Normandy '44

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Normandy '44 Page 81

by James Holland

  Panzerkorps: I. 500; II. 500; XLVII 504

  Panzer-Lehr-Division 17, 20, 55, 189–90, 202–3, 216, 219, 240, 249–51, 261, 265–6, 274, 275, 277, 281, 286, 287, 314, 327, 335, 350, 360, 396–7, 434, 463, 469, 475, 480, 533

  Panzer-Lehr-Regiment 130. 298–9

  Panzer-Regiment 22. 56, 203–4

  snipers 47, 199, 205, 235, 237, 259, 260, 295, 300, 305, 323, 334, 337, 338, 377, 382, 383, 493, 524

  Schwere Panzerabteilung 101. 513; 503 (21. SS Panzer-Division) 428, 429, 432, 452, 453–4

  SS-Panzer-Divisionen: 1. 20, 285, 334–5, 350, 356, 456, 459, 481, 506; 2. ‘Das Reich’ 20, 285, 292–3, 334–5, 350, 356, 463, 482, 483, 492, 515, Panzer-Regiment 3. 483; 9. ‘Hohenstaufen’ 285, 334–5, 350, 399, 445, 492; 10. 285, 350, 399, 482, 492; 12. ‘Hitlerjugend’ 20, 117, 189–90, 203, 215, 216, 227, 228, 230, 237–8, 240–42, 250, 275, 276, 287, 314, 326, 327, 339–42, 350–51, 352–3, 358, 359, 384, 386, 389–90, 441, 442, 456, 501, 511, 516, 524

  SS-Panzergrenadier-Division: 17. 20, 263, 284, 285, 286–7, 402–3, 463, 482, 484, 523

  SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment: 1. 354; 25. 227, 384, 387, 390, 511; 26. 333, 384; 38. 402

  I. SS-Panzerkorps 250, 284, 286, 333, 384, 441, 462

  II. SS-Panzerkorps 333, 350, 354, 356, 357, 361–2, 491, 501

  German Air Force see Luftwaffe

  German Navy (Kriegsmarine) 83; coastal batteries 149–50, 279–80; S-boats 103, 157, 257, 271; U-boats 257, 276, 277, 280, 313, 374; midget submarines 352

  German railways and marshalling yards 23, 30, 35, 36, 37, 95, 96, 97, 149, 226, 227, 293, 302, 397, 455

  Gerow, Major-General Leonard 446

  Gersdorff, Generalmajor Rudolf-Christoph Freiherr von 505, 506

  Geyr von Schweppenburg, General Leo Freiherr: as panzer commander 18–19, 20, 216, 334–5; and Rommel 19, 280, 281; critical of some divisions 286–7; plans counter-attack 356, 357, 359; dismissed by Hitler 362–3, 390; captured 538–9

  Giberville 429–30, 455

  Gibson, Guy 538

  Gilbertson, Major 332, 334

  gliders: Allied 112, 114, 116–18, 121–3, 128, 130, 135, 144, 145–6, 153, 190, 231–2, 261, 273, 303, 498; German 112; German defences against 22, 54

  Gockel, Gefreiter Franz liv, lvi; as young recruit 12; defends WN62 56–8, 137, 149, 150, 158, 159, 161, 162, 192–3, 207; escapes 217–18, 220; post-war 536–7

  Gold Beach 60, 61, 89, 93, 149, 170–75, 180–81, 196–7, 200, 209, 257, 258, 297, 539

  ‘Goliaths’ 55, 138, 159, 178–9

  Gondrée, Georges 134

  Goodson, Lieutenant Bob 99

  GOODWOOD, Operation 431, 436, 437, 438, 449–60, 461, 465, 468, 471, 481, 496, 510; map xxxvi–xxxvii

  ‘Gooseberry’ harbours 258, 315

  Göring, Reichsmarschall Hermann 37, 72

  Goth, Oberst Ernst 200, 299–300

  Graf Spee 119

  Graham, Captain Chet 381

  Grainville-sur-Odon 339, 340, 350, 353, 355

  Grand Chemin, Le 186

  Grandcamp 22, 259, 302

  Granville 502

  Great Ashfield, Suffolk 96

  Grigg, James 288

  Grimme, Hauptmann 138

  Gröger, Kononier Ludwig 466

  Grosley-sur-Risle 98–9

  Gross, Captain Jerre 235

  Guarnere, Sergeant 187

  Guay, Le 256

  Guderian, Generaloberst Heinz 18, 19, 228, 428–9, 491

  ‘H-Hour’ 88–9

  Hall, Private John 188

  Halloran, Corporal Walter lii, lvi, 155–6, 159, 162, 538

  Hamburg, bombing of 451

  Hamel, Le 174, 196, 197

  Hamel-au-Prêtre 195

  Hamm, Ruhr Valley 97

  Handley, Flight Sergeant Ken Handley liii, 147, 255, 374, 451, 537

  Hansen, Major Chester ‘Chet’ B. lii, lvi, 74–5; as Bradley’s aide aboard USS Augusta 75, 93–4, 153–4, 163, 207–8, 229; in Carentan 302; on MacKelvie 303; and the weather 313; annoyed by reporter 406; insulted by Montgomery 432–3; and Quesada 440; and COBRA 468, 469, 470; and Allied breakthrough 480; takes down Hartdegen’s testimony 484–5; on Bradley and Patton 499, 522; ghosts Bradley’s memoir 539

  Hansen, Marjorie 75

  Harding, USS 196

  Harris, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ 4, 25–6, 29, 30, 36, 364, 373, 451

  Harris, Lance Corporal 493

  Hartdegen, Hauptmann Alexander 250, 475, 484–5

  Hausser, Obergruppenführer Paul 357, 362, 462, 482, 483, 500, 522, 528

  Havant, Hampshire 60

  Havre, Le 66, 84, 85, 98, 101, 103, 370; S-boat pens 271

  Hawkins, Buck (Canadian soldier) 455–6

  Haye-du-Puits, La 380, 404

  Head, Lieutenant Laurence 265

  Hébécrevon 475

  Heeresgruppen see under German Army

  Heinze, Leutnant Hans liv, 10–11, 59, 137, 138, 207, 209–10, 260, 299–300, 392, 467–8

  Heller, Leutnant 260

  Hennecke, Konteradmiral Walter 348

  ‘Henry III’ (member of Maquis Surcouf) 324

  Hérouvillette 272

  Hester, Captain Clarence 186, 188, 234

  Heydte, Oberst Friedrich Freiherr von der 58, 262, 263, 285, 286, 376–7

  Hicken, Stan ‘Hickie’ (tank driver) 387, 389, 512, 513

  Higgins, Andrew 83

  ‘Higgins Boats’ 83, 156, 161, 194

  Hill, Brigadier James 115–16, 126–7

  Hitler, Adolf: as military leader 13, 14, 48, 280, 362, 501; and Rommel 15, 18, 19–20, 21, 55, 59, 102, 284, 285, 306, 307–9, 360, 362, 431, 441, 461–2, 534; and the Luftwaffe 26, 37, 41, 309; misunderstands Allied invasion plans 103, 129, 215; and assassination plot 104, 460, 461–3, 536, 538; orders troops not to retreat 248, 282, 285, 306, 357, 365, 385, 444, 484–5, 501, 526, 528; dismisses Geyr and von Rundstedt 362–3; and Soviet Union 374; and von Kluge 441, 462, 502; and Operation LÜTTICH 502, 505, 506, 507, 515; orders destruction of Paris 533

  Hobart, Major-General Percy 175

  Hobson, Lieutenant 337

  Hodges, General Courtney 75, 485, 499, 503

  Hofacker, Oberstleutnant Caesar von 536

  Hoffmann, Konteradmiral Karl 129

  Hogan, Lieutenant 321

  Hogey, Kerry (American soldier) 233

  Hoike, Feldwebel 443

  Hollis, Company Sergeant-Major Stan 173

  Hood, HMS 119

  Horley, Lieutenant Monty 174–5

  Horrocks, Lt-General Brian 493

  HORSA see Orne, River

  Horst, Dr 103–4

  Howard, Major John 116, 117, 118, 121, 123, 126, 134, 135, 204

  Howden, Lieutenant Mike 261

  Hubert-Folie 453, 456

  Huebner, Major-General Clarence Ralph 503

  Hughes-Hallett, Commander John 85

  Hunt, Michael (British tank driver) 355–6

  intelligence: Allied 26, 27, 50, 69, 71, 72–3, 99, 111, 274–5, 316, 356, 434, 505; German 71–2, 103, 128–9, 285, 441

  Isigny 22, 231, 247, 290, 302

  Italy 14, 29, 32, 34, 46, 48, 109, 140, 163, 300, 316, 364, 439, 489; see also Sicily

  ‘Jabos’ 38, 200, 210, 260, 273, 281, 298, 326, 356, 440, 457, 484

  Jackson, Corporal Rex 517

  Jahnke, Leutnant Arthur 159, 160

  Japan/Japanese 29, 45, 48, 72, 82, 103, 302, 320, 436, 538

  Jean l’Abbé (member of Maquis Surcouf) 498

  ‘Jedburghs’ 70–71, 139, 292, 397

  Jenson, Lieutenant Latham B. ‘Yogi’ liii, 118–19; aboard HMCS Algonquin 119, 153, 168, 175, 471; and the ‘Great Storm’ 313, 315; has lucky escape 319–20; post-war 538

  Jodl, General Alfred 13, 15, 19, 309, 530

  Jones, Captain George 265

  Jünger, Ernst 103–4

  Juno Beach 61, 78, 89, 118, 168, 170, 175–8, 197–9, 210–11, 217, 219, 313, 321, 539

  JUPITER, Operation 399

Jurques 489

  Juvigny-le-Tertre 506

  K-rations 393–4

  Kaiser, Captain Arthur 405, 526–7

  Kalb, Obergefreiter Paul 247, 304, 466–7

  Karalin, Pfc Wes 156

  Kean, General Bill 163, 207–8

  Keitel, Feldmarschall Wilhelm 13, 285

  Kellam, Major Fred 213, 214

  Kesselring, Feldmarschall Albert 14

  Kharkov, Battle of (1943) 216, 241

  Kieffer, Capitaine Philippe 183–4, 185, 199–200

  Kirk, Rear-Admiral Alan 75, 84

  Kirkman, Private 252

  Klauz, Lieutenant 479

  Kluge, Feldmarschall Günther von lvi, 363, 535; and Rommel 363, 441, 462; bitterly complains about OKW 442; and German collapse 482, 483–4, 485, 491, 500, 501–2; and Operation LÜTTICH 502, 504, 506, 522; attacked by Jabos 528; orders withdrawal 528, 530; sacked by Hitler 530; suicide 538

  Koenig, Général Pierre 68, 69, 70, 71, 498

  Königsborn: V-1 factory 371

  Koryciak, Private Stanley 394

  Kraiss, Generalleutnant Dietrich 11, 12, 57, 102–3, 206, 247–8, 457

  Krakowiak (Polish destroyer) 245

  Krick, Dr Irving 76, 77

  Krug, Oberst Ludwig 54, 182, 212, 213, 219, 228

  Kursk, Battle of (1943) 345, 428

  Kurz, Major 454–5

  Kuter, Brigadier-General Larry 34

  Laize, River 529

  Lamm, John R. 62

  Lampen, Lt-Commander Ambrose 86–7, 257–8, 315, 538

  landing craft 49, 82–3, 92, 154, 158, 161, 165–7, 175, 194, 156–7

  Landrum, Major-General Eugene 303, 493

  Lang, Hauptmann Hellmuth 16, 17, 443

  Lang, Obergefreiter 161–2, 165, 209

  Lange (Pionier-Bataillon) 402, 403

  Larkin, Sapper Claude 123

  Larkin, Sapper Cyril 123

  Laval, Pierre 67

  Laycock, Major Mike 265

  Lébisey Wood 386, 387

  Leblanc, Claudine 121

  Leblanc, Denize 66

  Leblanc, Robert liv, lvii, 66, 68, 70, 71, 120–21, 136–7, 290–92, 323–5, 497–8, 539

  Leclerc, Général Philippe 69, 499, 533

  Leconfield, RAF 146–7

  Lecroix, Private 178

  Lefèbvre, Monsieur 199

  Lefèvre, Madame 120

  Leigh-Mallory, Air Marshal Sir Trafford 30–31; lack of ability and vision 27, 31–2; and OVERLORD 4, 32, 33, 34, 35; and Montgomery 64; opposes US airborne operation 73–4, 77, 79, 111, 142, 231; sidelined by Tedder and Coningham 254; opposes WILD OATS 274; his plan to use heavy bombers cancelled 364; unwanted as C-in-C of the AEAF 365; agrees to support Montgomery with heavy bombers 373; warned against it by Tedder 373; thought by Tedder to be plotting behind Coningham’s back 458; and COBRA 458, 474; death 539

  Letson, Major 490

  Life magazine 345

  Lindquist, Colonel Roy 380, 381

  Lion, Dr 200

  Lion-sur-Mer 56

  Lipton, Sergeant Carwood 188

  Lisieux 190

  Litton, Lieutenant Steve 446

  Livarot 443

  Loire, River 52, 287–8, 398

  Lomell, Sergeant Leonard 191–2

  London: Blitz 49, 91, 95, 146; St Paul’s School meeting (May 1944) 1–5, 50, 100, 366; V-1s 269, 270–71, 318, 325, 372, 433; SHAEF HQ 76, 270, 318

  Longues-sur-Mer 22, 149–50, 170, 256; airfield 368

  Lorenz cipher machines 72

  Lorient 526

  Lovat, Brigadier Simon Fraser, 15th Lord 183, 199, 206

  Luck, Major Hans von liv, lvii, 55–6, 128, 151, 203, 217, 273, 274, 454–5, 456, 529–30, 531, 536

  Luftwaffe (German Air Force) 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 37–9, 41, 96, 124, 207, 218, 219, 260, 280, 281, 368, 505–6; air defence system 26; and Battle of Britain 31, 93; losses 28, 40–41, 269, 370–71, 506; Focke-Wulf FW190s 24–5, 37, 38–9, 218–19, 268, 269, 296, 368, 369; FW200s 307; Junkers 88s 268, 296; Messerschmitt Me109s 38, 300, 368, 370–71, 506; Me262s 37, 40, 41, 309

  LÜTTICH, Operation 502, 504–5, 507, 515–16, 522, 525, 533; map xlv

  Lyons 290

  Lyttelton, Oliver 414

  McAlpine, Sir Robert 86

  Macbeth, Corporal 334

  McCanless, Private Ernest 166

  McColl, Bobby 389, 508

  McEwan, Corporal Tam 334

  Mackay, Staff Sergeant 383

  MacKelvie, Major-General Jay 303, 493

  McMinn, Evan 24

  McNair, General Leslie 418, 419, 478, 479

  McNarney, General Joe 69

  Magdeburg-Rothensee: Brabag complex 40

  Mailly-le-Camp 496, 522

  Maisy 142, 146–7, 235, 259

  Maizières 531

  Malarkey, Sergeant 187, 188

  Mallory, George 30

  Maltbie, Lieutenant Archie lii, 148–9, 219, 439, 480

  Maltot 400–1, 442, 472

  Mandeville 253

  Manneville 453, 454, 456

  Mans, Le 36, 37, 189, 249, 281, 521–2

  MAPLE, Operation 84

  Maquis (maquis) 67, see French Résistance

  Maquis Surcouf 66, 68, 70, 71, 120–21, 290–92, 323–5, 496–8

  Marcelet 384

  Marcks, General Erich 21; reports to Rommel and Ruge 21, 22; predicts Allied invasion 56, 102; scathing about Fallschirmjäger 6. 58; and Allied airborne assaults 129–30; loses his head 150–51, 152; in command of 21. Panzer 152, 191, 204, 206, 240, 248, 280–81; death 281

  Margival 307, 309, 431, 534

  Marianas, the 82

  Marigny 469, 482

  Marshall, General George 114

  Martin, Sergeant-Major Charlie liv, 169; lands on Juno Beach 169, 175, 176; reaches D-Day objectives 211; sad at company losses 219–20; at Carpiquet 385–6, 390; gets clean underwear 392–3; takes Giberville but loses men 455–6; in Operation TOTALIZE 524; and further deaths 524; survives Allied bombing 529; horrified by scale of destruction 531; post-war 537–8

  Martin, Lieutenant 391

  Martin, Vi 169, 537

  MARTLET, Operation 326–7, 333, 339, 348

  Martragny: airfield (B-7) 519, 521

  Mather, Captain Carol liii, 42–3, 64, 65, 246, 248, 289

  Maybachs 422

  Mayne, Major Paddy 141

  Meauffe, Château de la 22

  Meauffe, La 305

  Méautis 377

  Meehan, Lieutenant Thomas 131, 186, 234

  Meise, Generalleutnant Wilhelm 16, 21–2, 53, 54

  Menzies, Rear-Admiral 87

  Merderet, River 73, 134, 143, 144, 145, 214, 235

  Merrett, Flight Sergeant Norman 438, 520, 521

  Merville 115, 127, 140, 146; viaduct 369

  Mesnil-Amey, Le 475

  Mesnil-Patry, Le 384

  Mesnil-Rouxelin, Le 299

  Meulan, Abbé 66

  Meyer, Oberstleutnant Karl 151, 191, 200–1, 206–7, 210

  Meyer, SS-Oberführer Kurt liv, lvii, 215–16; commands 12. SS-Panzer-Division ‘Hitlerjugend’ 215, 216–17, 227–8, 238, 239–40; tanks destroyed 276; at Tilly 314; ammunition and equipment destroyed 326; at Fontenay 327; in a desperate situation 333, 335; hears wife is pregnant 350; counter-attacks towards Cheux 351–2; loses Rauray 353; and arrival of Leibstandarte-SS ‘Adolf Hitler’ 354; in Verson 356; enraged by tactics 357; marvels at destruction 358; loses Carpiquet 384, 385, 386; permits Milius to evacuate Abbey d’Ardenne 387; nearly buried alive 388–9; disobeys orders and pulls out 389–90; astonished at hearing complaints 441–2, 452; and Rommel 442; and Hitler assassination plot 462; at Bretteville 511; orders his men to counter-attack 516, 524; his losses 524; and death of Karl-Heinz Prinz 529; escapes 533; captured 537; post-war 537

  Meyer-Detring, Oberst Wilhelm 128

  MI5: XX Committee 71, 72

  MI6 72

  MI14 72

  Middleton, General 498–9, 503

  Milch, Feld
marschall Erhard 37, 41

  Milice française 67, 290, 291

  Milius, Obersturmbannführer Karl-Heinz 240, 241, 387, 390

  mines/minefields/minesweepers xviii, xxi, xxiii, 18, 20, 21, 47, 54, 83–4, 103, 158, 180, 185, 207, 212, 259, 300, 355, 487

  Minton, Captain 464

  Mireille (member of Maquis Surcouf) 498

  Mitchell, Major Stephen 174

  Model, Feldmarschall Walter 530

  Mohnke, Standartenführer 511

  Monowai, SS 169

  Montchauvet 492

  Mont Fleury strongpoint 173

  Montgomery, General Sir Bernard: lvii; character and personality 43–5, 91, 279, 283, 365, 433; military reputation 43, 46–7, 507; a non-smoker 1–2; plans for invasion 2, 3, 4, 49, 50–51, 52, 73, 431, 445, 489, 534; wants Mather as liaison officer 42–3; visits troops 63, 64; dispels the ‘fog of war’ 64–5; against postponement of D-Day due to weather 77, 78, 79; D-Day objectives criticized 206, 211, 212, 230–31; on board HMS Faulknor 229–30; lands in Normandy 246; chooses TAC HQ 248, 535; worries Eisenhower 271; launches Operation PERCH 274; and failure to capture Caen 283; and de Gaulle 289, 290; meeting with Bradley 301–2; entertains George VI 306; revises plans 310, 316–17, 318, 325; and Operation EPSOM 327, 335, 355, 365–6; meetings with Leigh-Mallory 364, 373; disagreements with Tedder and Coningham 366–7, 368, 373; and changes in plans 431, 432; insults Bradley and Hansen 432–3; his puppies 433; meeting with Eisenhower 433; troubled by casualties 434, 435; and GOODWOOD 436–8, 449–51, 458, 459–60, 461; and COBRA 434, 471; and SPRING 481; takes charge of 21st Army Group 485; and sacking of Erskine and Bucknall 492–3; rates General Simonds 508; writes memoirs post-war 539

  Montgomery, Betty 44

  Montgomery, David 44

  Moody, ‘Ears’ (navigator) 372

  Morlaix 498

  Morris, Violette 71, 121

  Mortain 503, 505, 511, 515, 522

  Moulin, Jean 67, 69

  Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis 49, 64, 85

  Moyen 503

  Mue, River 240

  ‘Mulberries’ 85–6, 87, 196, 246, 257, 258, 314–15, 501, 521, 535, 538

  Müller, Sturmbannführer 351–2

  Müller, Willi (Pionier-Bataillon) liv, 287–8, 402–3, 463, 482, 483, 484, 515, 523, 524, 533, 536

  Mulry, Lieutenant Mary lv, 269–70, 312–13, 322–3, 348–9, 391–2, 519, 538

  Mulry, Michael 269, 270

  Mumberson, Frank (Canadian soldier) 390

  Murray, Lieutenant Roger 464

  Nebelwerfer see under weaponry

  Nécy 528

  Nelson, Don 82

  NEPTUNE, Operation 2, 50, 73, 83, 84

  Neuhaus, Major 443


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