Stopping at Nothing

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Stopping at Nothing Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  The drive is over quick, Todd’s house is only about a mile from the school. As we pull to a stop in front of the house another bolt of lightning flashes and I jump in my seat.

  “You don’t like storms, huh?” He asks.

  I feel my cheeks heat as I nod. I know it’s kind of a dumb, baby thing to be afraid of, but I can’t help it. I’ve been afraid of thunder and lightning ever since I was a kid. I look up at the house and see that all of the lights are off. I sigh as I think about being home alone when it’s storming like this.

  “Thanks for the ride.” I say as I grab my bag off the floor and go to open the door.

  “Are you alone?”

  His question startles me and I turn to him with wide eyes.

  “I mean, are you going to be ok in the house by yourself when it’s thundering and lightning like this?

  I’m surprised and touched that he would think about me and seems to be worried about me. He’s so attractive that it almost hurts to look at him and he’s worrying about me and giving me rides home like he’s interested in me. None of this makes sense.

  “My mom and her boyfriend should be home any minute.” I say as I once again reach for the door handle.

  Again, he stops me.

  “Wait! Let me get your number. That way if you need anything you can call or text me.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, unlocking it to enter my information.

  “I don’t have a phone.” I say, a little embarrassed to be the only eighteen-year-old without a cell phone.

  “What?” he says with a confused look on his face.

  It looks like he’s trying to figure out if I’m lying about that or not so I continue.

  “It’s just my mom and me and we never have much money so I never got one.”

  “Oh.” He trails off as he looks back at the nice house we’re currently parked in front of.

  “This is her boyfriend’s house” I explain. “We just stay here.”

  Before he can ask me any other questions, my mom pulls up in her car alongside us. I wave at her as she pulls past us and into the garage.

  “See you tomorrow.” I say as I smile at him before I throw the door open and step out into the rain. I wave at him through the window before I dart to the front door. He looks like he wants to say something else to me and even starts to buzz the window down but I can’t deal with any more stress today. I run inside and slam the front door closed behind me before I lean back against the door and close my eyes.

  Chapter Five


  I watch Auden scurry from my car and run through the rain to her front door. She waves at me before she disappears inside and I want nothing more than to leap from the car and follow her inside. To sweep her up in my arms and take her home with me. From our conversation, I got the impression that she didn’t really want to be at this house. She seems so alone and I want to be the person to make her feel wanted and seen.

  I grip the steering wheel as I turn the car back out onto the road and head home. We only live about four blocks from each other and I calculate how early I’ll need to leave tomorrow morning to be in time to pick her up for school. I didn’t ask her but there’s no way that I’m passing up a chance to be alone with my girl and to get to know her better. She won’t need to walk anywhere as long as I’m around.

  I pull my car into the empty garage and sit there for a minute. I’m a lot like Auden. I’m coming home to a house that I don’t want to be at either. My parents are gone. They’re always gone. They travel constantly, rarely checking in on me or coming home for a visit. Sometimes I think that I was a mistake but what’s more likely is I was what was expected of them. They’re all about their image. They wanted the perfect house and the perfect family and the wealthy status and they got it but most of it is just an act.

  I was never close with my parents or family so it’s hard to really miss them. The problem is that I’m not really close with anyone. I have people at school that I talk to and people who take care of the house so I’m never really alone but I don’t think that any of them really care about me. More about what I can do for them. Most people just see dollar signs when they look at me.

  I’m hoping that Auden will be different. She already feels different to me. I can feel this connection with her and I know that she’s it. She’s the one for me and I will do anything to make her realize that and to make her mine.

  The future has never really held much appeal to me because everything was already mapped out. I would go to an ivy league college before settling down and getting married and living off of my family’s oil wealth. It always sounded so boring to me but now that Auden is in the picture, the future seems like this exciting thing that I can’t wait to get to.

  I picture us graduating high school and going to college together. I’ll propose and she’ll say yes and then we’ll get married. We’ll have a bunch of kids and have the big family that neither of us have but that we both desperately want and we’ll grow old together.

  I hold onto that future as I eat dinner alone and get ready for bed. I fall asleep that night with a smile on my face as I think about working towards that future with my girl tomorrow.

  I wake up the next morning and as soon as I remember my girl and how in a half hour, I’ll be with her again, my smile returns. I hop out of bed and race through my morning routine excited and anxious to beat my girl before she leaves her house so that I can pick her up and drive her to school. I scarf down my breakfast and slam through the garage door and into my car before I crank the engine and back out of my driveway. I speed all the way to my girl’s house and pull up out front right as she opens the door and walks outside.

  I hop out of the car and round the hood as she walks towards me and smile as I open the door for her. “Your chariot awaits, Milady.”

  She smiles at me as she slides inside and I close the door behind her. A moment later I’m sliding back behind the wheel and turning to her.

  “You look beautiful today, Auden.” I say and I grin wider when I notice her duck her head and the sweet blush stain her cheeks.

  “You too.” She says as I turn the car towards school.

  I don’t think that I’ve ever driven this slow before in my life but I’m in no hurry to get to school. I’m happy to stay in the car just driving around and talking with her but all too soon we pull into the school parking lot.

  I run around the front of the car and open her door for her before I grab her bag and slide it over my shoulder. I slip my arm around her before we head into school. I ignore the stares and whispers that we get from other students easily because it’s hard to focus on anything when I have Auden in my arms. Unfortunately, my girl seems to notice the stares and I can tell she feels uncomfortable by them. I hold her tighter to me as we make our way to homeroom. I’ll need to figure out what exactly bothers her so much about other people staring at her so that I can fix it. I won’t let anything or anyone stand in the way of making Auden mine.

  Chapter Six


  When I walked out the front door, I couldn’t believe that Ryker was there waiting for me. I wanted to squeal with glee but I figured if he saw me do that I might die of embarrassment. Just like yesterday afternoon, the conversation flows freely between us. It feels like I’ve known him for years and not just 24 hours. There’s just something about him that feels like it clicks or like we have some kind of connection. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the hottest guy that I’ve ever seen.

  I’ve never been attracted to anyone before and I used to think that maybe there was something wrong with me but I guess not because I am definitely attracted to Ryker. I think that maybe Ryker might be attracted to me too. I wonder if he’ll make a move soon. Or ask me out on a date. I’ve never been on a date before.

  We pull into the school parking lot and Ryker opens my door again before he reaches out and grabs my bag from me. He wraps his arm around my back and leads me through the school halls
and to our homeroom. We take our seats in the back of the room and we talk about our classes and how I’m liking the school and town so far. He mentions a new restaurant opening and I hold my breath, wondering if he’s going to ask me to go there with him but we get interrupted by the bell.

  “I’ll walk you to your next class.” He says as we stand and gather up our bags.

  We maneuver down the hall, until we get to my first period, math. I daydream throughout my entire first class until the bell rings and I scramble to pack up my stuff and get out the door. Just as I stand up from my desk, a group of girls approach me.

  “You’re the new girl, right?”

  “Um, yeah. My name is Auden.”

  “Right. Well, since you don’t seem to know yet, I’ll tell you. Ryker isn’t in to you. He just feels sorry for the new girl with no friends. He’s not going to go after some little nobody when he could have any girl that he wanted. His family is loaded and he’s hot as hell. He’s going to go to an ivy league school in a couple of months and forget all about you. Do yourself a favor and find someone more your speed.”

  With that the leader spins on her heel and storms from the room with her two minions trailing after he. I feel like crying but I won’t give them the satisfaction. I hate to admit that I had gotten my hopes up that Ryker might actually like me. What if he just feels sorry for me and how alone I am? I wipe a loose tear from my cheek before I gather up my bag and head for the door.

  As soon as I walk out the door, I see Ryker leaning against the wall next to it. As soon as he sees me, he straightens and smiles down at me. His smile drops though when he gets a good look at my face and I know that my eyes must be red from holding back tears.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?” He asks, immediately on guard.

  “Just some girls being bitches.” I say as I look down at my shoes.

  “Who? What did they say?” He asks.

  “Just some girl, I don’t know her name. She said that you were just hanging out with me because you felt bad for me.” I still can’t seem to look up at his face.

  “That’s bullshit.” My head pops up at the venom in his voice.

  “I’m into you, Auden. A lot.”

  I feel the blush heat my cheeks at his statement.

  “I like you a lot too.” I say as I smile up at him. He smiles back at me as he wraps his arm around my waist and leads me down the hall to my next class.

  That’s how my day goes. Ryker is waiting for me outside class every time and he walks me to all of my classes. We sit together at lunch with our thighs touching and I think this might be the best day of my life.

  We walk to our last class, study hall, together and take our seats at the same table as yesterday. He sits next to me again and he talks to me as I finish my homework for the day. He walks me to my locker again and then out to his car, where once again he holds the door open for me and helps me into his car.

  Over the next couple of weeks this becomes our new routine, until one Friday two weeks later. Ryker picks me up but as we’re driving to school, he reaches over and picks up my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. We’ve been taking things slow between us. Just a few hugs here and there or him wrapping his arm around my waist when we’re walking to class. Holding his hand now just feels natural though. I like how his fingers feel in between mine and how warm and soft his hand feels against mine.

  We pull up to the school but Ryker doesn’t let my hand go. Instead, he puts the car in park before he turns to me in his seat.

  “Go out with me tonight.”

  I was not expecting him to say that. “What?”

  “Go out with me tonight. On a date. We’ll get dinner and maybe see a movie or something.”

  It’s not much of a decision. “Yes!” I practically shout as I beam at him.

  He beams back at me before he pulls me into his arms across the counsel. We hug awkwardly over the cars center counsel before he pulls away from me and gets out, running around the car to get my door for me. He reaches for my hand to help me out of the car but then he doesn’t let go, instead intertwining his fingers with mine again. I smile up at him as he leads me into the school.

  I know that tonight will be our first date but I also know that I’m already in love with Ryker.

  Chapter Seven


  It seems like the day drags by as I wait for school to be over and for it to be time for my date with Auden. I’ve been trying to take our relationship slow because I don’t want to scare her away with how strongly I feel for her. I can still remember when I first told her that I liked her. Like wasn’t the right word then. I love her. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. So connected and comfortable with her.

  Finally, the final bell rings and I walk Auden to her locker. It’s kind of my locker now too since I moved all of my stuff in the first week that she got here. We put our books in and I shoulder both of our bags and grab her hand with mine as we walk out to my car. I hold the door open for her to slide in before making my way around the hood of the car and getting in behind the wheel. I crank the engine and pull out of the parking lot, turning the car towards Auden’s house. We talk about our plans for tonight as I drive her home.

  “I’ll pick you up in an hour?” I ask as I walk her to her front door.

  “Sounds good!” She says with a smile as she opens the door.

  “See you soon.” I say as I lean in and brush my lips against her cheek softly.

  She pauses for just a moment before she smiles up at me and closes the door behind her.

  I race back to my car and head home to shower and get changed. That only takes about twenty minutes and I stare at the clock willing it to move faster until, finally, I can’t take it any longer and head back out to my car.

  When I pull up to her house, I see the front light is on. I pull out my phone and text Auden that I’m outside before opening my door and heading up to her house. I had bought her a phone the first week she got here. It was driving me crazy not being able to get in touch with her or talk to her outside of school. Before I can ring the doorbell though, the door swings open and there stands Auden.

  She’s breathtaking. She’s wearing a navy dress that’s tight around her chest and flares out at her hips. She’s got dark heels on that makes her stand a little bit closer to my height. I can’t take it any longer and I pull her into my arms, catching her off guard so that she stumbles against me. I easily catch her and before she can blink, I press my lips to hers.

  It’s our first kiss and it’s better than I anything I’ve ever experienced. Every night I go to bed thinking about what her kiss would be like and what her lips would taste and feel like. Nothing could prepare me for the real thing.

  Fireworks. That’s the only thing I can think to compare it to. Her lips are soft and warm and fit against mine like they were made to. She moans and I waste no time slipping my tongue into her mouth. She tastes like mint and I wonder if she brushed her teeth in the hopes that we would kiss tonight. I hope so because I couldn’t take not feeling her lips against mine for another second.

  Finally, we come up for air and she stares up at me looking a little dazed. She’s so freaking cute. I’m sure I have a similar look on my face too. God, I love this girl. I slip her hand into mine as I lead her to my car and help her inside. I close the door behind her before I round the car and slip inside. I take her hand in mine again as I pull out of her driveway and head towards the restaurant. I choose an Italian restaurant in the heart of the city. Auden loves Italian food so I know that it will be a hit with her.

  The drive doesn’t take long and soon we’re pulling into the parking lot. I escort her inside and the waitress gives us a booth towards the back that’s away from the other diners and offers a little privacy. I slide in across from Auden and hand her a menu while she looks around the restaurant. It’s decorated simply but it’s easily the nicest restaurant in our small town. She takes the menu from me and I smile as her stomach growls wh
ile she looks over it.

  “Everything sounds amazing.” She moans as she tries to decide what to order. I feel my cock stiffen in my pants as I hear her moan and I can’t help but picture her making that sound when we’re doing other things.

  We’re interrupted by the waiter coming to take our order. I get the lasagna and Auden orders ravioli. He leaves a basket of bread on the table after he takes our menu’s and I push it over to Auden. She smiles at me as she pulls out a breadstick and bites into it.

  “MMMM. I love breadsticks.” She says with a laugh before she takes another big bite.

  I love that she isn’t afraid to eat and I smile at her as she finishes off the last of her breadstick. I pass her the basket again and she smiles as she grabs another.

  “Just one more. I don’t want to fill up on bread and not be hungry for my ravioli.”

  I grab a breadstick too and we talk about cooking and what she likes to make. I had no idea that Auden likes to cook so much but her whole face lights up as she starts to talk about recipes. I imagine her in our kitchen, coming up with new recipes or me helping her make old ones. I want that with her. I want to see her excited when she finds something new that she likes and I want to laugh at her over our misses.

  Our dinner arrives a few minutes later and we both dig in. I let Auden try my lasagna and she gives me some of her ravioli. We talk about which one is better and she tells me what she would do if she made it and how’s she’s always wanted to try to make her own ravioli.

  We talk easily all throughout dinner and I even talk her into splitting a dessert with me. After we’re finished, I pay the bill and lead her back out to the car. The temperature has dropped so I slip my coat off and wrap it around her shoulders. She smiles gratefully up at me and I want to tell her right then how I feel about her. We reach the car though and I decide that it’s too soon. I don’t want to scare her off.


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