Let’s Start Over

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Let’s Start Over Page 17

by Laurent, River

  “Look at you,” he growled as he plunged himself deep and lifted his hips up to do it all over again. “You’re amazing and you’re all mine. I can’t fucking believe it.”

  I caressed his cheek. “I can’t believe it either,” I breathed. “I never thought we’d end up together again, but I love it.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly. Cooper’s hips lifted and fell over and over again until I knew it wouldn’t be much longer before I couldn’t take another minute of the intense pleasure and my eyes started to roll back.

  Cooper kissed me from my lips, to my forehead and finally my throat. He licked there, tracing over a very sensitive spot before he nipped me roughly.

  I cried out and held him tighter but my head began to shake back and forth. “I’m so close. I’m so close,” I whispered. “Oh God I can’t take it anymore, but I don’t want this to stop.”

  “Then let go,” Cooper whispered to me. “Let go and enjoy it.”

  So, I did.

  My back arched and my breasts pushed against his chest. Every muscle in my body clenched and I tightened around Cooper.

  He thrust a few more times before I felt his body stiffen then he groaned low, deep and primal before he completely collapsed on top of me. “Hold on,” Cooper whispered.

  “Hmm?” I was too out of it to focus on a word he said. When he slipped out of me, I cried out and instantly missed his big, throbbing cock deep inside me.

  He carried me back to the bedroom and laid me on the bed.

  I did feel grateful for how comfortable it was.

  “I didn’t want to move you, but that couch is kind of small to fit both of us,” he explained, slightly out of breath. “Be right back.”

  I nodded and watched as he disappeared.

  When he came back, he had water for the both of us and he climbed back into bed with me.

  I immediately scooted closer to him and rested my palm on his chest.

  Cooper sighed and kissed the top of my head. “That was amazing,” he breathed. “I can’t believe how good it feels every time. You’re something special, you know?”

  I grinned up at him. “So are you. I loved watching you get all worked up.”

  “You mean you like to rile me up and see what happens for fun.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, okay you’re right about that. I couldn’t pass up the chance to get to you and, oh my God the way you moan and squirm while I was playing you? It was amazing and sooo hot.”

  Cooper shook his head. “Yeah, I don’t see how anyone couldn’t immediately see that we’re meant to be together.”

  “Agreed,” I hummed happily. “Would it be completely ridiculous of me to take a nap now?” I yawned and stretched myself. “And I could really use a massage too.”

  “I’ll give you all the massages you want,” Cooper said with a wolfish grin. “And no, I don’t think it's such a bad idea. I mean, we have had a pretty eventful day, and I think I could use a little rest myself.”

  “Nap it is,” I mumbled before snuggling against Cooper.

  “And when we wake up, we can finally get everything together and be ready to go. I want to make sure we have you safe and secure at my place before it gets dark.”

  I smiled up at him. “You’re so protective of me. Yeah, let’s pack everything up and get it ready to move after we rest.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Cooper kissed me again.

  I reveled in it. Every new hug and touch just made me feel more loved by him. I could stay like this with him forever. I’d finally found someone that made me happy and I wasn’t afraid to be myself around him. As I dozed off, I knew with absolute certainty that I had made the right decisions, especially when it came to Cooper. And I knew something else that couldn’t be denied.

  I was in love with Cooper.

  Who was I kidding?

  I had never stopped being in love with him

  * * *

  Packing up was made easier by the fact that Cooper hauled my things like they weighed nothing at all. I only packed the essentials I needed, but that still resulted in several bags to be taken with us over to his place.

  “I can’t believe I haven’t seen your house yet,” I mused as I handed him the last of my things tucked away into a bag while I shouldered a backpack.

  “Well, I would have invited you over a lot sooner, but I wanted to give you some time to adjust to moving here and everything. I always planned on having you over sooner rather than later.”

  I bounced on my heels as he loaded the last of my things and we climbed into the truck. “What does it look like?”

  “Why would I tell you when I can just show you? We’ll be there soon enough.”

  “How long is soon?” I asked as I raised a brow.

  “Trust me, we don’t have very far to go at all. I specifically chose a place that was close to the park, a few restaurants and of course the bar, so just sit back and relax a little.”

  I groaned. “I hope all the suspense is worth it,” I teased dramatically.

  “Oh,” Cooper grinned. “Trust me, it’ll be worth it.”

  God, he’s so adorable. The soft smile on his lips warmed my heart, so I calmed down and let him drive. No matter what his place looked like, it didn’t matter to me. I just wanted to be with him.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “This is your place?”

  Cooper burst out laughing. “How many times are you going to ask me that? Can you actually move instead of standing there staring? We need to get your things unpacked.”

  “There’s no way this is your place,” I muttered. “This is like one of those places you go on your phone to rent, so you can impress someone.”

  “Do you really think I have time for that?” Cooper asked as he arched an incredulous brow in my direction. “I barely have time to sleep or relax, working at the bar so much.”

  Cooper nudged me, but I was still in awe. His house was like something out of a dream of mine. It was one of those marvelous Texas houses, like something on the front cover a novel where you would see the heroine clinging to the hero dewy eyed and in love. Yeah, it was that insanely awesome.

  The impressive building was two floors and huge and painted a soft yellow. Large white columns supported the front of the structure with white balustrades. There was a balcony with the same stone balustrades on the first floor. Tall ceiling to floor windows covered the front and sides and I felt positive in the daylight the inside must glow with warm light.

  “Ivy,” Cooper said as he stopped and pushed keys into my hand. “If you’re going to stare, can you at least get the door for me. You have a lot of stuff here.”

  “I didn’t know what to leave behind,” I excused with a laugh.

  “I can see that. Go ahead, I’ll carry everything in.”

  I nodded and nearly jogged up the flagstone path to the front door. The key went in and my heart fluttered. Click. I pushed the door open and I was inside. The first thing I wanted to do was explore like an eager child, but then I remembered the fact that Cooper still had all of my things and I didn’t want to leave him on his own. “Here, I’ll help you with that,” I said as I reached out for a bag.

  Cooper shook his head. “No, no, I’ve got it. Why don’t you check out the rest of the place?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “If you were any more excited you’d piddle on the rug like a puppy. Go on. By the time you’re done, I should have everything put away upstairs. We can unpack everything after we eat dinner and have some beer.”

  I clutched my chest. “A man after my own heart,” I purred. “Alright, just one little look around. If you need anything, just holler for me.”

  “I think I can manage,” Cooper said as he winked and slapped my butt when I turned around.

  I yelped and shook my head at him before I slowly made my way out of the entrance hallway. Right away, I fell in love with all of the real wood. No artificial crap or pressed wood bullshit. It shone too, rec
ently cleaned and polished and gorgeous.

  “You clean this beast by yourself?” I asked Cooper.

  “Are you kidding? I have someone who comes through three times a week for a deep cleaning.” He walked up and wrapped an arm around my waist.

  “Why did you get something so big when it’s just you?”

  Cooper smiled. “I thought one day I would want a family and if I had one, I would want them here. I fell in love with this view the moment I saw it and there was no going back. I know it’s kinda ridiculous for a bachelor pad, but this place spoke to me and I couldn’t ignore it.”

  “It is breathtaking,” I whispered in awe.

  “Go look at the rest of it.” Cooper planted a kiss on my cheek before he walked ahead of me and up the stairs.

  I didn’t want to go up yet, instead I wandered the first floor. I’d expected warm light during the day, but even at night there was a softness that glowed. I dipped my head into the living room with its huge TV, comfy couches, and working fireplace. I found a sun room with amazing windows that would let in nothing but heat during the day. In summer, I couldn’t imagine wanting to be out there, but with the cool nights and pleasant days it would be amazing.

  The dining room was massive, and I could see entertaining guests around the long table and underneath that grand chandelier. The kitchen was even better. Creams and yellows were the dominating colors. It just seemed so homey and summery. I also found a large laundry room off of the kitchen and a breakfast nook tucked away in the corner.

  I stared out of the back window in amazement. I could see a nice sized pool and what I could only assume was a hot tub built into the side of it. A barbecue grill and patio furniture were set up as well and I couldn’t stop seeing myself standing there with Cooper in the summer while our friends enjoyed themselves.

  Upstairs was even better. There were several smaller guest rooms and an office where Cooper kept track of everything that happened at the bar. After the study was the most magnificent room I’d ever laid eyes on. The master bedroom was huge, but even calling it that didn’t really do it justice. It looked as if more than one room had been combined to make the master suite and the accompanying en-suite bathroom.

  A large bed sat in the middle of the floor, a big screen TV on the wall and the colors were the same as downstairs, but with added tones of soft gray, making the whole space feel connected and down to earth. There were two walk-in closets, his and hers with a rotating shoe rack.

  The bathroom boasted a large square tub that had jets and a glass shower stall that looked wide and spacious. I ran my hand over the white stones in the walls and stared, open mouthed as I walked back into Cooper’s room in awe.

  “What do you think?” Cooper asked as he set one of my bags on the bed. “You haven’t said a word.”

  “I think my brain broke a long time ago,” I muttered and shook my head. “I can’t even believe this place is real.”

  “I’m really proud of it. I’m constantly improving it and expanding it bit by bit. I love it so far.”

  “I love it too,” I breathed. “It’s a lot like my dream house.”

  “You can always make suggestions,” Cooper whispered against my ear.

  I shuddered. “That sounds a lot like you want me to be around for the long haul.”

  “Of course I do.” He grinned. “Who said I was ever going to let you go? Let’s hold off on putting away everything and dinner,” he whispered as his hand slipped into my clothes.

  I clicked my tongue. “That sounds irresponsible.”

  “I’m okay with that as long as I get to have you.”

  I chuckled as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I could get sooo used to this.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Cooper’s place was like paradise. The peace and quiet, the comfort of knowing he was around and the distance from all of the neighbors made it feel secluded and tucked away from the rest of the world. Going into work every day stopped being nerve-wracking and frightening and started to be enjoyable again.

  Mel teased the hell out of us when she found out we were together before she beamed and secretly hugged me. “Don’t tell Cooper I’ve stopped giving you shit. I’m going to torture him for a little while longer. I’m so happy for you, darlin’!”

  I laughed so hard at her antics, but when Cooper asked me what was going on, I feigned ignorance and shrugged. Cooper glared at the two of us for the rest of the day, but I made it up to him as soon as our shift was over and I closed the door on the other two girls.

  The more I was around him, the more I felt like I belonged with him. Cooper could read me in a way no one else could. As soon as I glanced over my shoulder one second too long, he was there with his arm around me and soothing words whispered in my ear.

  I looked at his sleeping face and smiled. He really was everything I could ever ask for.

  “If you keep staring at me when I’m asleep I’m really going to think there’s something wrong with you,” Cooper muttered with his eyes still closed.

  I peered over the top of my pillow at him and smiled. “I was only looking a little. You look really cute when you’re asleep.”

  “Weirdo,” he grumbled before he pulled me into his arms and hugged me close. “You’re supposed to be the normal one in this relationship.”

  I scrunched up my face. “Who told you that lie?”

  Cooper chuckled and kissed my forehead before he opened his eyes.

  My cheeks immediately flushed. I loved being so close to him. I could feel the warmth of his body and smell that unique aroma that could only be described as Cooper. Like cigars and fire and eternal comfort on a chilly fall night. My heart drummed in my chest and I gripped him a little tighter.

  “Good morning,” he whispered in that deep, husky voice that made my panties wet.

  “Good morning to you too,” I whispered back before I rubbed my nose against his and then laughed. “I’m really glad we don’t have to work today. It’s been non-stop.”

  “The only reason I’m not there is because you’re here. Otherwise, I used to practically live at the bar.”

  “That’s not healthy for you,” I scolded. “Today, we’re going to have some fun and not think about work. I was thinking we could visit the lake again. It’s been a while and I’m dying for a swim.”

  “As usual your ideas are amazing.” Cooper kissed me, then sat up and stretched. “Should we head out early then and stay all day?”

  Cooper’s words went in one ear and out of the other. My eyes ran down his body instead. As he stretched, every muscle rolled and dipped under his movements. I wanted to reach over and drag my tongue over his body. The man was an Adonis and I just couldn’t get enough. I ran my hand down his back.

  He leaned into my touch. “I keep telling you don’t start things that you can’t finish,” he said.

  I heard the smile on his lips without even seeing his face. “I don’t mind finishing it at all,” I purred. I shifted and crawled up to him as I littered his back with kisses.

  “I thought we wanted to get to the lake early.” He chuckled.

  “Early-ish is good too,” I muttered, concentrating on my lips as they connected with his skin over and over again.

  “No,” Cooper said as he stood up and grabbed my wrists. “Let’s get ready to go or I’m going to have you in this bed all day and we’ll never leave.”

  The desire on his face made my toes curl. “I’m starting to rethink this lake idea.”

  “Up you go!” Cooper pulled me up and with ease put me over his shoulder.

  I wiggled and squirmed, but I couldn’t get free.

  Cooper chuckled, feeling really proud of himself apparently, as he carried me into the bathroom and finally sat me down.

  “You’re no fun,” I pouted.

  “You say that now, but you’re going to love me when we’re at the lake, soaking in the sun, drinking ice cold beers, swimming and fucking in the cabin until we’re sore.”
  I contemplated his words. “That does sound amazing.”

  “Yes, it does. So please get in the shower before I have to drag you in there.”

  I laughed and stood up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I’m going, I’m going.”

  Cooper smacked my ass as I walked by him and I yelped a little before I swiped at him. He chuckled and headed for the cabinet for towels while I adjusted the water in the shower. Once it was perfect, I slipped inside and grabbed the soap. I couldn’t remember my life ever being so wonderful since I moved in with Cooper. All of the worry and fear I’d felt had been washed away like magic.

  The glass door opened and Cooper walked inside in all of his naked glory.

  As soon as he turned to close the door, I reached out and palmed his ass.

  He jumped and turned on me with a glare. “What are you doing?”

  “Grabbing your butt.” I laughed.

  “Don’t do that.” He laughed and reached for my ass instead. “That’s my job.”

  I shook my head. “Hey, equal is equal. Besides, who could resist such a perfect ass? It’s like the right amount of round and muscled, and hot as hell.”

  “I swear woman,” he grumbled, but the smile never left his lips.

  I finally gave him a break and stopped messing with him long enough to shower and get myself ready to go. I wiggled myself into a pair of jean shorts and a tank top to go with it before I slathered on some sunscreen.

  Cooper walked out of his closet dressed in comfortable shorts in a red tank that matched my top.

  I grinned and started rubbing sunscreen on his body.

  He glanced down at me, a light smile on his lips as he let me work. “I still can’t believe I got this lucky,” he mused.

  My cheeks reddened. “You say that all the time and my answer is still… I’m not that great.”

  “You’re right,” he said as he cupped my chin. “You’re better than great. Seriously Jo, you’re everything I want out of life.”


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