Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 3

by Jennifer Domenico

  I move on to the scandal, reading what I can about it. I try to the find the most salacious one, so I know the worst of it. He’s called a misogynist, a womanizer, a cad, pretty much every negative slur one could find. Some of the most scathing remarks include abuse of power, hostile work environment, and an arrogant arsehole. Clicking a site belonging to a gossip columnist, I read.

  The handsome and single, Ellis Worthington, CEO of Equis Financial, has been accused of improper conduct with a former employee. According to Ms. Eva Lisbon, Mr. Worthington seduced her, used her for his needs, then unceremoniously dismissed her from her job. She is suing for an undisclosed amount.

  Wait. She sued? I click more articles eventually learning that she dropped her suit. Interesting. No mention of a settlement either. Every article that quotes Ellis notes his response, always the same, always no comment. Then I read through pages of articles about his new publicist, then the next new one, then the next. He’s been through three since the scandal broke, and each has tried to take on the media guns blazing, only to be chewed up and spit out. Finally, I read about what a tough, demanding businessman he is and how his no nonsense approach saved Equis from ruin during the financial crisis. It’s one of the strongest companies in London, thanks to his leadership. He knows what he’s doing.

  As I make notes, I’m aware that the one thing I didn’t find was evidence that he did what he’s been accused of. No Pandora’s Box of scorned woman coming forward with accusations. That’s a very good sign.

  Leaning back against the headboard, I think I know the approach we’ll take. Now all I have to do is convince Ellis that I’m the one for him. Since he goes through publicists like a change of clothes, should be a slam dunk. And I’m the freaking queen of England.


  On Saturday, I’m in my room finishing getting ready for the evening.

  “Avery?” I hear my sister outside my door.

  “Come in.”

  She looks in and smiles. “He’ll be here soon. Are you about ready?”

  “Yep. I’ll be right down after I get dressed.”


  She leaves, and after grabbing my dress and pulling it over my head, I resume my position in front of the mirror. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Worthington,” I practice. I sound confident. After researching everything I could about the man, my main take away is intimidating. I can handle that though. Most people I meet in my line of work are intimidating.

  I tuck my hair behind my ears, then crinkle my nose, quickly undo that action and fluff it out. Finally, I apply my pale pink lipstick, pucker my lips in the mirror, and take a deep breath. I can do this. I’ve handled so many big names Ellis Worthington should be groveling at my feet to take him on. Smiling, I slowly repeat my mantra. “You can handle this. You can handle anything.”

  Heading downstairs, I hear Annabelle and David chatting away in the kitchen. My sister’s girlish laughter fills the space and brings me back to our childhood. Always the more serious of the two of us, I used to try anything to get her to laugh. I’m happy she found a man who does that for her.

  “Hey,” I say walking into the kitchen. They both stop what they’re doing and stare at me. “What?”

  “You look nice,” David says. “You didn’t have to dress up for dinner.”

  “I’m not,” I reply running my hands down the sides of my black jersey knit dress. “This is how I dress for work, and in a way that’s what this is.”

  David nods. “He’ll be impressed.” He laughs softly. “Once he gets over the shock of seeing both of you in the same room.”

  I laugh, running my fingers through my hair. “It never stops being funny.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Annabelle comments. “We caught double looks all over London when we went shopping the other day. It was hilarious.”

  Smiling, I reply. “For me too.”

  “Drink?” David offers. “I hear you like scotch and soda.”

  “I do. Thank you.” He pours me a drink just as the doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it,” Annabelle offers, hurrying off.

  My nerves ignite, sending signals of near overwhelming heat through my body. Must impress. Must win him over. When I hear the clicking of shoes on the wood floors and the British male voice, I turn in that direction, then nearly drop my glass. Ho. Ly. Shit. Are you fucking kidding me right now? The man in front of me is…damn. He commands the room with his height and broad shoulders. His thick dark hair is slicked back framing the most spectacular face I think I’ve ever seen. Blue eyes, deeper in color than my own, gaze back at me, and I can’t tear my eyes away from his face. He doesn’t look shit like the pictures I saw online!

  “Ellis, this is my sister, Avery. Avery, Ellis Worthington.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Avery,” he says, with a deep smooth voice that sounds like the soothing sounds of jazz. Ellis cocks his head with a smile on his lips so sexy I can almost feel my panties disintegrating. Up close, his looks are mind blowing. I think I could happily sit and listen to his voice coming from that amazing mouth for hours.

  “Avery?” my sister says, shooting me a look.

  Smiling as I snap out it, I extend my hand and shake his firmly. “Nice to meet you too.”

  He offers a smile. “I hear you’re visiting from America?”


  “Welcome to the motherland.”

  I tilt my head as David chuckles. “Motherland?”

  Ellis nods as his smile morphs into a smirk. “Yes, last I checked America’s existence was only allowed because of British desire.”

  My eyes narrow in response. What a pompous thing to say. “Oh, see last time I checked, America’s existence is a direct result of our rebellion over tyrannical rulers. I won’t even get started about the Native Americans who lived there before any European discovered it.” I make quotation marks with my fingers when I say the word discovered.

  His eyes wash over me as though he can’t be bothered to continue this conversation, then he smiles. “All water under the bridge, yeah?”

  “You brought it up.”

  “Forgive me, Avery, if I tend to brag. I’m very proud of being original.”

  Gritting my teeth, I start to argue until Annabelle intervenes.

  “Ellis,” she says, dragging him by the arm away from me. “David’s made your favorite meal.”


  As the two men walk into the kitchen to check dinner, Annabelle sidles up beside me as I glare at the back of Ellis’s head. “Sorry about that. He’s very, um, what’s the word?”

  “He’s a dick. A pompous dick.”

  She nods. “Yeah, he is sometimes. That’s why he’s having a little PR trouble these days.”

  “I thought you said you liked him.”

  “I do. Once you get used to him, he’s fine.”

  Glancing in the kitchen, I lower my voice. “You’re positive he’s innocent in all of this? He fits the bill of someone smarmy enough to take advantage of a woman then dismiss her when he’s done.”

  “He’s nicer than he seems, but honestly, I believe he’s innocent because I believe David. Ellis has always been very guarded personally, and he’s near psychotic about keeping the lines between work and play separate. I think he’s innocent.”

  I nod, considering her words. “Well, I believe David too, but I don’t know about this. Two minutes in and I’m not feeling it. I don’t think we’ll get along.”

  Smiling, she rubs my arm. “Just give him a chance to warm up. He was just teasing. David teases me all the time about being American. It’s just a game they play.”

  “I’ll try.” I sip my drink. “You should’ve warned me that he looks like a walking masterpiece.”

  “You saw his picture online.”

  “Which did not do the man justice at all. He’s so tall, and built, and sexy.”

  Annabelle grins. “Is he? I didn’t notice.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh please. You’
d have to be dead not to notice.”

  “I’m alive. He’s attractive, yes, and he’s really kind behind all that surface stuff. He’s a good man. You’ll see. Just give him a chance.”

  “I will.” I have to. Emptying my glass, I shake it. “I’ll need another one though.”

  “Come on.”

  As we walk into the kitchen, Ellis turns toward me and does that thing with his eyes roaming up and down my body. If he wasn’t such a jerk, and my potential new client, I would climb all over that tall slice of man, but instead I meet his gaze with my cool one. I’m quite used to men looking at me the way he does, and I know how to handle it. Funny, finding each other attractive might be the only thing we have in common at this point.

  “I’m afraid I’ve offended you with my attempt at a joke,” he says, softly.

  “Oh, you were joking?”

  “Of course. I had heard American’s have thick skin, but perhaps I’ve met a sensitive one.”

  “Perhaps you should stop making so many generalizations. Hate to break the news to you, but not all Americans are the same. Just like I’m sure all Brits aren’t. Surely not every man in the country is arrogant. David is proof of that.”

  David chuckles then clears his throat when Ellis shoots him a look.

  “I stand corrected,” Ellis says as he bows his head slightly, but retains a slight smile. I can’t even be mad at the guy. His every movement, gesture, and expression is dripping in sex appeal. Our eyes remain locked together, and I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I’m thinking that he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever met in real life, and I’ve met a lot of sexy men.

  “Why don’t we all have a seat?” Annabelle suggests, breaking the silent tension between us. “David, can you make Avery another scotch, please?”


  As we get to the table, Ellis pulls out a chair for me, and as I sit, our bodies just barely brush against each other, causing me to bite my lip. This isn’t good. The physical pull between us is so strong, I’m close to re-evaluating this idea. He probably thinks this is a fix up, or at least that I’m an option, and boy, is he in for a surprise. I kind of wish it was. I could really use a man between my legs. Especially this man. I quickly remind myself that he’s kind of a dick, and I’m jobless so I need to get my head in the game. He may be pretty, but I have goals, and being in his bed can’t be one of them.

  Ellis takes his spot across from me at the small round table that just barely fits the four of us. Leaning back in his seat, he crosses one leg over the other with a smug expression on his face. He knows he’s incredible looking. He knows he’s what women dream about. From the styled hair to the crisp white shirt, his jeans, down to his fancy loafers, he’s smoking hot. There’s a fine line between confidence and conceit and he’s bouncing all over it.

  When my eyes move back to his face, he’s watching me stare at him. Again. He swirls his drink around.

  “I’ve always been fascinated by identical twins,” he starts. “Although there are obvious differences, you and your sister are quite striking in your similarities.”

  “Only in how we look. We’re as different as two people can be.”

  “Not true,” Annabelle says, carrying a bread basket. “We have a lot in common.”

  “Name something,” I say, grinning.

  “We’re both very smart.”

  “But in different ways.”

  “Smart is smart though.”

  “Actually,” David begins, setting my drink down in front of me. “In the few days you’ve been here I’ve noticed another similarity.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Your mannerisms are almost as identical as your face. The other night, when we were in the kitchen making popcorn, you both at the same exact moment tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. It was quite amusing for me.”

  I laugh softly, taking a sip of my drink. “I didn’t notice.”

  “Me neither,” Annabelle says.

  “Why do you think you’re so different?” Ellis asks.

  “Well, Annabelle is thoughtful, measured, intelligent about her life and her decisions. She’s focused, and I admire that in her. Me? I’m spontaneous, rebellious, reckless even. I do things based on my gut more than my head. Somehow it works out, but I always wished I could get a drop or two of Annabelle’s logic.”

  She pats my hand. “And I always wished I could get a drop or two of your free spirit.”

  Shrugging, I glance at the handsome man across from me. “She wanted to settle down at a young age, and I never did. She wants kids, and I don’t. She likes books, and I’d rather watch the movie. She does everything in moderation, and I do everything to the extreme.”

  “Gee, Avery, you make me sound a bit boring.”

  David kisses his wife’s cheek. “You’re not at all.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way. Just that you had a clear vision for what you want in life and you’ve achieved it. I’m still figuring it all out.”

  “How old are you?” Ellis asks.

  “Twenty-seven. You?” I ask, even though I already know.

  “Thirty-three. You have plenty of time to figure life out.” He picks up a piece of bread and tears it apart. “So, what is your life like in L.A.? Did you leave a man behind?”

  Smirking at his directness, I answer. “No.”

  He nods, smiling. “What do you do for work?” My eyes shift to David and Annabelle who both look away. Ellis quickly picks up on the exchange. “What? Did I miss something?”

  “No,” I answer. “I’m a publicist.”

  His head pulls back slightly. “A publicist?”

  “Yep. I work with celebrities mostly. Sex scandals primarily. It’s sort of my niche.”

  He nods, then his lips twist into an angry pout. “Is that what this dinner is about, David? Another attempt to get me to hand my life and reputation over to a stranger?”

  David wrings his hands together. “It just so happened her sister came to visit, and she just happens to be a publicist.”

  “How convenient. What’s next? Your spiel about how you’ll change my life?”

  Creasing my brow, I focus on my drink instead of the suddenly angry man across from me, considering my response, and then shift my eyes up to meet his.

  “I have no intention of changing your life, Ellis.” He nods, but I continue. “However, it sounds like you could use a reputation overhaul, and that I can change.”

  “You told her?” He glares at David. “Did you?”

  “I did,” Annabelle chimes in. “She can help, Ellis. I know she can.”

  “How do you know? So far, no one else has been able to. Why is she special?”

  Annabelle opens her mouth to respond, but I pat her hand to stop her. I have to show him I’m tough enough to handle him or anyone else. “Listen, Ellis, I agreed to look at your situation for one reason only. Annabelle is my sister, and her husband’s livelihood depends on the success of Equis. Quite honestly, after meeting you, I’d rather get my asshole waxed than spend any time with you.” Annabelle’s mouth falls open as David chokes back laughter while Ellis simply glares at me. “So, here’s the deal. Give me six months. If I can’t move the dial, I’ll go home quietly, back to my life across the pond where there are plenty of arrogant celebrities embroiled in scandal who need my assistance, but if I do make the situation better, then you take me on full time. Deal?” I have no idea why I just threw in the full time gig part. Is that what I want?

  Ellis’s eyes shift to his drink for a moment then back up at me. “I’d like a moment alone with Avery please.” David and Annabelle scurry from the table. Once they’re gone, he leans across the table toward me. “Let me put a few things into perspective for you. My personal life is mine alone and not subject to scrutiny. I will not have it dragged into this situation in some effort to prove I’m not capable of the accusations aimed at me.”

  “Got it.”

  “Additionally, I will not have you ho
vering and choreographing every moment of my day as though I am incapable of conducting myself appropriately without your help.”


  “Finally, I do not work for you. I don’t take well to being told what to do. If this is to work, it will be a partnership.”

  I smile. “Exactly the approach I like to take.”

  “I’m not at all pleased with this development, however…” He pauses before fixing his eyes on me. “I admit I am willing to do almost anything to put this incident behind me.”

  Nodding, I shake my glass. “I have a few requirements too.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I need your schedule so I can be aware of any opportunities for media exposure.”

  “My assistant will send it to you.”

  “I need to know if you have a romantic relationship with anyone presently.”

  His eyebrow raises. “If that’s your way of finding out if I’m available, I’m flattered, but I don’t think it’s a good idea with our new working relationship.”

  Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “No. I need to know if there’s anyone the press will attempt to speak to or anyone who might pursue the spotlight because of their connection to you.”

  “Ah, my mistake.” He grins. “I am currently, entirely, single.”

  “With such a pleasant personality, I’m surprised you aren’t beating women off with a stick.”

  He chuckles. “Trust me, I’m only single because I choose it.”

  “Or is it because your name’s being dragged through the mud?”

  His smile fades as he narrows his eyes. “You have a sharp tongue, don’t you?”

  “I can handle myself, Mr. Worthington, with you or anyone else. That’s why I’m good at what I do.”

  After a moment, he speaks. “Are we done here?”

  “No. I need to know one more thing.”


  “Did you do it?”



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