Starboard Vow

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Starboard Vow Page 4

by K. M. Jackson

  He nodded, catching the double meaning in her words, and gave her a smile. “Well, I like to mix things up a bit. And trust me, by me switching these cards you are definitely getting the better part of the deal. Aimes is notorious for not keeping his hands on his own plate.”

  Captain Mike laughed uncomfortably at that, bringing both their attentions his way and reminding them they weren’t alone in the dining room having this little disagreement. “I see you’re a funny one, Aaron,” the captain said. “Of course, you should sit wherever you like. Call it the privilege of being the first to arrive. Don’t you agree, Jules?”

  Jules gave Aaron a skewering look before turning back to the captain with a smile. “Yes, you’re right, sir. I don’t know why I’m such a stickler for these types of things. Please sit wherever you like, Mr. Manning.”

  “Aaron,” he said as he put Aimes’s card in the place where his used to be. “And thank you, I think I will. Besides it will give us a chance to catch up.”

  “Perfect!” the captain exclaimed. “Old friends should get a chance to catch up. Jules why didn’t you tell me that you and Aaron Manning were so close?”

  Aaron immediately caught the tightness in Jules’s jaw along with the look of panic as her eyes widened. She cleared her throat and quickly blinked, making a recovery, speaking up before Aaron could. “Not so much old friends,” she said smoothly. “And, no, it’s not like I’d call us close, Captain.”

  Aaron once again felt heat rising. “Now come on, Jules. You wound me. I’d surely call us close. Maybe even more than close.”

  Confusion came across the captain’s face at the same time as a voice trilled through the air. “I thought you’d wait, and we’d come down to dinner together,” Poppy yelled from the entryway as she entered the dining room. Right behind her were the other cast and crew. Right behind them, Aimes Webber entered along with the producer, Elena Diaz, and bringing up the rear was Morris. Seeing everyone come in together Aaron thought he may have missed a call to meet with the crew in his haste to get to Jules, but he let it go. So what if he did? He wasn’t missing out on any precious moments with Jules for anything or anyone.

  But Poppy being Poppy, boldly walked up and linked her arm with his, giving him the sideways squeeze. He looked at Jules and noticed the tightening of her already not quite smile. She hit him with a sharp look, then turned toward Poppy, the more professional smile back in place. “Thank you all for joining us,” Jules started. “Once again, I’m Jules, the ship’s social director. I hope to make your stay on board as exciting and fun as possible.”

  Aaron spoke up. “We’re in great hands with Jules. She’s a real pro. Always putting her guests’ needs first.”

  Poppy frowned and looked at Aaron. “Wait a minute, you two know each other?”

  Oh hell. They were about to be busted. Aaron really was taking things too far. Not just with Poppy but his whole crew was now looking on at their mini drama. Jules quickly stepped around Aaron and spoke up. She had to do something before he blew everything out of the water, so to speak. “We do,” she said. Trying her best to keep the turbulent emotions she felt out of her voice. “In a way. Aaron and I knew each other back from his BS days.”

  Poppy giggled, and Aaron coughed before speaking up. “BS? Jules, really?”

  Jules grinned wider and gave Poppy a wink. “BS. Before Stardom of course. Who would have guessed when he was closing down the lounge on our old ship and packing our small theater that Aaron would blow up like he did?” She looked at him, as memories of his dreams and undeniable talent came back to her mind. “But I guess we all had an inkling. Aaron had that spark even back then.” Her voice came out lower and shakier than she intended, and she blinked, trying her best to come back to her professional self. She turned to the captain. “Sir, now that everyone is here, we should all sit, shouldn’t we?”

  Jules didn’t want to sit but since sprinting from the room wasn’t an option, sitting in it would have to be. Besides she’d told herself she wasn’t running anymore. She had been going from job to job and ship to ship in her race against truly facing Aaron and the end of their marriage. She took her seat, fighting against the mixed feelings she was suddenly having and prayed she could get through the next hour with her dignity and her nerves intact.

  Dinner was served, the passengers given choices of fish or a pasta dish prepared by the chef to accommodate all dietary options. Jules was relieved when Aaron didn’t go all-in acting laser focused on her, but still she couldn’t help but feel his strong presence radiating from her side during the meal. The warmth of him just those few inches away made its way to her bare arms and heated her down to her core when it should be sending prickles of irritation. Dammit, it feels good to have him next to me. Jules stopped mid chew, uncertain where that thought had come from. She swallowed hard and then coughed trying to push down the suddenly unpalatable fish, but really it was the thought of liking the feeling of Aaron by her side.

  Aaron turned her way. “Are you alright?” His eyes were full of concern, and for a moment he didn’t look like the mega star he was, but she caught a glimpse of the man she used to love. The one she thought she’d share her forever with.

  Jules grabbed her water glass and chugged. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. There’s no need.”

  “There is every need,” he said, his voice full of enough force to silence the ongoing conversations around them.

  Jules stilled. What was she going to do with him? She couldn’t have him bringing all this attention down on the two of them. Jules smiled and snorted out a laugh trying to both cover up her choke while at the same time his ridiculous misstep.

  “Just pay attention to your food,” she hissed under her breath while giving him a playful, but she hoped hard enough to get the message across, slap on the arm.

  He smiled at her with devilish eyes. “Why should I when it’s so much more fun paying attention to you.”

  Jules bit back a groan. The man was incorrigible, and she suddenly didn’t have the energy to play his games. There was still a long night ahead for her, so she turned away from Aaron to face the man on her other side. Too bad, focusing attention on Ivan Erickson on her right turned out to be not quite the best of ideas either. The striking blonde with his sharp features and equally as sharp senses greeted her with a soft smile that went totally against the tough guy image he’d portrayed on screen and in the public eye. “Don’t let our fearless leader bother you, Jules. He loves to tease but he’s essentially harmless,” Ivan said, nodding his head Aaron’s way.

  Jules almost rolled her eyes but remembered she was technically still on the clock, and though she was with a group of A-list actors, she had to pull out all her not quite award-winning acting chops too. She smiled instead. “Oh, I know he is. I’m just giving him the business. We’re old fri—” she caught herself again. “Acquaintances. We go back. He gets that I’m only teasing too.”

  “Do I,” came Aaron’s voice from over her shoulder.

  “Really?” Jules said her head swiftly turning back to Aaron. “Can’t you just focus on that side of the table?” She almost pointed her finger his way but stopped herself as she caught sight of a glaring Poppy.

  “What is going on over there?” Poppy pipped up. “What are you three going on about on that side of the table? Teasing? Yes, Aaron is a huge tease. The biggest.”

  Jules blinked. And just how the hell would Poppy know?

  There was another uncomfortable moment of silence then a chuckle. “Poppy you really missed out not trying the pasta. The shrimp are delicious,” came the voice of Elena Costa, one of the producers from Poppy’s side.

  Poppy paused, looked at the woman and let out a breath. “You know I can’t touch carbs Elena.” She turned back Jules’s way, not ready to let the earlier moment go. “Yes, that’s our Aaron, a total tease.”

  Jules took a few gulps of her water then stilled, daintily putting her glass back down. She looked at Poppy. The thought of Aaron
teasing the starlet made her blood heat. But why was this woman so intent on getting to her? Did she know more about her and Aaron than she let on? Was Poppy really something to Aaron and had he let the actress know about their past? Jules pondered for a moment then wondered why a woman like Poppy Roberts would be concerned about her and why in her current state she’d even care.

  “That he is,” Jules replied, not willing to let Poppy, Aaron, or anyone see her true emotions. “Though I guess you would know, having worked so closely together on your film.”

  She saw Poppy’s eyes get a distinct glimmer of self-satisfaction at the same time she felt a wave of tension radiate off Aaron.

  “Don’t I, and too well,” Poppy said, a blush coming to her already peach hued cheeks. Jules felt heat rise up her neck. But wait, why should she care who Aaron was teasing when they ’hadn’t been in each other’s presence in the past year? They were getting divorced anyway.

  “It’s really not anything like that. You know how I like to joke around . . . with everyone.” The end of his reply was more directed at Poppy than it was her. “But it’s no big deal,” Aaron said sheepishly.

  “Of course, it’s not,” Jules said before turning back Ivan’s way. She wouldn’t give Aaron any more of her energy.

  “Tell me,” she started toward Ivan. “Are you excited about the next movie and where your character is going?” Thankfully this was the right question for the surprisingly sweet hulk and Ivan started to wax on about his character and how he was looking for more development in his villainous role. Jules nodded appropriately and tried hard to keep up but couldn’t help being distracted by the last encounter with Poppy and thoughts of how Aaron could have possibly gotten on with teasing the other woman.

  Thankfully, she was saved from further small talk when her phone vibrated, signaling it was time to be off and make sure all was in the rights for the rest of the evening’s activities. She’s never been happier for a night shift in the lounge in her life. Stealing a quick look at her phone she sent a text to the lounge that she’d be down to check prep soon before nodding to the captain to signal her departure.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight, but I must excuse myself. The work of fun is never done,” she said with a smile that was failing by the moment.

  “So, it would seem. Text from your boyfriend,” she heard Aaron mutter from by her side.

  “No, my teasing buddy,” she countered back before thinking.

  Aaron quirked a brow, and Jules gave her own challenging one in response before turning back to the dinner party. “Please be sure to check out the itineraries that have been left for you in your cabins if you care to enjoy any of the ship’s public activities. And please check your private emailed itinerary for your group activities. Though you have a few public appearances, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you all to enjoy your time while on board.”

  “Here’s hoping,” came her soon to be ex-husband’s reply, but thankfully she’d already given him her back and wouldn’t satisfy his immaturity by turning around once again.

  Chapter 6

  Well that went about as expected, Aaron thought as the vision of Jules hightailing it out of the dining room came once again to his mind’s eye. Over the past two hours, Aaron couldn’t get dinner with Jules out of his mind.

  He had to admit though, Jules was a smooth one and she’d gotten smoother over the time they’d been apart. Though he didn’t expect her to immediately fall for his charms and into his arms, he also didn’t expect so much outright disdain from her. If anything, he was the aggrieved party here. She was the one who’d run out on him. Literally skipped seas! Taking up contract after contract and cruising right out of his life.

  And now he was right here, practically in front of her, and he didn’t get even a hint of an apology? No, all he got was more dodging and sidestepping. Still, he was acting like a bit of an ass, he’d give her that. But shit if she didn’t bring out the immature teenager in him. There was no playing it cool on his behalf when it came to her. It was like any bit of chill he had was left on the dock in Miami as soon as he was back in her presence.

  It was all about to come to an end, tonight. Jules would hear him out once and for all.

  With all his self-pep-talking, Aaron paused as he heard the sound of smooth thumping salsa music coming from the ship’s Beach Lounge mixed in with the loud yelps and ruckus hollers of the fun-having cruisers. Maybe coming here to look for Jules wasn’t the best idea. He should have just called her, left her yet another message. But then again, he’d come off as stalker-ish if he left her anymore messages, not that showing up literally on her job didn’t take things way to the limit. Oh hell, he was really doubting himself now.

  He was just about to turn and head back to his room for the night when the DJ’s voice stopped him short.

  “And up next we have sexy dance demo from Jules and Brenden! Always a cruise favorite, these two will be sure to heat up the room and get this party really going!”

  Wait, what? His Jules? Who was she heating it up with? Before he could stop himself, Aaron was swinging open the double doors of the club, his eyes frantically searching for his wife.

  “Isn’t that Aaron Manning?” He heard one woman squeal over the loud music.

  “Oh my gosh, yes!” came another voice.

  “I heard he was on board, but I expected him and the rest of the stars to stay to themselves for most of the cruise. I can’t believe he’s here!”

  Shit. He should have thought this one out a bit more. Miles warned him about just wandering around on the ship wherever he wanted without any backup or plan. But he wasn’t all that used to this new thing called fame and didn’t think he ever would be. Anyway, right now all he wanted was his wife. He looked left to right, trying to see past the swirling colored lights and multitude of faces. He nodded and smiled as he walked further into the room, his mind and heart fixated on getting to Jules.

  Finally, he saw her, though obviously she’d not seen him because she was intent on her demo, or maybe it was the man she was doing the demo with because Jules, his Jules, currently had her attention completely focused on the tall blond with the too-wide shoulders and too-broad smile to see anything else. They were spotlighted in the middle of the dance floor, her right hand comfortable in his as she looked at him with dark smoldering eyes and smiled at him through deeply rouged lips. She was giving him a smile that was warm, open and way too friendly to not be sincere and, in that moment, Aaron wanted to break the two of them apart more than anything else in the world. The perfect smile, broad-shouldered jerk gave Jules an equally smoldering look back as he gyrated his hips and twirled her in and out towards his body, letting his hand skim across the bare patch of skin exposed on her lower back due to her tight cropped T-shirt.

  Aaron hated the way the short flirty satin skirt she wore flared out with each turn and swished against the guy’s thighs. Entranced, Aaron didn’t turn away and continued to watch. His gaze going to her legs, gorgeous and setting him on fire with each of her quick steps. Each flick of her foot only stoking his anger.

  Suddenly he felt like a toddler who had his favorite toy taken away. Only Jules wasn’t a toy. She was his everything. Someone he couldn’t live without and didn’t want to try to live without any longer. Finally, the music stopped, and Aaron let out a breath. The DJ spoke up. “Alright, that was incredible. Now, who will have a go of their own. Grab your partners and join in for your lesson. Are there any takers for a lesson from either Brenden or Jules?”

  Once again, Aaron acted without thinking. His body was being propelled forward. He could see the other cruisers, some openly pausing in their own merriment to stare at him curiously. But he only had eyes for Jules, and finally, she looked his way. Upon seeing Aaron her eyes went wide and her deep red lips formed the shape of an O. Their gazes locked as she turned from an eager older man with a hungry grin who was trying to get her attention.

  “I think I’m in need of a refresh
er,” Aaron said, as the rest of the room faded away.

  “What the hell are you doing? Don’t make a scene, Aaron,” Jules hissed. She could not believe this man. He should be in his cabin or at the most with the rest of the VIPs of his crew in the VIP area. Not here. She looked around and saw no one from his camp. Only curious fans and lots of cell phones.

  “Everyone is staring,” she said, trying to get his head on straight. She looked to Brenden, but he was already elbow deep in another VIP passenger named Drucenda. She’d been on other cruises with them and was one of their status elites. There was no way Brenden was not giving Drucenda her lesson, though the woman was an excellent salsa dancer in her own right. Brenden shrugged and smiled as if to both apologize as well as give her an I told you so. Still, Jules was about to turn away from Aaron and take the older man Orson up on his offer when a hand snaked around Aaron’s shoulder. “I can give you a lesson.”

  Freaking Poppy? How had she magically appeared? It was as if she were attached to Aaron’s back pocket and popped out at just the most irritating moment. Jules stared at the little irritant and her annoying hand on Arron’s shoulder. Jules stepped forward. “Thanks, but I’ve got this.”

  Aaron grinned, stepping out of Poppy’s grasp. Annoyed with his satisfied grin, and the fact that she’s took the bait, Jules couldn’t help her own bit of satisfaction when she caught Poppy’s scowl as Aaron moved away from the woman and walked further toward her.

  “Hey there, Pop. I thought you promised me a dance?” Morris said from by Poppy’s side.

  “Did I?” Jules heard Poppy say looking over at Aaron. “Oh, yeah, I did.” She took Morris’s hand and pretended to shimmy something that wasn’t quite a Salsa, but Jules gave her a C for trying.

  It was then Aaron moved in closer and smoothly slipped his arm around her waist, taking Jules’s mind off the silly little floorshow entirely.


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