It was all he could do not to run up and kiss her. Instead, he wanted to hear what she had to say.

  He watched as Richard handed her the microphone and took a step back. The older man had a grin on his face a mile wide. It was a look Braeden wasn’t accustomed to. Looking back over at Andi, Braeden smiled. He was a bit surprised to see that she’d dressed up for her night of gate crashing.

  Taking a quick glance over his shoulder, he saw a huge smile on Meghan’s face. When she caught him looking she gave a wink, then turned her attention back to Andi. If the woman of his dreams wasn’t standing in front of almost everyone he knew, he could have kissed Meghan for meddling in his relationship. Of course, that would have probably gotten him a beat down from Oliver and Declan, but it would have been worth it. He’d never discourage Meghan’s meddling again.

  “Wow, there are a lot of people here…uh, I’m sorry for interrupting the festivities, but I needed the man you’re all here honoring tonight to know that I’m an idiot and I’m sorry.”

  Andi cleared her throat, pushing a strand of hair off her face. A blush crept up her neck onto her cheeks. Even nervous as hell, she was the most beautiful woman in the room.

  “Braeden, I’m sorry I was scared. I’m sorry I let an obvious lie derail everything we had. You are the most amazing man I know; patient and kind, loving and devoted. I have done nothing to deserve your love, yet you’ve given it to me anyway. I have tried to throw us away more than once, yet you’ve stuck by me, waiting for me to be ready for what you’re offering. Well, I’m ready. I love you so much; it hurts when we’re apart.“

  Staring at her, his mouth agape, he almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was he having some sort of waking dream to cure the boredom and heartache he’d been feeling or was she actually standing in front of everyone he knew declaring her love for him?

  “I’ve made many mistakes in my life; all of them revolving around you. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of being scared. Being a coward has done nothing but tear us both apart. The last thing I’ve ever wanted to do was hurt you, but that’s what I keep doing. I keep hurting us both because I’m a fool. I have no idea what I’m doing, but there’s no one else I’d rather fumble through a relationship with than you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Braeden. I always have and I always will.”

  “Why are you here Andi?” he asked as he rose from his seat and walked toward her.

  Tears shone in her eyes, and he knew his eyes looked just as shiny. He’d been fighting back tears since the moment she’d interrupted his boss.

  “To get you back,” she answered without hesitation. “To tell you I love you and that I’m a wreck without you. We were meant to be together, and I’m sorry I messed it up again. I was confused and scared and she was an easy excuse.”

  “How do I know you won’t run again? You seem to like to take any excuse you can to keep us apart,” he pointed out, not to hurt her, but to hear her say what he hoped she’d say.

  Without a word, she slipped her hand inside of the small bag that hung over her shoulder. She pulled out something tiny that he could barely make out, then dropped to one knee in front of him. The gasp of the crowd echoed through the room as his heart started to pound wildly in his chest. Looking up at him, she smiled, then held out the object she’d pulled from her purse. Between her outstretched fingers was a ring.

  “Holy crap,” he murmured. The love of his life was on one knee with a ring in her fucking hand. He had to be hallucinating. That was the only thing that made any sense.

  She reached for his left hand, holding it against her chest as she started to speak.

  “No more excuses. No more running. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wasted so much time trying to live without you; I don’t ever want to do that again. I want you in my life, in my bed. I want the forever you talked about on new years. I want the future that you’ve been planning for us since we were kids. I want you, Braeden Clarke. I want you now and for the rest of our lives.”

  “This isn’t how this is supposed to go.”

  He’d had a plan, even if he’d planned to let that plan go. She wasn’t supposed to be the one down on bended knee. It was supposed to be him. But hell, as she looked up at him, her green eyes shining brightly, he couldn’t be mad at her. Not really.

  “Don’t be mad that I beat you to it. Just give me an answer.”

  “You haven’t asked a question yet,” he pointed out even though he knew she’d want to smack him for doing so. She had to remember what she was getting herself into.

  With a roll of her eyes, she stuck her tongue out at him. “Well stop interrupting me.”

  “I’m sorry. Please go on…” Braeden said with a wave of his free hand. She gave him an exasperated sigh, then smiled up at him.

  “Braeden, I love you so much, even when you’re being a pain in my ass. Will you please put me out of my misery and make me the happiest woman ever and marry me?”

  Braeden smiled knowing he couldn’t let the moment go without poking at his love a little more. She was going to be pissed, but she deserved the hard time he was handing her.

  “Huh...I mean...that’s not how I would have done things, and I’m not sure how I feel about being called a pain in the ass.”

  “Oh for crying out loud,” she said as she started to use his arm to help herself up off of the floor.

  “Hey, I’m just kidding,” Braeden said realizing he’d gone too far. “You know that marrying you is all I’ve ever wanted to do. Well, that and start a family. Of course, I’m gonna say yes. I’ll scream the word from the rooftop if that’ll make you feel better. Now, don’t you have a ring to put on my finger?”

  Scowling, his bride-to-be pushed the ring onto his finger. He took a moment to look at his new favorite piece of jewelry. Not many men would wear an engagement ring, but he was going to rock his so hard. If he had his way though, they wouldn’t be engaged for long.

  “Oh babe, it’s beautiful. I can’t believe you got me such a gorgeous ring. I’m the luckiest boy in the world.”

  “Is it too late to take it back?”

  “Not a chance. You’re stuck with me forever now. No, take backs,” he said with a laugh as he helped her up off of the floor.

  The crowd watching the exchange started to clap and hoot, calling out congratulations. Braeden knew he could have waited to do what he planned to do next, but he didn’t want to. As he dropped down to one knee in front of Andi, the applause was interrupted by yet another collective gasp from his co-workers and friends.

  “I may not have gotten to do this first, but you should know I’ve had this ring for a while now. I was just waiting for the perfect moment, which is stupid cause every moment I spend with you is perfect, even when we’re arguing,” Braeden said as he pulled the ring he’d designed for her out of his pocket. “Part of this ring, I’ve had since we were eighteen years old. I never could bring myself to get rid of the one I’d planned to give you on graduation day. It was always meant to be yours.”
  “Oh, Braeden.”

  “I know we’re technically already engaged and all that, but I need to make this declaration right here, right now, in front of all of these people. I have always loved you, Andrea Reese. From the moment you saved my ass from a bully at the age of five, I knew you were special. My life isn’t the same without you. Hell, it’s not even really worth living without you. I’ve spent eighteen years and two and a half weeks figuring that out. I don’t want to do it anymore. I can’t do it anymore.”

  Emotion clogged his throat, his voice cracking as he spoke. “You are it for me. Everyone is always searching for that elusive one person that is supposed to make them feel complete. Well, I found mine in elementary school, and I’m never letting you go again. I’ve got your ring on my finger, now let me put mine on yours, so everyone will know nothing’s going to tear us apart ever again. Forever and a day, baby.”

  Nodding her head, tears rolled down her cheeks, spilling onto their hands. “You better put that ring on my finger right now Braeden because I need you up here so I can kiss you.”

  Not wasting any more time, Braeden slipped the ring onto her finger, then stood up and pulled her into his arms. The minute their lips touched, a roar sounded around them. He smiled into the kiss, then deepened it as soon as she parted her lips. He would spend the rest of his life kissing the woman in his arms, and nothing had ever felt more right.

  Breaking the kiss so they could catch their breath, Braeden smiled down at her. He swept his thumb along her cheek, wiping away an errant tear. The woman standing before him was everything he’d ever wanted, and now he knew she was finally his forever.

  “I love you, Andi,” he whispered as he leaned in.

  Before he could initiate another kiss, she said the words he’d never tire of hearing. They were the sweetest words in the English language.

  “I love you, too.”


  Braeden - Four Months Later


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