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Truth Page 12

by Penelope Sky


  Anna connected the dots quickly, shooting me an alarmed expression.

  Damien slowly turned back to me, his eyes livid, no longer sympathetic whatsoever. “I thought you weren’t seeing him anymore.” He clenched his jaw tightly, his green eyes hostile. There was nothing that made him angrier than Heath’s existence. He turned into a psychopath anytime he was mentioned.

  “I wasn’t, but—”

  “Then why the fuck is he here?” he immediately yelled, going from zero to sixty in a second. “You don’t need him to take care of you. You’ve got me. You’ve got Annabella. Dad.” He marched to the bedroom door.

  “Damien!” I couldn’t chase after him, not in my state.

  Anna covered her eyes. “Oh god…”

  Damien pushed the door open.

  Heath must have anticipated it because he’d put on jeans and a shirt. He stood there with his arms by his sides, giving Damien an impassive expression, like he didn’t feel anything as he looked at him.

  “Get the fuck out.” Damien shoved him in the chest.

  “Damien!” I couldn’t believe my brother was acting this way. I moved my crutches as fast as I could to get to him.

  “It’s fine.” Heath held up his hand to me, not wanting me to slip and fall. “I’ll go.” He moved around Damien and walked past me to the door.

  I couldn’t let him walk out of there, being treated like shit by Damien, when he was the one who was there for me. “Wait.”

  Heath kept walking.

  “Heath.” I raised my voice so he would be forced to listen.

  He stared at the door for a few seconds before he turned to me, unable to hide his annoyance.

  I turned back to Damien, who was seething. “He’s the one who’s been taking care of me, Damien. He was there when I broke my ankle. He was in the audience, and I had no idea. He took me to the hospital, and he’s been busting his ass around here to take care of me—”

  “I don’t give a shit—”

  “Shut your fucking mouth right now!”

  Damien’s eyebrow shot up in astonishment.

  “You’re going to listen to every goddamn word I have to say.” I felt weak on the crutches, but my voice was stronger than ever. “I ended things with him after our last conversation, but I’ve been so fucking miserable, Damien.” Tears came to my eyes, bubbled like boiling water, and then streaked down my cheeks. “I can’t do this. I can’t live without this man. It’s not because he’s taken care of me, not because he’s been submissive to you even though you treat him like shit. It’s because I love him.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not going to change my mind—”

  “I don’t need you to change your mind, Damien.”

  His expression hardened.

  “Because I’m going to be with him anyway. He’s my fucking soul mate, and if you don’t love me enough to even try, then that’s just sad. I know you love me enough to look past this, but you just choose not to because you’re selfish. If you want to ostracize me because you don’t accept who I love, that’s fine. But I hope you change your mind someday—for your sake.”

  Damien didn’t move or react, as if he couldn’t believe I’d just said all of that.

  “Don’t tell him to leave because he has every right to be here. You’re the one who’s unwelcome, Damien. So, get the fuck out of my apartment.” I breathed hard because of the exertion my speech had caused. It was a catharsis of emotions, both freeing and damning.

  When he spoke again, he was calm. “Dad will never—”

  “He deserves a lot more credit than you give him. Because I see the way he loves me, and he would put aside whatever reservations he has about Heath if I asked him to, if I told him this was the man I wanted to spend my life with. And that’s a hell of a lot more than I can say for you.” My body shook because I was so angry, my tears rivers down my cheeks. “Now go, Damien. Take your approval and shove it up your fucking ass.”



  I stepped out of the way of the door since I was blocking it.

  But I could barely think—because I couldn’t believe that had just happened.

  Anna opened the door first and walked out without looking at me.

  Damien stared at his sister, in just as much shock as I was. He breathed hard and fast, like he wanted to make his own speech, but he must have deemed it futile because he didn’t. But he was livid.

  Catalina turned around and headed back to the couch, moving slowly because the crutches were a brand-new sensation. She leaned the crutches against the couch then slowly lowered herself down, careful not to hurt her foot. Then she looked away, like she refused to watch her brother go.

  Damien finally dropped his gaze and moved to the door.

  I refused to move because I would seem weak if I did.

  He stopped and stared at me, his expression more enraged than I’d ever seen it. It was like he wanted to kill me, wished his first assassination attempt had been successful so he wouldn’t have to deal with all the bullshit my survival had caused.

  I didn’t say a word, but I didn’t drop my gaze either. I didn’t give a gloating smile or a sarcastic remark.

  Then he walked out.

  I shut the door behind him, turning all the locks.

  When I turned back to Catalina, her body was pivoted away, her uninjured leg hiked up on the couch, her knee pointed to the ceiling. Her fingertips rested across her mouth, like she was trying to hide a trembling lip.

  I slowly moved to the couch and lowered myself to the seat beside her.

  She didn’t look at me, her watery eyes shining so bright.

  My hand cupped her cheek, and I forced her gaze on me. I looked at her in a new way, a way I couldn’t describe. The feelings inside me were inexplicable. I still couldn’t process what had happened, what she’d just done for me. “That’s my baby…” My thumb swiped across her cheek and caught the tear that fell. She’d turned back into the fiery woman I’d met in the summer, the woman who had a mouth that could win a war. It was the reason I fell in love with her in the first place, and the reason my love had just doubled in size.

  She closed her eyes, more tears escaping from under her closed lids. “I’m sorry I hurt you…”

  “You just made up for it—a million times over.” I pressed my forehead to hers as I cupped her face. “I want to marry you right now…” I’d told her I loved her barely a month ago, but I could commit to her for the rest of my life right then and there…because I just knew. I knew she was the one. She was my Cassini. “I love you so fucking much.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. “I love you too.”

  My other hand cupped her cheek, and I held her there, my fingers pushing her hair out of her face.

  “I want to marry you too.”

  Did I just ask her to marry me…and she said yes? I pulled away slightly and looked at her, my breath coming out shaky because I couldn’t believe this was reality, like I was in a dream…a dream where I got everything I wanted. It wasn’t my intention to propose, but now that I knew her answer, it could be. “Did we just get engaged?” I’d never thought about proposing to a woman, never even imagined how I would do it with Catalina, but I knew it was supposed to be a grand gesture, a fancy dinner with flowers, a beautiful ring in a box. I didn’t give her any of that, but it felt perfect…perfect for us.

  She looked into my eyes, more tears coming, but a different kind of tear. Her lips rose in a slight smile, and she nodded. “Yes…if you’re really asking me.”

  I wanted to pull her into my lap and hold her so tight, but she was too injured to move like that. I couldn’t lay her down and make love to her. All I could do was touch her like this. But it was enough, because I had the rest of my life to do those things. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them, I felt the moisture that formed on my eyes, felt the emotion break through the ribs that encased my chest. “Yes, baby. I’m asking you.”

nbsp; I wanted to quit my job so I could stay home with her.

  The last thing I wanted to do was leave her…to go to work.

  But I had responsibilities I couldn’t ignore. At least I was in a better mood, no longer miserable over the woman I’d lost…because she’d fought for me. She’d stood up to her asshole brother and picked me.

  She picked me.

  I stepped into the Underground and headed to my throne. Half of the guys were there. The rest were doing patrols.

  Before I even got to my seat, one of the girls brought me a beer and set it beside me.

  I fell into the chair and took a deep drink, letting the foam cover my lips before I wiped it away.

  Steel came to my side. “Heath, can I talk to you for a second?”

  “What is it?” I turned to him, my chin propped on my knuckles, bored because I wished I didn’t have to be there.

  He glanced at the men before he turned back to me. “In private.”

  This must be important, so I rose from my chair and headed to my office, a room I hardly ever used.

  He shut the door behind him.

  “What is it?” I turned around and leaned against the desk, my arms crossed over my chest.

  “Are you not charging Damien anymore?”

  The question caught me off guard. “Why?”

  “Are you?”

  “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Because Vox said it’s true. Is it?”

  I didn’t like to be questioned about my decisions, so I glared at him.

  “You told Damien you were collecting all his profits, but now you’re collecting nothing. Why?”

  “For reasons you don’t need to worry about. We have enough cash to count as it is.”

  Now, he glared at me. “So, you aren’t collecting from him?”

  I cocked my head slightly.

  “Because the men are talking, and they’re wondering if it’s true.”

  “Why are they talking about this? We have a million things to worry about right now.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know how it started.”

  I believed Steel wouldn’t lie to me or betray me, so I didn’t suspect it was him. “Is Ian talking?”

  He shook his head. “He seemed just as surprised as I was.”

  “And who told him?”


  “Who told you?”

  “Clyde. But it seems like everyone knows, and they aren’t happy about it. You might want to change that.”

  That wasn’t an option. After everything that had just happened with Damien, I couldn’t provoke him at all. And I intended to marry his sister, so I should be gaining his favor, not pushing it further away. “Let it go.”

  “What are you telling me?”

  “I’ll find a replacement and give them something new to talk about.” I pushed off the desk and walked around him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I want to finish that beer.”

  It was a little after sunrise when I stepped off the elevator.

  Balto was awake, in his workout shorts, sneakers, and no shirt, like he was about to hit the gym after he’d finished his protein shake. He stepped out of the kitchen as he drank from his shake. “You look like you’re in a better mood.”

  I grinned as I walked toward him, seeing the world with a new set of eyes, a new excitement. “Because I am.”

  “You win over Damien?” He closed the cap of his bottle and shook it to mix the protein powder with the water.

  “No. Catalina told him to fuck off.”

  He abruptly stopped moving, the bottle no longer shaking.

  I smiled. “That’s my baby…mouthing off.”

  He dropped the bottle to his side. “What changed her mind?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. She just did.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear it. Maybe you and Damien can resolve your problems sometime down the road.”

  “Maybe.” Probably not. But I was grateful my relationship with Catalina was no longer conditional on his approval. She’d fought for me, stuck her neck out for me, and she was loyal to me like one of my own men. “She broke her ankle a couple weeks ago at a performance, and I’ve been taking care of her. Maybe that had something to do with it.”

  “Ouch, that sucks. She going to be okay?”

  “She’ll be fine. She’s made of something harder than the rest of us.”

  Balto didn’t smile because he never did, but he gave me an affectionate look with his eyes, like he was happy to see me this way, to see me get what I wanted.

  “And I have some news…”

  “Yeah?” He started to stir his bottle again, letting the particles break apart.

  “I asked her to marry me.”

  He halted again, this time his expression full of surprise.

  “Yeah…kinda just happened.”

  “You got down on one knee and gave her a ring?”

  “No, it just happened. It was in the moment, hard to explain. But she said yes, so I guess I’m engaged.”

  “Whoa. Last time I saw you, you were dead like a ghost. Now, I’ve never seen you happier.” He gripped my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. “I’m happy for you, man.”

  I was glad he didn’t question me, didn’t ask me if it was too soon, if I was certain I wanted to make this kind of commitment to a woman I hadn’t known long. But he didn’t.

  “I’m going to have a sister-in-law.”

  “Yes. And you’ll be there for her if she ever needs to go to the hospital and I’m not there.”

  The affection in his expression increased. “I hope that never happens, but if it does, I’ll be there. I’ll even get her some ice cream if she wants it.”

  “Good.” I smiled.

  “And I’ll die for her.” He turned serious. “The way you would die for my wife.”

  I held his gaze for a while, knowing that was his way of giving his approval, of giving me his blessing. “Thanks, man.” I extended my hand.

  He shook it before he pulled me in for a hug and a pat on the back. “So, what now?”

  “I guess I’ve got to get her a ring.”

  “Yeah. Pretty important.”

  “I could cheap out and give her my diamond.” I held up my hand and looked at the flawless skull diamond on my finger, one of the few diamonds on earth that possessed this unparalleled clarity.

  “I don’t think that’s cheap by any means.” That what he’d done with his wife.

  “I just think she’d want something else. But I’ve never asked, and I can’t ask her.”

  “Too bad you can’t ask Damien.”

  “I could ask Anna, but Damien might kill me if I go near her.”

  “Yeah,” he said quickly. “Don’t do that. Just pick her out something. She’ll love whatever you get her.”

  I shook my head. “My baby is no average woman, so she can’t wear an average ring.”

  He uncapped the bottle and took a drink. “As interesting as this is, I’ve got a workout to complete.” He walked around me. “Let me know how it goes.”

  I walked in the door and set the plastic bag on the kitchen island. “Baby, what are you doing?”

  The faucet was running, and she rubbed the sponge over the dirty plate. “Dishes.”

  “And what did I tell you about doing the dishes?”

  She ignored me.

  I came around the island, seeing her balance on one foot. I moved my chest into her back and turned off the faucet.

  “Ugh,” she said under her breath. “Let me do something.”

  “You can do the dishes all you want when that cast is off.” I picked her up and carried her to the couch, where her glass of wine sat along with her blanket. I set her down, ignoring the irritated look on her face. “I picked up dinner. Thought we could take a break from cooking.”

  She continued to look mad.

  “I went to your favorite place…”

  She tried to keep up her annoyed expression, but that didn’t last long
. The corner of her lip upturned slightly, the excitement in her gaze impossible to conceal.

  “That’s my baby.” I walked back into the kitchen and plated everything before I returned.

  Her favorite dish was gnocchi with alfredo sauce, a carb-filled meal that she usually denied herself, but once it placed in front of her, she couldn’t ignore it. She stabbed the pasta with her fork and dragged it through the sauce before she placed it in her mouth. “Oh man, that’s good.”

  I got a salad because I’d been eating too much lately. I spent most of my time on the couch with her, so I wasn’t as active anymore, not like I was when we had sex all the time.

  “How was your day?”

  She never mentioned her family after the incident with Damien. It was obvious she didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to address it at all. She’d made her speech because her emotions were at their peak, but now that a week had passed, she was herself again. But she probably thought about where her relationship with her brother stood.

  They hadn’t spoken as far as I could tell. “Fine. Saw Balto today.”

  “How is he?”

  “Same. An asshole.”

  She swatted my arm. “Your brother is not an asshole.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I’m the asshole. We’re twins…so it’s easy to get confused.”

  She chuckled slightly. “You aren’t an asshole either, babe.”

  Babe. She hadn’t called me that in a long time. It was nice to hear it again, to hear the nickname wrap around me possessively. “I told him we were engaged.” I hadn’t told anyone else, like Steel, because it felt separate from my professional life. I probably wouldn’t even tell them if I were married, just to protect Catalina.

  “Yeah?” She finished her bite then looked at me. “What did he say?”

  “He was happy for me.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I wasn’t sure how he’d feel about me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You slapped him once, a long time ago. And he probably liked it.”

  She smacked my arm again. “Heath.”

  “What?” I asked playfully. “I know I do…”


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