Property 0f The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 3)

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Property 0f The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 3) Page 7

by Luna Voss

  “Incredible, isn’t it?” says Kayla, grinning. “It’s a little-known secret, but access to the Hot Spring is actually the best part of belonging to Clan Gurrak. I come here whenever I get the chance.”

  I sit next to Kayla, leaning against a rock, and for a while, the three women and I just stay in the water, not saying anything. It’s peaceful. Almost peaceful enough to make me forget about what I will be doing tonight.

  “Part of us getting you ready for tonight involves a whole-body massage,” Kayla tells me after a little while. “The idea is to work out any tension, and to make sure your body is nice and relaxed. Would you like to do that?”

  I nod eagerly. Short of having friends rub my shoulders occasionally, I’ve never experienced a massage before. It sounds great.

  There’s a grassy area right next to the water. Two of the women lay out a blanket, and I lie down on my stomach. For what feels like the next hour, all three women pamper my body, kneading my back, my shoulders, my arms, my legs. Pretty soon, my muscles feel like jelly, and I’m so relaxed that I can hardly muster the energy to move.

  The combination of the massage and the time I spent in the Hot Spring has me feeling incredible. It’s like all the tension has been removed from my body, and now I’m just floating on a cloud. I lie there on the blanket, breathing deeply.

  “When you’re ready, we will paint your body,” says one of the women. “You don’t have to move. Chief Gurrak will be painted from head to toe, but for the women, we only paint the back.”

  I nod, relieved that I can stay in place.

  “Now, the traditional pigment to use for this would be passionberry,” says Kayla, indicating one of two identical-looking baskets of berries that she brought with us. “But if you’d prefer, I can also use an ordinary red berry for pigment.” She waves the other basket. “Do you have a preference? There’s no shame in choosing either one.”

  I’m not sure why she thinks I would care what type of berry they use to paint my back. I gesture to the first basket.

  “Passionberry?” Kayla confirms, and I nod.

  “Good choice,” says one of the other women, giggling as she takes the first basket from Kayla and begins to smush the berries with a rock. “Passionberry it is.”

  The women seem amused by my choice of the passionberry for reasons that I can’t begin to understand. Perhaps it has some kind of cultural significance within Clan Gurrak? I watch as the woman mashes the berries into a paste.

  “Here we go,” says Kayla, dipping her hand into the basket. I feel her spreading the paste onto my back, making some kind of design.

  I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation. It feels nice. Not as amazing as Gurrak stroking my back, but nice.

  Actually, it feels good. Really good.

  Suspiciously good.

  As Kayla and the other women paint my back with the passionberry paste, I feel a tingling sensation spreading through my body that I normally associate with being aroused.

  …But I’m not aroused.

  … Not sexually, anyway.

  But I sure am… something.

  “All done,” says Kayla. “It should start to kick in within the next few minutes, if you’re not feeling it already.”

  My eyes snap open. Kick in? I stare at Kayla in alarm.

  Kayla suddenly looks worried. “You… you know about the passionberry, right?”

  I cock my head and shoot her a confused look. What does she mean, do I know about the passionberry?

  Her face falls. “Oh no… Julia, I thought you knew. That’s why I gave you the option.”

  The other two women start to giggle uncontrollably. She shoots them a glare, and they do their best to cut it out.

  “The passionberry is…” Kayla’s face cracks, and for a moment, she looks like she’s struggling very hard not to laugh herself. “Well, it’s an aphrodisiac, let’s just put it that way. It absorbs through the skin. I’m surprised you haven’t already started feeling it.”

  My eyes widen, and I start to panic a little bit. What did I just sign up for?

  “Don’t freak out!” Kayla tries to reassure me. “It’s really not that big a deal. Basically, it just makes everything feel really, really, really good. For the next day or so, everything is going to be way more intense. Including sex. Especially sex. You’re, uh… probably going to be pretty horny until tomorrow.”

  I let my head fall into my hands. Great. I guess that explains why my nipples are rock-hard right now, and why the thought of my bonding ceremony is suddenly way, way more appealing, and less nerve-racking than it was this morning.

  Truth be told, though, that’s probably a good thing. It’s probably why the ritual includes the passionberry in the first place.

  “If it makes you feel any better, you’re not the only one who’s going to be enjoying it,” Kayla tells me, winking. She holds up her red-stained fingers. “I did tell you it absorbs through the skin.”

  The other two women laugh. “My husband says that the passionberry has been responsible for some of the best nights of his life,” one of them jokes.

  “Look at it this way,” says the other. “You’re not going to have to worry about whether or not you’ll have an orgasm during your bonding ceremony tonight. You can take my word on that.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  We head back to the settlement, and boy, am I feeling the passionberry. I keep stealing glances at our two Kyrzon guards, enjoying the sight of their muscular figures.

  I’m so ready for Gurrak to take me.

  Now that I’m a little ball of horny energy, my bonding ceremony doesn’t really seem that bad to think about. In fact, it sounds downright fun. I become a woman tonight. If anything, I’m counting down the hours until Gurrak takes my virginity on the altar.

  What a difference a couple of berries can make.

  I now understand completely why passionberries are traditional for the bonding ceremony. The way I feel right now is ridiculous. Literally everything feels good, and every sexual thought that pops into my head is tremendously appealing, and difficult to banish. I imagine that even the shyest of Brides would eagerly present herself for mating under the influence of this incredible plant. The idea of not getting to experience Gurrak’s cock soon is devastating. I don’t just want him, I need him. He’s all I can think about.

  When we get back to the capital, Kayla and the other women say their goodbyes before excitedly scurrying home to jump on their husbands. I’m left with a couple of hours to kill before the ceremony, and it’s all I can do to resist the urge to spend the entire period of time touching myself in my room.

  But I do resist. I want to save myself for Gurrak. I want that first moment that his cock slides into me to be the first sexual pleasure that I’ve let myself feel all day.

  So I stay in my room, fiddling with the smashed pieces of my radio communicator, no closer to fixing it than I was the night it broke. Eventually, there’s a knock on my door, and I answer it, my pulse starting to race.

  It’s a big warrior with long hair. “It is time for the bonding ceremony,” he tells me. “Are you prepared? I will take you to where the clan waits.”

  I nod. No hesitation. I’m completely ready.

  He hands me a big fur cloak, looking somewhat awkward as he does so. “You are to wear this,” he says. “With nothing underneath.”

  I nod again, take it from him, and close the door so that I can change. Not wanting to be fully naked under the cloak, I leave on a pair of panties, reasoning that nobody will be able to see them, anyway. Now wrapped in the cloak, I open the door again and allow the warrior to lead me out of the castle.

  My heart races as I walk through the forest, all-but naked under the big, warm garment. The fur feels soft on my skin. My whole body is buzzing with anticipation, my nipples wide-awake and sticking straight out. Inside my panties, I can feel my pussy swelling with arousal. I can’t stop thinking about what I’m about to do.

  We enter the clearing, and
just like the night I arrived, the entire clan is assembled. Warrior after warrior stands looking up at the front, where a fire rages. My eyes nervously scan the many pairs of broad shoulders, very aware of the fact that they’re going to hear me have sex for the first time.

  Ordinarily, this would probably make me feel scared and anxious. But with whatever magic is in the passionberries flowing through my veins, I don’t think I could be anxious about anything if I tried.

  Instead, I feel elated.

  All of these warriors want me.

  But only one of them gets to claim me.

  As I walk to the front of the field, I see that Gurrak is already there, standing in front of the fire. He’s naked, his muscular silhouette cutting an impressive figure in the flickering light. As I get closer, I can see that his entire body is painted with designs that I imagine are similar to the ones on my back. The paint on his body is blue, not red.

  He looks delicious. Even more so than usual. He looks so big and tall and strong in front of the fire, and the paint on his body gives him a wild, savage look that really appeals to me. There’s something that seems so primitive about it.

  It’s fucking hot.

  I reach the front of the clearing and stand in front of him. He watches me approach, an intense happiness on his face, and when I stop, we spend a moment just looking into each other’s eyes. He looks so proud. I’m practically trembling with excitement, my body completely ready for him to spread my legs and make me his.

  The same priest from before stands up and addresses the crowd: “We are here to witness the bonding of Julia and Chief Gurrak,” he announces. “Tonight, our chief will claim his Bride for the first time. If our ancestors approve of this union, he will bring her to climax, and he will do so without spilling a drop of his own seed. Warriors, shall we begin?”

  The crowd roars its approval, and I blush deeply. I can’t believe I’m sharing such an intimate experience with anyone other than my husband.

  But my body has no such reservations. As Gurrak steps forward to address the crowd, I feel a warmth spreading between my legs.

  This jacked, powerful war chief is about to take my virginity.

  “Clan Gurrak, Julia’s beauty is for me to look upon, and for me only,” commands the chief, his voice deep and authoritative. “On pain of death, you will turn and face the other way as I deflower my Bride.”

  At once, every single warrior in the clan turns around and faces the other direction. The priest does the same, rejoining the crowd.

  Now Gurrak and I stand alone in front of the assembled group, not a single eye on us. I swallow. The chief looks at me, making eye contact, and in that instant, he’s like a predator, and I am his prey, waiting to be devoured. A shiver runs through me, and I lower my gaze submissively. The Kyrzon chief is practically glowing with desire for me. I steal a glance at his crotch, and even in the dim lighting, I can see that he’s hard.

  “ As our ancestors demand, I will claim Julia on this night,” Gurrak announces to the crowd, sounding as though he’s reciting the words to an ancient, familiar ritual. “Although she remains an Unproven Bride, I too must prove myself. When I take her upon the altar, I will seek to give her pleasure, but deny myself the same satisfaction. Tonight, she will know my cock, but not my seed.”

  With that, he stalks over to me, picks me physically up off the ground, and carries me around to the other side of the fire. I resist the urge to squeal, feeling giddy as he handles my body.

  The berries are really, really starting to kick in now. My whole body feels incredibly sensitive, my pussy aching to be touched. I’m so wet that I’m starting to soak through the panties I’m wearing underneath the fur cloak.

  Gurrak carries me to an altar on the other side of the fire, which is really just a big, comfortable-looking bed, and throws me down on top of it. I see orange flames reflected in his eyes as he stands over me, but it’s nothing compared to the fire raging behind them.

  Behind Gurrak’s eyes, I see pure need. Not desire, need.

  He looks as though nothing in the world could ever be more important than what he’s about to do to me.

  The Kyrzon chief climbs onto the bed next to me and roughly pulls off my cloak. I gasp with the intensity of being so revealed, even as I revel in the single-mindedness of his actions. I now lie beneath him wearing only a pair of underwear, and he stares down at it, looking almost amused.

  “You were supposed to be naked,” he whispers in my ear, then he grins and starts to take my underwear off.

  I’m so wet that the crotch of my panties sticks to my glistening pussy lips as he gets me naked. He leaves them dangling around one of my ankles, and he grips my thighs, spreading my legs apart. I feel completely vulnerable and submissive as he opens me up for him, slapping his cock down on my clit and fondling my breasts with his other hand.

  Gurrak mounts me, and I sigh in satisfaction as I feel the warmth of his naked body descend onto mine. He feels huge on top of me, and his muscles feel very hard. His form is strong and powerful and masculine, so very different from my small, soft, feminine one.

  “Finally, I get to claim your little cunt,” he whispers in my ear, and my whole body shudders in response. My pussy is swollen and desperate, my clit engorged with need. I buck my hips against him, grinding my crotch across his abdomen. I’m not even thinking about it, I’m just acting on instinct. Every part of me is begging for pleasure.

  Gurrak starts to slide his cock back and forth across my clit, spreading my wetness around. It feels really, really good, and I gasp, my thighs clenching reflexively with pleasure.

  Suddenly, I’m incredibly, painfully aware of just how empty my pussy is.

  Never in my life have I felt such an intense need to have something inside me.

  “Are you ready for me?” Gurrak whispers, the head of his cock teasing my entrance.

  I nod, looking up at him with big, pleading eyes.

  Slowly, and making direct eye contact as he does so, the alien begins to push himself inside of me. I cry out in spite of myself, my eyes focusing on his cock. He’s so big. He’s so big. I can feel myself stretching as he sinks into me, my body straining to make room for his tremendous girth. There’s a tiny bit of pain, but I’m so ridiculously aroused that my body offers him very little resistance.

  He stops with his cock all the way in, a look of bliss on his face. I reach out my hand, and he takes it, his fingers interlocking with mine. He smiles. I reach out my other hand, and he takes it too, and then slowly lowers his face until it’s right next to mine.

  Oh fuck. I moan out loud as he starts to thrust. He’s being sensitive, not going too hard at first, but it’s still enough to cause every muscle in my body to flex wildly as I feel his huge cock probing the deepest parts of me. I look down at the point of penetration, and every time I see his cock disappear inside of me, I’m newly amazed that he’s able to fit.

  My eyes close as Gurrak starts to thrust faster. Whatever initial discomfort there was when he first entered me is completely gone.

  Now it’s all pleasure.

  I feel the chief’s hands exploring my body as he continues to fuck me. He’s really getting into it now, starting to grunt with every thrust. I begin to lose myself in the experience, carried by the wonderful, sexy sounds of my mate in pleasure. I don’t care that on the other side of that bonfire, hundreds of Kyrzons stand in blind observance. All that matters is Gurrak, and the incredible feelings surging through my body as he splits me open with his huge cock.

  The Kyrzon buries his face in my neck as he keeps thrusting. I wrap my legs around him, wanting to pull him deeper, and he moans, sinking himself in as deep as he can go. I feel him push deep into my body, hitting a spot I didn’t even know I had, and I moan throatily as pleasure suddenly rushes through me.

  I immediately start to jiggle my hips, completely on autopilot, wanting Gurrak to keep fucking that same spot deep within me. He takes the hint, and starts making tiny little thrusts w
ith his cock pushed into me all the way to the base. His shaft slides across that magic spot over and over and over again, causing my hips to shake, and I come, my eyes rolling back.

  “Oh fuck, yes,” Gurrak growls, his passion spurred on by the pleasure on my face. He keep fucking me, starting to make bigger and bigger thrusts, and my orgasm just keeps rolling on and on as he has his way with my pussy.

  Suddenly, he pulls it out, his expression panicked. His cock twitches, and I see intense concentration on his face as he manages to just barely prevent himself from climaxing.

  Gurrak grins at me as the moment passes, and I smile back at him. It turns me on hugely to know that I made him come so close to losing control. It makes me feel powerful and sexy.

  I moan as he slides his cock back into me and starts fucking me again. He grabs my thighs, pulling me into him, and I climax for the second time, watching his muscles ripple in the firelight.

  “Julia,” Gurrak groans as he thrusts in and out of me. “Julia, your little cunt is so perfect for me. I’m going to fill you up every day once you become my mate. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.”

  He gasps and pulls his cock out of me once again. I watch as it twitches, and this time, to both of our horror, milky-white cum starts to squirt out of the tip, splashing onto me, glazing my clit and my pussy lips. I feel his warm seed coating me, dripping down my folds.

  Gurrak looks down at it as though his world just ended. I see his face fall in dismay as the last of his cum dribbles out onto me, his cock still twitching.

  But I’ve already decided that I’m not going to let an accidental orgasm be the reason that I lose my mate. I look up at him with what I hope is a reassuring expression, and put a finger to my lips.

  No one knows what just happened, I do my best to signal to him.

  His horrified expression slips, and I see a glimmer of hope on his face. He glances down at my messy, cum-covered pussy, as though he doesn’t know what to do.


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