Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4) Page 8

by Cala Riley

She looks at me with hopeful eyes. My heart warms at seeing how happy this one decision has made her. It makes my chest swell. I feel like I could take on an army for her.

  “We are.” I reach over, tucking a stray hair back from her face.

  “You’re taking me ice skating?” she asks again, excitement spilling from her.

  “I am, unless you don’t want to go.” I shrug and act like I’m going to turn the car back on.

  Tinsley lets out a squeal, slapping my hand away from the ignition. “Don’t you dare. I love ice skating.”

  “Well aware, Tins,” I whisper, before getting out of the car.

  I move around the car to open her door. Tinsley steps out, wrapping her arms around me.

  “Best first date ever.”

  I laugh. “How can it be the best when we haven’t even started?”

  “Because you brought me ice skating. You know how much I love it. You know I don’t like skating alone, but no one ever wants to come with me, so I don’t get to do it often.” She sighs while squeezing me tight. “Thank you.”

  My heart constricts. I’m happy she’s happy, but I’m also disappointed in myself. I don’t really care for ice skating, but if I wasn’t being such a coward, I could have been by her side, taking her ice skating as many times as she wanted. Just another reminder of my stupid decisions causing me to waste time—time I’m not even sure I really have.

  “You’re welcome.” I rub her back before stepping back, taking her hand in mine. “Let’s go see how many times I can fall on my ass, yeah?”

  “This will be great!” Tinsley pulls me towards the booth.

  We tell the attendant our shoe sizes before sitting down on a bench and putting the skates on.

  “If I would have thought about it, I would have had you grab your skates,” I mumble, cursing myself for not thinking this through.

  A light touch to my hand brings my eyes to hers. “Yeah, but that would have ruined the surprise. Don’t worry, these are fine.”

  Tinsley and I stand up and make our way to the entrance of the rink.


  Tinsley ignores me and steps out onto the ice. She glides forward before spinning around and facing me, her smile overtaking her face, laughter in her eyes.

  “Come on, Fin!”

  I smirk. “Are you ready to be amazed?”

  I step out onto the ice and almost eat ass. I catch myself before I can completely wipe out. Tinsley’s laughter makes me look up. She's bent over at the waist and laughing so hard she has tears streaming down her face.

  “What, you think that’s funny?” I tease.

  “Oh, Fin,” she sighs. “Do I need to get you one of those walker things to make sure you stay up?” she asks, making herself laugh all over again.

  I slowly glide closer to her and wrap my arms around her. “She’s got jokes,” I tease before kissing the side of her head. “Come on, funny girl.”

  Tinsley grabs my hands and starts pulling me while skating backward. We do that for a while before I jump up onto the boards on the side of the rink and just watch her. Tinsley guides around, doing little tricks here and there. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold.

  I’ve never seen her look more beautiful. She skates over to me and slides between my legs.

  “You ready for some hot chocolate?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” She backs away slowly. “Can you get down without falling on your ass?” she asks cheekily.

  “Har, har.” I look behind me. “I think I’m just going to swing around and get down. Solid ground sounds better than ice.”

  Tinsley skates to the opening as I hop down. I walk awkwardly over to the bench and sit down to remove the skates and put my shoes back on. Tinsley walks up and does the same. Once she has the skates off, I pick them up. “I’m going to return these.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll meet you over there.”

  As I’m returning the skates to the clerk, I feel Tinsley wrap her arms around me from behind. I turn in her arms and put my arm over her shoulders.

  “Come on, sweetheart, let’s find you some hot chocolate.”

  We walk to the car in silence. I open the door for her, but Tinsley hesitates to get in for a second before popping up onto her tiptoes and kissing my cheek softly. Before I can react, she’s in the car. I shut the door and walk around and get in myself.

  Looking over, I see she’s buckled in. “All right, I think I saw a small coffee shop just down the road. That okay? I would have gotten you some in there, but their concession stand looked sketchy.”

  “That’s perfect.” Tinsley reaches over and takes my hand in hers, weaving our fingers together before setting them on my thigh.

  I drive down a block, stopping at the red light. Once it turns green, we move forward and turn right into the parking lot after we clear the intersection.

  I go to pull into a parking spot, but suddenly Tinsley says, “Wait.”


  “How about we go through the drive-through and go park somewhere else?” She’s nibbling on her lower lip, a nervous habit of hers.

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

  “I’m sure,” she states, her voice more confident.

  I move the car into the drive-through lane, and we order our drinks. Tinsley taps away on her phone with her free hand. “I found a park we can park at.”

  “Do you have directions?”

  Tinsley taps on her phone again, and her navigation system gives me directions. I follow the directions for about five minutes and pull into a nice wooded park, finding an agreeable place to park that overlooks a clearing.

  “You want to stay in here or sit on the hood?”

  Tinsley bites her lip.

  God, what I would do to bite that for her.

  “How about we just sit in the back seat? Leave the car on so we have heat?”

  I climb out of the car and get back in through the back door. Tinsley just fits her tiny self between the front seats.

  “Must be nice being so small,” I tease.

  “It has its perks.” She winks.

  Fuck if I don’t want to devour her right now.



  I never in a million years thought I would be here. Climbing into the back seat of Finley Abbot’s car to cuddle against him after the most romantic date I could even imagine.

  Ice skating has been a passion of mine since I was a child. I know Reed and Keaton would take me anytime, but I don’t want to feel like a burden to them. Fin knowing this about me and caring enough to make this our first date earns him major brownie points.

  As I settle next to him, he pulls me into his embrace without hesitation. The butterflies in my stomach are fluttering so hard I could fly away. When his lips brush the top of my head, I fight the urge to shout for joy.

  This is nothing close to what I imagined it would be like to be with Finley.

  It is a million times better. Each brush of his skin against mine. Each whispered lyric floating from the radio and his mouth.

  Finley has always loved music, which led to my love of music. It’s something we share.

  My thoughts briefly flash to my first date with Xavier. His music makes me cringe. We have easy conversation, but lack connection—connection that I have with Finley so effortlessly.

  “I’ve always loved the smell of your hair, babe. It smells divine,” he murmurs, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

  I can’t help the giggle that slips out. “It’s some fancy formula made specifically for my hair.”

  His hand pauses. “Seriously?”

  I nod against his chest, making both of us chuckle.

  “Reed didn’t know the first thing about hair, so he hired a stylist to come to the house for me for a while. She taught me a lot and conned Reed into spending way too much money on this special formula for my hair.”

  “Whatever it is, I love it.”

  My heart warms. “It make
s my hair extra soft.”

  “I can’t deny that.”

  After a couple of minutes of quiet, his whisper reaches my ear. “Sometimes I think everyone would be better off if I were gone, especially my mom. Maybe someone else could fix her.”

  Pushing back, I see his eyes are cast down. I lean my forehead against his, making his eyes shoot to mine.

  “I would be devastated if you were no longer here. My world would crumble. Don’t say that when you don’t know how others feel about you. Keaton and Reed? Sterling? They would notice if you were gone. They already do.”

  Pain lines his eyes. “I know. You’re my only reason to stay. All of you. I feel like the guys have their own lives now though. They are happy to have me in it, but their priority is their women. I get that, but fuck if it doesn’t feel lonelier without them.”

  I wrap my hands on either side of his cheeks. “You never have to be alone. If you want someone to be with, you call me. I will always be here for you, Finley.”

  My heart aches for him. He’s a lost, lonely boy looking for a connection.

  Is that why he’s here? that cynical side of me asks.

  I push him back. I won’t let it ruin today.

  “I know. Sorry, babe. I’m ruining our date.” He kisses my nose.

  I smile. “You’re not. I want you to open up to me. Be able to tell me things that you’ve kept inside. I want to be that for you. Always.”

  This time when he leans in, he kisses my lips. “Baby steps.”

  I kiss him back before whispering, “Baby steps.”


  Chapter Seven


  “Hey, babe,” I whisper into the phone.

  “Sorry to wake you. I couldn’t sleep.”

  I smile to myself. She couldn’t sleep, so she called me. Fuck if that doesn’t make my heart soar.

  “I’ll always wake up for you,” my voice is husky, still clouded with sleep.

  “I wish I could come over.” A hint of sadness tinges her voice.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” I sit up, now alert.

  She sighs. “I talked to my dad again tonight. I tried telling him I won’t marry Xavier and to move on, but he was so excited about the wedding. Every time I would try to cut him off, he would talk even more. Then he told me how much he loved me and how I was his perfect daughter. I couldn’t do it.”

  I harsh breath leaves me. “He’s manipulating you, honey. Can’t you see that?”

  “Yes, but once I say the words, he will cease to be my dad. He will be the sperm donor Keaton and Reed see. I’m not ready for that.”

  My heart rips at the weakness I hear in her voice. She’s feeling guilty that she isn’t strong enough to rip the Band-Aid off.

  She’s wrong.

  “Babe, you’re the strongest woman I know. If you’re not ready to tell him, then don’t. I think you should be honest with him, but I get what you’re saying. It’s the same thing I do with my mom. I should seek out help for her, but what if they take her from me? She’s all I have. Then I have my moments where I’m so exhausted that I feel like I can’t go on. Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone?”

  I ask, but honestly, everything I have ever told her about my home life is a secret. No one knows any of it. Only her.

  “Of course.” Her reply is instant.

  “Sometimes, when she’s really low, I go in her room to check her pulse. The fucked-up thing? Sometimes I’m disappointed when I find it. Sometimes my chest grows tight at the thought of one more minute in this house with her. How fucked up is that, Tin? That sometimes I feel like I might be relieved if her heart stopped beating.”

  “Oh, Fin….” Her breaths are ragged as a sob escapes her. “It’s not fucked up for you to want peace. It’s not fucked up that sometimes imagining a life without her may be easier. It’s certainly not fucked up to imagine that if she were to take her last breath that she might find her own peace. You’re not a malicious person, Fin. Those guilty thoughts you’re having about even thinking about your mother being gone are so off base. You said it yourself. You want to fix her, to be there for her, to improve her life. It’s natural to think, if she were to no longer be here, she may find peace in the silence when her life is full of pain. Never feel bad for wanting to take her pain away.”

  My body shakes as I look at my hand, tears falling into it. “You mean that?”

  “Every word, baby.”

  I take a deep breath, before letting it rush out. “Then you have no reason to feel guilty about wanting more time with the dad you wished you had. You have your eyes wide open. If you want to spend some more time with him like this, then I won’t fault you. Take this as far as you want, but don’t misunderstand me. You’re mine, Tinsley. Xavier will not touch you. You will not marry him. I refuse to let you take it that far.”

  She chuckles. “How could I ever marry anyone but you, Finley Abbot? You stole my heart long before I knew what that meant.”

  “Don’t you forget it, babe.”

  When she yawns into the phone, I smile.

  “Talk to me until you fall asleep, Tin baby.”

  And she does. We talk about everything. Sometimes we talk about lighter topics, while sometimes she admits some of her secrets in exchange for my own. By the time the sun is rising, I know without a doubt that Tinsley Yates is mine.



  “Your father is calling…. Your father is calling….” The robotic voice comes from my phone, alerting me to the call coming through. I pick my phone up and look at the screen, full of dread. Dad.

  “It’s now or never,” I mumble before answering the call. “Hello.”

  “Have you set a date yet?”

  “Hey, sweetheart, how are you? School going okay?” I say, full of sarcasm. “I’m good, Daddy. Thanks for asking.”

  “I don’t have time for your childish antics, Tinsley. Now answer the damn question.”

  I take a deep breath and exhale. “Xavier and I have decided that marriage is not for us, but we will continue to be friends,” I tell him as confidently as I can.

  Daddy’s quiet for a minute before he chuckles. “Don’t play games, Tinsley. Now tell me when the wedding is.”

  “Like I said, we’re not getting married.”

  “You will regret this, little girl.” He hangs up before I can respond.


  Dread mixed with elation runs through me. “I did it,” I whisper, a smile overtaking my face, making me giggle. My giggle turns into a full laugh. I pull up his name on my phone and hit Call.

  It rings three times before he picks up. “What’s up, Tins?”

  “I did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “I told him I won’t marry Xavier.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, that was never going to happen. Even if I had to kidnap you, you were never going to walk down the aisle towards him.”

  “Finley,” I drawl.

  “I’m proud of you,” Finley says sincerely.

  “Thank you.” I whisper.

  “So, this means we should celebrate. Let’s do something.” I hear him moving around. “Be ready in twenty. I’ll be the sexy guy out front in the beamer.”

  My heart swells. “I’ll be waiting with bated breath.”

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I huff. I don’t have enough time to do everything I’d like to, but I can at least change and brush some light makeup on.

  Pulling out my favorite worn pair of jeans and an off-the-shoulder sweater, I change quickly. I pair the outfit with my favorite pair of ankle boots. Looking in the mirror, I’m happy to see most of my makeup from the day still looks decent.

  After freshening up my eyeliner and lip stain, I smile at myself in the mirror. I pull my hair out of the clip, shaking it out, happy with the natural waves falling down my shoulders.

  I check my phone, seeing I only have a couple minutes left, so I put a spritz of perfume on before leavi
ng my room, shutting the door behind me.

  “Where are you sneaking off to?”

  Gasping and grabbing my chest, I turn and Keaton. “What the fuck, Keat? Don’t give me a heart attack.” I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

  “If you weren’t sneaking around, you wouldn’t have been caught off guard.” He smiles like he is so smart.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn away from him and make my way downstairs. “I’m not sneaking. I was going downstairs to let Reed know that I’m going out.”

  Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I turn to look at him.

  “Looking like that? With whom?” Keaton narrows his eyes on me.

  I look down at my outfit. Yes, it’s fashionable but not overly revealing.

  “What’s wrong with how I look?” I dare him to elaborate.

  He must see the warning on my face because he shrugs. “Who are you going out with, Tin Tin?”

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I answer him. “Finley.”

  His face now holds a look of confusion. “Fin? Why would he be doing anything with you?”

  I let out a humorless laugh. “I thought we were family. Is he not allowed to hang out with me now? Or is he only allowed to be your friend?”

  Keaton holds up his hands. “I didn’t mean that. Of course he’s family, and he’s your friend too. I’m just surprised. I didn’t know that you guys were hanging out.”

  “Seems like there’s a lot you don’t know. Don’t wait up. I’m sure you know I’m in good hands. Let Reed know that I’m going out.”

  I open the front door, butterflies filling my stomach as I see Finley leaning against his car waiting for me.

  “Tin Tin.” Keaton’s voice causes me to look over my shoulder at him. “Be careful. I love you.” His eyes hold an apology for the hurt he unintentionally caused.

  I give him a small smile. “Love you too, Keat.”

  After closing the door behind me, I make my way over to Finley. He gives me a smile before he rushing towards me and wrapping his arms around my middle. I squeal as he picks me up, spinning me around.

  He drops me back to the ground before leading me to his passenger door. “Come on, babe. I want to take you somewhere.”


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