The Guild Master's Harem

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The Guild Master's Harem Page 3

by Alexis Ward

  I chuckled. “Fair. Then how about you make me a guild member and let me run the place? I may have money, but we’re going to need personnel and a base to operate from if we’re going to rebuild this town to where it can defend itself, right?” I explained.

  She looked around the room, then back to me. “I mean, that would work, in the short term. I know how to file all the paperwork. The higher-ups might take issue though, if they ever even paid attention to this area.” she murmured.

  “Hah. We’ll worry about them later. All I see right now is a defensible building and a free room. And a credible excuse to build my own mercenary army. Grab the paperwork, let's do this.” I said.

  “Mercenary… army? That doesn’t sound very noble. Though it does sound like you intend to help the town.” she said.

  “And I intend to help myself, of course. In whatever way is profitable.”

  A stack of legalese paperwork and about an hour later, I was officially the guild master of the Zrudale Adventurer’s Guild. At least on paper. According to the documents I’d read, I was now legally allowed to post quests, interview and bring new members into the guild, and entitled to lead expeditions for profit into the dungeons and wild places of the Kingdom at my discretion.

  Zemma had finished her stick of fish awhile ago and laid with her head on the table, exhausted from talking me through the paperwork. She was sound asleep and purred gently as I scratched her head. I still wasn’t quite sure why she’d latched onto me, physically, especially sexually, so quickly. Not that I had anything to complain about, in that regard. Though for a scholar, she doesn’t seem terribly enthused about reading or writing.

  Maybe the sexual stuff was just a one night thing. I laid my hand on her head and she purred more deeply. I sighed, I wanted her awake, not drifting into a deeper slumber.

  Zemma’s ears twitched atop her head. She opened her eyes and raised her head off the table a moment before the front door of the guildhall slammed open. In the doorway stood a tall blonde woman in plate armor. She had a sword belted to her hip and carried a helmet tucked under one arm. In her other hand she held a stick with a bit of meat on it.

  Zemma sniffed. “Fish. And paladin. Harmless.” She said as she started to lay her head back down on the desk.

  “Hail and well met heroes! I am Yasmina Ferro’qua, holy warrior of the Order of Light!” she proclaimed as she pointed her bit of fish on a stick into the room. I think we must not have been the crowd she expected because as her blue eyes scanned the room her shoulders sagged and she let her arm fall to her side.

  I stood up and tugged Zemma to her feet before she could lay back down to continue her cat nap. “Greetings Ms. Ferro’qua, I am Marcus, the guild master of this fine establishment. And this is my lazy assistant scholar Zemma.” I took a short bow and put my hand on Zemma’s head. “How can I help you?” I asked.

  “I was expecting to join a great host of heroes to rid this land of bandits and other lurking evils. But it seems the rumors of such a force of heroes in this town were greatly exaggerated.” she said dejectedly.

  I spread my arms wide, palms up. “Oh, but it is most fortunate that you have arrived. Zemma’ can you file the papers on the table and find me an adventurer intake form?” I asked as I hefted the papers from the table into her arms. Zemma gave me a look, I presumed it meant we would need to talk in private later. She took the stack of papers and disappeared through the small door at the other end of the common room.

  I flipped two chairs off of a table and gestured for Yasmina to sit in one. I sat down as well. She unbuckled her sword and laid it on the table, then sank into the chair as her armor clanked. “Fortunate you say?” she asked.

  Chapter 7

  “Indeed. Quite fortunate. Especially when no others have risen to the challenges of this area, an armored knight willing to join the fight is a wonderful sight.” I explained. Huh. I normally didn’t make poetry accidentally like that.

  Her blue eyes lit with excitement. “Truly spoken! A Battle won while outnumbered will be even more glorious!” she proclaimed.

  “Exactly, but before you can officially join my guild, a few questions need to be answered.” I stated.

  Yasmina nodded. “Ask away. I never lie, nor do I have anything to hide.”

  “Your profession?”


  “Any notable successes in your career?” I asked.

  “Ah. Graduated Paladin school with the highest marks in my class.” she replied.

  The small door opened again and Zemma returned with what I assumed were the appropriate forms. She pulled up a chair and sat close to me, almost pressed against me. “Any notable failures or issues in your career?” I asked.

  Yasmina’s looked down and fixed her gaze on the table. “My entire party died in the dungeon near Pengi. I have no idea why the Lord of Light saw fit to spare me. I intend to redeem myself here, through helping this town.” she whispered.

  Zemma wrote something on the papers and slid it over to me. It said, “Change the subject! Ask her if she’s into you?” she had drawn a happy cat face next to the question.

  I looked at Yasmina, and then back to Zemma. Yasmina remained silent and seemed lost in her own thoughts. I wrote on the paper and tapped it to draw Zemma’s attention to it. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Are you okay with it if she is? Aren’t paladins celibate?” I wrote.

  Zemma scribbled rapidly on the page with her pen. “Of course, I was first, so I get to be in charge of your bed!”another drawing of a happy cat face, this time with a fish shaped penis in it’s mouth. Or maybe a penis shaped fish, “And not all Orders are celibate, plus she looks like she needs a distraction, and that’s what would work on me!” I could almost hear her add a “Nya!” to the end of that phrase, even though she hadn’t written it down. I shook my head, this land, or at least Zemma, had really unusual ideas about relationships.

  “Yasmina, are you good to continue?” I asked.

  She nodded her head slightly. “Of course.” she said softly.

  I figured I would appeal to her sense of honor. “Last question. Your truthful answer will determine whether you may join this guild. Understand?” I asked. She nodded again.

  “Do you find me attractive, physically?” I asked softly.

  Her face, which until this point had been quite pale, quickly flushed to a light red. “I choose to remain silent, as I don’t see how that will affect my duties in the guild.” she squeaked. I looked into her icy blue eyes. She couldn’t meet my eyes and instead fixed her gaze on the table again.

  Zemma jumped up and stood on top of the chair she had been sitting in. “And you’re hired, welcome to the Zrudale Adventurer’s Guild!” she yelled. I filled in the blanks on the paperwork and crumpled up the page that Zemma and I had written our messages to each other on.

  Yasmina snatched her sword up off the table. “Thank you. I need a moment alone to collect my thoughts.” she said. Then she walked out the front door in a hurry.

  As the door swung shut I picked up Zemma around the waist and then set her down with her feet on the floor. “What do you mean you were first so you’re in charge of the bed?” I asked.

  She lunged up and hugged me, her feet barely touched the ground. Zemma was pleasantly warm, soft, and she still smelled faintly of sex and the forest. “I mean, technically you haven’t properly made me your first yet, but I’m really hope you’ll fix that tonight. Unless there’s some girl in your homeland that is already first? If so, she’s an idiot to let you roam so far from home.” Zemma muttered into my ear.

  I wrapped my arms around her. “No no, there’s no other girl. Just you. And I guess maybe Yasmina? But you instigated that.” I said as I pressed my free hand to the top of her head and scratched her ears.

  “Good! Then we’re going to make it official tonight. If you want to?” she said as she squirmed with delight in my arms.

  I was about to ask her for further clarification when I heard the f
ront door open and shut again. I put Zemma down and turned around. Yasmina stood in the doorway again. Her face seemed to have regained it’s usual ivory pale coloring. “Despite your difficult entry exam, I have decided to stay.” she yelled. Her voice echoed in the empty room.

  I sighed. “Then could you use your inside voice? This room isn’t large enough to need that kind of volume.” I said.

  Yasmina raised a gauntleted hand to her lips, then dropped it to her side. “My apologies guild master. I also have a request, if you’ll hear it.” she said.

  “Okay, what is it?” I asked.

  “May I please borrow scholar Zemma and retire to my room? I’d like to get out of my armor if you don’t expect to summon me to a battle today, but doing so requires some assistance.” Yasmina said.

  I looked to Zemma. She shrugged her shoulders. “Very well. Go help her Zemma. I’ll reward you later.” I said, then I leaned in and almost touched my lips to the tip of Zemma’s triangular ear. “Tonight. My room. Wherever that is. You can show me to it after you help Yasmina, okay?” I whispered.

  Zemma smiled and nodded vigorously. “Nya! Yes guild master!” she bounded over to Yasmina and led her up the stairs to the second floor.

  Once they were out of sight I decided to explore a bit. I went through the small door that Zemma had gone through earlier to get the paperwork. Beyond the door was a long rectangular room. One side was a kitchen and pantry, the other side contained racks of scrolls, papers, and old books. I scanned the titles til lI found one that caught my eye: ‘Principles of Magic, Novice Edition’. I pulled it off the shelf and carried it back into the common room. I only made it through the preface and a bit of chapter one by the time Zemma appeared at the top of the stairs. She pounced down them two at a time and scampered over to me. More precisely, she climbed into my lap. “Reward time?” she purred.

  Chapter 8

  I put a finger under Zemma’s chin and tilted her head up toward mine, then gave her a long kiss on her lips. She purred and her arms wrapped around me. I lowered my head to her chest and pushed her back. “Excitable much?” I asked.

  “How could I not be nya? You promised me your bed tonight.” she said as she snuggled into me.

  “Yes, but first, how is our new recruit?” I asked.

  “Sound asleep. I put her in an empty bedroom, helped her out of her armor and then ran her a bath. When I came back in to let her know the water was ready, she was already under the covers and sound asleep.” Zemma reported.

  “That works perfectly for us then. She can rest up and we’ll swing by Enam’s stand to pick up dinner, then come back here.” I paused for a second, reconsidering my words. “Then we’ll come back home.” I amended.

  Zemma looked up at me and smiled. “Fish for dinner! Hurray!”

  It didn’t take us long to swing by Enam’s stand and then get back to the guild hall. Zemma was busy devouring her plate of food while I closed the window shutters and barred the front door for the night. During this process Yasmina came down from upstairs in a long white dress, though she still had her sword belted to her waist.

  The sword did not diminish what a thin toned elegant beauty Yasmina was. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she closed her eyes and yawned. I went into the backroom momentarily, and returned with a plate of food for her and a glass of water. I set them down at the same table where Zemma and I were eating. “Yasmina, welcome back to the world of the conscious. Come join us.” I said.

  Yasmina walked over and sat down where I indicated. Upon closer examination her dress was more of a long nightgown which left little to the imagination. I could see the points of her nipples and the curves of her slight breasts. Zemma paused mid-mouthful, “How old are you Yassy?” she asked.

  Yasmina glared at her. “Old enough that my father wishes me to find a proper husband. Young enough not to be desperate for such.” she said hotly, then she started to eat. She finished a bite. “People in this part of the country seem to have no sense of etiquette.” she muttered.

  Zemma looked at me from across the table and winked, then she leaned forward, which gave me a very, very good view of her cleavage. I took a deep breath as I felt my cock swell in my pants slightly. I pushed my empty plate away and stood up, hoping that Yasmina wouldn’t notice. “I’ll have some tasks for us in a few days, hopefully, until then focus on resting up and helping around town. I’ll be looking into getting us more recruits as we go. But for tonight, it’s bedtime for me.” I yawned.

  Zemma sprang to her feet. “You’re on dish duty Yassy. I need to go warm up the guild master’s bed-- er, bath. Come along Marcus!” she said as she sprang toward the stairs, her tail swishing back and forth.

  “Very well. See you in the morning guild master.” Yasmina said. I followed Zemma up the stairs to the second floor.

  The upper floor of the guild hall was a series of winding corridors with many doors. Once we were alone Zemma grabbed my hand and led me through one of the doors into a spacious carpeted room. There was a large four post bed with curtains, a study desk, a bookcase, and in one corner of the room, which had tile floor instead of carpet, there was a shiny metal bathtub. Zemma let go of my hand and twirled around in a circle, her tail flicked back and forth excitedly. “So what do you think? I cleaned it up for you when I was helping Yasmina settle in. The book you left downstairs is on the table there, and your backpack is tucked under the bed.” she said. She stopped twirling, stumbled, and fell onto the bed. “Did I do good?” she asked.

  I closed the door behind us and was pleased to discover that it could be locked. I slid the deadbolt into place, then I went and stood over Zemma. I reached out and ran two fingers slowly down her foot, then bent forward over her and trailed them up her calf and inner thigh. “Yes. This is far more than I expected, you did good.” I said softly.

  Zemma wiggled and purred at my touch, then grabbed her pants and slid quickly out of them. She held up her legs with her hands and bared her pussy for me to see. “I wanted you ever since last night, but I wanted our first time to be… more private than in the woods.” she whispered. Her pussy glistened, already soaked with her lubricating juices.

  Just looking at her smooth shaved pussy I felt my cock grow hard, and I was uncomfortably warm in my clothes. I slid out of my pants and unbuttoned my shirt. They both fell to the floor. “I appreciate your forethought there. We’ll have more time to enjoy and get to know each other this way.” I said as I climbed into the bed on top of her. As I did she pulled her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra. I lifted it off of her and tossed it to the floor, then untied the ribbons that held back the bed’s curtains. They fell shut, leaving us in a semi-dark, cavern like space.

  Zemma scooted up behind me as the curtains closed and wrapped her arm around me. She reached down and grasped my cock with her other hand and squeezed gently. “Please keep me. Please make me yours.” she hesitated. “Master” she whispered.

  I pulled her hand away from my crotch as I turned to face her, then pushed her down onto the mattress. She purred and pawed at me with her hands, her legs still spread wide for me. “Patience, Zemma.” I whispered. I lowered myself down atop her and slid my tongue into her mouth. She met my kiss, which I had intended to be soft, with a hard push as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and forced her tongue against mine. She squirmed beneath me, her body hot like a furnace as the slickness of her pussy ground against my cock. I reached down with one hand and cupped her breast, then I gave it a light experimental squeeze. She purred deeply and I felt her grasp my cock with her hand.

  “Can I have it yet master?” she pouted as she rubbed the tip of my cock against the wet sticky opening of her pussy.

  I didn’t speak. Instead I grabbed a hold of her hip with one hand and pushed my solid cock deep inside of her. Her mouth dropped open and she let out a shuddering moan of pleasure as my length filled her.

  I started to thrust into her with a slow and steady rhythm. She curled her arms and legs a
round me as we both quivered with waves of ever increasing sensation. “Th--thank you-nya!” she gasped.

  As her pleasure increased, she raked her fingernails slowly down my back. The slight sensation of pain was surprisingly enjoyable. I picked up the pace of my thrusting and pressed myself against her hard as my teeth bit down into her shoulder.

  Her moans and purrs changed rapidly into frantic gasping breaths and then moments later she bucked and squirmed uncontrollably under me as she was rocked by her own orgasmic climax. I slowed my pace to a stop and lay atop her, my cock still hard, buried in her warm, pulsating pussy. “Don’t stop. I know you can go further..” she pleaded.

  “Do you want me to come in you?” I asked quietly, my face pressed into her neck.

  I felt her as she nodded and nuzzled her cheek on my shoulder. “More than anything else in the world.” she purred.

  “More than fish?” I asked.

  She grabbed my hips and ground my cock into the depths of her pussy. “More, more than fish. Please. Let me be your first.” she whispered as she writhed against me. I pulled back and then thrust myself vigorously inside of her.


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