Crimson Secrets

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Crimson Secrets Page 11

by Garnet Davenport

  He turned stepping in front of my path. “Shay, I am sorry.”

  I shook my head no, watching as he looked up at the mansion. When I turned I saw Declan staring at us from his open window.

  “What was real with our friendship?”

  Matt just looked at me. “It was all real. I was only assigned to protect you until after your eighteenth birthday. I did become your friend, and I still am.”

  I just looked at him barely shaking my head back and forth.

  “What can I do to prove to you that we are truly friends?”

  I continued to shake my head. “There is nothing. Honestly, I can’t believe you anymore. There’ve been too many lies.”

  He took a step back and put his head down. “You know when my mom died?”

  I looked up at him as he stared at the ground.


  He kept looking down at the ground. I knew it was a difficult topic for him whether friends or not. “It was the hardest time for me, and you and Tommy were there. I couldn’t tell you anything, but it doesn’t mean that everything else wasn’t real.” He looked up at me.

  “And Angelica?”

  He smiled and looked embarrassed. “Angelica, she’s the one. I love her.”

  He kept looking at me, waiting for a response.

  “Fine.” I looked away from him still slightly angry.

  He made a move toward me, and I turned back around. “Come on, you,” I said. “I’ve got questions. If you want to ask me something, then I get to ask you something. Deal?”

  He didn’t take his eyes off me. “Deal.”

  We started to walk into the woods. He spoke first. “All right, I get the first question,” he said. I looked at him already knowing what he was going to ask. “I heard that you chose Duncan. Why is there so much energy between you and Declan?”

  I stopped and turned back around to him leaning back on a tree. “Declan was the wolf, or I guess mac tire, I saw first. I thought that he was the one chasing me, but he wasn’t, he was protecting me. It wasn’t Duncan.”

  Matt gave me a weird look. “So…”

  I shook my head. “No, my turn.”


  I paced. “Anything, right?”

  He nodded his head.

  “I need to know…I need to know what happens when you transition into a wolf. Will you show me?”

  He cocked his head. “This is going to be worth more questions than just the one.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. I agreed, sitting on the ground while I watched him closely.

  He took a few steps back. “Ready?”

  I nodded my head yes, even though I wasn’t really ready. I still wasn’t sure I believed that this was all real. Could a person really change form into an animal?

  He started to take off his clothes and he turned around to face away from me.

  “What are you doing?” I chuckled and looked away.

  “Chill. I’m going to put them back on. What do you think happens to our clothes? I’ve lost a lot of shirts this way.” He laughed at me. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

  His black hair started to get fuller and his eyes went completely black only for a moment. Then it seemed like his shoulders were dislocated, and he fell to the ground, shifting his torso forward. I thought he was in pain even if I couldn’t tell if he was or not. Within a few moments, a beautiful, solid dark gray wolf with blue eyes was standing in front of me looking at me the same way that my friend had always done.


  He continued to look at me. He breathed deep and exhaled through his nose. I could see his breath. I started to reach for him, and then I took a step closer. It was actually real. “Does it hurt?”

  He crouched down, and it was like the process went backward, but this time he was standing completely naked looking at me.

  I turned around partially because I knew I was blushing.

  He put his clothes back on. “Okay, I’m done.”

  I turned back to him. “I never thought that was what happened.”

  He scratched the back of his head and kind of tried to maintain his hair. “Yeah, it takes some getting used to.”

  I made a face at him.

  “And to answer your question, the first few times it hurt for me, but everyone is different. Your body just isn’t used to the stress of the transition. It was easier for those that have already found their mates. But you know we don’t know anything about how a female’s first transition goes. We haven’t had one in generations.” He smiled.

  I stepped toward him and gave him a hug. “You weren’t there for me.”

  He put his arms around me. “I’m here now.” He smiled. “I’ve still got some questions for you.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, fine. What’s your next question?”

  We started to walk with his arm around my shoulders, just like always. “You do know that Duncan isn’t your real mate, right?”

  I stopped. “What makes you say that?”

  He smirked. “Everyone knows it’s Declan.”

  I turned to him. “It doesn’t matter. I can tell he doesn’t want me.”

  I started to walk again and this time back to the mansion, faster than before. I made it to the clearing.

  Matt knew I was upset. “Shay…I’m sorry.” He spoke loudly, since I walked ahead of him.

  I kept walking as I reached for the doorknob to go back inside. I opened the door and saw Declan on the other side. He was looking past me at Matt. “Are you okay?”

  I tried to step around him but couldn’t. He was blocking the doorway. “Fine, could you move?”

  He looked down at me with a straight face, and then took a step back out of the way. I quickly stepped past him and ran inside heading for the stairs. I turned back around and saw Matt and Declan at the door.

  I instantly stopped. I would be able to overhear everything they were saying from the top of the staircase.

  “What did you do?” Declan accused Matt.

  Matt lowered his head. “Nothing, my liege.”

  Declan shook his head. “She was upset. You had to have done something. I need to know what it was. You will do as I order.”

  Matt continued to look down, not making any kind of motions. “My liege, I meant no harm by what was said.”

  Declan took a deep breath, and it looked like his chest and shoulders had gotten bigger. “What was said?”

  Matt looked up at him. “It’s not just me. Everyone has noticed the connection between you and Shay. I was the one to point it out.” Matt put his head back down.

  “And this made her upset?”

  Matt looked up. “No, she said you don’t want her. She walked off after she said that. I was sorry that I had brought it up.”

  Declan calmed down. “You may go.”

  Matt bowed and walked past Declan, looking up at me at the top of the staircase. Then he walked into the dining room.

  I turned to walk to my room.

  “Ohs, woofie. I’m so happy to see yous. Where have yous been? We’ve got to get started.”

  I smiled at his Maxwell-ness. “I went for a walk. What’s first?” I said, smiling and walking toward him.

  “Ohs, yous, this event is going to be big. Yous need a black gown.”

  I looked at him. “Black?”

  He brought his hands to his face. “Ohs, yes. Yous need to be subtle, graceful, and drop dead gorgeous.”

  I still was confused. “But black?”

  “Ohs, yes. Trust me.”

  Soon after I had said yes, Mary knocked on the door, bringing in Maxwell’s assistants that had helped me before. He was carrying this huge dress bag and smiling as he walked across my room.

  “Shay, do you mind if I help you get ready?” said Mary. She had always been so sweet to me.

  “I won’t get you in trouble if you stay?”

  She shook her head. “Edness Callamore never trusts me to cater for her events, and she says it much too
big of a job just for me.” She smiled.

  I rolled my eyes at the thought of her saying that.

  “Ohs, let’s get started. Yous going to need a hairdo that will last the night and still look fab-boo in the morning.”

  Within minutes I was sitting in a robe having two people start pinning and spraying my hair. The smell was obnoxious, I closed my eyes only for a second and when I opened them my hair was done. I sat looking in the mirror for a moment. There she was, this new person that I had now become, and I wasn’t sure where that would take me. I looked up to Maxwell and stood, giving him a hug.

  “Ohs, so I guess I don’t have to ask if yous like it.”

  I pulled away. “Maxwell, you’re amazing.”

  He turned blushing, and I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.

  “What? Is something wrong?” There was in fact something wrong. They weren’t looking at me they were looking past me.

  My eyes turned to the side as if someone was sneaking up on me from behind. I whipped my head around.

  Declan was standing in the doorway just staring. “You are beautiful.”

  I knew I was blushing. “Thank you.”

  He looked out into the hall and then walked into the room. Strange behavior, but look who it was.

  “Did you need something?” I asked looking back up to him.

  “No. Umm…I thought that I would bring you something, for luck, of course.” He held out this large jewelry box as he took a few steps toward me. Everything about him at this moment was respectful. He spoke respectfully, he walked with refinement, he even bowed his head when he extended out this royal blue box in his hand.

  “What is it?” I asked, bending down to get his attention.

  Then he raised his head. “It was my mother’s. My father gave it to her for their first wedding anniversary. He gave it to me after she passed.” He opened the box to present this beautiful necklace. It was a bronze color with pearls. I looked up at him. “I want you to wear it tonight, if you don’t mind.”

  My jaw had dropped. I was speechless. I saw him smirk.

  “I will take that as a yes?”

  I blinked repeatedly. “Yes, of course. I know how much this means to your family.”

  He took it out of the box and gently brushed the hair off the back of my neck as I turned so he could put it on me. Declan fastened the clasp and brushed his fingers down the side of my neck. My heart started to race, I was so nervous that I was about to jump out of my skin, I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. I turned around and looked up to be face to face with him.

  He never looked away. “Everyone out.” His voice was deep and assertive. They all filed out quickly, Mary shut the door behind her.

  “What are you doing?” I could feel him take a deep breath. He was closer than ever. I could feel his whole body touching mine.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked me, continuing to breathe deeply.

  “W…what are you talking about?” I asked him, already knowing that there was some kind of connection between us, and I didn’t know what it was. It was almost like his breath got hotter. His whole body heated. He leaned in closer. His lips almost touched mine. I looked up into his eyes, and they were starting to lighten into a glowing ice blue.

  I jumped back when I saw his eyes. “Declan?” He struggled to get over to the bedpost holding on to it and then crouched down, he looked up at me, and within an instant he screamed in agony.

  Mary heard him and came rushing back into the room. Maxwell and his assistants followed her.

  “Oh my gosh,” said Mary. “Shay, come away from him.”

  I didn’t know what was going on. “What’s wrong with him?” I was worried about him. I looked up to her and saw her quickly motion for me to come to her.

  Before I knew it there was a wolf standing in my way. He stood, aggressively baring his teeth.

  “Declan?” He started to walk toward me. I backed up.

  Edness Callamore walked into the room. “What is going on in here?”

  “He just started transitioning after he came in and gave me this.” I put my hand up to my neck.

  She turned to face Declan. “To your room.”

  He was finally able to ease up and run out of my room.

  Edness Callamore looked back at me. “Shay, I need you to really think about this. You have put my grandsons in a difficult situation.”

  She paused just long enough for me to interrupt. “What situation?”

  She turned around to Mary and Maxwell, who silently excused themselves. She turned and was quiet until she heard the door shut. “My dear, there is a reason this is happening. Both of you are fighting your own bond for each other. Declan is turning aggressive. He will continue until he stops fighting the bond.”

  I just looked at her. “What does that mean?”

  She sighed. “Accept your mate, whether it be Duncan or Declan. You must choose. Your decision must be soon.” She smiled and put her arm around me.

  I felt like the whole world imploded on me. Declan was acting aggressively to me because he was bonding to me. Duncan was sweet. I feel something every time he is around. But I don’t know what.

  “I will leave you to your thoughts.” She squeezed my hands and then walked out.

  I sat down on the bed and couldn’t believe what had happened. The door opened. Mary and Maxwell came back into the room. “Sweetie, what are you going to do?” Mary hugged me with tears in her eyes.

  I asked, “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head no. “There is nothing wrong. It’s just a big decision.” She hugged me again.

  “I know. I need to talk to Duncan. Can you find him for me?”

  She nodded her head and walked out of the room. Maxwell followed behind her.

  He turned and smiled. “Ohs, woofie, I know yous can make this decision yous will have to make. And yous will make the right one, but put the dress on.” He smiled, pointing at the dress bag. And the door shut.

  I started to unzip the bag, my heart racing as I thought about the decision I had to make that would affect the rest of my life. I took my time putting the dress on; I couldn’t think about who I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. My heart pounded, I heard footsteps right outside the door. I quietly tiptoed to the door and pressed up against it. I heard another heart beating.


  There was no answer, but I could still hear him standing there.

  “Declan, I need to know what to do. Can I talk to you? Face to face?”

  I opened the door. There he was, grasping both sides of the doorframe. “Declan?”

  He looked up, eyes ice blue. He was sweating, and he looked like he was sick. I didn’t take time to think. I took the three steps to him and grabbed the sides of his face. Before I knew it my lips were firmly on his. He reached around my waist and pulled me close.

  My heart raced. I pulled back. “Declan. Stop. I need to talk to you.”

  He pulled back. “Shay, Duncan is your mate. It can’t be me.” I looked away from him. My heart started to pound. “What are you doing to me?”

  He moved close to me again, he was breathing so close.

  “I’m not doing anything to you. I just want to know if I’m supposed to be with you,” I said.

  He took a step back and his eyes were still ice blue.

  “You should leave,” I said, taking a step back.

  He looked at me, for the first time in my dress. “I don’t want to leave. You are beautiful.”

  I turned away from him walking to put my shoes on. “Whatever this is, it’s not going away. So, you tell me, are you my mate?”

  He took a step toward me. “I want you.” His eyes continued to glow ice blue.

  There was a knock at the door behind him. Edness Callamore walked in with crudeness to her step. “I take it that there has been a decision?”

  I looked at Declan, he still looked sick.

  Edness Callamore looked Declan in the
eye and said, “Has there been a decision?”

  I knew his heart was beating hard because mine was.

  “Well, Declan. Are you challenging your brother?”

  I looked straight to Edness Callamore. “Wait. What does that mean?”

  Declan took a step toward me. “If I challenge Duncan, there will be consequences, since you have claimed him and not me.”

  I looked back and forth between them. “I haven’t claimed. I thought that I was doing that tonight.”

  Declan moved in my direction. “You claimed Duncan.” He turned from me to his grandmother. “Didn’t she?”

  “The council elders would have to hear both sides and make the decision whether or not a challenge is necessary,” she said.

  I looked back at Declan. “Is it you?”

  He looked at his grandmother and then walked over to me. His hands caressed my jawline, and he kissed me. When he pulled back from me his eyes had turned back to the brown color I love.

  “All right, Declan, you need to go get ready for tonight,” said Mrs. Callamore. “Shay, stay here until your father escorts you in. I need to go speak with Duncan before word gets out to him.”

  Declan grabbed my hand, leaned in and kissed me sweetly on the cheek. “I will see you soon.” He walked out my door.

  “Now, my dear, I will send your father up here in just a few minutes,” said Mrs. Callamore. “I need to go speak with Duncan.”

  I felt so horrible about it. I had feelings for Duncan. Would these go away after my transition? What if his feelings for me didn’t go away? This was so much easier when nobody knew me and nobody cared. I could have just slid under the radar.

  I had gone to the window and saw all these exotic cars drive up the stone drive. There was a knock at my door. I turned quickly. “Come in.”

  Edness Callamore and my dad walked into the room. I saw my dad’s eyes light up when he saw me. “Sweetheart, you look so grown up. Happy birthday.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

  “All right, now,” said Mrs. Callamore. “The way that this will go is I will have Julius announce you and then you will be presented at the top of the stairs and your father will walk you down. Do we understand? There will not be any communication between you and Declan tonight.”


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