Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4) Page 15

by Cala Riley

  I pull back from her, taking her face in my hands. “Don’t you ever fucking scare me like that again. You can’t go disappearing on me. I would burn the fucking world down to find you. Don’t you know that?”

  Before she can speak, my lips are on hers and I’m pulling her into me. She moans into my mouth, causing me to press harder.

  “Sorry to break up this tender moment, but we have to go.” Rocky quirks a brow at me.

  Chuckling, I pull her under my arm and escort her to the waiting car, making sure she’s safely inside before opening the trunk of Nate’s car as Rocky heads my way, carrying the package.

  “Meet you there in an hour,” I tell him before turning to my woman.


  Chapter Twelve


  “Come on, pretty girl. Tonight will be great.” Sage smiles at me in the mirror as she fixes my hair.

  I paste on my fake smile.

  Two weeks. That's how long it’s been since I’ve seen Finley. After everything that happened, I thought we had made some headway in actually being together, but once again, he let me down.

  He hasn’t even texted once. I figured he would at least text or call today since it’s my eighteenth birthday, but not one word.

  “I’m so excited to see everyone.” I say.

  She gives me a knowing look as she turns me to face her. “Today is your day. Let no one dull your shine, baby girl. You’re the total package. If he doesn’t see that, then that’s his loss, not yours.”

  I put on a brave face. “I know. Forget him. Let’s go celebrate me being an adult.”

  She finishes my makeup before we meet Reed in the foyer.

  “Oh, Tin Tin, you are beautiful.”

  I smile as Reed tries to hide the sudden emotion on his face. I let him pull me in for a fierce hug.

  “Your baby girl’s all grown up.” Sage’s voice is clogged with emotion as she speaks to Reed.

  “She is,” he whispers, kissing my head.

  “Can we go? You guys are going to make me ruin my makeup.” I look up, attempting to stop my own tears.

  “Can’t have that. Let’s get going.” Sage grabs my arm as she leads me to Reed’s car.

  Once in, I finally ask, “Where’re we going anyways?”

  Reed shoots me a smile. “Can’t tell you that.”

  Rolling my eyes, I chat with Sage the rest of the drive. I gasp as Reed pulls up in front of an old-school diner. It looks like it came straight out of the fifties.

  Reed gets out and opens my door to help me out. Sage meets us as I stand in awe.

  “How did you know?” The words are whispered, as I’m afraid to ruin the sight in front of me.

  How did he know about my love of the 50s era?

  The building is like something out of a dream. The sign proclaiming “Frank’s Diner” is proudly lit up in neon lights. Taking in the actual structure, the spotlights lining the eaves along with the metal exterior is exactly what I imagined. Looking in the window, I see the red and white interior with the old-school Coke sign, booths lining the walls, tables in the middle, and barstools lining the counter. A sign for the “best milkshake in town” hangs proudly in the window. This is exactly the way I envisioned a fifties diner. I didn’t even realize they had these still.

  Movement inside draws my attention.

  “We didn’t, but he did.” Reed points at the figure moving to the door. As he takes a step outside, my breath catches.

  “Finley,” I whisper.

  He walks over to me, holding out his hand. “Can I have this dance?”

  “Out here?”

  “Right here.”

  Suddenly, one of my favorite 50s love songs plays through some outdoor speakers.

  “Fin,” I whisper, not hesitating to put my hand in his.

  He pulls me closer to him, one hand taking mine while the other falls to the small of my back. I lay my free hand on his shoulder as he sings softly in my ear.

  My heart and feet stop as I hear the lyrics. They hit me straight in the chest.

  Was this song choice conscious?

  Pulling back, I stare into his eyes. They show me something I have never seen before. There are no walls blocking me from seeing inside of him, seeing the feelings he has guarded for so long.

  He waits, still singing, as I process what he’s saying.

  Finley has never been one for words. He has always been about action.

  I need words though. His actions have misled me in the past. I need to hear it.

  “You only have eyes for me?” I bite my lip.

  “Only you, Tin. Always only you.”

  He pulls me close, taking my lips with his, caressing them. This is a statement. He is finally claiming me.

  He brushes kiss after kiss on my lips, waiting for my answer.


  Whatever the question is, it’s yes.

  Reaching up to pull him closer, I deepen the kiss, opening my mouth to allow him access. He takes the opening, sliding his tongue against mine, meeting me stroke for stroke. When I nip his lip, he groans.

  A clearing throat pulls us from our fantasy world.

  “That’s my sister, Abbot.” I don’t miss the dad tone in Reed’s voice.

  Finley stiffens, making me want to kill Reed. If he ruins this for me, I’ll never forgive him.

  Then Finley surprises me. He pulls me in close while staring Reed in the eye. “She’s my girl.”

  My heart stops as I look up at Finley. He doesn’t meet my eye, still in a staring contest with Reed, but he squeezes me.

  I mean it, he says with his body language.

  Leaning up, I press a kiss on his neck, telling him I mean it too.

  We’re in this together, I convey to him with my touch. He relaxes into me as I cuddle his side.

  “You’re too old for her,” Reed spits out.

  “I’m nine months older than her,” Finley deadpans.

  Before Reed can say another word, Sage speaks up. “He loves her, Reed. Let them be.”

  He wants to argue, I can see it in his eyes, but Sage pulls him back towards the car as they whisper frantically.

  Finley stares off for a minute before turning his eyes back to me.

  “I do, you know.”

  He loves me.

  “I know. I do too.”

  He smirks. “I know.” He leans in to kiss me again, but a knock on the window of the diner startles me.

  Laughing, he turns, flicking off whoever it is. Looking over his shoulder, I see Morgan, Keaton, Victoria, Sterling, and Amethyst inside.

  “We should go greet them. They helped me set all of this up.”

  “All of this was for me?” I can’t help the tears welling in my eyes.

  “Always. Everything was always for you. I figured you would love a 50s themed birthday. Happy birthday, baby.”

  “Best birthday ever.” I pull him in and kiss him hard before turning, taking his hand firmly in mine, and going into the diner.



  She hasn’t left my side all night. Every touch brings a smile to my face. I know I look ridiculous, but I don’t give a fuck. I would do anything for this woman.

  “I’m going to go to the restroom. Wait right here for me.” She presses her lips to mine.

  “With bated breath, my love.” I smirk as her face blushes.

  She thinks she knows how I feel, but I’ve kept it bottled up for years. Not anymore.

  The past two weeks without her nearly killed me, but I knew if I was doing this, I had to do it right.

  The first thing I did was call Rocky. I love the guy like a brother, but I can’t keep fighting for him and be with her. His world is dangerous. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her because of me. Not to mention, Reed and Keaton would kill me.

  He was happy for me, but it wasn’t as simple as being out. In his world, he couldn’t let me leave for free. Now I owe him a favor of his choosing,
no questions asked. I just really hope it is something I can do without jeopardizing everything I’m trying to build.

  The second thing I did was get my own place. It was a long time coming. Now that Dad stepped back in to deal with Mom’s shit, I feel free. He gave me my inheritance from my grandparents. He was supposed to wait until I was twenty-five, but he said I had grown far wiser than any other twenty-five-year-old and would use it wisely. That’s why I bought a little starter house near Mama’s House.

  The third thing I did was plan this party for Tinsley.

  I want to make all of her dreams come true. This is just the start. No matter what she asks for, I will always give it to her. Every single time.

  I watch as she makes her way back to me, before being stopped by Victoria partway. My mind settles as I take in the carefree look on her face.

  “You look like a sap. Stop all that smiling.” Keaton sits on the stool next to me, leaning against the counter like I am.

  “She likes my smile” is my only response.

  Keaton sobers up a moment. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “About how I felt about her? Or my home shit?”

  “Both. I’m your best friend.”

  “No. She’s my best friend.” I point at his sister. “Like Morgan is yours. As for my mom, I was stuck in my own head. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything. As for Tinsley, I wasn’t good enough for her.” I take a sip of my soda, never taking my eyes from the beautiful brunette now dancing with the other girls.

  “Are you now?”

  His question hits me hard. Am I?

  “No, but I’ll work every day to try to be.”

  He pats my shoulder. “Then you have my blessing. Trust me, none of us are good enough for those girls. We’re assholes. We’re going to fuck up. All that matters is if we’re willing to do everything in our power to make it better.”

  Finally taking my eyes off her, I meet his. I see acceptance—something I never expected to see in his eyes. I knew when I chose her that it meant the possibility of losing my best friends. Tinsley has been off-limits my entire life. I knew that. It’s part of the reason I always soaked up other females’ attention. To keep myself from doing what I wanted to do. Be with her.

  “At least I will still have one friend,” I mumble. “Thanks, man.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “He feels like he’s her father. He’ll come around. When he actually thinks it through, he’ll realize he would rather you love her like you have your entire life, rather than some other asshole we don’t know.”

  “I hope you’re right.” I set my soda down. “They look like they’re having too much fun. I’m going to get my girl.”

  “Hell yeah.” Keaton sets his own glass down. “Let’s go get our women, brother.”

  I stop and pull him into a hug. “Thanks, man.”

  After pulling back, I go and join the most beautiful woman in the world on the dance floor. “May I have this dance?” I tease while holding my hand out for her.

  “Of course.” She slips her hand into mine; I draw her close and we dance.

  “Guess what I learned while you were busy getting yourself kidnaped.”

  Tinsley rolls her eyes. “What did you learn?”

  “That I don’t have to worry anymore about ending up like my mom. Apparently, I was born via surrogacy using another woman’s eggs. My mother didn’t want to risk passing her disease on.”

  I watch Tinsley’s face fly through a range of emotions. “I’m so happy for you, Fin,” She murmurs with tears in her eyes.

  “You and me,” I tell her.

  “You and me.”

  We dance—letting loose to all the fast songs, and pulling her in close with each slow song. I marvel at the pure joy shining in her eyes while enjoying every single smile she shoots my way.



  One year later, 4th of July


  “I was wrong,” Reed states out of nowhere.

  I look away from the girls setting out food while Keaton and Sterling are barbequing the meat.

  “You usually are. What about this time?” I tease.

  Reed and I have had a bumpy relationship since I’ve gotten with Tinsley. He doesn’t think I’m good enough for his baby sister. He’s right. I’m not. No one is, but fuck if I don’t love her with every piece of my soul.

  “I shouldn’t have tried to keep you guys apart. I’m not saying I agree with this, because I still think she’s way too good for you, but you make her happy, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’d hate to have to kill one of my brothers.”

  I laugh at Reed’s halfhearted threat mixed in with the acceptance I’ve been dreaming of but never dared wish for.

  “You don’t have to worry about it. If I hurt her, I’ll kill myself. She’s my everything, Reed.” I meet his eyes, letting him see how serious I am. “Without her, life isn’t worth living.”

  He stares me down before nodding once. “Who’d have ever thought we would all end up settled down?”

  I chuckle. “Fuck being settled down. Who the fuck ever thought Sterling would turn into a big softie? Look at him?”

  We both glance at the man in question stopped grilling and is sitting in the sand building a sandcastle with his little girl. Never thought I would see the day that Sterling Brooks would be brought to his knees by a child. Yet, here we are.

  I hear a vibration and look down at my phone on the table.

  New Message- Xavier

  “Golden boy’s messaging you?” Reed asks with a raised brow.

  I shrug. “He’s going to be in town before heading back to Texas later this summer and wants to surprise Tins.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I got the girl.” I smirk. “He’s harmless.”

  Reed chuckles. “Whatever you say.”

  I turn away from him, my eyes locking with the one person I can never get enough of.

  Smiling, I wink at her.

  She looks around before licking the end of her finger and trailing it up under her skirt before laughing and dropping her hand to her side.

  I shake my head. She’s such a damn temptress, always trying to get me in trouble.

  Looking at her now though? She’s the best kind of trouble. The only kind I ever want to be in.



  “Uncle Keaton, look at what I made.”

  I smile down at Amethyst as she shows Keaton her sandcastle. It’s lopsided and some of the sand is caving, but she’s proud.

  “It’s beautiful, baby girl. Is that where the princess lives?” he asks.

  Keaton has grown into such an amazing man. When I met him, he was hiding who he really was behind a mask of humor and playboy ways. Part of that had to do with his father. The other part is now sitting right beside him.

  Morgan was a surprise. The whole family mourned the loss of her before I came. When she came back, she thought she could skate on by without answering for her disappearing act. She didn’t plan on Keaton. He tried to keep her at arm’s length, but I think even he knew that he wouldn’t let her get away a second time.

  Three years they’ve been together now. You can see how much they love each other in every touch and whisper. Especially now. I don’t miss the longing look Morgan gives Amethyst. She’s ready to start her own family.

  I wonder if Keaton can read the signs.

  “The princess lives here until her prince comes and saves her,” Amethyst says, breaking my thoughts.

  Morgan tsks. “You’ve got it all wrong, Am. The princess doesn’t need a prince to save her.” She winks over at me. “The princess is waiting for her prince to come and love her and be her partner. She knows she can save herself. She’s waiting for someone willing to scale the walls and brave the dragon to show he’s worthy of loving her.”

  My heart pangs. If you look at each one of my boys, they have all done that. Finley braved
his own demons, along with his best friends, to claim Tinsley. It was a rocky start, but he would give her his last breath if she asked. He proved his love to her by showing her he would fight himself for it. He’s changed. He no longer runs off without us. He’s part of the family again, where he belongs.

  Sterling is another story. He almost didn’t make it. I sure as hell didn’t want to give him another chance where Victoria was concerned. He hurt her so bad that I never thought I could forgive him.

  Then they had Amethyst. He went from being the silent asshole to the world's most loving father. It took me a long time to accept the fact that he was here to stay and that he wouldn’t hurt my family again. He slayed his own demons in his pursuit of Victoria, showing us he had what it took to change who he was and be a better man.

  Keaton’s demons were a little different. Once he opens his heart, he’s all the way in. His demons stemmed from the fact that he loved Morgan so much that it nearly killed him when she disappeared. While I’d like to say Morgan was the princess in this scenario, I think she was the one proving she would walk through the fire for him.

  I look back towards the house, finding Reed standing on the balcony looking over us.


  My prince in black. I didn’t expect him, but I got him. He holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’s the patriarch of this family, holding them together when they could have fallen apart. He was the first domino. He showed them it was okay to accept another into their hearts by casting aside his distaste for me and claiming me for his own. He still has some dark days regarding his father, but mostly, he smiles now.

  I remember when I met him. Did he ever smile?

  I break away from Keaton and Morgan, knowing Amethyst is in excellent hands. I feel Reed's eyes on me as I make my way to the edge of the water, the ocean calling my name. I sink down into the sand and wrap my arms around my knees, taking a deep breath of the salty air. The wind whips my hair, covering my face, but I don't care. I shut my eyes and feel peace as I listen as the waves continue to crash against the shore before turning around to pull back out.

  Just like life. A constant push and pull, washing away the bad to make room for the good. A calming salve to the wounds that have been healing for a long while.


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