The Seeking Series Box Set

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The Seeking Series Box Set Page 50

by D. R. Grady

  “You’re thinking of creating a school for new Aasguard warriors?” Their host, King Faulk, inquired during the soup course.

  Kellen hadn’t realized how hungry he was until they sat to supper. So far, the fare had been simple and nourishing. A meal exactly to his tastes. His companions all ate with appetite as well, while the dragons had been treated to a fresh meal outside.

  Several of the warriors here had taken to the three dragons and had no problem hunting for them. Aern and Fricassa were perfectly capable, but they’d expended much energy and they insisted on flying back to Swiftland tonight, so the warriors had hunted for them. Now they rested while their Aasguard companions dined.

  “Yes, we are.” His gaze rested on the man’s sister-in-law. “Drika is a warrior?”

  Faulk didn’t snort, but the implication was there. “She usurps any male warrior she’s ever met, other than Aasguards.” His mouth pulled down. “Of course, this has narrowed her list of suitors to none. Meeting you and your wife and hearing you’re thinking of opening a school makes me excited for Drika.”

  “You believe she’ll be a good candidate for us?” Kellen’s heart had jumped at the man calling Ari his wife. He liked that very much. But he also considered what the man said about Drika.

  “She does come from royalty?”

  “Oh yes. Her parents are the queen and king of Friesenland.”

  “Their mother is the queen?”

  “She is. They have an older brother who will become the king. He’s also an impressive warrior. Drika is next, and then my wife.” Faulk looked upon Rajie with every evidence of love.

  Kellen wouldn’t have recognized this six months ago. He could express surprise that he did now. “Stefana’s twin brother, Lukas, is a warrior of renown. He shall be our first pupil. Queen Raene who Vidar and I have been instructing and Stefana, who Ari has instructed will continue their training.”

  Faulk paused in sipping the hot beverage in his mug. “Queen Raene and Queen Stefana are becoming Aasguards or they’re simply learning how to be warriors?”

  “Queen Stefana transitioned to full Aasguard when the desampus snatched her today. Queen Raene is well on her way.” Kellen held up a hand. “No one had any idea they would turn upon marrying their Aasguard husbands.” He set down his spoon. “This is new to all of us.”

  “Will this newness prolong your school opening?”

  “That and winter approaches now. We are considering opening the school in the west.”

  The king sucked in a deep breath. “As in right beside us?” He pointed toward the border between his kingdom and the wild west.

  “Yes.” Kellen reconsidered. “Actually, we haven’t fully discussed where. We’ve yet to determine a location.”

  “We would heartily welcome you on our other side. With Swiftland to our east, and your school to the west, we’d fully support that.”

  “The school needs to be in an area where we can fully train our students. Where they’ll receive the best possible instruction.”

  “Yes, and rightfully so. We shall be happy to assist you in any way possible.”

  “Should we choose west of you, we shall likely require assistance.”

  “It’s very wild there, but Aasguards and their students shouldn’t have much trouble defending their holdings.”

  They fell into discussing how to legally obtain land, and Kellen came away from the discussion with respect for this young man and much more knowledge than he’d possessed on the subject. An evening well spent. Not to mention a fine meal, and excellent company.

  He very much hoped they did decide on settling to the west. It excited him the most, but he made no commitments until he and Ari had researched every possibility.

  Now, they rose and thanked their hosts, before heading outside to where the dragons rested. None of the three showed any signs of fatigue. They climbed aboard and the dragons leapt into the sky, soon soaring above the clouds.

  Their hosts waved until they couldn’t see them any longer.

  Kellen circled both arms around Ari, breathing her in, thankful all over again for her.

  She nestled into him, wrapping her arms around his, her hands covering his. They didn’t speak. There was no need as the night sped by them under Aern’s wings.

  Lajos and Stefana shared Fricassa, and he was grateful for the larger dragon. Fricassa bordered on toy sized, but she had swelled to accommodate their newest Aasguard warrior. Stefana’s body had changed, she carried more muscle, and more height now that she had left behind her human body.

  Maeze flew with the two older dragons, carrying Felicity as though she’d always done so. While she couldn’t be considered fully mature yet, the young dragon had certainly achieved her final size.

  They arrived in Swiftland in the dead of night and quietly. The dragons made little noise as they settled on the front lawn. Ari had mentioned the stink of decay that used to mar this place, but he didn’t detect any of that now. The odors that greeted him were those of crisp leaves, wood smoke, and fresh air.

  Lajos and Stefana, now moving with the speed, agility, and quiet of an Aasguard, led the way into the palace after thanking the dragons, who took to the air again to head to their abode on the other side of the palace. The royal home looked large and spectacular in the moonlight.

  He looked forward to exploring with Ari. Yet, in the back of his mind, a voice urged him to establish his own home. This particular voice had never spoken to him before. Kellen didn’t mind.

  No one met them as they made their way through the palace. He figured Lajos and Stefana had told everyone to find their rest and not wait up. A caring pair. Even Stefana’s parents must be asleep, which if they’d been ill, was best.

  They separated after offering quiet goodnights, with Felicity down the hall from them. He followed Ari into a feminine space. Kellen appreciated that his wife enjoyed this side of herself.

  Drawing her close, he kissed her.

  “What was that for?” Her husky question stirred interest.

  He smiled before kissing her nose. “You can shower first.”

  Chapter 20

  Ari wrinkled her nose at him, but warmth cascaded at his affection. And she longed to shower, as the stench of battle was her least favorite aspect of her job. She showed Kellen the dainty sitting room, more than adequate closet, and roomy bathroom.

  He took it all in but urged her to bathe while he secured their bedchamber. She enjoyed that he wished to perform this task tonight. While perfectly competent, it was nice to leave that matter in the capable hands of her husband.

  She didn’t linger in the shower, as she was certain he also wished to use the space. Ari toweled off and donned a nightgown she had procured during their Montequirst visit. It wasn’t the typical nightwear she preferred.

  This had been purchased solely with her husband in mind.

  Covering the garment with a robe, she called to Kellen and then sat at the vanity to dry her hair. He kissed her again on his way to the shower and left behind that lingering warmth.

  By the time her hair could be slept on, he finished and donned only loose trousers before padding to her.

  “My hair is still damp.”

  “So I see.” His eyes were naked in the dim light. “You’re beautiful.”

  Ari rose and simultaneously dropped her robe. Kellen’s sharp, indrawn breath was everything she hoped for.

  He didn’t wait for permission but scooped her into his arms and hurried to their bed. Where he laid her reverently on the surface and followed her down. “I can’t believe you’re my wife.”

  She threaded her fingers through his damp hair. “I feel the same. We have a companion now, who isn’t a dragon.”

  Their next kiss spread light into places that had grown darker and darker through the years.

  “Will we open a portal?” Some of the light fled as a few anxieties made themselves known.

  He paused, and while shadows flitted across his face, took time to reas
sure her. “Mozark said we would not. He also feels that he and his wizards have securely locked all of them.” His hand caressed her cheek before dipping to span her neck and trace her arm. Awe lit his face.

  She could fully concur.

  They lost themselves in the magic of the moment.

  Gentle, early morning rays of sunlight slanted across her eyes. Ari awoke to utter warmth and the enticing scent of a clean, sleeping male. She smiled before kissing his eyelids to curve down his cheek to his neck.

  An encouraging noise hummed from his throat.

  Leaning back to peer into his face, Ari noted that Kellen’s amber eyes didn’t look sleepy in the least. He rolled so she was on top and kissed her good morning.

  Her being swelled as she gazed into those orbs she was permitted to see every single day now for the rest of their lives.

  Blinking away tears, she didn’t have words to express the emotions tumbling about in her heart.

  “I can feel how happy you are.” His hoarse voice could be early morning huskiness, but she thought the scratchiness might be due to him responding to the same emotions inside her.

  “I can’t believe we have each other now. I never knew how much I needed you.”

  “We don’t need each other.” He shook his head and her heart took a nosedive. “That’s the beauty of this. We want to be together and we are far better together, but we don’t need to be together to do our jobs.”

  Her heart ceased its plummet and settled back into place as she thought on what he stated. “No, we don’t need each other.” This relationship remained healthy because it offered them companionship and a partner, surcease from the loneliness.

  But they could continue to live without one another. “We are better together though. We don’t have to face the loneliness.”

  “No. We can mold and shape our future together, rather than taking a position here and there where we’ll grow bored within the hour.”

  She grimaced. “Maybe even sooner than an hour.” Ari leaned forward to kiss him. “Now we can make our own decisions.” But she still gnawed at her lip for a moment.

  “You’re concerned about the portals.”

  “I am.” She traced his lips. “It’s not fair that others will be discouraged from marrying, at least for a short time, while we are bonded and enjoying this state so much.”

  Kellen sat up, taking her with him. “Yes. I agree.” He encircled her with both large arms, holding on as though with all his might.

  But she understood. Even though they didn’t need each other, in the back of her mind, she knew she couldn’t return to her previous lonely life. Had no desire to live by herself now.

  She’d done that for what felt like eons, with only a dragon for companionship. Kellen was a fellow Aasguard and therefore the same species as her. They melded together in every way, the way nature had intended.

  He slept with her, beside her, holding her. His eyes darkened and his muscles grew taut when she chose nightwear not normal to their kind. He laughed with her, discussed pressing matters with her, trained with her… All different than her dragon companion who’d been a bit older when they joined forces.

  Now she had so much more with Kellen. And she didn’t ever want to live without him. But it might be too early to tell him that. Maybe she’d never be able to tell him.

  Instead, she shoved those anxiety-inducing thoughts aside and wriggled closer. They still had a little time before they needed to rise to train.

  She intended to make the most of the time they had.

  After training with Ari, Lajos, Stefana, and Felicity, Kellen didn’t change his mind on how helpful it was to train with other Aasguards. He’d worked up a sweat again and Felicity and Ari showed them a new technique he and Lajos hadn’t seen before. It’d be helpful in certain situations and he added it to the curriculum they’d teach their new students.

  Stefana strode back to the palace with him and he asked her the question on his mind. “Has Rykert started to train your brother?”

  She shook her head. “No. Did Rykert know that was the plan?”

  “Probably not. But he is training Raene?”

  “Yes. She’s happy to have new instructors because she said all of them have brought new things to her attention.”

  Felicity and Rykert would trade places at some point, as she intended to train the women of Montequirst. Most likely Rykert would return here to Swiftland.

  “Do you think Swiftland is ready for Lukas?”

  She nibbled on her lip but nodded. “Yes. I believe we are. The women are excited to learn, and I believe in the back of their minds they fear the next attack.” Stefana’s jaw hardened. “In light of portals opening, which I had no idea even existed, I’d like to see them at least not feel helpless.”

  Kellen stopped walking. “Helpless?”

  “Do you remember when I was kidnapped from Montequirst?”

  “Yes.” He blew out a rough breath.

  “When Ostard brought an army against Montequirst to try to force Raene to marry him, I was sent to the treasury, the actual space where Aern usually resided. If the army had penetrated, which Vidar and Aern both assured me they wouldn’t, I had nothing.” Her hand wrapped around her sword hilt. “By then, Raene had started wearing Driies. And after that experience, I completely understood her need to do so. Even wearing the weapon helps to remove that terrible sensation of being helpless.”

  Kellen swallowed the large lump in his throat. By now the others had caught up with them. None of them had been helpless in so long he’d forgotten what that felt like. “I…” He could offer nothing.

  “You all have been so far from helpless for centuries.” Stefana looked him and Lajos in the eye before continuing. “You can’t imagine being a maiden; someone who doesn’t enjoy the strength of a man. With a face and body that attracts someone larger and stronger than you. Who might be inclined to disregard your wishes about your body. You probably can’t imagine being relegated to drawing rooms and the bedroom, never considered in terms of education or something as simple as weapons training.” Stefana drew in a deep breath. “But I’ve lived this.”

  Ari joined her, shoulder to shoulder. “As have I.”

  Felicity stood on Stefana’s other side. “Me, too.”

  His mouth dropped open. “Ari? You?”

  “Oh yes. Remember when I said my father didn’t wish me to train? Didn’t intend for me to be anything other than a married woman and mother?”

  “I remember.” It proved difficult to speak through the lump in his throat.

  “Lajos noticed that I had a burning desire to train. It consumed me and he snuck me out before he left for Aasguard training and taught me the basics.”

  “When I left for my training, Vidar took over and continued her education.”

  “What happened when Vidar left?” Felicity asked.

  “By then I returned for a home visit and saw immediately that she had exceeded expectations, so I brought her to the attention of my instructors. They observed her and invited her to the training.” Lajos settled troubled eyes on Ari. “Our mother didn’t disagree with our father often, but in this she firmly planted her foot and I heard her shouting at him a few times. She never did that.”

  “It didn’t matter what he believed. I intended to accept that invitation and once he realized that, he stopped protesting.”

  Lajos snorted. “He stopped speaking to you all together, didn’t he?” His jaw tightened though.

  “Correct. I didn’t care. Nothing would have prevented me from leaving his house to train. To not be helpless any longer. Your teaching me to fight helped immensely, but I needed more.”

  “It wasn’t until finally becoming an Aasguard warrior that I stopped feeling helpless.” Felicity inserted this truth. Ari’s vigorous nod stole his breath.

  The sudden deep exhalation left him light-headed. “I had no idea.”

  “Neither did I.” Lajos reached out a hand to his sister. “How did you hid
e that from me and Vidar?”

  “It’s so deeply seated in the female psyche that you wouldn’t have noticed it.” Stefana stated this with conviction. As though she owned it.

  Felicity and Ari both nodded. “There is nothing worse than that feeling of helplessness and it doesn’t come simply because you’re a female.” Her eyes met those of the two other women.

  “It’s because you’ve experienced it.” Stefana again stated a truth that she felt all the way to her bones. And Ari and Felicity felt it with her.

  He perceived that. Now he finally understood a little of what they spoke. He glanced at Lajos, at a loss as to what to say. Lajos returned his look.

  “Imagine knowing you can be overpowered and…” Stefana paused as though struggling for the correct words, “hurt because you’re a female, and therefore considered weaker.”

  “I’ve never experienced that. At least not since I was a child. But I don’t remember anyone who sought to hurt me.” Lajos wrapped an arm around Stefana. She didn’t resist but she didn’t sink into him the way she normally did. This ran deep. Much deeper than Kellen could fathom.

  “This is why Lukas needs to come here. These women are eager to start learning.” Perhaps Ari concluded the conversation the best.

  With utter intention to aid and help other women who must have felt like this in the past.

  He straightened his shoulders. “We’ll do whatever we can to help him.”

  Lajos nodded. He also studied his wife as though he’d never seen her before.

  Kellen admitted that he hadn’t begun to delve into what had made Ari who she was. And now that he’d seen those depths, he wanted to know more.

  Much, much more.

  Chapter 21

  Ari sensed all was not well with Kellen, but she didn’t know how to broach the subject. Since their conversation this morning before breakfast, he’d been brooding. Or what felt like brooding.


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