More Than Good Intentions

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More Than Good Intentions Page 29

by Dean Karlan

  and tracking programs

  and Village Education Committees

  Dupas, Pascaline

  earthquake insurance

  East Africa

  Easterly, William

  economic capacity



  and community involvement

  and conditional cash transfers

  cost to students

  and deworming programs

  in Ghana

  and health care incentives

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  and malaria prevention

  and the Millennium Development Goals

  and remedial instruction

  and student absenteeism

  and teacher absenteeism

  and tracking programs

  and tuition subsidies

  and uniform giveaways programs

  variety of problems and solutions

  efficiency. See also classical economics

  El Salvador




  and bare-bones loans

  and evaluation of loans

  and informal savings schemes

  and marginal returns

  and microcredit



  evaluation of programs

  and administrative costs

  “before-after” evaluations

  and education programs

  and effectiveness of aid

  and health care incentives

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  importance of

  and innovation

  and microcredit

  and Proven Impact Initiative

  and randomized control trials (RCTs)

  and standardized testing

  and teacher absenteeism

  tracking actual uses of loans

  Evans, David

  evidence on poverty reduction programs. See also evaluation of programs


  face-to-face marketing


  and behavioral economics

  and choice overload

  in the developing world

  and DrumNet

  and fertilizers

  and foundations of development

  and marketing

  and non-rational behavior

  and social learning

  Federal Reserve Bank

  Feigenberg, Benjamin


  coupon programs

  and marketing

  and pineapple cultivation

  rate of usage

  Fidelity Investments

  Field, Erica

  First Macro Bank

  Fischer, Greg

  fish markets

  Fisman, Ray

  flower merchants

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  food stamps

  foreign aid

  Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA)

  background of

  and business training programs

  and cultural issues in lending

  and lending practices

  and loan terms

  and Trust Game study

  foundations of development

  Freedom from Hunger

  fungibility of money

  Gale, William

  Gates, Bill

  gender issues

  and education

  and group lending

  and impact of microlending

  and microsavings

  and return rates from microlending

  Gertler, Paul


  and benefits of microcredit

  and credit reporting

  and education system

  and field research

  and group lending

  health care system

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  and informal employment

  and loan defaults

  and loan practices

  and malaria prevention

  and randomized control trials

  and rate of microcredit borrowing

  and remedial education programs

  and social learning

  and taxi drivers

  Gichugu Constituency

  Giné, Xavier

  Glennerster, Rachel

  Good Morning America


  “goose that lays golden eggs” scenario

  government funding


  Grameen Bank

  and entrepreneurship

  and gender differences in lending

  and group lending

  origin of

  Grameen Foundation

  Grameen II

  Green Bank of Caraga

  and commitment savings plans

  and individual-liability loans

  and personalized incentive programs

  and SEED savings accounts

  group lending

  advantages of

  assessing loan use patterns

  contrasted with simple individual loans

  future of

  and importance of meetings

  and individual-liability loans

  lending practices described

  and loan defaults

  model described

  origin of

  and peer pressure

  problems with

  and risk

  and social trust

  See also microcredit and microfinance

  Gugerty, Mary Kay

  Gujarat, India

  Hanna, Rema


  health care

  and conditional cash transfers

  and deworming programs

  and diarrheal diseases

  and education

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  and incentive programs

  and malaria prevention

  and medical worker absenteeism

  and smoking cessation

  and traditional medicine

  and water sanitation

  Henry E. Niles Foundation



  Hewlett Foundation

  hidden traits

  higher education

  HIV/AIDS prevention




  H & R Block

  Hyderabad, India

  ICS Africa

  “identifiable victim” issue



  and health care

  and HIV testing

  and Internet resources

  personalized incentive plans

  and savings plans

  and teacher absenteeism


  and communications infrastructure

  and deworming programs

  and education programs

  and informal lending

  and microlending

  and public health care

  and rainfall insurance policies

  and remedial education

  and teacher absenteeism


  individual-liability loans


  informal savings plans. See also moneylenders


  and farming

  and group lending

  and HIV/AIDS prevention


  in-home sales


  Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

  and business training programs

  and challenges of development research

  and community development research

  and deworming programs

  and evaluation of aid programs

  and malaria prevention

  origins of

  and remedial education programs

  and water sanitation

  interest rates

  and loans to microentrepreneurs

  and microcredit marketing

  and microcredit usage rates

  and microlending theory

  and short-term loans

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)


  and incentive programs

  and marketing

  and social learning

  and solicitation of donations

  interview data

  IRA plans

  iron supplements

  Iyengar, Sheena


  Jamison, Julian

  Jensen, Robert

  John Bates Clark medal

  Jonathan, Zinman

  Kahneman, Daniel


  and deworming programs

  and education programs

  and farming practices

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  and informal savings schemes

  and Kremer’s research

  and malaria prevention

  and prepaid fertilizer sales

  and water sanitation

  Kerala, India

  Khemani, Stuti

  Kinnan, Cynthia

  kitchen sink approach to development

  Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

  Koyamedu Market

  Kremer, Michael

  and author’s dissertation

  and complexity of development programs

  and deworming programs

  and fertilizer use study

  and genius grants

  and student sponsorship programs

  and tracking programs

  and water sanitation

  Laibson, David

  Lanao, Iris

  last-mile problem

  Latin America. See specific countries

  legal systems

  leisure time. See also opportunity cost

  lending practices. See microcredit and microfinance

  Lepper, Mark

  Liebman, Jeffrey

  Linden, Leigh

  literacy. See also education

  Loewenstein, George

  lottery game

  Lunyofu Primary School

  MacArthur Foundation


  malaria prevention



  marginal return

  market-based solutions. See also classical economics


  and behavioral economics

  and credit options


  and future of microfinance

  and the last-mile problem

  of microcredit

  promotional programs

  of rainfall insurance policies

  and salesmanship

  Snuggie example

  ubiquity of

  marriage practices

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  matching funds

  McConnell, Maggie

  McKenzie, David



  and business training programs

  and education programs

  and health care incentives

  and moneylender borrowing

  and sex workers

  microcredit and microfinance

  benefits of

  and capital investments

  and community development

  and creditworthiness

  current status of

  and efficiency of programs

  and entrepreneurship

  and FINCA

  and future of microfinance

  and individual-liability loans

  and loan allocation procedures

  and malaria prevention

  and marketing

  and moneylender borrowing

  and rainfall insurance policies

  and randomized control trials

  rate of borrowing

  and risk assessment

  shortcomings of

  and simple individual loans

  support for

  terms of loans

  theory of

  typical loan terms

  See also group lending

  microsavings. See also savings

  Miguel, Edward

  Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

  Mindanao, Philippines

  Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya)


  money transfers

  monitoring programs. See also evaluation of programs

  Morduch, Jonathan

  Mullainathan, Sendhil

  Mumbai, India


  natural experiments

  New York City

  Ngatia, Muthoni


  Nobel Peace Prize

  nonprofit organizations

  Nudge (Thaler and Sunstein)

  Null, Clair


  nutritional supplements

  Ocampo, Reggie


  opportunity cost

  Opportunity International

  oral rehydration therapy

  Orszag, Peter

  Owens, John

  Pande, Rohini



  payday loan companies

  peer pressure

  Pérez-Calle, Francisco

  personal loans


  and business training programs

  and group lending

  and loan usage studies

  and microcredit

  and savings programs

  and social connections in lending

  philanthropic foundations. See also charities;

  nonprofit organizations


  and Grameen II

  and informal savings

  and loans to microentrepreneurs

  and sari sari stores

  and saving programs

  and smoking cessation plans

  pineapple cultivation


  Population Services International

  Portfolios of the Poor (Collins, Morduch, Rutherford and Ruthven)

  Portman, Natalie

  Port Victoria, Kenya

  Potosí Ramírez, María Lucía


  complexity of

  day-to-day experiences of


  and entrepreneurship

  and fungibility of money

  and malaria prevention

  persistence of

  and randomized control trials

  and rate of microcredit borrowing

  and savings plans

  Poverty Action Lab



  prepaid fertilizer coupons

  preventive health care. See health care

  price equilibrium


  private schools



  product inventories


  and fungibility of money

  and marginal returns

  and return rates from microlending

  and savings

  and short-term loans

  and value of microlending

  Progresa program

  promotional programs

  Pro Mujer

  property laws

  Proven Impact Initiative

  public health. See health care

  Puri-Sharma, Charu

  race issues

  Raffler, Pia

  rainfall insurance policies


  Rajasthan, India


  randomized control trials (RCTs). See also specific studies and programs

  “Read India” program

  Reading Camps


  recency bias

  record keeping

  regulation of pr

  Relative Risk Information Campaign

  remedial education

  reminder messages

  repayment rates

  research methods

  retirement savings


  and banking systems

  and entrepreneurial lending

  and group lending

  and HIV/AIDS prevention

  See also credit reporting

  Robinson, Jonathan

  Rockefeller Foundation

  Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs)

  “rule of thumb” training

  Rutherford, Stuart

  Ruthven, Orlanda

  Sachs, Jeffrey

  on benefits of microcredit

  on effectiveness of aid

  and malaria prevention

  and poverty reduction strategies

  and water sanitation programs

  Saez, Emmanuel



  sari sari stores

  Save Earn Enjoy Deposit (SEED)

  Save More Tomorrow (SMarT)

  Save the Children


  advantages of

  and banking systems

  and commitment devices

  in the developed world

  difficulty of saving

  and gentle incentives

  importance of

  informal saving schemes

  microsavings programs

  and the poor

  reminder systems

  short-term loans contrasted with

  Savings and Fertilizer Initiative

  Schoar, Antoinette

  Schultz, Paul

  seasonal businesses. See also farming

  SEED (Save Earn Enjoy Deposit)


  Seva Mandir

  sexually-transmitted disease. See HIV/AIDS prevention

  sex workers

  Shafir, Eldar

  Shah, Manisha


  short-term loans. See also moneylenders; payday loan companies

  Singer’s Lake scenario

  Sixteen Decisions


  slipperiness of money

  small donors

  SMarT (Save More Tomorrow)

  smoking cessation


  social ties

  and farming practices

  and group lending

  and learning

  and loan repayment rates

  and peer pressure

  and safety nets

  and water sanitation programs

  South Africa

  and consumer credit access

  and microcredit marketing

  and moneylender borrowing

  and sex workers


  sponsorships, educational

  Sri Lanka

  and gender issues in microlending

  and marginal returns of entrepreneurs

  and microentrepreneurs

  and rate of microcredit borrowing

  standardized testing


  status quo bias

  Stewart, Potter


  Subsidios program


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