Nomi Nivag and the Kingdom of Poopoola

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Nomi Nivag and the Kingdom of Poopoola Page 1

by Bruno Bernier

Nomi Nivag and the Kingdom of Poopoola

  Bruno Bernier

  Copyright 2014


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Nomi was a constant sixteen-year-old daydreamer. A young teenager with her head in the clouds. She was sitting in the back of the classroom as she was the tallest of the kids and the teacher did not want her to interfere with their vision. She was looking outside the window as usual, dreaming of freedom of the chores of school. It was hard for her to concentrate as the best days of summer were coming. The sense of that wanted freedom was invading her more and more.

  She was drifting away when suddenly a nagging raspy voice brought her out of her reverie.

  “Nomi!” said Miss Brown, the teacher of the class.

  “Nomi Nivag, young girl, wake up! You are not paying attention!” said the middle-aged woman angrily.

  “Yes Miss Brown, I apologize!” replied the girl who straightened herself up and covered drawings she had scribbled on a piece of paper in her binder.

  “I am so sorry,” said the young miss.

  Miss Brown gave Nomi and evil look and gave Nomi a stern speech.

  “Well, apologizing won’t bring up your grades. When are you going to understand that paying attention in class is really important for your future? You won’t make anything out of yourself by just daydreaming all day long. You need to learn things in order to become someone. If this is a goal for you, of course?” continued the teacher.

  The others in the class let out mad giggles and enjoyed the grilling session Nomi was receiving.

  The teacher looked around.

  “Hush! All of you. You have been slacking on me and your grades have been going down. I have made a promise to your parents that you would learn something this year and I intend to keep that promise. So to teach you the value of learning, I want a three-page report on one book you have read in the last month from the library. I want this by the end of the week as you will give a presentation in front of the class,” groaned the irritated teacher.

  Charlie, the bully of the class, tore up a page of his math book and made a paper ball out of it and threw it to Nomi, hitting her on the side of the head.

  “It’s all because of you. You are a dumb girl. This one’s for you and we will get payback for it. You wait and see!” said Charlie.

  The teacher went and grabbed Charlie by one of his ears and said: “Is that a treat to Nomi that I hear from you, Charlie McCain?”

  “I am sorry!” said the dark hair girl, tall teenager. “Please don’t start a fight on my account. Please don’t do that,” begged Nomi.

  “We will have to talk about this after class,” replied Miss Brown as she let go of Charlie’s ear.

  “Now it’s three o’clock, you are dismissed for the day. Go home and do your homework!” said Miss Brown.

  The bell rang and Nomi left class after a stern speech from the teacher. She did not live too far and it was warm and sunny outside that day. She decided to take a small trail beside the creek. Lazily pacing herself while looking at the scenery. She finally arrived at the farm, half an hour later.

  Her mother was waiting for her on the porch of the house while Brendan was close by playing with some toys. He was running in circles with a tiny airplane in his hand and making funny noise as he went along. He was autistic, a nice little man, but he would have several tantrums during the day so that situation puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Nomi’s mom had to stay home to take care of Brendan so there was no other income coming in but the farm itself. Despite Brendan’s condition Nomi loved her little brother to no end. She played with him all the time in the backyard. Trying to teach him words and he was making progress. Brendan was able to form words now and responded more and more to people around him. They all hoped that one day he would become close to self-sufficient.

  However, at the moment, Nomi’s mother was not impressed with her daughter, as she knew, that she deliberately took a long time to get home and avoid some chores she had to do.

  “Now Nomi, you know you have to behave better than that or you will get yourself in trouble. You know your dad needs you badly to help him just before supper time. Why do you keep doing this? He is working hard to make us all secure and all you do is try to derail us,” said Nomi’s mom.

  “I am sorry Mom,” replied the girl.

  “Sorry won’t put food on the table Nomi. Hard work will. Go tell your dad that the supper is ready and I want you to say to him that you are sorry to not have showed up to help him today,” she said.

  “Yes mother,” replied the young miss.

  And so she went to the stable where the milk cows were. The dairy cow barn was fairly big. It could accommodate close to a hundred cows.

  Her father was there tending to them and the milking machinery.

  Her father was a man in his early forties, tall and proud owner of the Nivag farm. The farm was a family business passed on from generation to generation. But it was performing poorly lately. The economy was not working in favors of the local farmers and times were hard.

  “Hi dad!” said the young girl when she came into the stable.

  “Mom told me to tell you that supper is ready,” she continued.

  “Ah, good day to you Nomi, thanks for the heads up. How was your day at school?” said the middle-age man.

  “Just a normal day, I guess,” replied the girl.

  “Did you learn anything new today?” replied her father while feeding the cows.

  “Well, I have learned the capitals of each province of Canada,” she replied.

  “Good and what is the capital of our province?” he asked.

  “Fredericton! You goof! Everyone around here knows that!” she replied to her dad.

  “That a girl!” laughed her dad.

  “Speaking of which, we will have to go there, next week to the markets. I want to present some new dairy products and a new brand of cheese to the local people. We will have a road trip and you are more than welcome if you do want to come, of course,” continued Nomi’s dad.

  “Oh dad, that would be awesome! It has been so long since I went there. Too long in fact. Could we go see cousin James when we go,” said Nomi?

  “Sure, why not. I have to go see your uncle anyways. I will call him tonight and see if he is not too busy this weekend,” replied her father.

  “Dad, you are the greatest,” she replied.

  “OK Nomi, now please help me bring the paperwork to the office and then we will go eat,” said Nomi’s dad.

  They finished the work and, both went home for supper.

  They had a good supper, but as usual, Nomi was busy daydreaming. Her mother shook her head, looking at her daughter.

  She had brought Nomi several times to the doctor to have her examined, but each time the doctor was formal in saying that she was perfectly normal. But they feared that Nomi was somewhat like her little brother.

  After supper Nomi was playing outside as usual. She decided to sit down under her favorite tree.

  She closed her eyes for several minutes and just enjoyed the soft, warm summer winds that were flowing all around her. All of this was fun for her, but then suddenly a bird in the tree started chirping loudly. Nomi, a bit surprised turned around and looked up at the bird and was wondering what was going on. It started to chirp louder and louder, then suddenly it started to speak!

  “Hey you! Yes, you! Look over here. I was sent here by Lord Zarara to ask for your help. He needs you to resolve an issue with one of his kingdoms,” said the strange-looking bird in the tree.
br />   Nomi could not believe her eyes and ears, she squinted and then looked at the bird again.

  “Who are you? I have never seen a talking bird before,” she said, backing a bit, terrified at what was going on.

  “Do not be afraid young miss. I am just a messenger for my lord. He just needs your services and you are the most qualified person he knows that can help out,” said the bird.

  Nomi looked all around her making sure that she was in check with reality.

  “Please, steps in inside,” said the bird.

  The bird made a gesture and a big huge hole opened at the bottom of the tree.

  “Don’t be afraid, please step into the opening,” repeated the bird.

  Nomi stayed frozen for several minutes, then stepped into the weird opening.

  “This is crazy!” she kept repeating to herself.

  She went forward for a few moments and then all went black. She let out a scream as she was tremendously scared of the situation.

  Then a light came about, far in front of her. It seemed like a white globe at the end of a tunnel. Nomi walked towards the light for what seemed to be like an eternity.

  After a while she could start to make out the shape of a door in the circle. She proceeded forward and finally reached it. The door was all white with golden decoration and a weird looking handle that was shaped in the head of a dragon.

  Seeing no alternative but to go forward, she turned the handle in an attempt to open the door which succeeded. She was bathed in a very bright light that blinded her.

  Even if she was scared, she did not phase in her resolve. She walked forward and suddenly a form appeared in the light. It was in the shape of a classical

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