Rutledge (Mayfair Model Series Book 3)

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Rutledge (Mayfair Model Series Book 3) Page 13

by Claire Castle

  “No back, sack, and crack wax,” he asked.

  “It’s not a buy-one-get-one-free deal. No. Some probably do it, but I prefer the hair.”

  “Me too.”

  Then we got out of the shower and dried off. He walked through to the bedroom and found some clean pyjama pants and threw them to me. They were a tiny bit short, but not too bad. The television was on but we weren’t really paying attention. I had Rutledge lying against me and I’d never felt better. “I never figured myself for a cuddler, you know. But this is pretty damn fantastic.”

  “I don’t know. You’re kinda just okay at it.” Then laughter erupted and we couldn’t stop it. “I’m kidding, it’s perfect.”

  During the night, we woke and slowly made love again, touching and enjoying each other’s bodies in the dark room.



  Standing at the airport having to say goodbye to Ollie was so hard. I’d be gone for two weeks in Paris. Two long weeks.

  “Two long weeks.” He echoed my thoughts. “I’ll miss you, but we’ll talk, okay?”

  “Promise?” I asked. My arms were wrapped over his shoulders as we stood at the gate.

  Ollie nodded. “We got this. Just think of me waiting for you.”

  “I will. I better go. But I can’t wait to come back to you.”

  “Yes, it’ll be done before we know it. I’ll be busy working on the show anyway.”

  I looked around and quickly grabbed him, pulling him into a hidden alcove, and plastered a messy kiss on him. “Now I really have to go.” Then, I walked over to the gate and waved to him.

  The flight to Paris was rather uneventful. When we landed, I followed the other passengers out to the area where the cabs were lined up. Brenna had let me know she’d arrive tomorrow since she was still with another model on set.

  The cabbie had a strong French accent and I let him know the address of the hotel. I checked in, and once I was settled in my room, I put down my bags and pulled out the itinerary for the next day to review the details.

  When I took out my phone, I saw a text from Ollie. He’d wished me a safe trip, so I texted back that I’d arrived safely. Then I took out my laptop and glanced at my emails. Some were work related, but the one that stood out to me was from a modelling agency in New York.

  I was in a room alone and yet I shut the computer and walked away. God, I was becoming Ollie. I paced and decided no, I wouldn’t open it yet. What if it was an offer to start in two months. What if, what if. I couldn’t leave him. But …

  My stomach growled and I rubbed it then checked the hotel menu since I didn’t feel like going anywhere. I’d read my book and stare at my computer all night. I chuckled. My phone beeped with a text I assumed was Ollie. I grabbed it and saw it was from Juliette.

  J: Planning a surprise party for his birthday. But I want to make sure you’re okay if it’s lots of people and stuff. I know you don’t like crowds.

  I immediately rang her number. “Hey, Jules. Got your text. That shithead never even told me.”

  Her laughter came across the line. “I had wondered if he told you. He pretends like he doesn’t want to discuss it because, you know, one year older, but he really likes a fuss being made. It’s on July ninth.”

  “Whatever he’d like. I’m happy if he’s happy. I can handle it with him, so anything you need, just let me know.”

  “Oh, you are so sweet. Awww. Bye for now.”

  “Thanks, Jules. Bye.”

  There was a knock at the door so I hit End on the call and went to get the room service delivery. I sat back to eat and read my book when, suddenly, I felt very lonely. This was bad. How would I do when I left for the States. I shoved my hand through my hair. No, day by day, I had to do that.

  I moaned as soon as I bit into the pasta. It was cooked to perfection. I turned on my e-reader and started where I’d left off before, but I couldn’t seem to focus. My mind drifted to a pink-haired, handsome, full-of-life man. I wondered what he was doing right now. I thought back to making love to him and what it felt like to have his body in and around me.

  Stretching out on the couch, I noticed my cock become semi-hard. And then my phone rang. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “Speak of the devil,” I greeted him. “How is my boyfriend.”

  “The devil, eh? What have I done.” His voice floated across the line.

  “Thinking of someone has made my cock hard. Would you know anything about this?” My voice sounded sinful and full of lust.

  “I’m going to FaceTime you in five minutes, and you better be naked for me.” Then he hung up.

  I stripped down faster than I thought possible, almost falling forward when I tried to get my feet out of my jeans. I piled up a blanket and some pillows, trying to make the phone screen far enough away and directed at my abs and cock. Then I lay back and waited with my hands behind my head. The FaceTime app popped up and I accepted. I stroked my cock right away and bit my lip.

  “Oh, damn, my man. Lift your hips a little.” His voice sounded rough and lustful. “Rub it slow.”

  “Are you fully dressed?” I looked at him on the screen, only seeing his face.

  “It’s a secret. But look.” He panned down and I saw him stroking his own hard cock outside his unbuttoned jeans. “Now lean back again. Fondle your balls for me.”

  I listened, hanging on his every word as I let my head fall back.

  “That’s it. Yes. Squeeze your asscheeks together. Now stroke your cock and quicker.”

  I forgot about everything and only listened to his voice. “More, more Rutledge. Oh yes, look at that big cock.”

  I panted and bit my lip. “I’m close.”

  “Yes, yes. Me too. Oh yes. Do it.”

  I lifted my legs up and let myself go. The pulls to my cock were flawed and jerky, but I didn’t care. “Yes.” I pumped and came all over my chest. Opening my eyes, my breath came out in short gasps. “Damn.”

  “That was so fucking hot.” He blew me a kiss over the screen.

  “Did you, did you come too?”

  The view on the phone looked like it was being rattled around and then all I saw was Ollie’s monster cock spurting out come. Though I couldn’t see it, I could hear him moaning. We both lay there in silence for a moment.

  “Okay, go get cleaned up then call me.”

  I got comfy under the covers to call him back after my shower.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “I kissed this really hot guy at the airport. Then mostly uneventful. I’m excited for tomorrow. Remind me to work out for five extra hours. The shoot is taking place at a small French bakery.”

  “Oh, like you need it. You’re perfect. But we’ll be exercising a lot when I get you back in my bed.”

  “Wait, I’ve never been in your bed.”

  “Well, we have time. But you’re loud, so it’ll have to be when Jules is out.”

  “Oh, shut up, your moans are much louder.”

  “I love fighting with you. How many hours until you’re back.”

  “Over three hundred.” I heard him huff over the phone. We talked into the night.

  The next few days were hectic at work. I was modelling for a line of duffle bags and other accessories. The highlight of my day was hearing from Ollie. He brought a smile to my face.

  Near the end of the week I gave Marshall a call. “Is Stuart there?”

  “What, no hello for me? Fine.” There was a muffled sound, then Stuart came on the line.

  “Why hello, one of the finest looking men in my life.” Marshall must have grabbed him after that or tickled him.

  “Ha-ha. No, I need your help. Well, first of all to invite you to Ollie’s birthday party, but what should I get him? It needs to say ‘I like you’ but not be too over the top. I have an idea for a record he’ll like, but I need something more, you know? So, any ideas? You don’t need to answer right away.”

  “Okay, leave it with me. I’ll think of
something good.”

  “Put your man back on the line so I’m not in the bad books.” I laughed at my own joke.

  “Hey, how did it go? All okay with the modelling?”

  I paused, wondering if I should tell him about the email. No, if I did, I’d do it face to face. “Yes, they’re great to work for. A lot of work but it was fun. I think I ate my weight in eclairs.”

  He laughed. “Okay buddy, safe travels home. We’ll see you then.”

  Days turned to weeks and we tried to spend every waking (and not waking) minute together. With both our work schedules, we made the best of every moment. I couldn’t get enough of Ollie and wanted more. He hadn’t moved in with me, but a few of his things had migrated over, and I loved seeing them there. They reminded me of him. Last week I’d given him his own key, and while I’d wanted it to be a grand gesture, it just sort of happened one day when we were out together.

  I continued to pretend I had no knowledge of his upcoming birthday, and we both avoided the larger issue: my moving back to America.

  My phone rang. My father. I answered and heard a gruff, “Hello, son.”

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  His voice sounded strained and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. “When you come home, will you stay here? You’re always welcome.”

  “Uh, I hadn’t really thought about it. But probably with Colby. He said he had space. Really depends where I’m working.”

  “Won’t you go back to working for your uncle?” I had made deliveries for him and bagged groceries before my modelling took off. I’d also been taking some online courses.

  I let out an exasperated sigh, thinking, He’ll never get me. He’ll never get anything, will he? Not my being gay or that I’m a successful model. I tried not to grit my teeth. “No, I’m a model now.”

  He let out a hearty laugh that made me cringe. “Oh, that’s just a hobby. A fad.”

  “I gotta go now, Dad.” I hit End before he could continue.

  My mind soon forgot the strained phone call when I heard the jangle of the keys in the door. It was my final day before heading to Edinburgh for another shoot. Ollie had said he’d come around early afternoon after he finished practicing. He was working on the dances for the next new production at the academy.

  “Hello, darling.” He swanned in and did a twirl before taking me in his arms. “I missed you so much.” He kissed my lips, my cheeks, and then my neck.

  “Ahh. So good.” I rubbed the front of his pants, feeling the hard cock trying to bulge out. “What have we here?” I pushed my hand inside to feel his hard length. The resulting

  moan excited me and made me bold. “Oh, like that.”

  A nod.

  “I can’t hear you,” I murmured, and then bit his ear.

  “Frisky this afternoon, are we? I love it.” He dropped his pants down. “You better suck the scary monster cock now.” His laugh was infectious.

  “Oooh, so scary.” I knelt down and licked the shaft of the delicious cock. I used my other hand to swirl his balls and then touch at the skin just behind.

  “Ah, ah … Oh, fuck you, Rutledge.”

  I took one more lick and looked up at him under hooded eyes. “Oh, I’m sure you will later.” Then I engulfed his whole cock and sucked.

  He put his hands on my head, thrusting at the speed he desired. I moved with him and as my hands rounded to hold his ass, his motions became more frantic and I knew he was close.

  He kept repeating my name and then he was coming down my throat. I swallowed then licked the tip and sucked one more time.

  “Fucking brilliant.” He rubbed my head and I collapsed back right there on the floor. I threw my arms over my face. “You tasted so good.”

  “My turn.” He’d crawled down beside me and there was something so hot and raw about it all. “You are all mine.” He moved his fingers up to my mouth. “Open.”

  I opened my mouth and sucked on them. Then it was him sucking and bobbing up and down on my cock.

  I looked down. “Ahhh.” He inserted his fingers inside me.

  “Oh, damn. It’s so intense.” I could feel him all around me. Inside and everywhere.

  Ollie’s hand reached up to tweak my nipple and I jolted up. His mouth bounced off but then returned. “Rutledge. Oh, you like that, do you?” I was biting my knuckle, and when he twisted inside me, I drove up into his throat and my body went taut before my release. A second later, I came and came. My skin had a sheen to it and my breathing was ragged. A warm Ollie came over top of me and he pushed my hair back from my face. “You look hot as fuck.”

  “So romantic. I’m glad my sweaty skin, which was your doing, is so hot for you.”

  “Cheeky. I love you so much.” He stayed there, holding me, and I felt complete and safe.

  Eventually, he got up and pulled me with him. “Shower and then we will do what I like to call my new favourite pastime. Cuddling.”

  I smiled to myself. “Maybe.”

  He turned and lifted his leg to kick me in the butt. “No maybes. It’s happening.”

  We were sitting on the couch. “Go pick a record to put on, and then I want to ask you something.”

  “Oh, sounds intriguing.” I watched him walk over to the record player. I only had some vinyl here, but they were decent enough. I didn’t want to go tomorrow and leave him, but what could I do.

  The soothing sounds of flamenco music floated across the room. “This is perfect. Now get back here. The warm pocket is disappearing under this blanket fast.”

  I’d pulled a bag out from under the coffee table. “Will you put some make up on me. I mean, I know I wear it in the modelling world, but something fancy like you do. I bought some stuff.” I quickly handed him the bag.

  “Oh, my god. I’d love to. I know you’ll look stunning. But there’s only one problem.”

  I looked over at him in wonder.

  “You’ll get a little cold now that I’m lifting the blanket.”

  I laughed. “I think I can survive.”

  We laughed and chatted into the night, as he showed me different looks with some bold eyeliner and glitter on my cheeks.

  “Do you have to go tomorrow?” he asked.

  I bit my lip and looked at him. “Why don’t you come with me? A couple of nights together in a hotel?” Why I felt the need to bat my eyelashes, I’ll never know. “It’ll be fun.”

  “That batting the eyelashes move is one of mine, I believe.”

  “Well, I learned from the best,” I shot back. “What do you think?”

  He stayed quiet for a moment and then replied, “Okay, yes. But we’ll have to go to my place to get some stuff. I know it’s surprising, but I’m not actually known for being a quick packer.”

  I kept my face straight. “Oh no, I’d never have known.”

  “Very funny. I can read you like a book now, you know. Cheeky.” He pretended to hit the side of my face.

  An hour later we were walking to his place, hand in hand. Ollie had texted Juliette to let her know. “She’s not answered, but whatever. Now, how many outfits will I need?”

  “Knowing you. Ten?” I joked. “No, really, just make sure you bring the sweater with the sequins.”

  “Oh, you like that, do you?” He gave me a lecherous look and licked his lips.

  “Walk faster. I want to get you back and into my bed.” I increased my pace and pulled him behind me.

  He put the keys in the lock, and I had to stop myself from crowding behind. “I need you. Feel that.” My cock was hard at his ass.

  He turned to me. “I’m making you wait. There’s packing to be done.”

  “So mean.” I laughed.

  As we entered, all I could hear echoing through the flat was banging and someone yelling, “Yes, yes!” I stood there frozen on the spot, as did Ollie. It continued, then a high-pitched voice squealed out Juliette’s name. I looked at Ollie, why, I wasn’t sure, since he stood there doing nothing. Should we stay? Should we go? I then took action
and walked right over to their kitchen and opened and closed cupboards, making a lot of noise, and then turned on the tap for the kettle.

  I wasn’t sure if he was more surprised at walking in on her having sex, or that it was with a woman. I don’t remember him mentioning that Juliette was bisexual. So I pulled him over and sat him down. We could have some tea, be loud, and hopefully she’d come out, right? I could only imagine they’d had these situations before. Walking in on a roommate getting it on was hardly a new phenomenon.

  After making some more noise, the sounds eventually ceased. “So, um, drink your tea and then get packed so we can go home. I mean, my place.”

  “Right. What should I say to her? I mean I had no idea she liked ...”

  Then Juliette walked out with an adorable cherubic girl beside her. “Guys, you’re here. Yeah, um, I thought you were staying at Rutledge’s ’til tomorrow.”

  Ollie wouldn’t even look at her, and I sensed he was upset.

  “This is Adele.” Juliette shoved her forward. “Adele … Ollie, my roommate, and his boyfriend, Rutledge.”

  Ollie’s didn’t extend his hand, so I stood up and did so instead. “Good to meet you, uh, Adele. Why don’t you go get dressed, and Ollie, I’ll go pack some things for you. You two talk.”



  After all I’d shared, all that we’d shared together, how could she not tell me she was bisexual. That was all that was going through my head. Was I being petty and perhaps rude? Maybe.

  Now Rutledge, who seemed to know exactly what to do, whispered to me, “Let her explain, okay?” and squeezed my shoulders before he left.

  “I didn’t want you to find out this way” Jules started. “I was going to tell you. I know you deserve that, but you’ve been so busy with Rutledge.”

  I let out a huff of air and felt tears welling up.

  “I don’t begrudge you for it. Rutledge loves you and you love him, and you need each other. He’s a part of you now,” she said with such sincerity. “And yes, you’re my best friend, and I know we share everything, but this is new.” She stopped to catch her breath, then as if reading my mind the way only Juliette knew me, she continued, “Don’t be mad that I didn’t tell you I’m bisexual. Adele is special, but more important to me is your friendship.”


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