Let’s Start Over

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Let’s Start Over Page 15

by Laurent, River

  “That was not five minutes. Are you even a Scout?”

  Cooper turned around and winked at me. “Okay, I’m not a Scout, but I don’t know what you’re complaining about. So maybe it was an additional forty, give or take.”

  “Everything is sore,” I groaned and dropped the glare for favor of a pout. “I swear, I can’t even move.”

  Cooper grabbed me against his body and kissed my shoulder. “Then I’ll take care of everything.”

  I started to protest, but damn when the man was on a mission, he was set on that mission. He used his hands to rub soap on me. Then he somehow managed to persuade me to spread my thighs while he held the shower spray inches away from my swollen clit and let the hot spray hit me there until I climaxed in a delicious, throbbing rush.

  Once we were done, I yelped as he carried me to the bed and sat me down on it. He pushed me onto my back and began to dry me off. “You don’t have to do all of this,” I argued as my cheeks burned.

  “I like doing it.” Cooper grinned. “Besides, any excuse to touch you is a good one.” He went off in search of his clothes.

  I rolled onto my side. He’s kind of perfect. No one had ever taken care of me the way he did. And I knew it wasn’t just to get in my pants like it was with most guys. After all, he had already gotten into them multiple times and he still spoiled the hell out of me.

  “Wear this one for me,” Cooper said, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I think it’ll look good on you.”

  I glanced up at the red orange dress that he held in his hand. It was a nice summer dress, a bit on the shorter side. It showed off a lot of leg and a bit of cleavage. I had loved it when I had bought it, but I hadn’t worn it yet, because I was too self-conscious.

  Brian had a habit of dictating what I could and could not wear, especially when we went out together. He never wanted eyes on me that weren’t his. He would never say… no you can’t wear this, or don’t wear that. It was more like… that just makes you look like a two-dollar hooker, but go ahead and wear it if that’s the look you’re going for.

  Cooper was completely different. He clearly wanted to show me off. He wasn’t insecure like Brian.

  “Okay.” I smiled as I stood up and shuffled over to the dresser. “I’ll wear it for you.” My heart hammered in my chest at the thought of showing so much skin, but Cooper’s smile made it worth it.

  He placed a delicate kiss to my ear and started to get himself dressed.

  I slipped into the dress and smoothed it down carefully. I took a deep breath and a leap of faith before I stood in front of my mirror and checked out the results. “Wow,” I muttered. “That’s a lot of skin on show.”

  “Wow is right, but not because of too much skin,” Cooper breathed as he squeezed my arms. “But because you look so fucking beautiful. I could throw you over my shoulder, carry you to bed and eat you out all over again.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I warned. I lifted my dress and showed him how my clit was so swollen it was protruding against the material of my panties. “Look what you’ve done to me. My pussy is throbbing right now as it is.”

  “Now why would you show me that?” He took my hand and placed it on the hard bulge in his pants. “Look what you’ve done to me by doing that.”

  I grinned. “Touché.”

  Cooper traced his finger over the exposed skin on my chest.

  I’d always been a little heavier than the average woman and I was worried about it, but not when he touched me with such reverence and called me beautiful.

  I smiled at my reflection and to my surprise. I loved the person that smiled back. I raked my fingers through my hair. It had naturally curled up a bit, but I liked that too for the first time in a long time. “You know, I haven’t been able to look in the mirror for a long time.”

  A frown touched Cooper’s lips as he caressed my arm. “Why not?”

  “I hated who I saw there. And then I couldn’t tell who I was even looking at. I didn’t recognize myself anymore. I wasn’t dressing like myself. I wasn’t talking like myself or even thinking like myself. I was a stranger and I let it happen to myself.”

  “That’s not true.” Cooper’s grip tightened. “You lost a lot all at once and then you ran into people that decided to take and take instead of give. That’s not your fault.” He growled. “That’s why I get so fucking pissed when I think about that coward. Anyone would be lucky to be with you, but all he wanted to do is fuck it up, and then come back to harass you. He’d better hope I never see his face.”

  I smiled up at him and patted his cheek. “You’re so wonderful Cooper. Come on, let’s go get lunch. I’m starving.”

  “I guess, if we’re not having sex, we might as well refuel.” Cooper slid his hand into mine and never let me go.

  I didn’t try to pull away, why would I? There was comfort in his warm, strong hand. I didn’t feel like I had to look around, or feel scared and intimidated like I’d done before. If soft, cowardly Brian was going to get to me he would have to go through a hard and determined Cooper first, and I would bet money that wouldn’t end well.

  “Where are we going?” I asked once the truck roared to life.

  “Since you’re all dressed up, I was thinking that little French bistro you were talking about the other day. We’ll have to leave Springston, but I have the whole day off. Mel already agreed to cover my shift. I think she just wants all of my money, and all of the bar tips.”

  I laughed. “You have to admit, she’s a smart woman.”

  “One of the smartest I’ve ever met and that’s why she scares me.”

  “Just a little huh? Maybe I’ll tell her that you said that.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Cooper growled. “She’ll never let me live it down and the last thing anyone needs, is more of Mel’s shit.”

  I cracked up. I could already see that wicked little grin on her lips. Yeah, she would torture him for sure.

  “Wipe that look off of your face,” Cooper said as he poked my thigh. “If she tortures me, I’ll torture you. I don’t think you…” His hand shot up my dress.

  At his pressing, I moaned from being overly sensitive.

  “… can you handle that?” He smiled gently. “Can you?”

  “No, no, you’re right. I’ll keep my mouth closed,” I said as I pretended to zip it shut and toss the key. “I’m done!”

  “Good.” Cooper grinned before he held onto my thigh and gave it a squeeze. “You’re lucky you’re so damn cute. Mischievous, but cute.”

  If he complimented me anymore, I was sure my face would just permanently freeze into a grin. My cheeks were already protesting. I hadn’t smiled so much for years and it felt good to be so carefree.

  We pulled up to Cafe Nicolette and I let out a delighted gasp. The red brick, the twinkling lights that must look amazing at night, the garden out front and the small benches that had been placed in it, all of it was so pretty.

  “I’m sure you had better back in the city,” Cooper said as he took my hand.

  “You know, I can’t say I did. Everything was either grimy or so... so polished and modern. No one would appreciate how beautiful something so quaint and old-fashioned like this really is, and if they did they didn't show it because they would be afraid of being sneered at for not being sophisticated enough.”

  “I love that you do appreciate it.”

  Cooper led me into the restaurant and we were seated next to a large glass window with a view of a different part of the garden. Everything inside was decorated with cream and red colors. It was romantic and sweet with the soft music playing through the room.

  “It’s beautiful here. I seriously feel like every stressed out bone in my body is relaxed for once.” Then I peered at the menu and nearly choked at the prices. “Maybe I should have looked the prices up before we came all the way out here.”

  Cooper pressed a finger onto my menu and pushed it down to the table. “Stop looking at the prices. I can handle it.”

e you sure? I know I don’t have enough on my bank card right now,” I said as I nibbled at my thumb.

  “Jo, I make a lot more than you think. Trust me, I'm comfortable and I can handle this. If I didn’t think I could swing the bill, I never would have suggested this place.” He smiled. “So, please relax. I might get annoyed.”

  I wanted to protest, but his eyes said that he was serious. A smile slowly spread across my lips. “What happens when you get annoyed?”

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead…” He laughed. “Don’t question things I can’t give you answers to.”

  I grinned. “That’s the best time to ask them.”

  “Smart ass,” he muttered as he flipped through the menu.

  I chuckled and flipped through mine as well. If only he knew how timid I was back in New York, how much the smart ass hadn’t come out in ages. My heart sped up in my chest for him and I had to shake it off before I could properly examine the menu and order my food.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “Oh, my God,” I hummed. “I don’t think I’ve had food this good in a long time. This is amazing,” I said as I picked up another oyster.

  “I’m surprised I actually like this stuff. I’m more of a steak and potatoes man—”

  “Don’t I know it,” I said with a grin.

  “This isn’t bad though,” he continued. “Maybe I need to expand my horizons a bit more. You can pick the next restaurant too.”

  “Really? Good, because I have an entire map planned out of all the places I want to visit around Texas and outside of it too.”

  Cooper grinned at me.

  My cheeks went red. Yeah, I sounded like an excited little kid, but I was free for the first time in… like ever. Eventually, Brian would have to back off and I could live the life I wanted to live. I was never meant to be stuck in one place unhappy and closed off from the world.

  “Jo,” Cooper said softly. “I really missed the hell out of you when you were gone.” He reached across and took my hand. “I hated it when I heard you left. It might not have seemed like it, but it really fucked me up for a while.”

  I blinked. “It did?”

  He nodded. “Of course. You were my other half when you were here and I didn’t appreciate it until I was in college.” He sucked in a deep breath. “I want you to give me, give us, another chance. All I want to do is be with you and make you happy the way I should have done years ago.”

  Oh, my God. Was Cooper actually pouring his heart out to me? There was so much hope in his eyes as he gazed at me that my stomach dropped. Am I ready to be in another relationship? There was so much going on with Brian still in the picture, but I did have feelings for Cooper. A lot of feelings. Hearing him say he wanted to give it another go I was both excited and terrified all at once.

  “Jo?” he prompted softly.

  I glanced up at him. “Can I think about it? It’s not a no, but I do need to think some things over with everything that is going on. Is that okay?”

  Cooper slowly nodded. “Of course. I would never try to push you into anything. If you need time, I can wait.”

  I squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I appreciate you being so patient with me through all of this. I never used to be so fragile.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” he said quickly. “I get what you’re going through, at least partially and I know why you need time. I’ll be okay waiting.”

  “Seriously…” I sighed. “Thank you.” I hadn’t been given time to think in my past relationship about anything. It was do or face the consequences. Now that I was with Cooper, I found it was still hard to let go of the mindset I had before to appease someone. I didn’t have to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. Cooper’s words just confirmed that.

  “Should we order dessert?” Cooper asked.

  I smiled. “Dessert sounds like heaven. Let me go to the bathroom first.”

  “I’ll be here,” he said as I stood up. “Probably ordering one of everything,” he muttered.

  I chuckled and shook my head. As I walked past him, I ran my hand across his shoulder. I was one seriously lucky girl. I strolled past the tables and felt eyes boring into me. As I glanced off to the left, I saw a familiar face.

  Victoria. She sneered at me, her eyes narrowed as she openly stared me down.

  A million thoughts went through my head, but in the end I settled for ignoring her and popped into the restroom.

  As soon as I walked out of the stall, I bumped into someone. “Oh, sorry about that. I wasn’t—”

  “You need to back the fuck off.”

  I stared at Victoria in astonishment. Had she really followed me to the bathroom? Were we in middle school? I brushed past her to the sink and turned on the water. “I don’t want to do this,” I sighed. “Can we just... not?”

  Victoria scoffed. “You have a lot of nerve asking anything from me when you’re trying to steal what’s not yours.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, bitch. Cooper. We’ve been working on getting back together for a while now, and suddenly you pop up and try to ruin it for us. You have no idea what you’re getting in the middle of, so you need to back off and crawl back to whatever rock in New York you were living under.”

  I’d been quiet for so long, just letting people push me around and have their way. I wasn’t going to do it with her. I turned off the water, yanked down some paper towels, and dried my hands. “From what I’ve heard…” I tossed the paper into the trash, “… Cooper wants nothing to do with you. I know you two had a bit of a past, basically you jumped him when he was feeling lonely and very drunk, but he’s sober now. Don’t you think it’s time you let it go?”

  Victoria’s eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Cooper and I have been secretly sleeping together this whole time. Why the hell would I go to his bar and hang around him like that if we weren’t? I’m not some desperate groupie,” she said as she flipped her hair.

  I pressed my lips together. I wanted to slap her, but I also didn’t want to go to jail for someone like her. Could it be true? Cooper wouldn’t still be sleeping with her and then climb into bed with me, right?

  There was no way. No way in hell. Cooper wouldn’t do that to me. I sucked in a breath. We weren’t together formally. It wasn’t like he couldn’t sleep with anyone else if he wanted to. I couldn’t even rightfully get angry about it.

  Despite the logical part of my brain, the insecurities reared their ugly head again. What if it was true? If he were sleeping with Victoria after he told me that he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be with him. I wouldn’t even consider the possibility. We would barely even be friends if he had lied to me. “Why should I believe you?” I asked her, not letting the doubt show on my face.

  Victoria’s lips curved into a grin. “You know Cooper. Let’s be real, he’s never been the settling down type.”

  “So, what’s your point?” I scoffed.

  “My point is that if he didn’t settle down for you years ago, what makes you think he’s going to do it now? I mean honestly, grow up. You had your chance already and he’s clearly not into you that much if he’s still coming over my place once the bar closes. So, I’m going to warn you one more time. Stay the hell away from what’s mine and you won’t get hurt.” Victoria turned on her heels and stalked out of the bathroom.

  As soon as she was gone, I leaned against the sink and my shoulders sagged. The fluttering feeling that had been in my stomach all day died. I tightened my fists and felt my nails sink into my palms.

  “Breathe. Breathe,” I muttered to myself as I took a steady breath.

  I quickly turned and splashed some water on my face. The cold woke me and took down some of the heat in my cheeks. When I felt like I could handle it, I slipped out of the bathroom.

  Victoria’s eyes followed me as I walked back to my table and sat down.

  “There you are. For a minute, I thought I was going to have to come find you myself. They brought dessert. What’s wrong?”

  I stared down at the table until I collected myself as much as possible and glanced up at Cooper.

  His fork hovered mid-air, a frown on his lips as he searched my face.

  I refused to let Victoria see me cry, so instead I held my head up and confronted the situation directly, “Are you fucking Victoria?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “What?” Cooper asked as his mouth gaped open.

  “You heard me. Are. You. Fucking. Victoria? Don’t even think about lying to me, because I swear I can’t take one more lie out of one more person’s mouth. If you’re not going to be truthful and open, you might as well take me home now and leave me alone. I can’t stand another moment of unnecessary pain.”

  “What?” he repeated looking entirely lost.

  “You heard me,” I said quietly.

  “I don’t understand what you’re going on about? Why would you suddenly think that I’m sleeping with someone? We’ve been fine since last night and all of a sudden, you spring this on me? It’s more than a little bizarre and not only that, it’s incredibly insulting. When have I lied to you since you’ve been back? Every time you ask me something, I’m upfront even when you don’t want to hear it. I don’t understand why you would think I was even capable of hiding something like that from you.”

  “I noticed that you still haven’t answered my question,” I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “All of those pretty words mean nothing if you can’t be straight with me. Are you sleeping with Victoria? Yes or no? It’s a simple question.”

  “It’s a bullshit question,” Cooper muttered. “We both know, I’m not.”

  “I don’t know that,” I snapped back at him. “For all I know, you could be doing anything with anyone. It’s not like I’m around after you drop me off home at night to monitor your every move.”


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