Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 7

by Jennifer Domenico

  Willis smiles and nods as the group moves on to the next victim. Once their gone, Avery finishes off her drink, like nothing happened, and I literally can’t tear my eyes off of her.


  She gazes up at me. “I told you I can handle myself.”

  “I wasn’t worried you couldn’t, but watching it is quite a show.”

  “I hate people like that woman. She’s clearly just trying to make a name for herself by trying to ruffle feathers. It may be her first rodeo, but it’s not mine.”


  Avery chuckles. “It’s just a saying meaning I have enough experience to handle situations like that. We need to watch what she writes about tomorrow, because if she pisses me off, I’m coming at her.”

  “I think she knew that from your tone.”

  “Doesn’t mean she won’t try to fuck with me, but I’ll be ready.”

  “I see that. Would you like to go look at the silent auction with me?”

  “If that’s where you’re going next, then that’s where I’m going.”

  “Alright then.” As we pass through the crowd, many people greet me and gaze at the woman beside me. I’m sure most think she’s my date, and that’s just fine with me even if it is the furthest thing from the truth. I have to admit, it’s nice having someone competent field these annoying questions for me. She handled it so well I didn’t even have time to lose my temper.

  Inside the ballroom, we roam past the various items available for auction, then I come across the most exquisite piece of art I’ve ever seen. I stand in front of it, taking it all in, as Avery appears beside me.

  Glancing at her, I nod. “I have to have it.”

  “It’s gorgeous.” She tilts her head to the side. “Oh,” she grins. “I just figured out what it is.”

  “Does it offend you?”

  “Of course not. The human body is a beautiful thing. Two beautiful bodies are even better.” She steps closer studying the black and white image of a nude male and female wrapped in a passionate embrace. The up close shot of tangled limbs with just a hint of her breasts is breathtaking. “Where will you put it?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll find a spot where everyone can see it. Be right back.” Walking away from Avery for a moment, I find Margaret.

  “Hello, Ellis.”

  “Hello. I want that piece of art over there. What will you take for it?”

  “It’s part of the auction. I have no idea what level it’s up to now.”

  “What is it worth?”

  Her eyes light up. “The artist is from Sweden and the works are considered very controversial, which only improved their value. That one over there has an estimated value of 450,000 pounds.”

  I nod. “Do you have more?”

  “Yes. We have three in total. They were gifted to us by the artist himself and are signed on the back.”

  “I’d like all three. Would one point five million purchase them?”

  Her eyes open wide for a moment as Avery appears beside me. “I’d have to inquire, Ellis. That’s a handsome sum.”

  “If you require more, just name the number.”

  “She smiles. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  As she hurries off, I turn to Avery. “They have three, and I’m trying to get a price to buy them all.”

  “A collection would be nice.”

  “Yes.” A moment later, Margaret comes back with another woman, both of them smiling big.

  “Ellis,” Margaret starts. “This is Harriet, our art curator.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” I shake her hand.

  “Yes, sir. The pieces can be purchased for one point eight million if you desire, or you can put in a bid and see how you fair.”

  I nod, slowly. “Why don’t we make it an even two?”

  Margaret and Harriet exchange glances. “That is very generous, sir,” Harriet says.

  “I want them very much, and it is for charity after all.”

  “Consider them yours,” she says. “I’ll have them wrapped and delivered to your residence on Monday.”

  “Thank you. I’ll finish looking at the remaining auction items.”

  As we walk back, I smile when I see the art being pulled from the floor.

  “Two million pounds?” Avery questions. “I don’t know exactly how much that is, but I know that it’s more than two million American dollars.”

  “I liked them very much. Erotic, yet not overtly pornographic. I cannot wait to find a place for them in my home.”

  She nods, looking down at a bottle of wine. “I bet your home is nice.”

  “I think so.” I gaze at her for a moment. “Will you continue to live with David and Annabelle?”

  “For now.” She looks up and smiles. “Until I decide how long I’m staying.”

  “Wise, but six months is a long time to be a house guest. For your consideration, I do own some properties in the city, two of which are available, in the event you decide to stay and would like your own space.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t have any furnishings or anything.”

  “All of that is provided.”

  She smiles again. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  We walk along a bit more as I try to get a read on something she likes, but her expressions are always neutral. “Anything interest you here?”

  “Sure, lots of stuff.”


  She flashes a cool expression at me. “Why, Ellis?”

  “Because I want to know. I’d like a glimpse beyond that stoic exterior of yours.”

  “You haven’t earned it yet.”

  “And why not?”

  “I believe it was you who said we should keep things formal.”

  Grinning, I nod. “Indeed it was me.”

  “Okay then, let’s keep it formal.” She walks away leaving me standing alone. I wish she understood that running only causes me to chase. Pacing myself, I take a deep breath and lean against a column, watching her as she looks at all the items. A man approaches her and stands next to her for a moment before he speaks to her. She looks up at him, then smiles and shakes his hand. As they chat, I feel something I haven’t in a very long time. Jealousy. I want to tell him to get away from her even though I have no right. A moment later, her eyes seem to search the room for me, and I take it as my cue to break up this little interaction. When she sees me approaching, she smiles as the tension releases from her face.

  “There you are,” she says, as the man turns to look at me. His expression falls, and it’s clear to me he was likely hitting on her. Avery gives me a pleading look.

  “Hello, love,” I say, sliding my arm around her waist. “Sorry, I wandered off. I should know better than to leave you alone for too long.” I glance at the man. “In case anyone thinks you’re here alone.”

  The man bows his head slightly. “If you’ll excuse me.” He walks off without saying another word.

  “Thank god, you got here,” Avery says. “He went in for the kill before I even knew what was happening.”

  “What did he do?” I ask, reluctantly releasing her from my grasp.

  “At first he was just friendly, and then he asked if I wanted to skip the rest of this and join him for a drink at his place.” She shakes her head. “Is that how the English roll? Meet a woman and try to fuck her minutes later.”

  Chuckling, I nod. “Well, I imagine the goal for most men is to get to the fucking business, but personally, I try to use a bit more class in my pursuits.”

  “So you wouldn’t walk up to a woman at a charity event and try to get her to your place five seconds after meeting her?”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” Although, I understand why he did. Avery is by far the most attractive woman present. “What did you say to him?”

  “I was about to tell him he could take his drink and shove it up his ass.” She smiles. “Then you walked up and saved the day.”

  “A shame. I would have liked to see his face when
you said that,” I reply, laughing.

  She grins. “It would’ve been funny.”

  “I bet.” My eyes glance down to the item her hand is resting on. It’s a large book about the history of English architecture. “What’s that?” I ask pointing to it.

  “Oh, a book I was looking at. I was thinking of giving it to Annabelle as a thank you. She loves books and she loves England, so it works.”

  “Did you put in a bid for it?”

  She nods. “I did.”

  “Wonderful. Did you see anything else?”

  “Not really. I don’t know what most of it is.”

  “Well, let’s take one final look around and then we can go.”

  “Sounds good.”

  As we’re walking, I spot something I want Avery to have. I’m almost certain she won’t allow me to buy it for her, so I’ll have to do it without her knowing. How exactly, I’m not sure.

  “I need to stop in the ladies’ room,” she says, providing the perfect opportunity.

  “I’ll be right here.”


  As soon as she’s out of eyeshot, I walk over, read the sign on the suggested value, then triple it, ensuring I’m the winner. I’ll have it sent to her directly. After I finish up, I walk around the room, throw in one more bid as I chat politely with people, but pause when Caroline approaches again.

  “Enjoying yourself?” she asks.

  “I am. You?”

  “It’s fine. I go to so many of these events they all become the same.”

  “Understandable.” I look around for Avery, hoping she comes back soon. Something about Caroline makes me uneasy.

  “Where’s your girlfriend?”

  I don’t bother to correct her. “Why?”

  “I’m surprised she left you alone. I wouldn’t if you were mine. You still could be.”

  A smirk settles on my face. This horse faced woman would never be mine. She’s bone thin, with an obvious boob job that looks like two grapefruit halves glued to her chest bone. Her blond hair is so bleached it’s almost white. It’s possible before she started altering herself, she may have been somewhat attractive, but I’ve never settled for somewhat attractive. Why would I when I can have the most beautiful women in the world?

  I decide to ignore the offer. “Well, Avery’s confidence is strong enough that she can powder her nose without fear I’ll stray.”

  “Perhaps she wouldn’t be so confident if she knew what a cad you were with women.”

  My eyebrow raises. “A cad? And what would you know about that?”

  “The same as every woman in London knows. Are you taking advantage of the fact that she’s from America?”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Caroline, so you should shut your mouth before it gets you in trouble.”

  “Is that a threat?” She narrows her eyes. “Is it?”

  “Hi,” I hear Avery’s voice from behind me, then turn to her and smile.

  “Are we ready to go?” I ask.

  Avery’s eyes meet Caroline’s for the second time tonight. “Is there a problem?”

  “Do you know your new boyfriend sexually harasses his employees?”

  I feel my body temperature start to rise, but Avery steps closer. “Are you one of his employees?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Were you there the night that woman said she had sex with him? Like some kind of kinky threesome?”

  Caroline pulls her head back in disgust clutching her pearls. “Of course not.”

  “Oh. Well, were you there then during every single interaction he has with every single woman he works with?”

  Caroline’s eyes narrow. “No.”

  “Then what could you possibly know of the situation?”

  “What do you know?”

  “I’m not the one throwing accusations.”

  Caroline glares at Avery. “Well, I don’t really care.”

  “No? Then why are we having this conversation?”

  “Because I thought you should know.”

  “Or more likely you thought Ellis was an option, and when he turned you down, you decided to get mean about it to save your wounded pride.” Avery grins. “Or at least that’s what I would tell people if I had to.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “It means that you should not spread things you don’t know anything about, and if you do, I’m prepared with a motive of why you might say such things. I’m sure that would be humiliating for a woman of your standing.”

  “You’re a bitch.”

  “If fiercely protecting Ellis makes me a bitch, then so be it.”

  “May we get a photo?” We all turn at the sound of the photographer’s voice next to us.

  Caroline’s face relaxes into a smile, and Avery and I quickly follow suit falling into a straight line.

  After the photo, the photographer gets all of our names down, focusing on Avery.

  “How do you like London so far?” he asks.

  “I love it. Tonight has been wonderful, especially learning so much about the amazing work Ms. Williamson’s foundation does,” she says, smiling at Caroline.

  Caroline looks surprised and also impressed. The photographer asks Caroline a few questions about the foundation, jotting notes, before wondering off. Caroline turns to Avery.

  “I didn’t expect you to support me in that way.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I read the brochure about what you do, and I was truthful about what I said. I only spread truth. I have no animosity toward you if you give me no reason.”

  Caroline’s expression softens. “You have disarmed me, Ms. Kennedy. Please forgive my earlier ugliness. I’m not feeling quite myself this evening.”

  Avery’s lips break into a stunning smile. “No harm done.”

  Caroline nods her head. “I’ll leave you both to your evening. Thank you again for the support.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  As Caroline walks away, I turn and find myself staring at Avery in disbelief how she maneuvered through that situation.

  “You are unbelievable,” I murmur.

  “Ready to go?”

  “I am.”

  After saying our goodbyes to the host, we walk outside and hand the valet ticket to the attendant. Avery is silent as she wraps her shrug around her shoulders to stay warm, whilst I wish I could be the one to shield her from the cold.

  As we get in the car and she buckles her belt, I glance at her before driving into traffic.

  “You’re quiet,” I observe.

  “I’m fine. I just hope I handled Caroline appropriately.”

  “Are you worried you didn’t?”

  “I don’t know her, and it was getting so heated. I was afraid she’d make some comment about you and stir up trouble again, so I threw her the PR bone.”

  “I personally am extremely impressed and confident that you handled it perfectly.”

  “Okay. As long as you’re happy.”

  Without thinking, I take her hand in mine. She looks down at my grip then up at me. “I am happy.”

  She nods, pulling her hand away. “Good. The true test will be tomorrow. I’ll be up early reading everything about the night, and I’ll compile a report for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s what I do, Ellis.”

  Finishing the drive, I pull up in front of her place, but as she tries to get out of the car, I put my hand on her arm to stop her. “Avery…I just want to say…” That I want to kiss you, tear that gown from your body, and make you forget your name. “I appreciate everything you did on my behalf tonight. I had confidence going in that I could trust you, and you proved me correct. Thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome, Ellis. I’ll call tomorrow. Good night.”

  “Good night, Avery.” As she exits the car, I watch her walk up the pavement, and just as she goes inside, she turns back and waves.

  Putting the car in gear, a smile settles on my face. I defini
tely like her.

  Chapter 8 Avery

  Inside my room, I strip out of the gown, carefully hanging it up, before heading into the bathroom to wash my makeup off. Tonight was a pressure cooker for me, and all I can do now is hope I pulled it off. That Caroline bitch was not something I counted on, but should going forward. Ellis is highly sought after and I’d bet women always come at him. Now with me by his side, it may not be the last time I find myself having a conflict. After brushing my teeth, I open the door to see Annabelle in the hall.

  “Hey, you,” she says softly. “I heard you come in.”

  “Sorry to wake you.”

  “No, it’s fine. I wanted to know how it went.”

  Following me into my room, we both climb in my bed, sitting cross legged just like we did as teens. “It went well, I think.” I proceed to go through the evening’s events ending with the Caroline incident.

  “Definitely jealous,” Annabelle confirms.

  “Totally. I get it, Ellis is…” I look up at her. “That tux.”

  She giggles. “I know. Any sparks between you two?”

  “I just tried to shut it out all night and ignore the fact that I was spending the evening with the hottest man on the planet.”

  “You’re strong.”

  “I have to be. The job is more important than my raging hormones, but Annabelle, I felt like I was standing in a burning fire all night.”

  “Do you think he noticed?”

  “No idea.”

  “I bet he did. How could he not? You’re gorgeous.”

  “Says the woman who looks exactly like me.”

  She laughs. “I’m not exactly like you though. Yes, our features are the same, but our style is very different. You’re sexy.”

  “And you are?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. David says I’m classy and conservatively feminine like I’m from another era.”

  “That’s a cute description. Pretty accurate too.”

  “You walk in the room and pull all eyes to you. Even David said he wouldn’t be surprised if Ellis was dying to be with you. He always appreciates the rarest of beauties, and even though you have a literal twin, your beauty is in a class of its own.”

  “Thanks, sis, but it’s overrated. I’d love to be pursued for my personality, my intelligence, my sense of humor. I’d love for a man to fall for me at karaoke night like David did with you. Instead, men just want to have sex with me. Once they get that, they’re done.”


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