Crimson Secrets

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Crimson Secrets Page 6

by Garnet Davenport

  I kept looking at her. “Yes, but…”

  She watched as Duncan entered the room. “Iron. It’s in your blood and in the food and also in the water. We have found that the more iron in your blood the more chance you can have to transition.”

  I continued looking at Duncan as he walked over to his sister and they started talking.

  I turned back to Edness Callamore. “Well—”

  She put her hand up to stop me. “Many parents are afraid of letting their children start the process. She was trying to prevent the transition from happening, and from what has been documented, females do not go through the transition easily. This is why they start the process later in life than the males. It is a long and painful process, but I know you can do it. Your bloodlines are very extraordinary. You have the Morrígan’s bloodline in you. You have abilities that can lead to greatness.”

  We stopped in front of a group of really old guys. “Gentlemen, this is Miss Samantha Shay Evans.”

  They all turned at the same time. I was startled by the sheer size of the crowd.

  “She is going to be staying with us through her transition.”

  She held my hand, and I felt so embarrassed. “We are very excited to have her here. Of course, this goes without saying. Prospects will remain away until after the new moon.” They all nodded their heads in agreement. This was really horrifying.

  One man from the back stepped forward. “Edness, the transition will go faster if—”

  She waved her hand in the air again in a way that made all words stop, and then she spoke sharply. “That will not be necessary. We are looking for a comprehensive future, not feebleness. I would like her to develop her abilities before she bonds. It is best for the future of our region.”

  I had to think hard about what she had just said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, bowing his head.

  I must have been the prized horse at auction. Edness Callamore turned and walked off with me. I leaned into her. “Mrs. Callamore?”

  She continued forward and spoke. “Yes, my dear?”

  “Can I ask you—?”

  She looked back out at her guest and smiled as she interrupted. “My dear, all your questions will be answered, I promise. Some you may not understand, some will have to be taught, and some are just never going to come out the way you want them to. But I will help you understand in any way possible. Are you all right with that for now?”

  I stared at her. “Yes ma’am, but one thing?”

  “Of course?”

  I didn’t really know how to ask, but I did. “Why do I feel like I’m being judged so that I can be bartered for some kind of goat?”

  She turned away from her guest. “In the end, you are. Let me explain. Every mac tire has a mate. Since most females do not transition during the relationship, the mates will not have as strong of a bond, but if there is a female mac tire, the two will be stronger, in hopes for a new generation of mac tires. We want to have females transition, and in order to do this they must have strong bloodlines. Once you have turned, yours will be the strongest bloodline we have seen in centuries as long as you bond with another transitioned mac tire. Now I don’t want to put this pressure on you, but it is important for you to find a mate with extremely good bloodlines. The council members’ sons will have the opportunity to present themselves to you, and hopefully we will find your mate among the council member’s heirs. That would be the ideal.”

  I looked around the table at the council members. Then there was Tommy, talking with Duncan, Angelica, and a boy I didn’t know across the table from me. I figured he was part of the Callamore family.

  Julius Callamore came back to us with champagne glasses in his hand. “Mother.” He handed her the glass and never took a sip. Then he turned to me with a pleased look and handed me a glass. This was the first time I would try champagne and I hadn’t figured I would like it. Acquired taste, most people say. I would prefer not to try it but I didn’t want to be rude. I took the glass from his out reached hand. “Thank you,” I said quietly and with caution.

  I turned back to Edness Callamore, thinking about what she had said. I needed to find a pure breed to mate with. I didn’t understand much of this, but I understood completely what she was indicating to me. I couldn’t even think that I’m just here to produce more heirs with good pedigree. I followed her into the formal dining room. She still had my hand as she walked to the head of the table and motioned Julius to adjoin at the table. “My dear, you will be sitting right here next to me and Julius.”

  I looked up to see my parents about eight seats away. “But—”

  She cut me off. And it seemed that she was very good at doing this. “Your parents know their place. And you will too. Have a seat.”

  Dinner was being brought out. When they set the plate down in front of me I couldn’t believe how much protein was on there. I sat and thought for a moment—all these foods were high in iron. They must really think that I have been deprived. I sat and listened during the rest of the dinner. The old guys that Edness Callamore introduced me to kept whispering back and forth and looking at me. I felt disgusted. I couldn’t eat. I sat and sipped on my water. It tasted like a penny. What a shocker. I was out on display for all these old perverts to ogle and then to decide who I should mate with. This apparently wasn’t my decision anymore.

  Julius began tapping his glass. “Could I have everyone’s attention?” he said in his deep saturated voice, and then he paused to make sure he had everyone’s attention before continuing.

  His voice reminded me of a regal king. “Thank you all for coming to this monumental occasion. We have found our first female mac tire in generations, and with this will come considerable responsibility. Miss Samantha Shay Evans is now in the beginning stages of transition. As we all know, this time is extremely difficult, and because of this I am requesting any male mac tire between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five and unmated keep a respectable distance until the transition is complete. Any mac tire defaulting on this order will answer to the council.”

  One of the older men started to speak. “Julius, I figured Marcus would—”

  “Victor, we are not going to be mating her straight away. There have indeed been misfortunes that already led us into a direction. If this fails, Marcus will be called upon. Now, Miss Evans.” Julius Callamore smiled at me holding his arm out for me to take.

  This was really happening. Breathe Shay. I stood and walked around the table with Mr. Callamore everyone’s eyes on me, I felt so self-conscience, and then came back to a position next to Edness Callamore. He bowed and then stood next to me. “Now, with time permitting we can expect the new moon by the end of the month. Please see that your sons are not on the estate until after the new moon passes. Do we have an understanding?” Everyone agreed.

  I just kept picturing two wolves sniffing each other’s butts. It at least put a smile on my face. I took in so much information in the last day that my brain was on overload. Mac tire, bloodlines, gowns, hair products, mates? It was all so much. I was supposed to be in my senior year of high school, not turning into a wolf. I shook my head in disbelief. I could really use some Tommy and Matt time right now. But it looked like I would be captive for a few weeks.

  “My dear, you may have a seat.” She motioned to the chair next to her. I sat as quickly as I could. Julius turned to his mother held his hand out to help her sit. I really didn’t think that she needed the help, but I’m guessing there is a lot of properness that is about to be thrust upon me.

  The man at the end of the table stood to speak again. “If our boys are not allowed here, why is it that Declan and Duncan are present?”

  Edness Callamore tilted her head. Julius spoke firm and clear. “With previous events taken into consideration, there is no need to send either of them off, agreed?” The council members shook their heads in agreement. I looked across the table at Duncan and then the other boy, Declan Callamore.

  I knew a lot about D
uncan from the many years of school that we shared classes and avoided each other as much as possible. I didn’t think I was the type of person that he would be friends with, let alone want to date. But I knew nothing about his brother Declan. I have never met him before and he seemed angry, maybe even damaged. I could tell he wanted to be there just as much as I did. I was watching him as he reached to his champagne glass; I could see a small portion of a tattoo showing from the cuff of his sleeve on his left arm. I was wondering about what kind of tattoos he had. I was staring too long at him. He looked up and looked at me with an eat-shit-and-die look. I looked away quickly and tried not to look back over at him.

  The rest of dinner was quiet. People were talking back and forth quietly and looking toward me while doing so. Why were they all talking about me? I hated this. It was one of the weirdest things I had ever seen, let alone been a part of. This was also the first time I had ever seen my parents in this way. My mother was talking to the woman next to her with her head held high. My father was regal and empowered; he was so much different than he was in his normal life. They were both so shy and withholding. I continued to sit quietly and barely looking around for the simple fact that I hated being put on display.

  Dinner was finally over and the servers were removing the plates from the table. Julius stood clinking his glass once again, only this time he spoke. “We will be accepting formal requests for escorts starting tomorrow. After the transition process has run its course Miss Evans will be in attendance with every prospect until a mate has been acknowledged. Thank you so much for attending. We look forward to your seeing everyone’s formal requests.”

  Was I just bid on? What the hell? All the guests started to leave. My parents, Tommy, and all the Callamores stayed behind.

  I walked up to my parents. “What the hell just happened?” I looked back and forth at them both.

  “Most of the heads of the council have sons. They will all be inquiring about your courtship,” my mother said quietly looking around the room, but speaking to me.

  “And that means?” I looked her straight in the face.

  “You are eligible to have a mate after your birthday.”

  My jaw dropped. “My god, my birthday. I completely forgot. Am I going to be trapped here for my birthday?”

  She kept trying to explain. “Sweetie, the transition process takes place from the new moon before your eighteenth birthday and the new moon after.”

  Breathing deep and sighing, I said, “What? I don’t understand.”

  My dad looked over at Declan and Duncan Callamore and spoke. “During this time you will grow your strength, your abilities, and you will fully transition into your mac tire. The process takes place while you are mainly asleep. You will go out in search of your mate.”

  I looked over my shoulder at my dad’s line of sight then back at him. “My mate? Why do I need a mate?” I asked folding my arms over my chest.

  “Sweetie, as much as I didn’t want this to happen to you. Now you have to find your mate. Having a mate will help protect you. It binds you to your other half.” He looked at my mother.

  “Everything that you do after that he will be there to protect you. Even though I never transitioned your father picked me. I feel when he is excited, sad, and worried. And he does the same for me.” She turned to smile at my dad and she rubbed his arm then turning back to me. “Mac tires bonds are for life. Without your mate you feel lost. You’ll never be grounded to anyone or anything.”

  I just couldn’t wrap my head around all this. “But why so soon? Can’t I just—”

  She shook her head to stop me from speaking. “The quicker you find your mate, the quicker the transition process ends. I speak from experience on this. I knew your father from childhood. The new moon before his thirteenth birthday, we started to spend more and more time together. He went through his transition into a full mac tire in nine days rather than the full new moon cycle. He didn’t develop the abilities that the Callamores want you to develop as some of those that still didn’t find a mate early in the transition. But our bond is strong, the strongest.”

  He kissed her on the cheek.

  “When it was my time to transition, I never went through the process,” she said. “We believe that it is because he found me when he transitioned. It has been this way for centuries. Sweetie, you are so independent. I knew that you would go through the transition process, so I tried to prevent it by taking food high in iron out of your diet. For that I am sorry.” She reached for my arm. I wanted to leave this coming-out party of mine.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me any of this.”

  They didn’t say anything. I was so angry at them.

  Edness Callamore walked up to us. “Now, my dear, we must get you to bed. You need your sleep.”

  So embarrassing. “But—”

  She cut me off again. “Don’t worry about that. We are here to protect you. We will have mac tires all around so nothing will happen to you, and in the morning you will awake in your bed feeling rested.” She smiled. “Now say your goodnights and goodbyes so we can get you to bed.” She walked past me to show everyone else out the door.

  I turned to my parents. They both leaned in for hugs.

  My dad kissed me on the cheek. “You’re so beautiful and strong, and I know you’ll be safe. Listen to Mrs. Callamore. The Callamores have been helping mac tires throughout the years and she is definitely the one to trust. I promise everything will be fine.”

  I hugged him tighter and stayed quiet.

  They pulled away. “We love you.” They walked out the door and left me there. I stood in shock, I guess. I was thinking that I wasn’t going to be in control of my body tonight.

  Edness Callamore came over and grabbed my hand. Tommy waved at me from the door, and I waved back.

  “Why don’t we sit for a second, and I can answer some of those questions I see flying in front of your eyes,” Edness Callamore said.

  I was surprised that she wanted to actually talk about some things I had questions about. “That would be nice.”

  She escorted me over to the sofa where she had first spoke with me. We both sat. I put my hands in my lap and I felt like I didn’t even know where to start. But I didn’t have to. “My dear, I know it is overwhelming to take in all this information and for it to be so different than anyone’s life will ever be. But you are so unique, the Morrígan was a powerful goddess, you have her power in your bloodlines. She was thought to have powers of rage, fire, and revenge within seduction. Her daughters had other gifts, elements of nature, the Morrígan with fire, the daughters with earth, air, and fire. They together made up three of the four basic elements of nature. Centuries ago when the female mac tires roamed freely without mates there was destruction, war, and famine. This is one reason there hasn’t been a female mac tire until now. Your diet was selected to prevent you from transitioning. We do not know what your abilities will be or how powerful you can become. I would be willing to help make you one of the most powerful mac tires we have seen in those generations. I want you to lead the council and our region. In order for this to happen we will find you a mate with legendary bloodlines. Your abilities can then be used to protect and encourage the Great Lakes Region to become unyielding. I want to help you become that person of greatness, if you will let me.”

  I saw Declan, Duncan, and Angelica pass behind us. I looked at her. “I want to be as honest as I can.” She waited for whatever was about to come out of my mouth.

  “Of course, my dear,” she said.

  I took that deep breath again. “I didn’t want any of this to happen to me, let alone go through this to become some great and powerful leader. I don’t think I am the right person for the position.”

  She reached in and grabbed my hands in my lap. “You already have leadership in you, and you have to trust in yourself that it is there.” I shook my head in agreement.

  “All right then, there will be a schedule for the next few weeks. First,
the cover story at school is that you broke your leg and will be maintaining your studies at home for the time being. You will have a tutor come here to help you with your lessons. You will also have proper training in manners, along with sword training and defensive combat, and your language skills. Also, you will be learning about your genealogy. You will be researching your bloodlines and the council members.”

  I had homework now. This just seems to get worse. “How am I going to do all this?” I sat shaking my head. It was so overwhelming.

  “Oh, my dear, you would be surprised how much you are capable of accomplishing. Let’s get you into bed. You’ve got a long day ahead of you for tomorrow.” She showed me to the door.

  I slowly walked up the stairs and down the hall to the room I had been shown earlier. I opened the door and stood for a minute only to realize that I didn’t have any of my clothes to change into. They had taken the clothes I had worn here and all we tried on earlier was this gown.

  As I walked closer to the bed I found an elegant nightgown laying out for me. “Wow, I can’t even sleep in a T-shirt.” I didn’t really want to wear this, but I guessed I didn’t really have a choice. This dress was really starting to get heavy, and I picked up the nightgown and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the light and looked into the mirror and could barely recognize the person looking back. “What am I doing here?” I took off the dress and laid it over the side of the bathtub, then turned on the hot water to wash all the makeup off my face. It took me twice as long to clean off all the makeup that they had put on me and then brushed my teeth. I put on the nightgown that they had left for me and walked out into the room. I looked around trying to see if I could find anything that I could wear tomorrow. I opened all the dresser drawers and searched, but all that was there was really dressy, proper lady looking clothes. Nothing like my style. I saw that in order for me to be me, I would not be able to dress the way that I would normally. I shut all the drawers and climbed into bed, pulling the sheets back up and laying my head down onto the pillow. I wanted to be anywhere else but here.


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