Matchmaker Backfire: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants Book 226)

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Matchmaker Backfire: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants Book 226) Page 9

by Flora Ferrari

  “That woman, Wendy your dad set me up with? I saw her leave the night I arrived. Didn’t think anything of it. Only remember because she took the same cab I hired to drive me up to take her back. I thought I was doing the driver a favor by asking reception if anyone needed a ride back down to town…”

  I feel Serena relaxing under my arms and ease her back onto the pillows I set for her head and neck.

  Like it or not, she’s my patient now and I’m not letting her out of my sight for a single minute.

  “So why’s she here again?” she croaks, her voice sounding dry so I reach over for some water for her.

  “Nothing good, that’s for sure. She got chummy with the guy at reception, got it out of him that your dad had left and must’ve seen us together… Or maybe she just used it as an excuse.”

  “Excuse for what?” Serena asks, wincing as she tries to sit up.

  “To blackmail me. Threatening to call your dad and tell him what we’ve done.” I tell her honestly.

  “For money?” Serena asks in disbelief, and I nod. Not wanting her to know the whole story. It’s too ugly. I don’t ever want Serena to think I’d even consider a woman like that in that way.

  In any way.

  “What are we gonna do?” she asks, sounding more worried than ever.

  I know she loves me, and she knows I love her. But hurting her dad is the last thing either of us wants.

  “We’re gonna let you rest this ankle, I’ll get us something to eat, and then as soon as this snow clears we’re gonna get the hell outta here,” I hear myself tell her.

  The determination in my voice reminds me just how much I want her away from this place at any cost.

  She opens her mouth to protest, but I can see she agrees on so many levels.

  I spoke my piece with Greg about him setting me up with his romantic matchmaking, I can’t blame him that the crazy cow came back for her own twisted reasons.

  But there’s no way I want to spend another minute here unless we really have to.

  “And no more going outside or into that damned lodge,” I tell her firmly, glancing at the door before lifting myself to go over and lock it.

  The phone rings again, sounding more like a scream the closer I get to it.

  Without even asking, I know who it is.

  “Carter? What’s going on buddy? I rang earlier. Still can’t reach either of you on the cell phones… is everything alright? Put Serena on will ya, I never got a chance to say g’bye properly.”



  I can tell by the look on Carter’s face.

  I know it’s my dad on the phone.

  The hands to hold me I missed once he left reaching out for me now.

  Now that he’s had some time to come to terms with being suddenly called away from me and our holiday.

  Realizing he’s left his only daughter alone with the one man he must know somehow, deep down loves her more than anything.

  “We must’ve just missed you,” Carter tells my dad casually.

  “We’ve been here the whole time… only stepped out for a minute, on account of the weather... What? You did, huh? I’ll put her on,” he adds gravely, testing the length of the old style handset as he brings it over to the couch.

  “He already spoke to the owners. I don’t know how much he knows,” is all Carter murmurs, shrugging and sitting next to me as he passes me the phone with his hand over it.

  “Hi, Dad!” I blurt out, sounding way too enthusiastic. He only left a few hours ago and not on super great terms with either of us as far as I remember.

  He didn’t want to go, but maybe staying would have been worse.

  This whole Carter and me thing. It’s happened and it would have happened if he was here or not, we both know that.

  “I’m fine honey,” Dad says, breathing a sigh out loudly. “I just wanted to hear your voice. I was pretty horrible with you both when I left. Carter and I had words by the helicopter… Is he still mad at me?” he asks, sounding innocent.

  Like a child, as if how I feel and what Carter thinks of him are the most important things.

  Because I guess to my dad they are. We’re the only family he’s got.

  But I don’t feel guilt like I thought I would.

  I feel sad. Sad for my dad and sad knowing what all of this is gonna do to him, but I don’t tell him that.

  Not yet.

  It’s too soon and it’s not something we can talk about over the phone, which has a terrible connection that crackles and snaps like an old radio.

  “Carter’s not mad, daddy,” I whisper, watching Carter move away to give us privacy. But it’s obvious he wants to know what dad’s saying too.

  I’ll fill him in on everything.

  “Well, even if he was I’m sure he wouldn’t bother you with it,” he adds absently.

  “Say. What’s all this going outside. I’ve been tracking the weather from this end and it looks like you two will be snowed in for at least another day, maybe two,” he exclaims, the worry returning to his voice.

  The same tone he had before he left.

  “Yeah, it’s coming down,” I tell him, suddenly wincing in pain as I forget about my ankle, trying to sit up.

  “What is it, sweetie? What was that, are you hurt?” Dad asks, his voice growing more concerned now like he’s starting to join some dots of his own.

  “It’s nothing. I just slipped and sprained my ankle,” I groan softly, hearing Carter shift back into range as he makes his own little noise of annoyance.

  “You what! Sweetie, why didn’t you tell me? I’ll have them fly in and get you out, first thing once there’s clear weather. Put Carter back on will ya?” he says, using his boss from work voice that I know from experience is pointless arguing with.

  Grimacing, I hold the phone out to Carter and mouth the word sorry.

  I feel like I might’ve just blown the whole thing for us both.

  But Carter being Carter, he doesn’t miss a beat and stands by his promise to me.

  “I know, I know Greg. She’s fine… Look! I’m a trained medic too for god’s sake. I know a sprain when I see one… Okay, okay. Just didn’t want to trouble you with it on top of everything else… How’s it going on your end? Uh-huh…”

  Carter seems to be able to talk my dad down from anything, and his own commanding voice gives my dad’s boss voice a run for its money any day.

  Carter explains he’s waiting for the weather to clear, then he’ll get us both out. I feel a little relief, like Carter’s taking charge. Letting my Dad know he’s gonna take care of me like I always dreamed he would.

  Whisk me away and be my fantasy man that loves me more than anything.

  I just guess I imagined very different circumstances.

  Tropical island maybe, or the river where he jet skied.

  Not some frozen wasteland we’re both stuck in and a swelling ankle that makes my regular puffy ones look petite.

  The sound of his deep voice breaks my reverie, and I feel a little stab of panic, knowing just how much Dad hates not being in control.

  How much he’ll hate the idea of Carter being in charge of me, as well as his truck.

  What about Dad’s truck and gear? We can’t just drive out of here, surely?

  Carter’s eyes meet mine and I feel instantly calm.

  His jaw is set and his brooding eyes dance with the light of a man who has more than one plan, all of which he knows he’s in complete control of.

  I’m glad one of us does.

  “Well. I can have us both flown out like you were, but I’d prefer to take your truck and gear. Save us from coming back for it later,” he tells my Dad, who I can just feel hurling a million questions at him.

  Dad’s job is logistics and management.

  Carter’s job is all that and more.

  “I’ll see what the weather and my options bring in the morning, okay? You’re welcome to check-in Greg… No, I’m not trying to boss yo
u around I’m just trying to… Alright then. You wanna say goodnight to Serena?” he asks, raising both brows in my direction as I prepare myself for the phone again.

  “Honey, Carter, and I have decided it’s best if you come home. He’ll find a way for you both once the weather clears. Don’t worry about the truck, we can sort that out later. The most important thing is getting you both back here in one piece,” he says, sighing heavily again.

  “I gotta go, sweetie, just tell me you’re safe. Tell me you’ll do what Carter tells you?” he asks imploringly.

  “Oh, I will, dad. Don’t you worry about that. G’night daddy.”

  “G’night pumpkin. I love you.”

  “I love you too daddy,” I tell him, meaning it and breathing loudly as I fall back on my mountain of pillows clutching the phone to my chest.

  I sigh loudly again, closing my eyes and only open them when I feel Carter hovering over me.

  I open my lids and see his mouth creasing a smile before he takes the phone back, making me gasp suddenly as his huge hands brush my chest.

  “Dad said I have to do whatever you tell me,” I whisper, feeling myself shiver with heat from my groin up.

  I can’t even feel my ankle when Carter’s hands are anywhere near me.

  “Did he now?” Carter asks with a grin, sidling gently next to me on the huge leather couch, brushing my hair back, and leaning over to kiss me.

  “I’ll get you home, that’s what Greg wants,” he tells me but has a question in his eyes.

  “But, what do I want?” I volunteer.

  He makes a low sound and looks away, moving his hand to my thigh and resting it there.

  “We’d better play by his rules for now… getting you home at least. Your dad will be stuck in Washington longer than he would’ve spent here,” he adds.

  “And what about Wendy?” I ask, not meaning to sound like a brat but I can’t help it. It just slips out.

  “Who?” Carter asks, really searching his mind for a moment and then groaning before kissing me again, holding my face with both hands.

  “I love you, Serena. I don’t even know a Wendy. I told your dad what I thought about all that before he got on his chopper. He won’t be playing cupid again, not with me anyhow,” he assures me.

  “But, she’s still here?” I ask, knowing Carter’s still at risk of her evil blackmailing mind.

  He shrugs, patting my leg gently.

  “Who knows and who cares, darling. It’s you and me now. When the moment’s right, I’ll sit your dad down and explain how it is between us now, don’t worry.”

  I feel a huge weight lifting off from somewhere, knowing that Carter’s in charge, and even though he joked about it, I’ll do anything he says.

  I’ve never felt safer, happier, or more content in my life.

  Or hungry.

  Reading my thoughts, Carter shifts to study our food stores stacked up by the fireplace.

  “Mac and cheese,” I ask pleadingly, pouting in reply to his frown.

  “It’s what I really feel like,” I protest, and he sets to work, making us both the biggest serving of Mac and cheese I’ve ever seen.

  He even offers me ketchup with it once it’s ready, somehow knowing that’s just how I like it.

  Somehow, silly as it sounds, above everything else this just proves to me that he’s the one.



  Settling a few things right over the phone with Greg is a relief. We didn’t part on good terms, and I made sure Serena didn’t hear all I had to tell him about how I felt about his attempts at finding me romance.

  After today and with her ankle, I’m determined to make tomorrow better and even indulge her by only making us both Mac and cheese for dinner.

  I set her ankle in a bandage, opting for warm heat from the fire and elevated rest over ice to help with the swelling.

  Looking at her face all night in the firelight, seeing the half-smile on her face and a few times even sure I hear her murmur my name as I quietly keep the fire going, I know I’ve done good.

  I know she’s mine now and it gives me such a thrill inside I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to.

  Without even looking at the time or outside, after dozing off for just an hour or two, I know it’s late morning before she even opens her beautiful blue eyes.

  She stretches and makes a little sound, so cute I can’t help but go to her. To hold her and give her a good morning kiss.

  Wincing from her ankle just a bit, we both can’t help get entangled on the couch.

  So much I almost forget about breakfast.

  “You need to eat a proper meal,” I remind her, remembering what she already told me.

  Doing what I tell her, and always only for the best.

  She eventually yields, letting me get up from our morning snuggle to fix her a proper breakfast.

  Her dad’s left fresh eggs, bacon, and bread, as well as so many other things I’m spoiled for choice.

  While the bacon sizzles and the eggs keep warm, I return to her on the couch, resting her wounded ankle over my leg and gingerly examining it.

  “It’s sore, but I think I’ll live,” she admits, wincing through my delicate probing and taking off her bandage.

  The swelling is zero now, and I’m happy it wasn’t a serious injury.

  “We could still stay,” she says, hesitating before looking at the phone absently.

  “No,” I tell her. “We’re getting out of here. I should’ve never let you come here in the first place… but then how could I? Then we would never have-” I remark, leaning over to kiss her again, apologizing for being so full-on.

  “We’ll go, who knows what this weather will do anyway?” I tell her, getting up and looking out the window, even forcing the door against a solid foot of snow from under the porch.

  “But how?” she asks the same thing her father would ask.

  The same thing I’ve been asking myself since yesterday, weighing up each option and determined to try each one before giving up.

  “I’ll find a way,” I comfort her. “A fat lot of good these hoteliers are leaving their guests to starve and fend for themselves,” I almost shout, stepping back from the door and making a pair of fists before collecting myself.

  “It is weird,” she remarks. “I thought a ski lodge that was snowed in would have done more.”

  But I think we both know we’re the odd ones out here.

  “Maybe before your dad’s friend came back,” is all I can manage, remembering that sniveling desk clerk, his older relative, and that woman?

  Somehow, they all managed to conspire against us once Serena’s dad was gone.

  Part of her plan to blackmail me, no doubt.

  “But that was yesterday,” I remind her and myself as I turn my attention back to the food, deciding to mix up the batter for French toast after all.

  I don’t even mind if we make some mess now, it’s all gonna be behind us soon enough, I’m sure. And it’s not as if we’re in a hurry.

  I’ll look after Greg’s gear, but this place could burn to the ground once we leave and I wouldn’t mind, not one fucking bit.

  “I’ll radio a few friends from the truck’s radio,” I announce, flipping our second-course pancakes and making sure Serena eats her fill this time.

  “I know a few guys who drive plows on these roads, as well as some who don’t,” I add cryptically.

  “What do you mean?” she asks, making me kiss grease from her chin, happy now that she’s getting a proper meal.

  “I mean… I know people who work these parts, old rigger guys. Most of them drivers or pilots now, hell, even guys who have those huge plows that clear roads in these parts. I’ll get us home,” I tell her matter of fact, smacking my own lips and enjoying ketchup for the first time ever over the most calories I’ve probably had for breakfast ever.

  “But we’re snowed in,” Serena reminds me.

  I kiss her lips, tasting her maple syrup
from something else mixed with my ketchup which makes me laugh for some reason.

  Laughing like I’ve never laughed before.

  “Just leave getting out of here to me. And I’ll leave you being so adorable forever up to you, okay?” I bargain with her, hoping she never loses her ways from this day on.

  But even if she does, I’ll love her more for it, I’m sure.

  Not wanting to spend any more time in this place, I start to pack up our gear.

  “If it weren’t for that damned lodge…” I remark, meaning the people who run it, and Greg’s matchmaker backfire still being there I know Serena and I would be happy here as long as the food lasted.

  But I said I’d get us out and that’s what I intend to do.

  I get halfway out the door with an armful of supplies when I hear Serena cry out in pain.

  Spinning around, dropping everything, I rush over to catch her as she drops.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her, taking her weight in my arms and trying to get her back to the couch.

  “Bathroom?” she winces, and I realize she hasn’t had a bathroom break since I set her down on the couch.

  Hasn’t moved from it.


  “I’ll be alright if you could just get me to the-” she starts to say, but I’m on it.

  I lift her up and carry her, making sure she’s okay before giving her some privacy.

  Lifting her back up after she hobbles to the door once she’s done, I remind her I don’t want her on her feet.

  “You can’t carry me everywhere,” she chides me, but I can and I will until her ankle heals.

  With no real complaints, she lets me settle her back onto the couch where I kiss her again, reminding her to tell me if she needs anything or has to go anywhere while I pack her dad’s truck.

  Before I can get far from the porch of the cabin though, I know I’ve got some shoveling to do.

  The weather’s cleared, but there are several feet of snow between me and the SUV, and its radio.

  I make light work of it, and in not much time have the vehicle clear and running while I power up the CB radio, scratching my temple as I try to remember the best frequency to reach the one guy I know can help.


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