The Seeking Series Box Set

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The Seeking Series Box Set Page 39

by D. R. Grady

  This did not make Kellen bristle. Now that he understood where Ari’s thoughts had been, he didn’t mind the pup nearly as much. In fact, he rather saw the same level of promise in him that Ari had commented on.

  Perhaps they could train him. The four royals joined them. The women’s skirts rustled against the furniture. Both looked flushed, while the men appeared a tad bit smug. He suspected more than a quick attire change had transpired.

  “No, she’s not in any pain, and no, the change is not dangerous to them. It will only improve their lives.” Ari held Lukas’ gaze as she answered.

  Still Kellen didn’t feel the need to rip the man’s head off. Progress. He was grateful for his own today.

  “Lukas, you don’t need to worry about me. Raene and I are both fine. We weren’t in the least bit aware of what was happening within us.”

  “I can attest that Stefana hasn’t shown obvious changes.” Lajos inserted this, probably to help ease his brother-in-law.

  “I’m glad.” Lukas sounded sincere.

  “I haven’t noticed any changes, either.” Raene darted a look at Vidar.

  He wrapped an arm around her. “It’s been so slow and easy we both missed the subtle changes.”

  “I only noticed the differences in myself because I knew they would happen, and I watched for them.” Felicity’s shrug was typical Aasguard.

  The two queens exchanged glances. “I suspect we’ve all been so busy, we wouldn’t have paid much attention even if we’d been aware of the possibility.” Stefana waited for Raene’s nod.

  “Yes. We’re all adjusting to new lives if you will.” Raene’s gaze caressed her husband’s face.

  “That is hopefully why Stefana and I didn’t notice.” Lajos rubbed a hand over his jaw.

  “We’ve all made big changes of late.” Vidar’s agreement made sense.

  “That sounds like an understatement.” Kellen had personally witnessed the chaos of the Montequirst couple’s lives. He could attest to their busyness.

  What did that feel like?

  Chapter 6

  “I’m still shocked that my wife is on her way to becoming an Aasguard warrior.” Lajos studied Stefana with extra care.

  “I’m shocked you have a wife.” Kellen didn’t quip this, yet that sentiment was there in an underlying layer.

  Stefana took Lajos’ hand in hers in a loving, wifely way. Her sister-in-law’s simple gesture made a knot roar into Ari’s throat.

  Ari had to swallow a little harder than normal to dislodge it.

  “Yes, I suppose these new things shouldn’t be too large a surprise. We knew this would be unchartered territory.” Lajos kept his hand firmly clasped in Stefana’s.

  Vidar shifted subtly in his chair. His eyes rested on her. “Ari, I can tell the wheels are churning in your head.”

  “We suspect Stefana and Raene are joining our ranks.” She nodded to the two women. “But expanding our number that way isn’t enough.” Her gaze drifted to the only human in the room.

  Stefana’s eyebrow shot up. “You’re thinking about something with Lukas?”

  “I know he’s working on an important program here in Montequirst and he needs to do so in Swiftland.”

  Lukas met her gaze. “Swiftland isn’t going to be ready for a little while yet.” He glanced at Lajos.

  Whose slow nod had to be difficult. “We’ve made strides, but—”

  “You’ve made more than strides.” Ari cut him off. “Yours is an entirely different nation. Swiftland is going to be a world power. However, we can make certain your womenfolk are trained.” She nibbled her bottom lip. “The problem is that the men aren’t well trained yet, either.”

  “Wait, what do you mean that you can make certain our womenfolk are trained?” Stefana leaned forward.

  “You’re becoming Aasguard. I’m an Aasguard, your husband is one. That’s three right there in the country. Between the three of us, I believe we can train them.” She pointed to Lukas. “However, the actual training for an Aasguard, if I remember correctly, is more textbook learning for the first few months.”

  “I’d forgotten that, but yes. At least the first few months it’s textbook learning.” Kellen rubbed one large palm down his thigh.

  “I don’t know that information.” Raene pointed out the obvious. “But I’m on my way to becoming an Aasguard from what I’ve heard today.”

  “Yes. I’m beginning to realize that since the changes are already happening in two of ours, what is one more student?” Ari looked between the two queens and Lukas.

  Lukas’ demeanor blanked before he blinked rapidly. “You believe I could become an Aasguard warrior?”

  “Very much so. You already carry many of the traits.” Ari assessed his intentions and his emotions, and everything aligned with her fellow Aasguards.

  “I would be honored.” He darted a look at his sister. Whose bemusement morphed into excitement for him.

  “Lukas would make an excellent Aasguard.”

  “And it would be wonderful to have him join us.” Raene also took in Lukas’ face. These three had formed a family unit and Ari approved. For them all to train nearly at the same time would keep the three of them encouraged.

  “There are plenty of us to see to your training.” Ari hoped her fellow warriors would be willing to help train all three pupils. Each could offer their student’s their own unique experience and should produce a strong Aasguard.

  “You’re saying we all train them?” Lajos looked intrigued.

  “There are two skilled Aasguard warriors in both countries. Lajos and I can take over Stefana’s training, and then finish Lukas’ training if he’s here. Vidar and Kellen will need to work with Raene, so they might as well take on Lukas as well. He shows all the hallmarks of being an Aasguard already, and with his sister changing into one…” Ari thought this should be obvious.

  Felicity cleared her throat. “May I point out that I’m here. I’m also an Aasguard warrior. I would be pleased to help with the training of our new Aasguards. I’m rather qualified to train women.”

  Ari grinned at Felicity’s understatement. “Yes, yes you are, and we’re thrilled you’ve arrived.”

  “Other warriors will come.” Vidar straightened in his chair. He worked hard to make Montequirst a haven for fellow warriors who needed to heal and reassess. Lajos sought to do the same in Swiftland.

  “You’ve both made it possible for those of us who were weary to refocus.” Kellen nodded respectfully at Vidar.

  “What’s the use of being a king if you can’t provide sanctuary for your peers, family, and friends?” Vidar didn’t shrug but he might as well have.

  “It’s never been done before.” Felicity’s bright eyes took in Vidar and Lajos. “But you two decided to go against what we’ve always thought and now not only have you made a home of sorts for those of us in sore need, you’ve also shown us we can aim for something very different than what we wished for in the past.”

  Kellen rolled his shoulders. “The thing is, with the new crystal capabilities, we’re seeing less demand for our services.”

  “Really?” Lukas blinked in the wake of this information.

  “Oh yes. These crystals can secure treasures as well as us or a dragon. Which means we’re becoming obsolete.” Ari brushed hair off her cheek. “That means we must find something else to do with our skills.”

  Lajos’ semi-snort turned their attention to him. “There are plenty of things Aasguard warriors can do. Why we’ve merely been protectors all these years is a travesty.”

  “Yes. After becoming king, it has become very evident other nations could use an Aasguard to assist with the actual running of the country, not simply keeping their possessions or persons safe.” Vidar flicked lint off his trouser.

  “I’ve left positions because it became very evident to me that the king or queen didn’t have any notion about what it means to run a nation.” Felicity shook her head. “Best to vacate that sort of employment as the nat
ion always crumbles.”

  “Definitely.” Kellen studied Felicity’s face and Ari’s heart dropped.

  Why is he looking at her?

  Then that little voice in the back of her mind reminded her that he had every right to do so. They had never been restricted in marrying each other if they so desired. This practice hadn’t been condoned, of course, but they hadn’t been prohibited, either.

  “So you have the choice to take the position you want?” Lukas inquired at large.

  “Always. If you don’t like the feel of the place, you always move on.” Vidar intoned this with all the authority his experience afforded him.

  Ari didn’t wince as she counted all the years. They piled to staggering numbers. Just within this room, the Aasguard experience levels combined to a worthy amount.

  “Between us, we encompass plenty of experience.” Ari perused her peers and brothers. “And there’s no reason why we shouldn’t make use of this knowledge.”

  Lajos grinned. “I don’t remember Ari being this bossy?” He cocked an eyebrow at Vidar.

  “It’s always been there, but she usually manages to hide it.” Vidar’s grin matched Lajos’.

  “Neither of you are funny. However, it’s evident we do need to train up those we already have.” She nodded to Raene and Stefana.

  Vidar’s grin morphed into a frown. “The thing is, as we mentioned, the early days of training are textbook, but both Raene and Stefana already possess the leadership and finance skills they require. They’ve both been taught that from birth.”

  “Our father started our finance training from the moment we learned mathematics.” Lukas backed up Vidar’s claim. “And yes, Raene and Stefana spent a lot of time with Queen Margina.” Margina had been Raene’s mother and the queen before her.

  Ari sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as she studied the two queens. “I think a couple of us need to research what we were taught all those years ago. Much of it might not even be relevant now.” Again, that whole experience thing and the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of years had passed.

  “You mean that we might need to reevaluate what is taught?” Kellen met her eyes.

  Her heart skipped, but Ari didn’t allow this to entice her. They had a job to do. An important one. “Yes. Raene and Stefana need to be fully trained if they’re developing these additional abilities, and it’s evident they are. Raene is already well on her way, despite not knowing what has been happening.”

  “She is. I’ve witnessed that same evidence.” Kellen’s agreement came immediately.

  “We need to train them, but perhaps you and I, as their primary teachers, should determine what, specifically, they need to know.” Her gaze rested on Stefana. “The finance and leadership abilities are already there, but we should assess whether we need to add to those skills.”

  Kellen also studied Raene. “I’m confident that as the queen, and the crown princess before that, Raene is perfectly capable in her leadership skills. From what Henry,” Henry was Lukas and Stefana’s father and a financial genius, “has said, Raene is adept in the art of finance.”

  He turned to Vidar. “Neither Stefana nor Raene will require additional training in either of those areas.”

  “What additional training is there?” Lajos frowned. Of all of them in the room, he’d been the longest out of training.

  “There are the civilities, which again, none of our students require.” Ari used her chin to point to the three in the room. As royalty, Raene and Stefana had been taught these nuances from the cradle.

  “Lukas, I assume you’ve undergone similar training as Raene and Stefana?”

  “I have. Most of what they were taught, I was as well. As well as all that is required of a warrior.” Lukas adjusted his sword. The action unconscious and graceful. Exactly as an Aasguard would do.

  “The thing is, while Lukas spent a great deal of time on the training field,” Stefana pointed in the direction with extreme accuracy behind her, “Raene and I did not. We’ve been instructed in swords and self-defense now, but we certainly lacked that sort of training in our youth.”

  “My father did instruct me, but when he died…” Raene swallowed, gripping Vidar’s thigh. “However, he instructed me, but not Stefana.”

  Ari thought about that. “So Raene, you came to Vidar with some knowledge of swordplay?”

  “Yes. I already knew the basics. I came with a rusty knowledge, but I had already mastered the nuances.”

  “That’s the most difficult time.” Kellen also studied Stefana. “If Stefana didn’t even know those basics, then her superior skills now are even more impressive.”

  Stefana’s cheeks turned bright pink. “I had an excellent teacher.” She pointed to Ari.

  “I had a little bit to do with your success, but your dedication to learning, despite hating every moment of the practice, and your own athletic abilities aided you more.”

  “I didn’t hate every moment. Just the initial learning parts.” Stefana straightened her skirts. “Learning how to hold the sword and how to use it, and then various positions for self-defense proved challenging.”

  “That’s always the case. You’re learning something very new, so it is challenging at first.” Lukas waved that away.

  “The trick is to encourage beginners to continue until the movements become natural.” Ari added her own reassurance.

  “So all new warriors want to give up?” A tinge of amusement infused Raene’s comment.

  “Oh yes.” Vidar didn’t hesitate. “All of us wished to give up.”

  “I can’t remember any of the men I trained with who took to sword play or combat training.” Lukas rubbed his chin, deep in thought. He shook his head. “No, none of us wanted to continue.”

  Stefana glanced at her husband. Lajos gathered her hand in his. “It’s true. You’re in excellent company. Although you’re well past the beginner stage now.”

  Ari shoved away the feelings of longing and the desire for companionship that wasn’t a dragon.

  Those thoughts would only lead her down a path that ended at the edge of a high cliff.

  Kellen forced himself for at least the fiftieth time to yank his attention from Ari. It proved harder and harder.

  She, in the manner of all their kind, didn’t reveal much. Yet he could somehow feel what she felt. This seemed so far-fetched as to be ludicrous. He’d been fine while she assisted her eldest brother in Swiftland and he the middle brother in Montequirst.

  Where he’d remained busy training Raene and guarding her treasury. He appreciated his interactions with Vidar.

  The time here had offered him the opportunity to heal, although his wounds had disappeared after two weeks. He hadn’t even scarred after taking out that army intent on conquering Montequirst.

  That faraway land who hadn’t heard of Aasguard warriors now knew to be respectful and to not attempt to take over a country with one in residence. The entire land should know the history and strength of the Aasguard.

  Their dwindling number made teaching new recruits a priority.

  He studied Lukas. The man did indeed show all the hallmarks of one of their kind. Chagrin swelled through him that he hadn’t noticed.

  This only further proved that people shouldn’t be jealous. Or more specifically, that he shouldn’t be jealous. It didn’t aid him in anyway and had hindered him.

  The clock struck the hour, and everyone peered at it in shock. “Oh no.” Raene burst to her feet.

  “We should have started preparing for the birthday feast ages ago.” Stefana joined her, both women gaping in horror at the clock face.

  “You have plenty of time.” Vidar offered some much-needed advice, which neither woman took.

  Both of them rushed from the room, intent on their suites.

  This left the five Aasguard warriors and Lukas in the room.

  Kellen glanced at Ari and Felicity. “Neither of you are rushing off to change.” And he didn’t expect either of them to do so. />
  Felicity rose and stretched. “I should change into something a little more festive.” She didn’t sound in the least concerned, however.

  Ari did not join her. “I don’t own anything more festive.”

  He understood since he himself boasted enough clothing to fit in a sack he could easily carry. Nothing more, nothing less. It was their way of life.

  Their most treasured possessions were their swords and their wits.

  While he and his companions all boasted wealth to rival what they protected, or that proved greater, in fact, none of them spent money. This practice hadn’t been drilled into them, it merely came about due to their transition from human to Aasguard.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d even visited his own treasure-house. Deep in the mountains, with an entry that would kill a human foolhardy enough to seek his wealth, he’d practically forgotten about the monies that continued to pour into the vault he’d built as a newly minted Aasguard. He’d carved his treasury out of the solid rock, making it deep and capable of expanding if needed.

  Kellen had been forced to expand it several times. Perhaps it was time to do something with that money. A lot of good could come from it, but he had no idea where to start.

  Lukas was soon called away. Next, Lajos and Vidar both stood and exited. He guessed they were intent on distracting their wives from their toilette. Both men probably also needed to change into something more befitting their roles as kings.

  The brothers hadn’t succumbed to the typical court dress dictated for men. A decision he whole-heartedly applauded. Instead, they had changed the material of their trousers and tunics, the typical warrior garb, to reflect their station, but hadn’t changed the functionality of their attire.

  No warrior would be caught in the fancy ruffled shirts, ridiculous collars, and neck scarves the men in most courts wore. Lajos had mentioned that Vidar had worn one of those cravats for his wedding, but he’d also intended to use it as a weapon if need be.

  Kellen couldn’t help but notice the man hadn’t taken to wearing the neck cloth on a regular basis. He also guessed Vidar wouldn’t be sporting one tonight.


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