Escape to Indigo Bay: Four Sweet Beach Reads (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series)

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Escape to Indigo Bay: Four Sweet Beach Reads (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series) Page 1

by Jean Oram

  Escape to Indigo Bay

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  Jean Oram

  Jeanette Lewis

  Melissa McClone

  Stacy Claflin


  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  Sweet Matchmaker

  Sweet Matchmaker

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  More from Jean Oram & Indigo Bay

  Books by Jean Oram


  Sweet Illusions

  Sweet Illusions

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  More from Jeanette Lewis & Indigo Bay

  Other Books By Jeanette Lewis

  Sweet Reunion

  Sweet Reunion

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  More from Stacy Claflin & Indigo Bay

  Other Books by Stacy Claflin

  Author’s Note

  Sweet Holiday Surprise

  Sweet Holiday Surprise

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  More from Melissa McClone & Indigo Bay

  Other Books By Melissa McClone

  Thank you!

  About Jean Oram

  About Jeanette Lewis

  About Melissa McClone

  About Stacy Claflin

  Escape to Indigo Bay

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  Box Set

  Stories by Jean Oram, Jeanette Lewis, Melissa McClone, Stacy Claflin

  © 2019

  First Edition

  Box set cover designed by Jean Oram

  Individual book covers designed by Najla Qamber Designs

  Thank you for downloading this ebook. Although in electronic form, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and it cannot be reproduced, modified, copied and/or distributed by any means for commercial or non-commercial purposes whether the work is attributed or not, unless written permission has been granted by the author, with the exception of brief quotations for use in a review of this work. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite online vendor where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support. Keep reading!

  All characters and events appearing in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, as well as any resemblance to events is coincidental and, truly, a little bit cool.

  ISBN: 978-1-989359-10-5

  Sweet Matchmaker

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  (Book 2)

  By Jean Oram

  © 2017 Jean Oram

  Sweet Illusions

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  (Book 4)

  By Jeanette Lewis

  © 2017 Janet K. Halling

  Sweet Holiday Surprise

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  By Melissa McClone

  © 2017 Melissa McClone

  Sweet Reunion

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  (Book 11)

  By Stacy Claflin

  © 2018 Stacy Claflin

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  What is the Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series? It’s tons of fun for readers! But more specifically, it is a series of books written by authors who love romance. Grab a glass of sweet tea, sit on the porch, and get ready to be swept away into this charming South Carolina beach town.

  The Indigo Bay world has been written so readers can dive in anywhere in the series without missing a beat. Read one or all—they’re all sweet, fun rides that you won’t soon forget. Also, as special treats, you’ll see some recurring characters. How many can you find?

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  Sweet Dreams (Book 1) by Stacy Claflin

  Sweet Matchmaker (Book 2) by Jean Oram

  Sweet Sunrise (Book 3) by Kay Correll

  Sweet Illusions (Book 4) by Jeanette Lewis

  Sweet Regrets (Book 5) by Jennifer Peel

  Sweet Rendezvous (Book 6) by Danielle Stewart

  Holiday short stories:

  Sweet Holiday Surprise by Jean Oram

  Sweet Holiday Memories by Kay Correll

  Sweet Holiday Wishes by Melissa McClone

  Sweet Holiday Traditions by Danielle Stewart

  More from Indigo Bay

  Sweet Saturdays (Book 7) by Pamela Kelley

  Sweet Beginnings (Book 8) by Melissa McClone

  Sweet Starlight (Book 9) by Kay Correll

  Sweet Forgiveness (Book 10) by Jean Oram

  Sweet Reunion (Book 11) by Stacy Claflin

  Sweet Entanglement (Book 12) by Jean C. Gordon

  Coming May & June 2019!

  Indigo Bay Second Chance Romances

  Sweet Troublemaker (Book 1) by Jean Oram

  Sweet Do-Over (Book 2) by Melissa McClone

  Sweet Horizons (Book 3) by Jean C. Gordon

  Sweet Complications (Book 4) by Stacy Claflin

  Sweet Whispers (Book 5) by Jeanette Lewis

  Sweet Adventure (Book 6) by Tamie Dearen

  Missing some books from your collection?

  Find out more about Indigo Bay at

  Sweet Matchmaker

  Sweet Matchmaker

  By Jean Oram

  Ginger McGinty hates liars. And she just married a spy.

  Bridal shop owner Ginger McGinty excels at matchmaking unless it’s for herself. That is, until she meets the dreamy Aussie who helps her get into an event meant for engaged couples. Logan Stone is sweet, caring, thoughtful and fun—everything she desires in a man. But it turns out, her new fake fiancé could use a bit more than just a pretend engagement to get him into parties—he needs a quick marriage keep him in the country so he can be with his adopted special needs daughter.

  With a marriage of convenience pro-con list longer than the a
verage wedding veil, Ginger puts her faith in romance and offers Logan her hand in return for one thing—no lies.

  But little does she know, almost everything she knows about her new husband is based on a lie.

  Everything except his kisses and the way he accidentally spills his soul whenever they meet. And that’s quickly becoming a problem for Logan Stone who depends on distance and deceit to keep civilians such as Ginger safe from his enemy’s clutches.

  Will the two find love in their marriage of convenience, or will everything break apart when the truth rises to the surface, shattering everything, including their trust?

  Chapter 1

  Logan Stone pulled the ill-gotten invitation from the breast pocket of his sports jacket. One small fib and he would be through the doors and into the party for engaged couples. Then he could be on the lookout for Vito Hart, diamond smuggler. Vito had been working the week’s events here in Indigo Bay, hobnobbing with people like Logan, a wholesaler of loose diamonds. Little did Vito know that Logan had plans to put him behind bars before he could ruin any more happily ever afters with bad deals and violence.

  Logan had been deep undercover and without agency resources for six long months while tracking Vito, edging closer and closer. And now, as a (fake) wholesaler for a (fake) international business, he was almost in. Almost had enough incriminating intel to put the man securely behind bars and stop one nice chunk of the illegal trade of conflict diamonds that supported violent rebel forces stirring up civil war and intertribal conflict in Africa.

  But three days. That was all Logan had left on his visa before it was game over for his cover and he was deported by the local officers of the law. They’d been tracking him ever since they’d found him with a soon-to-expire visa lurking around Becker’s visa and passport forgeries near the docks during one of their sting operations. Not his best day in the field and so much for plan B.

  Logan inhaled the mild South Carolina ocean breeze, letting it wash over him as he reminded himself who he was supposed to be—just a wholesaler wanting to get close to a diamond source, as well as potential new clients. He had his name tag, a small brochure, fake business cards and even a simple diamond engagement ring with a spiral Celtic knot design. All part of the shtick. All intended to get him closer to Vito. Bust him before the local officers ejected Logan from the country on Wednesday.

  The doors to the event were open, the music pouring outside. In line, engaged couples kissed and held hands, and Logan looked away, not wanting to be reminded of all he’d lost by being selfish so many years ago. He had a job to do today. Nothing more.

  He toyed with the invitation while the line slowly moved forward. Get close to Vito, gain his trust. That’s what he had to do tonight. The man knew what line of work he was in, though he acted as if he barely knew him. Logan felt Vito needed just one more small thing before he took him into his trusted inner circle.

  But what was that missing piece?

  Laughter from inside caused Logan to glance up. Vito was near the doors, his wife at his side. Logan had mentioned in passing that he was engaged, but he’d yet to show up with a woman on his arm. Was that the issue? If so, he was going to have to find a civilian, seeing as it was too risky to break his silence with HQ and ask for a female field agent to come play the part. There was a good reason he had gone silent—Vito was no dummy and likely had more than the one guy Logan had noticed sporadically keeping tabs on him.

  Which meant it was time to finally show up with a fiancée.

  Logan needed to regroup before he saw the smuggler again. Turning on his heel, he left the line, nearly bumping into a woman in a clingy green dress that brought out the spark in her matching eyes, the fiery highlights in her auburn hair.

  “Oh! I’m sorry,” she said.

  “My fault. Are you all right?”

  Her smile grew as she nodded. “Australian?”

  “That I am, mate.” He laid his accent on thick and her grin took on a hint of slyness. The sheila liked accents. And he liked her. She had the kind of curves and smile that had him taking a second look back as he made his way down to the beach.

  Hot, that’s what that woman was. If he hadn’t been on a mission he’d be trying to spend a little time with her. And since he was on mission, he should be doing the same, to use her to further his cover. But civilian covers were tricky. Risky.

  Logan walked down to the Atlantic, letting the sound of the crashing waves fill his mind.

  He was tired. Unenthusiastic about maintaining his cover, managing a million lies. He stared out at a blinking buoy marking a shoal, and rolled his shoulders. Maybe it was time for a new job. One with more toys, more excitement.

  Yeah, he had toys and occasionally even got to use them. And as for excitement? His work was either deadly boring or so exciting he nearly died. Literally.

  He needed something in between, like his agent friend Zach Forrester had been talking about—private security.

  That would be nice. Lots of toys and the kind of excitement that didn’t get him killed.

  Just about perfect.

  He also wouldn’t have to worry about his next mission taking him away from Annabelle Babkins, daughter of a fellow agent who’d been killed in the line of duty. Eighteen years old now, Annabelle had a room in an assisted living facility, but her only guardian and advocate was Logan.

  Frustration still stirring within him, he began walking back to the party.

  Wednesday—that’s when it would all fall apart. Three short days.

  He’d worked with tighter timelines and knew that when plans continued to fail like they had with this mission, something better was typically lining up for him.

  And if not, well, then he’d tag out and someone else would come in and try to get close. But in the meantime, Logan would go old-school and find a nice sheila to lure into a marriage of convenience to help get his visa extended so he didn’t get deported. Plan C, because seriously? Nobody at HQ seemed to have noticed that, due to the way Vito kept going dark and the case kept getting extended, Logan’s visa was now set to expire.

  That meant it was time for him to focus on looking out for number one—himself—and find a lovely woman to marry him.

  “But I have an invitation.” Ginger McGinty waved the printed square of white card stock that was supposed to guarantee entry into the engaged couples event. She wasn’t actually engaged—that would have helped solve her money problems, as well as removed her need to sneak into the party. Six months ago her grandmother, Wanda, had offered her a standing deal when they’d drawn up the purchase papers for her bridal shop. Wanda had liked Ginger’s boyfriend of the time, Matias, and had told her that if she married him—and stayed with him for a year—Wanda would give her 30 percent off the store’s market value. Basically, the amount Ginger had to go into debt for in order to make the purchase and what her grandmother thought would finally inspire Ginger to settle down.

  But Wanda, as brilliant as she was, didn’t understand. Men left Ginger. It wasn’t the other way around. And as Ginger had predicted, Matias had left a few months later. Picked up his bags and moved back to sunny Argentina.

  Wanda was a romantic who had enjoyed forty-seven years of bliss with her husband. She’d helped hundreds, if not thousands, of brides fulfill their happily ever afters, after marrying the rancher next door as per her family’s wishes. What had been friendship between them had developed into a very loving, strong marriage. The kind that made Ginger wish someone would set her up with someone once and for all. Her grandfather had doted on his wife and supported her dream of opening a wedding shop in the small town of Blueberry Springs. He’d stood by her side and had helped the store grow, right up until his passing a few years ago.

  Love like that—as much as Ginger wished for it—just didn’t happen these days. People expected too much, weren’t honest enough.

  Herself included, when it came to expectations. She expected men to stay. And they didn’t. That meant she was single and ha
d to not only pay full market value for her grandmother’s successful store, but also needed to sneak into this party for market research purposes. She wanted to find out what made engaged couples chose a particular bridal shop, so she could boost her sales and maybe finally move into a real apartment that wasn’t a modified storeroom over the salesroom. That and pay the stifling increase in business taxes the current mayor, Barry Lunn, had slapped on her shop—as well as other town businesses—in hopes of helping their dying little town.


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