Her Accidental Highlander Husband (MacKinlay Clan)

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Her Accidental Highlander Husband (MacKinlay Clan) Page 12

by Allison B Hanson

  She bent to kiss him. He was tense with desperation, yet he was willing to stop if she wished it.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m fine.”

  Determined to be Cameron’s wife in every sense, she pushed down until her husband filled her completely.

  Body and soul.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cam gasped when Mari took him in one quick clench of heat. He wasn’t expecting the assault to be so complete and winced at the pull of his body to press up from the bed to fill her deeper.

  He stayed still, wanting to give her time to get accustomed to his size.

  After a few moments he stroked her back and bottom. “Whenever you’re ready, the next step is just to move up and down at whatever pace feels good to you.”

  She sat up, and he gasped again at the friction. She was so tight even the smallest movement clenched him in a wave of heat. He needed to make this good for her, yet his instincts called for him to push up into her immediately and spill his seed deep in her body.

  She moved the slightest bit, and he remained still. She moved a little more as she gradually rose upward. When she was almost free of him she started to descend again. Mercilessly slow, killing him by inches.

  “Hmm,” she said.

  “What’s hmm mean?” he asked, opening his eyes to see her hair falling around them.

  She smiled. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  “That’s good.” It was the other reason he’d positioned her on top. He didn’t think he’d have the courage to push his way into her, knowing it would cause her pain. He’d made her a promise, and even though it was for a good reason, he didn’t feel comfortable breaking his word.

  She began to pick up speed, and he watched her as she found her way. Placing her hands on his chest, then his stomach, she sat up and rode him like a skilled lover.

  Her head fell back, and a whimper of pleasure left her lips. Watching her had his body ready to spend. He reached toward where they were joined and used the pressure of his thumb against her as she rocked her body onto his.

  The whimper grew into a moan, then she called out as her body grasped his in waves of delight. His name filled the room as she reached her release. Unable to hold back, he thrust up into her the few times needed to finish him. She had already collapsed on his chest as he grunted with the force of his own climax.

  The moments after were lost to him. When he regained enough of himself to move, he kissed her hair and her forehead. She raised her head to look at him, and he kissed her lips.

  “Are you well?” he asked when she said nothing. Worry creased his brow.

  “I’m so well, I don’t think I’ll ever be anything else but well for as long as I live.”

  He smiled and guided her to his side so he could cover them with the blanket. “Rest now. The night is young. We’ll need our strength.”

  “You mean we’ll do it again? Tonight?”

  “If you’re hurting we can wait—”

  “No,” she said so fast he smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “Now that I’ve gotten a taste of you, wife, I’ll want another and another. You’ll have to chase me away from ye with a sharp stick.”

  She laughed as he snuggled against her and kissed her neck. “I’ll be sure to get a very sharp one, then. In the morning.”

  He backed away to catch her gaze, serious now. “If you’re not feeling up to it, you must say so. You may be sore this first time, and I don’t want you to have any regrets from our first night together.”

  She smiled. “I’ll tell you, I promise.”

  He kissed her again and closed his eyes. Not only had they taken a big step together, but she felt comfortable enough to tell him if she couldn’t abide him. He was so happy he could have gone out to the battlements and shouted for all the world to hear. Except he was much too exhausted for so much activity.

  It wasn’t but maybe an hour later when she stirred in his arms enough to waken him. They were still naked, and her round arse was wedged up nicely against his cock.

  It was an easy thing to position himself to slide into her. It felt as though he’d come home. When she ground her body back to meet his, he grunted and held her still. “I’ll not last long if you keep that up. Now settle and let me tend to you.”

  She laughed at his scold and clenched around him, causing him to hiss with pleasure.

  “You transformed from a meek maiden into a lustful minx right before my eyes. I don’t know how to handle ye.”

  “Perhaps I simply want to help you along,” she said with another breathy laugh. She was teasing him.

  He’d need to be careful, or sharing pleasure with each other could shift into something he had vowed to avoid since swearing his oath as war chief.

  Tonight had been wonderful. But he told himself once again, love was not for them.


  Mari pushed back and gasped as she stretched in the most wonderful way at her husband’s invasion. In this position it felt different. The familiar pleasure she’d experienced twice already began to stir deep in her belly.

  She’d always expected the act to be disgusting. Something to be done with as quickly as possible. But with Cameron, she found herself wishing it could go on forever.

  The deep thrusts of his cock were exquisite, but there were other things that added to the experience. His touch on her breasts, his breath on her neck. The sounds he made, and the way he said her name in a tone that spoke of desperation and pleasure, as though she was the only person on earth who could satisfy his needs.

  She knew, of course, that wasn’t true. One body was as good as the next for such things, she imagined. But she had to think there was something special between them for it to be so unbelievably good.

  Her pleasure continued to build, and she panted his name.

  “That’s it, lass, take your pleasure.”

  Like the other times, her body clenched around his in rhythmic spasms of intense delight. She cried out, still shocked by the force of the convulsions.

  Cameron tensed and let out a groan as his heat filled her. He didn’t move away. Still inside her, he pulled her tighter against him.

  “You’re lovely,” he whispered, then his breath evened out in slumber.

  Smiling into the darkness, she caressed the large arm wrapped around her.

  “You’re rather lovely yourself.”

  She knew it would be an easy thing to let her heart follow her body into the pleasure of this new marriage. But her smile faltered as worry trickled in to disturb her happiness. If she allowed herself to fall in love, it might be impossible to leave him if ever it became necessary.

  The next morning, with the light shining in his chamber, everything looked different. Brighter somehow. Full of hope and promise. Her body zinged with pleasure and a bit of soreness.

  Cameron was still sleeping against her back, though he’d slipped out of her while they’d slept.

  “Are you awake finally?” he asked, causing her to jump.

  “I thought you were still sleeping.”

  “Nay. I’ve been awake for an hour. Just lying here watching the sun change the color of your hair as it came up.”

  “That sounds horribly boring. You shouldn’t have let me keep you.”

  He laughed. “It wasn’t boring at all. And I’ve no place to be but here.”

  Except that wasn’t really true. He normally would have gathered his men to practice their drills. So they would be ready if ever Lachlan gave approval for a takeover of the McCurdy clan.

  While she’d understood his impatience, a larger part of her was glad her new brother-in-law resisted. Staying at Dunardry meant there was less risk of danger.

  She turned to see him propped up on his elbow. He was still very naked, and she felt the heat on her cheeks when her gaze drifted low enough to see hi
s manhood resting against his thigh.

  He reached out to caress her cheek, and she only twitched the slightest bit. She knew he noticed, but didn’t say anything or remove his hand.

  “I wonder if you’ll ever lose that maidenly blush,” he mused with a smile on his beautiful lips. Lips that had touched her body in so many places the night before.

  Another wave of heat washed over her face. And below.

  “Don’t fash. It suits you.”

  When she looked up into his honey eyes, she saw curiosity. His lips opened to speak, but he said nothing. Clearly he wanted to say something but hesitated.

  “You told me we should feel safe to tell each other anything. Did I misunderstand?” she asked when he looked away from her.

  She didn’t want that distance from before to return.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “No. You didn’t misunderstand. And I will talk to you about this. It’s just that I don’t want to ruin this moment.”

  She had an idea what it was he wanted to discuss.

  Sliding closer to him, she kissed his cheek. “Go ahead. He cannot hurt me anymore. I’ll not give him the power to ruin anything in my life ever again.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond pleased to be the first to lie with you. It’s just I’m not sure how you remained a virgin. Men have urges, and I expected a violent man like the duke would see to them whether ye wanted him to or not.”

  She glanced away in embarrassment.

  “This is nothing you should feel shamed about. I’m glad you were spared that, at least. But I can’t understand why he’d never touch you. I wanted you in my bed the minute you climbed down from my shoulders.”

  She smiled at her husband’s honesty. It was nice to be wanted, treasured.

  “I think he wasn’t able to—” Her lips pressed together. She didn’t want to have to tell this kind man who had admitted he’d desired her that her last husband had been repulsed. But they were not keeping secrets from one another…

  “He beat you because you didn’t provide him with an heir, but he never bedded you so you could give him one.” Cameron shook his head and let out a breath. “The bastard.”

  “I thought it was me. I thought I wasn’t appealing. Or that I hadn’t done something right.”

  “You’re the most appealing woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I want ye so bad I ache with the need to touch you. Believe me. It wasn’t you, Mari.”

  She nodded. “Last night when you looked at me—even with my scars—and weren’t disgusted, I knew I must have been wrong about his reasons.”

  “You were very wrong.” Cameron winked and traced a finger across her bare stomach. “You’re stunning.”

  Her lips pulled up slightly so he would know his words pleased her. What woman didn’t want to feel attractive?

  Leaning over, he kissed her, and she responded by melting against him. Her soft curves matched perfectly against his hard muscles. She gasped when his male hardness jabbed her in the side.

  “As you can see, I don’t have any problems responding to you. It wasn’t you. Don’t think it for a minute.” He kissed along her jaw and down her neck.

  Her soft moan of arousal spurred him to move lower. He bent so he could draw in one of her nipples.

  “I had planned to be the courteous lover who gave you peace today, but I must beg ye to forgive my eagerness to call upon you again. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  “I am just as eager to receive you.” She laughed at the way they made it sound like a visit.

  When he pulled her under him, her laughter drifted off into a different form of bliss.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Mari rested her hand on Cam’s arm and allowed him to escort her down for a rather late morning meal. He noticed the slowness of her gait and frowned.

  He’d hurt her despite his promise. Damn it!

  When they’d finally left their bed, he aided in washing her body, and she helped him with his. Then he helped her dress for the day, putting an extra knot in her corset as a reminder he needed to let her recover from the enthusiasm of his ardor.

  She nearly fell on the last step, and he supported her, turning her to face him.

  “God, I’m sorry, Mari. I was too rough with you.”

  “No.” She smiled. “It’s my ankle that still bothers me.”

  He blinked, having forgotten about the earlier injury he’d caused. “I can’t ever seem to do right by ye.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I feel very right this morning.” She gave him a saucy wink that might have made him grab her up and carry her back to their room if not for knowing of that blasted knot in her strings.

  “Shall I carry you to the table?” he offered. “I wouldn’t mind having a reason to press your body against mine. And not just because it would disguise my obvious discomfort.” He glanced down at the place where his kilt tented out and wondered if he’d ever grow tired of making love to her.


  The answer turned out to be no. At least not in the three weeks since Cam first had Mari naked in his bed. Each night since, he had followed her to their chamber.

  His men had mocked him in the mornings, calling him a needy pup, but he didn’t care. He simply smiled wide and pushed them harder during their drills as punishment.

  If it had been just him, he might have found a way to rein in his urges, but Mari wanted him just as often, and he’d not let her go unsatisfied. It wouldn’t be the husbandly thing to do. Instead, he serviced her as often as she liked, and made sure to keep his heart secure. It was getting more and more difficult as she became familiar enough with him to be playful and happy. He still never got her to scrapping with him, but he knew it wasn’t from fear. They got on well, especially since he’d stopped doing things on purpose to anger her.

  They fell into an easy routine. She would go to the kitchen in the morning with the other ladies, and he would push his men most of the day in drills. Later, he would make his rounds of the border.

  Occasionally Mari would ride with him. Even more frequently, they would find a quiet place hidden in the trees to satisfy their needs when the time before retiring for the evening seemed too far away.

  “I’d like to ride the borders with you today,” Lach told Cam as he headed for the stables.

  But Cam had already made plans with Mari. He’d even shared his plans for what he wanted to do with her when they were alone.

  “Aye?” Cam said.

  “Och, it’s the first time I’ve seen you without a smile on your face in weeks. I’m sorry to interrupt your afternoon interlude with your wife. If you don’t think you’ll make it the rest of the day without having your hands on her, by all means let me know, and I’ll stay behind.” Lach’s grin pulled up on one side.

  “Bloody arse.”

  Lach laughed at his displeasure.

  “The least you can do is hurry along.” Cam sent Liam to inform Mari of the change in plans. He might have gone himself, but he didn’t know if he’d be able to leave her again if he saw her.

  Lach was still snickering as they rode through the gates.

  “I remember a time not so long ago when you and Kenna went to your chamber soon after the noon meal was served. I ken she’s too large to service ye at the moment, but I don’t have such problems.”

  The other man laughed even louder. “You think we canna manage it in her condition?”

  Cam’s brows creased in confusion. “Truly?”

  “Aye. Some women have a mighty appetite when they’re increasing.” Lach winked at him. “Not just for food. You ken?”

  With wide eyes, Cam stared at the man. “I don’t know how I’d survive a mightier appetite than Mari already has.”

  “I’m sure you’ll try your best when the time comes. Make sure to eat when you have the chance. You must keep your st
rength up. Be ready for anything at any time.”

  Cam shook his head. “It’s not something I plan to have to worry about.”

  “Nay? You don’t want children?”

  “How can you ask me such a question when you know I dinna even want a wife?”

  “I thought things had changed.”

  Things had changed. Cam cared for his wife and enjoyed her company in and out of bed, but his vow had not wavered. He would not fall in love, and he would not allow Mari to feel love for him.

  “I like bairns well enough, but I don’t want any of my own. It would not be fair to Mari or the children.”

  “You mean if you don’t come home to them, like your da?”


  “You’ll give up the gifts life has to offer on the off chance you could have it happen the same as before? It seems a lot to give up for something that may not happen.”

  “Nay, it’s a lot of grief to give up. Bedding her is one thing; it’s pleasant and we have become friends. But I’ll not let us risk our hearts. Not when I could end up breaking hers.”

  “I wish you could find happiness together.”

  “Happiness is enough. Mari and I have that already. If ye mean love, I’d ask you not to curse us with such a wish.” Cam shook his head.

  “I wouldn’t be able to live with Kenna and not love her. I didn’t have a choice. It just happened.”

  “Love is not for everyone. Even if the laird wishes it so.”

  Lach nodded and gave up, but Cam found himself thinking of Mari often during their ride. He wanted to brush it off as lust, but it wasn’t just her naked body that filled his thoughts.

  He envisioned her smile and her laugh, and the honesty in her eyes when she leaned up to place a kiss on his chin. He would need to keep watch over himself, lest he became smitten with his new wife.

  For both their sakes, he needed to avoid her.

  And for the sake of the clan, he needed to eliminate any chance of losing the upcoming battle.


  Mari became worried when Lachlan sat at the table for the evening meal, but Cameron hadn’t returned.


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