The Seeking Series Box Set

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The Seeking Series Box Set Page 1

by D. R. Grady

  Table of Contents

  Seeking: Warrior King

  Seeking: Maiden Queen

  Seeking: Warrior Mate

  Seeking Index of Characters

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  If you enjoy this book, please buy a copy for someone else to enjoy. Please do not download or buy this from anywhere except where the story is offered legitimately.

  Box set copyright 2021 by D.R. Grady

  Seeking: Warrior King copyright 2018

  Seeking: Maiden Queen copyright 2019

  Seeking: Warrior Mate copyright 2020

  D.R. Grady

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved - including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Seeking Series Characters

  Aern – clumsy black dragon, former companion to Vidar, mated to Fricassa

  Ari the Noble – Aasguard warrior, sister to Lajos the Swift and Vidar the Loyal

  Duke of Larkswallow – frail, elderly duke who performs all ceremonies

  Driies – Raene’s legendary sword

  Drika – human warrior, sister to Rajie

  Faulk, King of Chariovalda – human ruler to the west of Swiftland and Montequirst, married to Rajie

  Felicity the Valiant – Aasguard Warrior

  Felix – yellow dragon, companion to Rykert

  Fricassa – green dragon, former companion to Lajos, mated to Aern

  Haines, Duke of Lockwillow – cousin once removed to Raene of Montequirst

  Harry – father to Lukas and Stefana, financial genius, married to Stella

  Keark – (deceased) dragon, father to Maeze

  Kellen the Mighty – Aasguard warrior

  Eduard, King of Oxland – neighboring king and good friend

  Lajos the Swift – Aasguard warrior, King of Swiftland, married to Stefana, joint ruler of Swiftland

  Lukas – warrior, twin brother to Stefana

  Maeze – blue dragon, companion to Felicity

  Margina, (deceased) Queen of Montequirst – mother to Raene

  Marxin – (deceased) dragon to Kellen, cousin to Aern

  Mikal – (deceased) dragon to Ari

  Mkhai the Calm – Aasguard warrior

  Mozark – mage, friend of Kellen

  Rajie, the Queen of Chariovalda – human ruler to the west of Swiftland and Montequirst, married to Faulk

  Rialta, Princess – sister to King Eduard of Oxland – she aids Raene now in Montequirst as the acting princess

  Lacey, Queen of Oxland – married to Eduard and good friend

  Raene, Queen of Montequirst – married to Vidar the Loyal - ruler of Montequirst

  Rykert the Bold – Aasguard warrior

  Salunga – (deceased) dragon to Felicity, mother to Maeze

  Stefana, Queen of Swiftland (former Princess of Montequirst) – married to Lajos, joint ruler of Swiftland

  Stella – mother to Lukas and Stefana, lifelong friend to Margina, married to Harry

  Vidar the Loyal – Aasguard warrior, King of Montequirst, married to Raene

  Seeking: Warrior King

  With her beloved mother dying, Crown Princess Raene of Montequirst must prepare to be queen and choose a husband within hours of the death. By law, he must be the greatest warrior in the land. The only man who fits that description, who she can tolerate, is her friend and mentor, Vidar the Loyal. He’s a member of the elite Aasguard warriors, who have never married in their centuries of existence.

  While the mightiest men of the nation circle Raene in an attempt to boost their own rank and wealth, a neighboring country is also making plans against Montequirst. With the aid of his clumsy dragon companion, Vidar has been teaching Raene to wield her legendary sword in order to defend her throne. Meanwhile, they’re both battling an attraction neither understands.

  Can they possibly break the age-old traditions that bind them and choose their heart’s desire?

  Chapter 1

  Melodious laughter rang through the dining hall. Amid the clink of silverware on dinner plates, a discordant note penetrated Princess Raene of Montequirst’s haze of happiness. Her table occupants didn’t appear to notice the disharmony.

  Yet the sounds of merriment died in her throat as her heart constricted and out of instinct, Raene glanced toward the head table. To where her mother, the Queen of Montequirst, held court to her advisers. The Duke of Larkswallow sprang to his feet, not quite as spry as he’d like people to believe, as the Duke of Lockwillow caught the queen when her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she crumpled.

  A horrified gasp ripped from Raene’s throat as she thrust her napkin aside to dart across the hall. A bevy of healers barred her way. “You must not, Princess. Please allow us to attend to her first.”

  Ariadne, an elderly healer who had been born long before the queen, held on to Raene’s arms, eyes boring directly into hers. “She would not wish for you to also fall ill.”

  “She’s ill?”

  The healer tipped her head forward ever so slightly. “It appears this is so. We must examine her thoroughly. Once we ascertain what has befallen her, we shall send for you.”

  The soup and salad they’d been served thus far lurched in Raene’s stomach. Her heart raced, as dizziness threatened to overtake her. The clatter of the diners halted, and now the colors and scents smeared into a dissonant, aching montage.

  A kind hand stroked over her trembling arm. “We shall examine her immediately. There are viruses always circulating.” Ariadne’s voice was soothing, calm, and in direct contrast to Raene’s inability to form a sentence, much less a coherent thought.

  She nodded, desperately trying to swallow the large lump in her throat. The healer’s hand gripped her own with surprising strength as Ariadne offered an abbreviated curtsy before she left the room at a stately pace.

  Heart still pounding, as sweat dotted her spine, Raene stared after the healer, unable to determine what to do.

  The two dukes circled the dining hall to answer questions, with what little knowledge they possessed. Still, one of them gestured to the waiting attendants to continue serving the meal. Few appeared to have an appetite however.

  Raene couldn’t possibly swallow with the huge knot in her throat, so she exited the room, wishing to leave the entire scene behind. She retreated to the chamber she and her mother spent much of their time in the evenings. The airy sitting room had been decorated with feminine tastes in mind, with daintier furniture and softer colors.

  “Will she be all right?” Stefana, Raene’s best friend, inquired as soon as she joined her. A dark haired, dark eyed beauty, Stefana offered a measure of comfort with her very presence.

  “I don’t know. They haven’t ascertained what caused her to collapse.”

  Stefana made a pained noise in the back of her throat. Raene concurred. There was nothing they could do, but she couldn’t remain seated. Traversing the room from one end to the other, she spun to retrace her steps. Her elaborate court gown rasped against the furniture.

  Her mind didn’t clear, but the physical activity helped her to process her mother’s collapse. A frown creased Stefana’s forehead, but she didn’t utter her thoughts.

  The clock in the corner mocked them as the hands crept around the face. The fire died to faint embers. Her stomach remained leaden as she stopped in front of the fading fire.

  It reminded Raene of her mother. A brilliant, beautiful flame, slowly being snuffed out. Reduced to a mere flicker of what she had been.

  I am being morbid, Raene chided herself. With no diagnosis, she had no cause to think this. Although by now,
shouldn’t they have heard something?

  Stefana shivered, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. Raene’s entire body had goosebumped and she suppressed a matching shiver. She crossed the room to the crystal panel. After a brisk tap, she waited for a chambermaid to appear.

  “You summoned me, princess?” But the maid gasped when she spotted the fire. “You should have called long before now.”

  Raene hoped her words weren’t a prophecy.

  Margina, the Queen of Montequirst, lay pale and lifeless against the white sheets of her royal bed. Her skin contained so little color, Raene’s heart skittered.


  The blue eyes she knew well flickered, then opened. More life swirled here, but the glow within had waned.

  Raene tensed. She paced to the bed to stare at the woman who meant everything to her.

  “I’m here, my Raene.” The voice that answered was so thin Raene winced.

  Lowering herself to the bed, she took her mother’s soft hand in hers. As delicate and warm as always, but Margina’s grip lacked strength.

  What could have stolen her vigor so quickly?

  Do you truly wish to know that answer? A voice asked deep within Raene’s mind. Her spine stiffened as she gaped at the shrunken form of her mother.

  “What do the healers believe you have?”

  “I do not believe they know as of yet.”

  Not a reassuring answer. The back of her throat burned. “Do you need anything?”

  “No, love. I have all I require.” Contentment lined her mother’s face as her eyes closed and she dropped into sleep. Her hand loosened around Raene’s, then flailed to the mattress.

  Raene’s heart leapt into her throat as her fingers rose to cover her mouth. This can’t be happening.

  The queen was still young. She surely had plenty more years to reign.

  Raene rose from the bed, carefully, so the gentle movement of the mattress didn’t hinder the rest of her sleeping mother. Fist pressed against her trembling lips, she took in the woman lost in dreams.

  Raene began her search for a healer and some answers immediately upon leaving her mother’s bedchamber.

  It took close to an hour before she located one in the laboratory at the back of the castle.

  “Morgan, what is happening with my mother? What does she suffer from?”

  The young man glanced up from the glass beaker in front of him. “We do not know, Princess Raene.”

  Rearing back, she frowned at him. He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “As in you’re still attempting to figure this out? Or you don’t know? Or you’re not telling me?”

  “As in we don’t know because we are still working out this puzzle, child.” Ariadne’s calm voice answered instead of the near-cowering Morgan.

  Relief crossed his face as he kept his attention on the potion making process in front of him.

  “Will my mother recover from whatever ails her?”

  Unlike Morgan, Ariadne had no trouble meeting her eyes. Her gaze remained clear and direct. “We do not know, Raene. Once we do, we shall inform you. Right now there aren’t enough symptoms to determine her ailment.”

  Ariadne squared her shoulders. “You may be assured we will offer her the very best care possible.”

  Raene’s throat tightened and the pain increased. Additional sweat beaded along her spine while her nape hairs rose.

  “Thank you, Ariadne.”

  “You are welcome, child.” A kind, well worn hand rested on her arm. “We love her too.”

  Some of the ache in Raene’s throat eased. But she couldn’t speak through the lump there. Instead she nodded and blinked back the storm of tears.

  The hand on her arm squeezed before the healer turned away. Raene left the laboratory, stumbling into the hall, her mind blank.

  What could she do? There seemed to be nothing to do for her mother. Nothing. This sliced through her like a rapier through flesh.

  Trudging through the hallways of the only home she had ever known, Raene eventually found herself outside her bedchamber door. She opened the barrier, entering the room she had slept in since birth. Her mother dreamed only one door down.

  Pacing to her bed, she slumped onto it and gazed into the fireplace embers. They were banked, because she didn’t spend time here during the day.

  She hung her head as a tiny flame deep within her flickered to life. Barely a spark, but it awakened.

  Her eyes bounced around the room as she resisted the urge to curl up on her bed, or better yet, hide under it as she had done as a child.

  Her restless gaze snagged on what lay beyond her bed.

  A large chest, simple in design and materials, had been a gift from her parents upon her fifteenth year. Her mother, smiling and mysterious, had given her the chest, mentioning that it had belonged to an ancestress of theirs.

  Raene had been told nearly since birth that her auburn hair, blue eyes, and petite stature were inherited from this ancestress. Queen Bronwyn had been a mighty queen, who still enjoyed legendary status in Montequirst.

  Sliding off the bed, Raene eased open the heavy lid to reveal the treasures she had collected over the ensuing years. Scrabbling to the bottom, near the back, lay one such treasure she had shoved there after the sudden death of her father. Grappling through the contents, her fingers finally brushed against supple leather. It shot bittersweet memories through her.

  The rectangular shape was right, so she grasped it tighter to heave the weighty package from the depths.

  Dull metal and bright gemstones greeted her as she grasped the hilt and removed the heavy sword from the protective scabbard. It fit her hand perfectly, just as it always had. This sword, and the chest, had belonged to the same legendary ancestress, but Raene didn’t know how to use Driies with the same dexterity as the sword’s previous owner. Queen Bronwyn had been feared in lands far beyond Montequirst’s queendom. She had wielded this sword with knowledge, skill, and daring. Provided all those fairy-tales told to Raene as a child had been true.

  The little flicker inside her burned with intensity, rushing through her to spark where her hand curled around the hilt of the sword. The internal flame lit the metal and caused the gems to glow.

  She needed to learn far more about this beautiful heirloom. In order to do so, she required practice and additional training. From someone whose skill was so great she didn’t have to fear him accidentally harming her. As far as she knew, only one warrior in all of the land fit this description.

  The flickering light of the sword in her hand propelled her to her wardrobe where she exchanged her court attire for more appropriate training garb. Finally, Raene strapped the sword around her waist. Then, with a deep breath, she left her bedchamber to duck into one of the many secret passages dotting the castle.

  She took the path that led down. Into the very bowels of her home. It was here where her mother stored her personal treasures. Known as the Queen’s treasury, her crowns, jewels, coins, and other wealth were protected by a warrior only ever whispered about.

  Deep within the castle where it was rumored a dragon slept. Raene had never been here before, but the gleam of her sword led the way. A knot jammed into her throat. With her mother so ill...

  She cut off those dangerous thoughts.

  Chapter 2

  Word had only just been relayed to him that the queen appeared to be ill before the first one arrived. Attired in the court dress of a gentleman, with a shiny sword and tall boots, the man rounded the corner.

  Vidar’s hand already rested on his sword hilt as he straightened to his full height. The newcomer eyed him with a modicum of trepidation.

  “State your business.”

  “I have come for the treasure.” The little man said this with the pompous certainty of one used to being obeyed.

  “All here belongs to the queen.”

  The gentleman wore a fussy mustache, rounded at the ends. His hair was greased back from his forehead and his clothing, including an intricate n
eck cloth, were immaculate. He intended to fight in such garb?

  Vidar resisted the urge to snicker.

  “The queen isn’t going to exist for much longer.”

  His heart thumped. To hear such news, in such a disparaging manner, pumped adrenaline into Vidar’s bloodstream. “She is your queen.”

  “Not for long.”

  “Her daughter will rule in her stead.”

  The man who fancied himself a gentleman straightened. “Yes, and she is of age.”

  “Of age for what?”

  “She must choose a husband immediately upon her mother’s passing. Which appears to be impending.” The man tugged on his mustache as though he contemplated helping along the queen’s demise.

  Spine straightening another notch, Vidar didn’t bother to halt a vicious snarl.

  The little man’s eyes widened and he took a hasty step backward. He nearly tripped over his shiny boots in his haste. Then he straightened his narrow shoulders and contemplated Vidar with a little more respect.

  “If the queen dies, then her treasure is available to whoever reaches it first.” So much pseudo-justification threaded the words, Vidar’s hand tightened around his sword hilt.

  “The treasure belongs to the royal family. If the queen dies, it reverts to her daughter.” He growled this because the urge to rip the man’s head off was fast becoming a terrible temptation.

  “Right.” The man squeaked and made a hasty exit.

  Vidar rumbled again.


  The next man to step into the large cavern did so with more caution. He paused when he spotted Vidar. “You are a warrior.” His voice was far lower than the first visitor. He stood taller and lacked the previous man’s greasiness.

  His much less decorous sword likely had been proved long ago. “As are you.” Credit had to be given where due.


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