The Seeking Series Box Set

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The Seeking Series Box Set Page 38

by D. R. Grady

“I believe so.” A troubled expression crossed Ari’s face. “However, I wonder if we can discard that old rule? Instead, we choose any who show skill and promise?”

  This made him pause. “Perhaps. I don’t know enough to say yay or nay.”

  “What are you talking about?” Vidar inserted as Stefana and Raene left the room. Lukas was called away right after they left. Since only Aasguard warriors remained, Ari explained her thought process to the two remaining warriors who hadn’t heard.

  Vidar grew silent. “Before Raene and I married, I bowed to her while I trained her.” A small smile twisted his lips. “She took offense because she claimed I was also of royal blood lines.”

  “Yes. I’ve heard that only those of royal lines were deemed acceptable to become Aasguard warriors. Unless only one of royal lines can tolerate the change, I do not see why we must abide by those rules. These are modern times.” Ari settled her hand on her sword hilt.

  “You are correct.” Vidar nodded to his sister. “From what I gathered, only the royal descendants were chosen, but I saw nothing in my research that indicated it had to be so.”

  “You’ve studied this recently?” Kellen asked Vidar.

  “Yes. Again, right before Raene and I wed. She was adamant that I not bow to her. This struck me as wrong, but Aern supported her claims, so I looked at the places she had researched.”

  “What you discovered is that it was an old custom with no relevant reason to do thusly now,” Ari affirmed.

  “That’s true.”

  “Excellent. Then there’s no reason why we cannot see if one of us can train Lukas to become an Aasguard warrior.”

  When Raene and Stefana joined them again, both women wore warrior garb. Of a more royal variety, but they had changed into clothing that would allow them to move freely. Their elaborate court dresses prohibited such activities.

  She wondered sometimes about Stefana’s wide legged trousers, but those wouldn’t do for fighting so she discarded the notion of trying a pair of the more feminine trousers.

  The women had also added their swords to the new attire. Driies, Raene’s ancestral and legendary weapon, gleamed in the sunlight of the practice yard where they stood. Lajos had commissioned Stefana’s sword, and although not as ornate in design as Driies, it still boasted a few gems from their family line.

  Both women kept the weapons close. When Ari had been in residence here at Montequirst, Raene had worn her sword every day, in the manner of a warrior. She made a note to ask the queen if she continued this practice.

  Feeling naked without her own sword, Ari understood Raene’s desire to carry her weapon at all times.

  No Aasguard went anywhere without this defense, usually clasped around their loins. The only time she didn’t wear her sword was when she bathed or was in bed. But in both instances, it lay within easy reach.

  This was true for all of them. Never get caught out with no sword close by. She could also defend herself in other ways, but she preferred her sword. And her trusty weapon ended an assault much faster.

  In the training yard, Vidar raised an eyebrow at her. “What did you wish to see?”

  “I’ve been training Stefana, and I’ve begun to wonder something about her.” She turned to Kellen. “Would you be willing to spar with her?”

  “As in hand-to-hand sparring?”

  “Yes. You’ve not seen her fight before, which is why I’ve thought to ask you.” Then she narrowed her eyes and raised a finger. “No, before that, let us see what she does against her brother.”

  It took a moment for them to call Lukas who had left to address a problem. Now he strode into the yard, and all the Aasguards assessed his movements.

  Tall, wide of shoulder and thigh, the man was built along the lines of a male Aasguard warrior. Of course, a human who didn’t enjoy height typically had no cause for concern about this fact. As the human transitioned from being a man or woman to an Aasguard, they often grew in stature, so it didn’t matter, but Lukas already enjoyed a loftier height, much like his sister.

  Raene remained small, and this opened her for some teasing from all the tall people, which for her, consisted of everyone around her. She withstood the teasing with dignity.

  Now, Lukas raised an eyebrow at Vidar. “My sister would like you to spar with your sister.” Vidar indicated her and Stefana.

  “Keep in mind, Lukas, that Stefana has only trained with me since she left Montequirst.” Ari wanted the Aasguards with her to also keep that in mind.

  “How long of a time frame?” Felicity asked.

  “She and Lajos left here in early spring.” They now enjoyed harvest season, so it had been several months.

  “We’re using swords?”

  “No, not for this initial run.” Ari waited until they doffed their swords. “Try attacking her, if you will.”

  Lukas did so with the speed and agility of a man in his prime. But also a man with a little something extra. This exercise not only would showcase Stefana, but also her twin.

  Stefana, who had been training mere months, defended herself with the agility and speed of a person who wasn’t quite human. At several of her moves, Lajos sucked in a deep breath.

  “What?” He appeared spellbound by his wife. “How?”

  In a typical training exercise, Lukas didn’t put all his strength into the endeavor as he did now, but he still ended up air bound as Stefana twisted and tossed him. His warrior training assisted him as he knew exactly how to land so as not to come to harm.

  As Lukas landed, Kellen took his place. His training exceeded Lukas’ and still, Stefana defended herself with both skill and strength. Stefana did not send Kellen, an Aasguard warrior with many centuries behind him, soaring. Yet she kept him on the defense.

  The entire yard went silent as everyone stared at Stefana, open mouthed.

  “Lajos, sword play with Raene.”

  Although he had to still be reeling at his wife’s newfound abilities, Lajos drew his sword, Raene in tune with him. Driies gleamed in the sunlight as she defended herself with the dexterity and skill that should not be hers.

  Vidar, much like Lajos, also stared at his wife in disbelief. Both queens’ new skill sets were unheard of in the months they’d been training.

  Raene skirted closer to besting Lajos than a human should. She, as had Stefana, displayed abilities enjoyed by those who were not human. Her sword slashed and flashed in the sunlight as she defended herself, but also kept Lajos focused on defending himself.

  When their play finally ended, both breathed a little heavier, but neither had broken much of a sweat.

  “Am I correct in thinking you, Kellen, have continued training Raene?” Ari knew Vidar had trained her before they married, but as with Lajos and Stefana, the married couples got distracted. This didn’t aid the female who needed these fighting skills.

  “Yes. I’ve continued her training.” Kellen looked proud of his pupil’s skills.

  Exactly as she felt about Stefana. Who she had trained from the beginning and continued to do so while they set Swiftland to rights. An endeavor that would take years, but that they’d made an excellent start on. Stefana’s training had exceeded all expectations.

  “You never told me Stefana was performing to…” Lajos seemed at a loss for words.

  “Kellen and I have both noticed a subtle change in your wives.” This had at least given them something to talk about. Kellen might not have thought much of it because he didn’t train regularly with humans.

  He had noticed Raene’s proficiency change, however, in such a short amount of time and commented on it to Ari. That she had been at intermediate level with Vidar, but she’d surpassed Master level, and nudged what Ari called Aasguard level.

  “I have a theory.” Ari considered her words before she put forth her thoughts.

  “About our wives?” Vidar kept staring at Raene as though he hadn’t seen her in months. He also gaped at Stefana from time to time.

  “Yes. Aasguards have never m
arried before. I’m wondering if there’s a reason for that.” She contemplated the two queens who had clumped together, friends for all their lives, nearly sisters.

  “What are you thinking, Ari?” Lajos bit this off, clearly troubled by what he’d witnessed. She realized this stemmed entirely from worry over his wife.

  “My theory is that when Raene and Stefana married Aasguard warriors—through their ‘association’ with you—they’ve bypassed the usual transition from human to Aasguard warrior.” She allowed them time to contemplate what she said.

  Stefana’s mouth dropped open. “Are you saying Raene and I are now Aasguard warriors?”

  Raene gripped Stefana’s arm tight. “That cannot be.”

  “I believe you’re in the transition phase. This can take up to a year, perhaps more. Whether you will become full Aasguard warriors is still unknown. But yes, I do believe the two of you are no longer completely human.”

  Chapter 5

  Stefana’s gasp came only a second before Raene’s.

  Lajos and Vidar both surged forward to engulf their wives. Both clung for a moment.

  “I don’t understand.” Raene gazed between Ari and Vidar.

  Ari stepped forward to place a hand on her. “Again, this is new territory for all of us. Aasguard warriors have passed on, not married.” She smiled in the hope of reassuring her sister-in-laws. “But in a time when our numbers are sorely depleted, it’s good to add both of you to our ranks.”

  “So Stefana is now an Aasguard warrior?” Lukas didn’t seem to have grasped this concept either.

  “She and Raene are both transitioning. They’re not quite human, but whether they will become full Aasguards…” She glanced at Kellen.

  He picked up the thread as she hoped. “We believe they will transition fully. But we don’t know.”

  “But we’re both queens with duties that don’t leave room for protection.” Raene’s hand curled around the base of her neck. She kept her other hand firmly on Vidar.

  “You believe as a queen you don’t need to protect your people?” Ari kept her inquiry gentle.

  Raene’s worry cleared. “Oh, right. There is that.” She glanced up at her husband.

  “Does this mean that if Stefana and Raene become full Aasguard warriors, and their husbands already are, then their children likely will also be born Aasguard warriors?” Lukas contemplated his sister with something that resembled dawning awe.

  “We don’t know. But it would improve our dwindling numbers to have two warriors produce additional ones.” She had difficulty glancing in Kellen’s direction.

  Her cheeks grew warm. But she ignored that.

  “What we saw just now...” Lajos shook his head. “I never expected Stefana to show skills like that.”

  “It’s interesting to me that Raene excels in swordship while Stefana’s hand-to-hand is stellar.” Ari studied both women.

  “Bronwyn’s skill also lay in her sword skills, although she did fine with hand-to-hand. As does Raene.” Kellen offered an instructor’s perspective.

  “I’d say the same for Stefana. She’s certainly adept with a sword—at master level. But her true skills lie in her hand-to-hand abilities.” She looked to Lukas. “Is that true for you?”

  His nod was slow in coming. “Yes. I’d say that’s where I also excel, although my sword skills aren’t far behind.”

  “I enjoy the non-sword training more. But of late I don’t mind the sword.” Stefana brushed hair out of her face. “In the beginning, I hated it.”

  Kellen semi-snorted. “That is true for everyone. It’s new, and thus takes a lot more effort and energy.”

  “Raene came to me with the basics already.” Vidar squeezed his wife.

  “My father trained me in those. I put Driies away after his death because I couldn’t fathom continuing my training without him.” Raene had lost her father before adulthood. And her mother less than a year ago. Too young to have lost both parents.

  “Until you demanded Vidar teach you.” Amusement echoed through Stefana’s observation.

  “I didn’t demand.” Raene sent him an intimate smile.

  “You were sweet, but very, very determined.” Vidar took the diplomatic approach.

  “I knew I had to come to you.” Raene’s hand slid to his chest. “And I do not regret that decision in the least.”

  Raene had abruptly been thrust into the queen’s duties when her mother grew ill, then died from blue fever within two weeks. The laws of the land had dictated she name a male, the best warrior in the land, as her husband upon her mother’s death. A terrible, outdated practice that Raene had since changed. Her and Vidar’s daughter and their descendants would not have to contend with the grief of losing a parent in addition to making a life altering decision during a time of mourning.

  No one had expected her to name Vidar, including him, but she had certainly chosen the best warrior in the land. She and Vidar soon realized they loved each other, and their marriage was now based on love, respect, and solidarity. [Seeking: Warrior King - The Seeking Series - Book 1]

  Now, the changes in Raene indicated her warrior abilities would soon match her Aasguard husband’s. Something that would not have happened had she chosen a human male.

  Satisfaction careened through Ari. Their children would already be that much further ahead in their ability to protect the people of their land.

  “Aasguard warrior duties are changing, aren’t they?” A musing air emitted from Stefana. She looked up at her husband.

  Her question quieted all of them.

  “I believe that’s true.” Kellen adjusted his sword. “We used to have very limited career paths, but that appears to be changing.”

  “It’s obvious they make excellent leaders.” Raene stroked Vidar’s arm.

  Stefana cocked her head. “Yes. Lajos has earned the respect and admiration of our people. He stepped in and set their world to rights.”

  “I didn’t do so alone. You’re the one who arranged for supplies for our people.” Lajos’ gentle correction made Stefana’s cheeks turn a becoming shade of pink.

  “No one realized Aasguards are far more versatile than merely protecting treasure or acting as bodyguards,” Kellen said with narrowed eyes. “I believe we’re entering the Age of the Aasguard.”

  He sounded hopeful, and this helped to lighten her heart.

  Ari agreed. Now was an excellent time to live.

  Watching Ari’s face might become his favorite pastime. Oh no. Kellen worked harder to keep these treacherous thoughts to himself.

  Yet in light of Ari’s revelation about possible new Aasguards being born, he paused. Nowhere in their training had he ever been forbidden to marry and mate. He’d racked his brain, and sure enough, couldn’t remember his mentor ever mentioning that such unions were forbidden.

  If anything, it had been an unspoken “law,” yet it hadn’t been a law, per se. He couldn’t think of any reason why Aasguards shouldn’t marry. Especially upon seeing the changes in the wives of the two married warriors he knew.

  Since he personally had been training Raene, he’d witnessed her progress. He’d never trained an Aasguard before, but remembering his own progress, Raene appeared to be changing at a similar rate to his own.

  Looking at his fellow Aasguards, he asked, “How long did it take you to transition?”

  No one spoke for a long moment. “It took a full year for me.” Vidar finally answered.

  “I’d say it took me a year as well.” Lajos stared at the sky. After a definitive nod, he didn’t change his answer.

  “My transition only took about nine months.” Felicity hadn’t said much, so he’d nearly forgotten she was there.

  “It took me eight and a half to nine months.” Ari’s answer intrigued him.

  “A year versus eight to nine months. That might explain why we’re seeing Raene and Stefana progress so quickly.” He’d prefer to have a little longer to think on this.

  Lajos looked to Ari. �
�You’ve accomplished what you wished with Stefana and Raene?”

  Ari nodded. “Yes. I wanted to see if their progress was as astounding as Kellen and I have believed.”

  “I’m still shocked.” Stefana laid a hand on her chest. “I had no idea.”

  “Neither did I.” Raene joined her in being shocked.

  He winced inside. Perhaps he should have mentioned how well Raene was performing, even to human standards.

  “That’s probably my fault. I should have been more encouraging.”

  Raene shook her head. “You have been encouraging all along. I just never thought…”

  “None of us did, Raene. Don’t berate yourself. There is no reason. This is uncharted territory for all of us.” Ari’s firmness and confidence helped ease the tension lingering on the practice field.

  “Shall we return to the castle?” Lajos kept glancing at his wife.

  “Yes.” Raene and Vidar led the way back inside. They disappeared in the direction of their rooms. Raene would need to change. Stefana and Lajos followed them. Their rooms lay just beyond the Montequirst royalty’s.

  That left him, Ari, Felicity, and Lukas. And Stefana’s brother could be called away again. He looked troubled, however.

  No one spoke as they padded down the hallways to finally return to the large sitting room where they’d started. Kellen itched to return to the cavern in the bowels of the castle. He knew that space, knew what was expected of him there.

  Here, in this fancy drawing room in one of the largest castles he’d ever entered, he wasn’t as certain.

  The four of them resumed their original seats, the missing four obvious in the large area. He preferred the training yard to this space as well. Not that he didn’t have manners.

  All Aasguards were trained in every aspect of court life. He frowned at that thought. They’d been extensively trained. As though one of their earliest mentors had been aware that they’d grow into new positions.

  “Is Stefana in any pain? Is this process dangerous to her or Raene?” Lukas leaned forward slightly in his chair. He asked the room at large, but his gaze rested on Ari.


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