Mind the Line

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Mind the Line Page 10

by Jennifer Domenico


  “At the risk of revealing my friend’s innermost thoughts, I’ll say that whilst he does find you extremely captivating, he’s impressed with your work and interested in that aspect of your relationship.”

  “Except that he almost kissed her this morning,” Annabelle adds, chiming in.

  I shoot her a hard look. “Annabelle.”

  She shrugs. “I speak the truth.”

  David nods, smiling. “I already know this. I received a text message about the incident and talked him through it.”

  I smile. That’s pretty cute reaching out to his friend about me. “What did you say?”

  “I asked him if he could only choose one, would he pick his working relationship with you or would he choose to explore a possible romantic one.”

  “Ooh,” Annabelle exclaims. “What did he say?”

  “This is between us, ladies, yeah?”

  We both nod and answer simultaneously. “Yes.”

  “He said that he had to think about it, and then we listed pros and cons and ended with working relationship.”

  “What were the cons of being romantically involved with me?” David gazes at me for a moment, and I can tell he’s deciding whether to tell me. “Between us,” I continue. “I’ll never tell him you told me.”

  Nodding, he smiles. “He said with his track record with women, he’d rather keep you in his life than risk losing you.”

  His response plays over and over in my mind. “I can relate. I said something similar to Annabelle this morning.” A little sadness falls over me as it hits me we’re both so similar that a relationship would be a disaster. “Besides, I want to see this chapter in his life closed, and I want to be the one to close it. It’s unfair what’s happened, and it’s my personal mission to right it again. I can’t do that if I’m sleeping with him. I can’t be objective that way.”

  “Yeah,” David agrees. “Sounds like you both view it the same way, even though there’s an obvious attraction.”

  “We’ll just ignore it.”

  “Until you can’t anymore,” Annabelle adds. “It’s going to happen. I’m positive. It might be a long time from now, but it’s happening.”

  Shaking my head, I roll my eyes, lift my fork and scoop up some mashed potatoes. “I’m tougher than you think. I can handle a little attraction.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not a little attraction. It’s palpable. It’s just a matter of time before you both go for it and have hot monkey sex.”

  Laughing, I reply, “hot monkey sex? Really, Annabelle?”

  The three of us laugh as we dig into our meals but her words linger in the air. Hot monkey sex with Ellis? Don’t I wish. It’ll never happen, but, ah, what a nice fantasy.

  If only I could.

  Chapter 11 Ellis

  On Monday morning, as I sit in my kitchen reading the latest happenings in the world, my phone pings indicating a new email. Setting my tea down, I pick up my phone and check it, smiling when I see it. As I read the details, a thought comes to me. I need to get Avery to come with me. She’ll love it, and I’ll love her being with me. After checking the time, I decide to ring her, hoping she’s up.

  “Hello?” she answers after two rings.

  “Hello, Avery. I hope I haven’t woken you.”

  “Nope. Just got out of the shower. What’s up?”

  I take a moment to imagine her soaking wet with soap all over her body. “I just received an invite to a very exclusive event. It’s next month in Paris.”


  “I’d like you to come with me.”

  “To Paris?”

  “Yes. We’d stay for three days. You would have an opportunity to meet a lot of influential people from all over Europe, and particularly London. Typically, we even have royalty show up.”

  “What kind of event is it?”

  “It’s for businesses and individuals who contribute to the betterment of their communities. I am nominated individually.”

  “That’s wonderful and very positive press.

  “Another reason why you should come.”

  “How could I turn down three days in the city of lights?”

  I smile, pleased with her acceptance. “Wonderful. You’ll need a formal gown and a cocktail dress.” And one of those sexy pencil skirts.

  “I can do that.”

  “Excellent. I’ll secure an extra room for you in the hotel and handle our flight arrangements.” I chuckle. “Well, I’ll have Lana do it for me.”

  “Okay. Just let me know what I owe for my part of the trip.”

  “You owe nothing. Consider it a business expense on my part. Someone always comes with me. Usually it’s David, but he’ll understand.”

  “Uh oh, Annabelle might kill me for ruining her chance at getting something pretty from Paris.”

  “We can make sure we pick her up something nice. After all, if it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be together.”

  “Working together,” she corrects.

  “Of course, Avery. What else could I have meant?”

  “Right. My bad.”

  “My bad?”

  She laughs softly. “An expression to say my mistake.”

  “Then why don’t you just say my mistake?”

  “I don’t know, Ellis. Because I’m American.”

  Now, it’s my turn to laugh. “Well, on that note, will I see you later today?”

  “You didn’t give me a time yet.”

  “Ah. Eleven-ish?”

  “Sure. See you then.”

  “See you then.”

  After hanging up with her, I sip my tea, imagining us strolling through Paris, hand in hand, knowing it will never happen, but a man can dream, can’t he?

  I finish my tea, then go to my bedroom to change my clothes. Glancing at my watch, I hope that my delivery will make it to her before she arrives for our meeting. Perhaps she’ll see I’m not a complete arse. Well, I am, but not 100% of the time.

  Chuckling, I start the shower to prepare for my day. I shouldn’t be excited to see her. It should be just another mundane meeting, like the many others crowding my schedule. She’s a colleague, nothing more. I sigh, glancing in the mirror as I run my fingers through my hair. I shouldn’t be excited, but dammit, I am.

  Chapter 12 Avery

  I can’t believe I’m going to Paris. Three days alone with him. With Ellis. I don’t even know how to process this. On the one hand, I’m super excited. Paris has been on my bucket list for years. I’ve dreamed of kissing on a bridge with the Eiffel Tower looming in the background, sitting in a café sharing croissants with someone special, walking hand in hand as we take in the sites. It’s one of the most romantic cities in the world, and I’m going with my client. My client who I’m so attracted to I can hardly stand it.

  After I dress, I head to the kitchen for some breakfast. Just as I finish my toast, I hear the doorbell ring and walk over to answer it to a delivery man standing in the foyer with a box and a clipboard in his hand.


  “Good Morning. I have a delivery for a Miss Avery Kennedy.”

  “Oh, that’s me.”

  “Sign here, please.”

  Nodding, I sign on the clipboard and take the packages, thanking him. I study the first box, wondering what it could be since I haven’t placed any recent orders. After setting it on the coffee table, I open it up, and when I see what it is, my mouth falls opens.

  Pulling the bottle from its careful wrapping, I study the label with pure awe. It’s a bottle of Scotch over 50 years old. I have no idea why I have it or who sent it to me. Setting it down gently, I search the inside of the box, finding a card inside from the Mercy Benefit Auction. I open it, reading words I never expected.

  Avery, like a rare scotch a talent like yours is hard to come by. I excitedly anticipate what’s to come. Yours, E.W.III

  Unbelievable. I am speechless, and I am never speechless. I take a picture of the bottle and the card, and th
en text it off to Annabelle, who calls almost immediately.


  “Oh my god!” Annabelle exclaims. “Do you even know what that must’ve cost?”

  “Yes, I do. Thousands, probably.”

  “Yeah. I mean, chump change for Ellis, but still. He must think so highly of you to get it.”

  “I hope I live up to this.”

  “You already have obviously.”

  “Annabelle, this is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. I mean, anyone that wasn’t family. I’m blown away.”

  “Aw, sweetie, I know. I told you Ellis is much nicer than he seems. He has a soft side that he’s just doesn’t feel safe enough to show often, but you’ve touched him on some level.”

  “Yeah. Guess what else?”

  “You want to kiss him?”

  I laugh. “Well yeah, but that’s not what I was gonna say.”

  “What then?”

  “He invited me to Paris for three days. Some kind of award thing he’s nominated for.”

  She squeals so loud I actually have to pull the phone away from my ear. “Oh. My. God. Paris with Ellis? Could you die?”

  I laugh, remembering how that was her favorite saying for about three years when we were teens. “Yeah, I could.”

  “You said yes, right?”

  “Of course. I’m nervous though.”

  “I would be too, but maybe it’ll be so busy doing award stuff, there won’t be any time to deal with the ridiculous amount of sexual tension between you.”

  Shaking my head, I reply. “Maybe.”

  “Or, maybe, Paris is hot monkey sex time, and what a good place for that to happen. Oui, oui, Ellis.”

  I laugh out loud. “When did you get so funny?”

  “Hey, there’s more to me than dinosaurs and museums.”

  “Obviously.” I run my fingers through my hair. “I have to go meet with him now. What should I say?”


  “The scotch.”

  “Oh. Say thank you.”

  I laugh softly. “I know that. I think I should say something more.”


  “I don’t know, Annabelle. That’s why I’m asking for help.”

  “Maybe you should just walk in his office, hike up your sexy little skirt, flash him some thigh, and see what he does.”

  Shaking my head, I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. “Or not.”

  “Okay, then say what you told me. It’s the nicest gift you’ve ever received and it made your day. That’ll be good enough.”

  “Okay,” I answer, exhaling slowly. “I’ll just say that.”

  “Let me know how it goes. I’ll be on pins and needles.”

  “I will. Talk to you later.”


  I open the second package and see the book I picked out for Annabelle. I smile, shaking my head, knowing damn well Ellis made this happen too. I definitely have to tell him how much this means.

  Just tell him it was thoughtful. I nod to myself. And try not to tell him the idea of Paris, this bottle of scotch, and him naked is just about the trifecta of any fantasy I could ever imagine. Definitely don’t tell him that.


  An hour later when I arrive at Equis, I ride up to his floor, walk into my office to set my things down, gather my planner and pen, and then head across the hall to Ellis’s office. I put in a little extra effort to my appearance today, ignoring the reason why. I shouldn’t encourage the attraction between us, but that doesn’t mean I won’t.

  His door is open, so I tap softly before entering.

  “Morning, Ellis.”

  He looks up and flashes a truly stunning smile. “Good morning, Avery.”

  I walk forward, stopping just in front of his desk. “I got your gift.”

  “Did you?”

  Nodding, I smile. “I just want to say thank you. It’s literally the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received outside of family.”

  “Well then, I’m even more pleased I was able to get it for you.”

  “The book too. Thank you again.”

  “You’re very welcome. Please sit.”

  I sit in the chair in front of him, opening my planner, and crossing my legs, as Ellis’s eyes roam over me. For just a moment, I imagine him shoving everything off the desk and climbing over it at me, pulling me into his arms, tearing at my clothes, until finally—


  Blinking to ground myself, I smile. “Yes?”

  “Did I lose you for a moment?”

  “I, um, I’m sorry. I was just thinking of something I need to do. Later.” With my vibrator.

  “It must be a pleasant activity based on the expression on your face. Should I be jealous?”

  “Why would you be?”

  His eyes search mine for a moment before he answers. “Because I find I am always jealous when you aren’t with me. Jealous of David who eats his meals with you, of your sister who spends her time with you, of your bed that wraps around you, and, god knows, of any man who got to touch you.”

  My mouth falls open slightly at his admission. “Um, we should, uh, focus on work.”

  “Yes, we should.” He tilts his head. “Are you jealous?”


  “Just in general.”

  “Not usually.”

  “So if I told you I had a date tonight, it wouldn’t bother you at all?”

  As my body heats from the flash of pure jealousy that hits me, I hope my face hasn’t betrayed me. “No. Why would it, Ellis? We’re colleagues. Nothing more.”

  “Yes, but if you told me you had a date tonight, I would try to concoct a reason why you couldn’t make it. Or I would follow you and somehow find a way to ruin it. You would be angry with me, and I would deserve your anger, but at least I would know that he didn’t get to spend his night in your arms.”

  My brow crinkles. I hardly know what to say. “So, if you can’t have me, no one else can either, kind of thing?”

  “That about sums it up.”

  I nod. “And how long do you expect to behave this way? Eventually I’ll go out with someone. Eventually, I’ll need a man.”

  “I expect to behave this way until either we give in or someone else captures my thoughts the way you have.”

  “We talked about this. No one’s giving in. There’s too much on the line.”

  “I absolutely agree.”

  “Then why are you talking shit?”

  “I just want you to tell me that you desire me as I desire you.” Ellis stands, walking to his door and closing it. He turns in my direction, pausing for a moment before approaching me. He inserts himself between me and the desk, and all I can do is try to control my erratic breathing. A moment later, he kneels, resting his hand on my knee. “Just tell me you want me. That you think about me all the time. That you wish I would kiss you right now.” He exhales softly. “Or that you wish I would climb under this sexy little skirt of yours.”

  I study his face for a moment, noticing the pleading look in his eyes. “Why, Ellis? It’s dangerous.”

  “It is, but you’re brave. You must be to take me on in the first place. To uproot your life in America. To allow me to be this close to you. You can handle a little danger, can’t you, Avery?”

  Can’t I? “If I tell you what you want to hear, will you let it go?”

  “I don’t know what I’ll do.” He reaches up and cups my cheek, causing me to hold my breath for just a moment. “Perhaps I’ll kiss you. Finally press my lips against yours the way I’ve wanted to since the day I laid eyes on you. I’ll run my fingers through your hair as my lips roam over every stunning inch of your skin.”

  Fuck. He’s driving me crazy. “And then?”

  A smirk spreads across his lips. “And then you’ll open your legs to me, and I will bury, first my tongue, then my cock, into the deepest parts of you, until you scream, cry, or whisper my name in ecstasy, and I will continue until you literally
can’t take it anymore.”

  “Jesus, Ellis.”

  “What? Does that sound nice?”

  Nice? Does it sound nice? It sounds like fucking paradise. I refuse to give in. I can’t. We can’t. “We should get back to work.”

  “Tell me how I make you feel, Avery.” He moves closer to my mouth. “Tell me with your words or I’ll learn from your kiss.” He smiles. “And once I start kissing you, who knows if and when I’ll ever stop.”

  After gazing into his eyes for a moment, I blurt, “Yes, fine, okay, Ellis. Fine. I want it too. I’m attracted to you, obviously. I think about it all the time, and yes, I would be stupidly jealous if you were going on a date. There. I said it. Are you happy now?”

  “Yes, I am.” He lifts my hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss against it. “Now, let’s get to work.”

  What in the actual fuck is this about! I’m frustrated and turned on all at the same time. How the fuck am I supposed to focus on work now when all I can think about is Ellis between my legs? Is he distracting me on purpose? Yes, maybe that’s it. Just to see if I can handle it. Setting my shoulders, I clear my throat, and sit up straighter in my chair.

  “Should we discuss the weekend?”

  He sits in his leather chair across from me. “Haven’t we already?”

  “Are you satisfied with how I handled it or do we need to discuss it more?”

  “If I wasn’t satisfied, you would be well aware of that.”

  I nod. “Okay then. What social obligations do you have coming up?”

  “None until Paris.”

  “You need to get some. I have an idea.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Do you ever go out socially with men?”

  His brow creases. “Men?”


  “Not often. Occasionally I’ll grab a beer with David. Why?”

  “I think you should. You and David should casually go grab a beer and have dinner somewhere very public. Wear jeans, be a guy.”

  “Be a guy?” His cocks his head. “Explain.”

  I smile, resting my pen on my planner. “Your public persona is very…well…stiff, for lack of a better term.”


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