Matchmaker Backfire: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants Book 226)

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Matchmaker Backfire: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants Book 226) Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  The door closes gently behind me, but it’s a shaking hand that lets it go.

  I can feel my cock straining against my jeans, pulsing harder with each step I take towards the bathroom door which is ajar on the other side of the cabin.

  Steam’s billowing out and I catch a few hummed strains of a song I don’t know.

  Far more melodic than her old man though.

  I shouldn’t be in here, but then again why does it feel like the most natural thing in the world?

  Why did she leave her door unlocked and jump straight in the shower?

  I stop suddenly, my weight making one of the boards creak loudly under the carpet.

  But she keeps humming, and if I listen hard enough, I can still hear her dad’s muted singing all the way from here.

  With no real plan, I have just my instinct. The need to see her, the fucking unbelievable thrill inside at the prospect of watching her naked.

  I want so bad to stroke myself while I do it but remember my promise.

  It’s all for her, and it’s all or nothing. I won’t waste a drop of my seed until I know I can bury myself balls deep inside her while she screams my name.

  Coming on my dick as it twitches inside her.

  Ah, fuck. This is harder than I ever thought possible. How can she make me so hard and I haven’t even seen her yet?

  Her humming stops suddenly, and I hear her own breath shudder from inside the bathroom, echoing off the walls.

  “Carter?” she asks aloud, her voice trembling.

  I feel relieved but also worried now. I don’t want to scare her.

  I’d never hurt Serena.

  “Carter?” she asks more firmly and I take a bolder step, getting close enough to see her fuzzy flesh-toned reflection in the mirror through the glass shower screen.

  “Uh, yeah… Just me. Sorry. I didn’t know you were-” I start to tell her, hearing my own voice cracking a little.

  Making me feel like a god damned teenager, but what I have for her is all man. One hundred percent, and I’ll make sure I pleasure her so she knows it.

  “After…” she says again, and I feel my heart sink after skipping three beats.

  I guess it’s going to be after forever if we carry on like this.

  “I’ll come back after,” I say softly, turning to go until I hear the shower screen opening.

  “I-I mean, it’s after now, Carter,” she stammers, another sound escaping her like she’s losing control.


  Spinning on my heel and pushing the door open, I catch her nakedness as it falls against me.

  Her low whimper and shaking tells me she’s about as close to coming herself as I am.

  “It’s after… now…” she gasps, reaching up for me as I embrace her, our mouths locked as I groan, pulling her hard against me.

  Feeling her soft nakedness and wishing we could be a thousand miles away from this place.

  “Oh, Serena,” I groan. “I want you so bad… just tell me you want this?” I ask, grasping her hand and pressing it hard against my dick, growling softly when I feel her automatically stroking it up and down.

  “Carter,” she gasps, sounding like she’s hyperventilating. “It’s all I want, you’re all I want.”



  Hearing Carter talk about board games and roasting wieners is the last thing I want to think about.

  Feeling his hands on me, through my ski suit. Kissing his cheek, feeling his eyes on me before and after we went skiing.

  That’s what I want.

  I want more of him.

  I want all of him, and I want him to want all of me. All the parts I can’t even accept. It’s a big ask, but I just feel it inside.

  I just know it.

  If he wasn’t interested, then why grab hold of me like that, why keep reminding me of my promise for after?

  Because I think he’s as much in love with me as I am with him.

  I’ve tried to tell myself a million different ways that it’s stupid, that I mustn’t. That it could never work, but he has to feel the same way I do, doesn’t he?

  I unlock the adjoining door to his cabin room and slip out of my ski clothes and into a hot shower. Hot and steamy enough to hide everything I know I’m shy to show him, but just knowing he has to come to me once dad goes into his own shower.

  Dad’s showers always take at least an hour… enough time for me to at least find out once and for all just how much is real and how much is in my imagination.

  Looks and a few stray touches, even a peck on the cheek is one thing.

  But I want more from Carter, so much more that I don’t even understand it.

  I need him to teach me.

  To show just how much I need him.

  I feel him watching me before it registers he’s actually come in.

  This is really happening.

  All my inhibitions are tight in front of my mind, but once I call out for him, knowing he’s there.

  It feels like we’re both home.

  I want him so much and I know he must want me too, risking coming in here.

  Maybe it’s the steam or the fatigue from skiing, or just knowing that if he doesn’t do something I’ll just burst.

  I stumble out of the shower, willing him to catch me and he does. Into his thick arms, my whole wet nakedness all over him, wetting his clothes.

  But he doesn’t mind.

  Nor does he mind my dad being so close as he asks me to tell him this is what I want, and it is.

  I almost sob my answer, begging him to touch me, to kiss me. To hold me tighter so I can feel him like never before.

  His mouth locks onto mine, his warm tongue instantly swirling against my own. A high sound coming from me, turning low as his firm hands grip me from behind, pushing the familiar sensation of that fat cock of his against me, making me swoon until I feel like I can’t stand it.

  I need him inside me, that’s all I know now.

  No more games or pretending with myself that he’s not interested.

  It’s me and Carter from now on, I can feel it alright.

  Once he tells me he really does want me his hand takes mine and presses it against it and I can feel it just fine.

  Holy crap, the guy is huge, all over.

  I feel like I’m gonna faint, but his rock solid body holding me up like I weigh nothing gives me new strength.

  Ignoring my own nakedness, I clamor onto him, climbing him like some statue of a God sent to earth to save me.

  To complete me.

  I feel him tense, and not from my weight.

  The water hammer sound of the old pipes shudders through all the cabin rooms, followed by my dad’s own high shriek, followed by a curse as we both realize the hot water just crapped out.

  Setting me down, Carter quickly and calmly orders me to put a robe on.

  “Act natural, I was outside getting wood. Got it?” he whispers forcefully, leaving me dazed without his touch but nodding absently as I fumble for my robe from behind the bathroom door.

  When I turn around, he’s gone.

  I hear my dad’s feet thumping outside, then pounding on my door before he opens it.

  “Serena? You in the shower too? How the hell did we lose hot water?” he cries out loud, bustling into my room until he sees me half-dressed, turning on his heel.

  “Ah Jeez, sorry honey. But Jesus Christ bananas, now the water’s out! And where’s Carter got to?” he adds, totally beside himself.

  I hug my elbows, still reeling from Carter’s touch, shivering when I answer.

  “He was getting wood last time I looked, dad,” I answer truthfully.

  Dad’s eyes narrow on me, then he turns back and I can see Carter’s jacket in a heap by the door.

  “Was he now?” dad asks with suspicion until we both hear another thud from outside.

  Dad tightens his own robe and spinning on his heel, pulls open the door, letting Carter in with armfuls of cut logs for

  “Thanks, Greg. Good timing. The tops are wet but it’ll catch. It’ll burn,” Carter says confidently, letting the pile drop into the hopper by the fireplace.

  His own wetness disguised perfectly with bits of damp log and snow from outside.

  Dad shakes his head, shivering as he closes the door.

  “Sorry, buddy. Just had the hot water die on us. I thought you were gonna switch rooms?” he adds.

  “Oh, I was gonna, just setting the fire for Serena, heard she was in the shower. Like you,” he says not missing a beat.

  “Of course,” Dad parrots. “Setting the fireplace. Showers,” he says absently before darting back to his own room.

  I move to get close to Carter again, but he shakes his head.

  I know we’ve had one close call too many.

  We need to wait.

  But for how long?

  And can either of us keep up this charade for a whole week?

  I know I sure as hell can’t.

  I should’ve packed a whole suitcase of panties if I was even going to try.

  By the time dad and I dress in our rooms and congregate in Carter’s room through the connecting doors, he has a fine fire crackling in all three rooms.

  He’s the perfect picture of a man who’s skied during the day and spent the afternoon settling the rooms into a warm and comfortable place for the night, which we all feel settling in early.

  “Looks like I’ll skip my shower,” he announces, not hiding his chagrin and shrugging at my dad who looks guilty for maybe hogging all the hot water in the first place.

  “They have a fire in the lodge,” dad offers. “Maybe another set of showers too.”

  “Would you rather I stayed in the lodge?” Carter says forcefully, holding my dad’s stare with his deep, penetrating eyes.

  “That’s not what I meant,” dad stammers.

  “Then why have me shift rooms in the first place?” he growls.

  “Why have me here at all, Greg?” he asks cuttingly, but not losing his cool.

  Asking my dad simple questions, man to man.

  “I think we’d better calm down,” my dad says, blowing air out of puffed cheeks and not even daring to look at me.

  “We’ve all got cabin fever and we just got here,” he exclaims, laughing to himself.

  “Keep the room if you want, Carter. And don’t mind me, I’m just pissed I had my shower cut short, but we will get it all sorted, I promise,” he adds, picking up the receiver of the lodge phone, telling them about the hot water problem.

  I can’t help but wonder though, how much of what Carter’s said is true, and just how much of our own hot water we’re getting each other into.

  Especially if his room really is gonna be next to mine with only a door between us?

  Carter pretends to poke the fire and I pretend to close my door, keeping it ajar while I get finished drying my hair.

  All that really involves is sitting on the edge of the bed, wishing Carter could just come in again.

  That he could just have me right here, even on this stranger bed which I know wouldn’t feel strange at all if only he’d just pull the covers up over us both and lock all the doors for a few days.

  “That’s right! The whole hot water system just went out… well uh… yes my daughter was… oh. Oh, I see…” I hear my dad murmur from the next room.

  Tying my hair up in a towel, I venture out, moving over to the fire in Carter’s room as an excuse to be near him again, hearing the last of my dad’s comments over the phone.

  “No. No, I don’t think we will be needing a table for dinner at extra cost, thank you. So far, I’ve found the service here to be nothing but rude and condescending!” he finally snaps, slamming down the phone.

  I notice Carter’s brow raised and I stifle a smirk, but it’s not fair.

  Dad’s really trying to keep this whole thing just perfect for the three of us.

  Which is probably why it’s not working.

  “What’s up?” Carter asks, keeping his gaze on the flames in the grate.

  “Damn nonsense is what!” Dad exclaims. “Some BS about having more than one shower running at a time, putting too much pressure on the pipes.”

  He catches himself again.

  “Sorry guys, I really thought this place was first rate. Guess not.”

  “It’s okay, Greg,” Carter reassures him.

  “If you can put up with my stink, how ‘bout we try some of that food you brought with you? Take tonight to just settle in, in our own way buddy?” he suggests, making my dad relax some more as he looks over to me.

  “I’d like that,” Dad says.

  “We can even play board games,” I suggest, stealing a glance at Carter with my teeth over my lip, signaling him I haven’t forgotten our real date.

  Not by a long shot.



  Now I know.

  That’s something, at least I can tell my aching dick it’s not just dreaming of Serena. She actually wants me too.

  This lodge and cabin set up is ancient. I’m actually surprised we have any hot water at all, and Greg’s attitude only gets him a mouthful back from management.

  I wonder just how much they’d take for the place…

  Bought a hotel in Bangkok the one time I went there. It was terrible. Does great now. One of my better investments.

  Like I said though, it’s a good thing Greg comes prepared for anything, and in no time I wash up with some hot water from a kettle and we all settle down to an early evening of cabin entertainment a’ la Greg Blaxhall style.

  I want to make eyes at Serena over Greg’s catch up stories, over his open fire cooking. But before long, it really does feel like we’re all just pals again.

  Roasting hot dogs and sipping hot chocolate while Greg embarrasses me with stories from our youth and me with just as many about him.

  “I had no idea you two were that close,” Serena announces after a few hours, stifling a yawn.

  “We were,” Greg adds, shooting me a fond but almost distant look.

  “We still are,” I affirm. And raising my hot chocolate we both drink to that fact.

  He is my friend, brothers we swore to be, long ago.

  I wonder if he could take the same oath under different circumstances though.

  “It’s late,” I tell them both, realizing we’re in the middle room still. The one I was supposed to swap with Greg.

  “Just let’s keep the doors open,” Greg offers. “Make three rooms one to get some of this heat into them so we can all sleep since you have the biggest fireplace. I’ll chew out management in the morning about their hot water.”

  My eyes lock on Serena’s for the first time since we all sat down, Greg starts to clear up and opens both doors, linking all three cabin rooms into one.

  The draft is noticeable, but in a few minutes and after I put another three logs on the fire, I can tell we’ll all sleep warmer for it.

  As if I need a fire.

  As if I need logs.

  I have the tinder of my heart and groin right in front of me.

  The fire roars to life, popping and hissing which prompts Greg to move the screen over it.

  “G’night sweetie,” he says to Serena, jutting his chin towards her room.

  His own way of telling her to go to bed. Even though she’s an adult.

  “I can take the other room if you want Greg,” I tell him once I see her door close halfway. Seeing it in his eyes. That little glimmer of doubt, confusion mainly. The very same not sure look I probably had myself on the way up here.

  “D’ya mind?” he whispers, cocking a brow.

  I stifle a chuckle and a yawn of my own.

  “No, ‘course I don’t buddy,” I tell him, meaning it.

  Knowing his daughter is mine already. I’ve staked my claim and I know who she belongs to now.

  It’s just a matter of time or chemistry, physics… whatever.

  I can
sleep sound for at least one more night knowing that Serena Blaxhall actually wants me. All doubts dispelled from my mind, and hers too.

  I think we’ll both sleep better knowing we at least have the other waiting for us both to wake up to.

  Even if her dad is in between us.

  It’s like a relief to just know. Y’know?

  Quietly and in the half-dark, just like old times, we find ourselves shuffling our things and moving blankets, bidding the other goodnight.

  I’ve forgotten how close we used to be. How we used to tell each other everything. Every single thought as kids, even as teenagers.

  This one burden though, it’s my own. Because I know it’ll break him.

  But I know it’s the truth and I have to bear it without him for now.

  “G’night, Greg,” I whisper at the doorway, watching him settle onto the huge couch not even needing a blanket as he sighs loudly.

  “Night,” he finally murmurs.

  Looking opposite, I can see a shining pair of blue eyes in the semi-darkness, staring over to me from her own doorway.


  I feel my heart go, almost canceling out everything I’ve just told myself to hold off against. But when I see those eyes…

  When I see the blue-moonlit form of her body against the dark as she quietly opens her door wider, naked before me.

  Knowing her dad’s face is turned in the opposite direction. I can only nod.

  Almost in unison, we mouth the word ‘After’, and staring at each other so long it takes her dad to ask me one more time if I’m alright before I dare turn away; I crawl into a slightly warm but lonely bed.

  Hopefully for the last time in this life.

  Wondering again, just how… how I can get the two of us alone together long enough to claim Serena as my very own once and for all.

  It doesn’t take long before I can hear the heavy sighs and eventual deep sleep breathing of Greg in the next room.

  The fire pops and hisses sometimes under a load of surface-wet wood.

  But all I can see, whether my eyes are open or closed is the image of Serena’s wet and naked body falling into my arms before I kiss her.

  As if it was almost a dream.

  A waking dream I wish I could repeat. One I feel compelled to repeat.

  But the silence from the other end of the cabins, her absence from my bed is the one thing I focus on until I hear the fire dying down in the next room, hours later.


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