You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 2

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 2 Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

When they bound me in ropes of crude glass pieces; stripping every bit

  of cloth from my persona,

  I felt a stream of fresh blood oozing incessantly from my raw wounds;

  although I still managed to break free vehemently flinging the pointed shards

  from my arms.

  And eventually when they imprisoned me in the "ROPE OF LOVE"; with my

  beloved lying blissfully by my side,

  I endeavored as hard as possible to scamper away; but this time though

  the mesmerizing essence of her entity; the invincible power of her devotion

  for my being; held me incorrigibly on the ground; to bask for centuries

  unprecedented in the glory of her widespread arms. 








  The first time when I swam in fathomless waters of the Atlantic; my legs felt dreary with feverish exhilaration; my heart palpitated 100 beats faster,

  There was an incredulous feeling of confronting the storm; floating

  abreast the opalescent fish; caressing the drifting corals as I plunged down.

  The first time when I ate freezing icecream; infinite buds of taste

  stood up on my tongue in bewildered alacrity,

  I greedily gulped the blend of protuberant cherry and cream inadvertently smearing some of it on my nose; to satiate my thirst in the scorching winds of summer.

  The first time when I witnessed an accident; the lifeless form of an innocuous

  pedestrian lying in a river of crimson blood,

  Uncanny shivers ran down my spine at swashbuckling speeds; a dark blur

  obliterated my eyes; and I swooned in a disheveled heap on the ground.

  The first time when I saw a crackling fire; heaps of logs being incinerated by

  a tiny matchstick,

  I felt besieged by waves of curiosity; unwittingly poking my fingers in the

  sapphire blue flames; although I quickly withdrew them before my flesh

  got charred to soot.

  The first time when I smoked a cigarette; I felt something vindictively

  burning in my throat,

  There were incessant bouts of coughing; succeeded by clouds of grey air

  wafting from my mouth.

  The first time when I drove my car; I felt tumultuous power

  encompassing me; as I could increase the speed at a mere kiss to the accelerator,

  However when I did so; the automobile sky rocketed towards the sky;

  eventually crashing into the bakery full of rotten eggs and cakes.

  The first time when I sat in the aircraft; I felt overwhelmed by the ostentatious interiors; the trays of plum juice being served in kingly fashion,

  I thought of opening the translucent glass window as I usually did as I

  got up from sleep; this time though I was rebuked by the airhostess from doing

  so; as it could mean a difference between life and death.

  The first time when I drank peach flavored wine; there was a massive cyclone

  that engulfed my mind,

  I seemed to have lost refined degrees of sophistication; barked a volley of

  malicious expletives looking my employer straight in his eyes.

  The first time when I heard the tiger growl in the jungle; the sonorous screeching of the owl; I felt clusters of hair stand like needles on my skin,

  Also I didn’t need to find a plush lavatory; as I had performed the call of

  nature in my pants.

  The first time I attended a bombastic party; with a conglomerate of sparkling

  lights falling in dispersed beams; I felt awkward reverberations entrench me

  from all sides,

  And my situation exacerbated; when my parents introduced me to the ensemble of

  dignitaries; who sipped beer as casually as they had mineral water from their glass.

  The first time I held a gun in my hands; they unrelentingly shivered with cold

  sweat dribbling down my forehead,

  I knew I had to kill my adversary to save my own life; but in the end succumbed to the tyranny of fate; as I couldn’t muster the tenacity to fire.

  The first time when I heard my name; the voice of my mother stringently addressing me in her domineering,

  I felt as impregnable as god in the sky; as I had now been bestowed supreme

  recognition to my otherwise neglected entity.

  And the first time when I saw her; sighting her silken hair blowing with the

  wind; I instantly fell in the dungeon of love,

  Wanting to be incarcerated with her celestial form; away from the nuances of

  the world for ever and ever and ever .


  29. POLISH 


  I polished my shoe using a blend of molten wax and color; exerting

  onerous strokes with my hands,

  As an aftermath they shone brilliantly under the sun; however after a

  few hours of transgressing through the streets; they were completely

  covered with squalid mud.

  I polished the nondescript wall using a canister full of turpentine

  oil; painting the same with shades of sparkling white,

  As a result it appeared a stupendous treat to the eye; however after a

  while I noticed abashing chocolate smudges which the children must have left

  while playing.

  I polished the necklace of lackluster silver by dipping it in pure

  milk; vigorously kneading its periphery applying stringent lemon,

  As a manifestation it shimmered magnificently under the beams of moon;

  however when I sighted it after a few days it had again acquired incorrigible

  stains of black juxtaposed with perspiration.

  I polished my plate of food submerging it in a bath of foam; then

  scrubbing it with a cloth of flocculent silk,

  It glistened marvelously as if brand new; however after consuming my

  meal of rice and curry; it again got coated with blemishes of black and blue.

  I polished the windscreen of my car drenching it in tepid water; then

  massaging it till it emanated a screeching sound,

  The effect was so incredulous that I could almost spot stars sleeping

  behind the sun; however after few minutes of driving the glass again looked

  tainted with a sheet of nascent dust lining its borders.

  I polished my finger nails using scarlet nailpolish; meticulously

  applying it to engulf the entire surface,

  The effect was pretty exotic as they conspicuously glimmered under the

  lights; however after a fortnight the color seemed to as evanescent as the

  passing storms.

  I polished my teeth using a fat smear of tangy toothpaste; resolutely

  stroking the brush umpteenth times on their surface,

  As a consequence the armory of my enamel radiated like scintillating

  pearls; however as the day unveiled itself into night; I saw a host of germ and

  bacteria sticking merrily to them.

  I polished my attire using an antiseptic bar of detergent; brushing

  away the most minuscule particle of dust from my collar,

  As a result of which I got profoundly noticed in public; however after

  a few minutes a speeding car sprayed a drizzle of fetid water while passing;

  and my immaculate demeanor was now converted to mere shambles.

  I polished the floor all day using all sorts of modern contrivances;

  even going to the extent of licking it clean with my tongue,

  As an inevitable outcome it emitted brilliant ramifications of purity;

  however after sometime was rendered indescribable; as unruly strangers entered

  with their dirty feet.
  But as far as my beloved was concerned she didn’t need the slightest of

  sparkle; the slightest of ostentation to project her persona,

  The inner beauty of her heart perennially shone; irrespective of

  changing seasons and the unleashing of time,

  She was the only person who by my perception was the most beautiful;

  the one who didn’t need the slightest of polish.




  If I were to choose from; speeding in a motorboat to swimming against

  choppy waves of the ocean,

  I would prefer wading across the stormy waters profusely moving my

  arms; rather than the insipid journey in the cruise liner.

  If I were to choose from; languishing on the flocculent couch to

  sleeping on the stone cold floor,

  I would prefer to caress the ground; roll wildly in unparalleled

  exuberance; rather than the effeminate comfort of the bed.

  If I were to choose from; transgressing the desert barefoot to riding

  on profoundly hunched camel back,

  I would prefer to walk feeling the tenacity of blistering sun on my

  back; rather than petulantly torture the innocuous beast.

  If I were to choose from; reaching the pinnacle of the mountain top on

  cable car to clambering up using a knotted rope,

  I would prefer to onerously scramble my way to the top basking in the

  spirit of paramount adventure; rather than descending on my destination

  without flexing the slightest of my muscle.

  If I were to choose from; drinking opulent wine floating in swanky

  glasses to crystalline liquid extracted from the belly of earth,

  I would prefer rapidly gulping the scintillating water; rather than

  collapsing in a disheveled heap on the ground after devouring the inebriating


  If I were to choose from; inhaling artificial air from the compact

  cylinder of oxygen to breathing directly from the atmosphere,

  I would prefer to expand my lungs to their full capacity in my chest

  drawing in ravishing puffs of oxygen; rather than respiring the adulterated


  If I were to choose from; watching television to voraciously reading

  infinite lines of literature,

  I would prefer to exorbitantly exert my eyes trying to innovatively

  perceive in the dormitories of my mind; rather than indolently viewing gaudy

  images flickering on the silver screen.

  If I were to choose from; dancing in the sleazy discotheque in an

  ambience of bombastic lights to swirling on the vast ground,

  I would prefer to rambunctiously gyrate under the dazzling sun god;

  rather than consciously moving my body in the realms of nimble sophistication.

  If I were to choose from; residing in the grandiloquent palace to the

  rustic interiors of a tumbledown hut,

  I would prefer to live in the ramshackle barn with boisterous droplets

  of rain cascading freely through blatantly gaping holes; rather than having a

  fleet of bodyguards parading around my impoverished persona.

  If I were to choose from; staying secure in custody of the corrupt

  leaders den to flinging my life away for the sake of my country,

  I would prefer; to indiscriminately shed my blood on the battlefield

  rather than keep leading a life of opprobrious contempt.

  And if I were to choose from; my beloved and boundless notes of white

  currency, I would definitely prefer her compounded with our penurious condition

  to live; rather than leading a lackluster life divested of the desire to

  struggle; a life utterly bereft of the zeal to live.




  When we talk about the fiery body of sun; it's magnanimous stature in

  the sky,

  The cardinal thing that inundates our mind; is its dazzling shine; and

  the blistering rays that emanate indefatigably throughout the day.

  When we talk about the placid persona of lake; the plethora of ripples

  embodied on its surface,

  The salient thing that floods our mind; is the boats floating on it;

  the conglomerate of resplendent fish beneath its surface.

  When we talk about the blossoming flowers in the garden; the wild

  stalks of grass circumventing them,

  The chief thing that deluges our mind; is the fragrance that

  perennially wafts from them; the sweet nectar incarcerated in their core.

  When we talk about the colossal desert; the sweltering heat permeating

  the ambience like dagger heads of acrimonious steel,

  The conspicuous thing that overwhelms our mind; is the astronomical

  amounts of slippery sand; the hunchbacked camels traversing through its territory.

  When we talk about the steep mountains; gigantic streams of water

  plummeting down their slopes,

  The remarkable thing that imprisons our mind; is its summits standing abreast the clouds; the melodious gurgling sounds of liquid cascading down towards the ground.

  When we talk about the tenacious wind; turbulent draughts of breeze

  sweeping the periphery of earth,

  The prominent thing that encapsulates our mind; is rustling of the tree

  leaves; the loose granules of mud which fly incoherently in air.

  When we talk about the preposterously huge whales; their monstrous pair

  of teeth which pulverize humans to chowder,

  The main thing that engulfs our mind; is swirling waves of the majestic

  ocean; the animated aquatic life inhabiting the fathomless waters.

  When we talk about the diminutive mosquito; its proliferation in pools of fetid water,

  The profound thing that envelops our mind; is incessant sounds of cacophonic

  buzzing; the animosity in sting which painstakingly infiltrates in our flesh.

  When we talk about gargantuan slices of cheese; the rich and sumptuous

  odor diffusing from the same,

  The supreme thing that strangulates our mind; is the sacrosanct cow

  yielding immaculate milk; the delicious taste it would impart when we revolve it

  in our mouth.

  And when we talk about true love; the blissful aftermath of falling in romance,

  The first thing that inevitably pierces our mind; is the mesmerizing image of

  our beloved; the celestial reflections of her dainty feet. 







  Even If an inconspicuous particle of dust entered your eye; making you

  wildly scratch with your tender palms,

  That very moment I would go completely blind; wholesomely abdicating

  the ability to perspicuously see.

  Even if you tripped inadvertently on the floor; slightly bruising the

  skin on your fragile shoulders,

  That very moment I would collapse on the ground; developing a series of

  multiple fracture in my feet.

  Even if you coughed a trifle; as an aftermath of poignant pepper encompassing your nostrils,

  That very moment I would have unrelenting bouts of rapid breathing; incessantly sneeze till the time my eyes popped out of their sockets.

  Even if you perceived a baseless fear; of drizzling rain water disdainfully drenching you,

  That very moment I would gruesomely drown in the colossal ocean; incorrigibly

  refraining to steer my way up the surface.

  Even if you tossed a
nd turned petulantly on the bed for a few minutes;

  before falling into a sound slumber,

  That very moment I would irrevocably stare into black space; keeping

  awake the entire night like a dreaded insomniac.

  Even if you banged your robust fists softly into the wall; expressing

  your profound indignation at getting late for office,

  That very moment I would put my hands under the springing axe;

  pulverizing them into infinite splinters of bone.

  Even if you contracted a minuscule infection; with the imbalance in

  your body disappearing within a few hours of stringent medication,

  That very moment I would have astronomically high levels of tribal

  fever; with the entire of my silhouette burning like a piece of red coal.

  Even if you got an iota pierced; by the irascible mosquito

  unceremoniously hovering around,

  That very moment I would be bitten by swarms of stinging bees;


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