Jaxon - Bad Boys of New York Book #1

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Jaxon - Bad Boys of New York Book #1 Page 23

by Mackenzy Fox

  His kisses are furious, unbridled, and lustful as he pumps into me. I’ve never heard a man make such glorious sounds but he makes them all.

  He suddenly sits up onto his knees as my legs release from around him and he moves up, pushing my legs wide as he leans over me and grips the headboard, I watch as he looks down at where we’re joined and slowly slides in and out… delicious, slow, intoxicating, he does it again.

  “How does that feel, MJ?” he says, his eyes are closed.

  “F-freaking amazing, don’t stop,” I tell him between panicked breaths. I scrunch the sheets in my fists as he picks up the tempo, watching us still—in, out, in, out.

  “You feel so fucking good, MJ; you take my cock so well.”

  I’m lost to his dirty talk as he pumps in hard back and forth as my hands slide up his perfect, beautiful body and I feel his muscles. I know I will never get enough of this man, never.

  He slams me so hard and fast that the headboard begins to bang but I really don’t care, it just adds to the majesty of it all. He keeps going, slamming in and out hard as I unravel.

  “You riding me…” he trails off, his eyes come down to meet mine, they’re striking, lustful, beautiful like him. “Never seen anything so hot, but I need you to come again, I can’t hold on.”

  He reaches down and touches my sweet spot, mixed with the hot, wild movements he’s making with his hips, I come undone and ride out his name on a scream, I watch as he comes hard, his eyes on mine and he calls my name on a long, drawn-out groan and I swear it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  He collapses on top of me, breathing hard; we’re both a sweaty mess.

  It takes a few seconds before we come back down to earth.

  “Fuck,” I hear him say, his face is buried in my hair.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” I pant. “There was nothing dud about any of that.”

  I hear him grunt a muffled laugh and he lifts up, he kisses me chastely. “You’re a very bad girl, MJ.”

  I smile up at him coyly, fluttering my eyelashes. “What, little old me?”

  He narrows his eyes and brushes my hair back off my face. “Yeah, it’s always the quiet ones you gotta watch for, and the ones who act like they hate you.”

  I roll my eyes. He pulls out of me and I instantly miss the connection. He rolls onto his back and sighs loudly. Then I watch as he continues to get up, walks buck naked into the bathroom, and I hear the toilet flush and the faucet run a few moments later.

  He waltzes back, his erection still prominently wide awake as he comes back to bed. I don’t know quite what to do from here… stay? Go? Awkward.

  He slides beneath the sheets and pulls it over me as he leans on one elbow.

  “We crossed a line,” he says as I continue to stare at the ceiling.

  “No shit,” I reply.

  I hear him chuckle. He puts one arm over my stomach and I feel his lips come down on my shoulder as he kisses me gently.

  “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  “I like it rough.”

  He baulks into my skin as I realize I’m not exactly shy around him anymore but I still can’t look at him.

  “A tiger in the bedroom, huh?”

  “You could say that.” Only when it comes to him.

  “Well, it’s a first for me,” he says, playing with the ends of my hair like it’s the most satisfying thing in the universe.

  “Sex?” I say on a laugh. I turn to look at him, then roll on my side so we’re facing one another.

  It’s strangely intimate and comfortable.

  He gives me a head shake like he’s exasperated and I giggle. “No, wise-ass, letting a woman lead.”

  My eyebrows must hit my hairline at the admission.

  “You love being in charge, don’t you, Jax?” I tease.

  He grins, leaning to kiss my lips gently. “Yes, I do, but you riding me might be my new favorite thing.”

  My cheeks flush and he pulls on my bottom lip with his teeth. “Don’t go getting all embarrassed on me now,” he murmurs. “I’ve seen it all, MJ.”

  I cup his face with my hand. No matter what he says, this isn’t just fucking, something’s changed between us and it isn’t just the sex.

  “Do you like what you see, Jaxon?”

  He smiles again, pulling me by the hip so I’m pressed up against him and his growing erection.

  “Yes, I like it a little more than I should.”

  “You’re only human,” I reply jokingly. He grips me harder as I laugh and our tongues clash.

  “I want you so bad,” he whispers.

  “So take me,” I challenge.

  “From behind,” he says as our kisses get hot and heavy again. “You on all fours, holding the headboard.”

  The vision has me seeing stars. He reaches down between my legs and I open them to let him have access.

  “Ready for me again so soon?” He teases me with his hand and I reciprocate rubbing his bobbing dick with my palm as he moans. “I’ll never get sick of you doing that,” he murmurs huskily.

  “Good, because we’ve got all night.”

  He kisses me again, all tongue. “Yes, just enough time for me to show you what your mouth is really made for,” he grins.

  “Sounds a bit sexist, Jaxon, like I’m a piece of meat.” I grip his dick harder and he growls low as his eyes glow with lust. “Bet you’ve been dying to use that line on me, haven’t you?” I add with a smirk.

  He rolls me over and suffocates my body with his, exerting his alpha dominance and doesn’t answer, instead, he kisses my neck and moves his way down my body with little kisses, nips, and gentle bites as I fist my hands in his hair.

  “Now I get to show you what I can do with mine,” he mutters and I lie back and smile to the ceiling wondering why I ever hated Jaxon Westbrook.

  The phone wakes me with a jolt. For a moment, I forget where I am, but it only takes a second to understand when I feel Jaxon lean over me to pick his phone up off the nightstand and answer it in a low, gruff voice.

  We had sex three more times and I don’t think my body has had a work out like that since, well, never. He has stamina, I’ll give him that, and those hips… my God.

  I feel tired and groggy and it’s still dark out.

  I don’t know what’s going on but I pull the pillow over my head to block out him talking and try to go back to sleep. My body needs sleep, I can feel my aching bones and my sore hoo-ha from being punished for hours, Jaxon really is a wicked boy, he takes his time, pleasures me first, makes sure I’m ready for him, I’ve never been with a considerate lover before and I’ve definitely never been so head over heels so quickly for anybody. Jaxon is a one-man band and I’m liking what he has to offer. I just wonder what happens after tonight is done. Can we really go back to what we were before? I shake my head, I know I can’t, that would be impossible.

  I feel the pillow lifted from my head as I try to pull it back down. After a second of struggling, I give up and I open one eye and Jaxon is looking down at me.

  “MJ,” he says as I narrow my eyes. Something’s wrong. “We have to go.”

  I look at him with sudden wide eyes. “Jaxon? What’s wrong?”

  I try to sit up but he holds me down with his hands on my shoulders.

  “Your father,” he says as tears form in my eyes. “There was a hit, Leon…”

  I bolt upright this time and he lets me.

  “What? Jaxon! Are they alright?” I hang onto his every word as panic fills me.

  Please let him be alright. My father. Please let Leon be alright.

  The last words I said to him were whining about having too much protection and how absurd it all was. The color drains from my face; I can feel my whole world spinning around.

  “Leon got shot, your father is fine but…”

  I stare at him wide-eyed. “But what?”

  “He had a heart attack, triggered by this event; Leon is having surgery as we speak.”

; “Is he going to make it?” I say, unable to believe it.

  “They don’t know yet,” he says gently.

  My heart beat drums loudly in my ears as I process what he’s saying.

  “We’re taking a private plane in forty minutes so I need you to get dressed and get your stuff together, alright?”

  I nod like a child. I’m too stunned to move. He kisses my head gently. “It’s going to be okay, MJ,” he tells me.

  I only hope he’s right but my heart feels heavy as I pull myself up from the bed.

  We fly back in silence. Unable to enjoy the afterglow of our glorious night together. I can’t sit still. Jaxon handed me a glass of brandy to calm my nerves but I can’t even get a lick past my mouth, my hands shake uncontrollably.

  Leon got hit in the chest; they’ve had to rush him to surgery to remove the bullet. The police arrested the same man they think shot Bill Chapple—my father’s friend and associate in the bungled robbery. All the pieces are fitting together but I have no update on how my father is doing.

  “Leon’s a tough guy,” Jaxon says, watching me from the seat opposite. “So is your father, they’ll both get through this.”

  I nod because I don’t know what else to say, I just hope he’s right.

  After a few moments, Jaxon has another bombshell. “You should know something before we land,” he says, leaning forward, his hand touches my knee. I love it when he touches me.

  My eyes meet his and I know it’s more bad news. “The press are going crazy,” he says calmly. “They’re swarming the airport, your father’s place, your place…”

  That’s the least of my problems. “It’s alright, I can handle it.”

  It’s barely five am and we’re halfway back to New York. The adrenaline coursing through my body exceeds the angst that I feel in my need to get back. I’m all my father has, and Leon… oh my God.

  “Do you want to talk about last night?” he asks, leaning over and brushing his thumb over my knuckles. I feel detached from my body right now.

  I look up at him sadly then reach for the brandy. I shake my head.

  “It was fun,” I say, taking a sip.

  He mouths the words fun, perhaps testing them, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  “I’m sorry,” I add, leaning over the table between us. “It was amazing, Jax, I just can’t think straight right now.”

  He nods. “Maybe you should get some rest, we’ve got a few hours to go yet.”

  I know I can’t sleep but I don’t want to make small talk so I curl my legs up behind me on the seat and bring the pillow up to the wall so I can lean against it. I close my eyes.

  I can still smell Jaxon all over me. I didn’t have time to shower, and the intoxicating mix of our electric night coupled with his cologne that seems to be very apparent hours later has me dreaming of his beautiful body, his delectable mouth, and the way he murmured encouragement in my ear all night.

  It’s my happy place. And I stay there until we land.

  As expected, the airport is buzzing with nosy photographers and media, we flank them quickly, having only our carryon luggage, we make a quick escape and Jaxon bundles me in the back of the car before anyone gets too close or gets to throw any horrible questions that I can’t answer. It’s a circus and it’s all over the news. After messaging Dixie to tell her I’m back in New York, I switch my phone off.

  I know my father. He may be a hard-headed businessman, a hard man in general, but why would anyone want to shoot him? I know it’s something to do with a deal gone wrong from a long time ago but I never dared to believe it would get this far.

  I cringe as I think of the last time I spoke to him and all I did was moan and groan. I really am a spoiled little rich kid.

  The tension is palpable until we get to the hospital. Leon is in intensive care, he made it through surgery, the bullet didn’t hit any major arteries but he isn’t out of the woods yet. When I see my unconscious father hooked up to several machines, I can’t even deal. I walk over to his bed as Jaxon shuts the door behind me and waits outside to give us privacy.

  I collapse into the chair next to the bed and weep on his chest.

  I don’t know who I would be anymore without him. He’s always been there, even when I’m acting like a spoiled brat, he still indulges me. Even with his many divorces and public breakups, I was always number one. Always. Everything he did he did for me and I’ve only just realized it now, now he could be gone forever.

  My mother was the love of his life and it killed him when she died, it should have killed us both.

  I don’t know how long I lay there with my head on the side of his shoulder holding his hand, but when I hear the door open, I glance up and Jaxon comes into the room.

  “Morgan,” he says gently. “I’m going to take you home.”

  “I want to stay with him,” I whisper, my words sound hollow.

  He shakes his head. “We can come back after you’ve freshened up and had something to eat, you’ll feel better after a shower and some rest, the doctor has to come back and check on him.”

  “How’s Leon? Any news?” I stammer, scrunching my eyes up.

  He shakes his head. “He’s an ex-marine though, they’re built tough.”

  I smile weakly, what a mess.

  He holds out his hand toward me and I take it. I can’t believe it myself when I stand, looking down at my poor, dear old dad and I kiss his cheek. “I’ll be back, Daddy,” I whisper.

  Jaxon leads us to the door, holding my hand firm. He kisses the tops of my fingers as he closes the door behind us.

  We take the back entrance out of the hospital to avoid any more mayhem; Marcy gives me a pat on the shoulder when I climb into the car. I can’t speak, unfortunately, it’s so much worse than what I thought.

  When we drive silently back to my apartment, I’m stunned when I see photographers outside of my building. What is the matter with these people? Leon is still in recovery after being shot defending my father, meanwhile, my father is hooked up to a million machines to keep him alive and all they care about is getting their next story.

  I put my head into my hands and rub my temples. I don’t want to cry in front of Jaxon.

  He murmurs something to Marcy that I don’t catch and when I look up, I see that we’ve bypassed the building, past all the fanfare, and the car keeps going, heading downtown.

  “Where are we going?” I whisper, sniffing back my unshed tears though I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it in.

  Jaxon stares straight ahead, his jaw twitching. I hope to God he knows what he’s doing because I certainly don’t.

  I never wanted to be rescued, I never wanted anything, but I need Jaxon so desperately.

  Am I reading too much into what happened between us? He’s letting me have my space and that’s respectful, but I’m not sure if that’s what I need right now.

  I need him. I need him so much.

  “I know a place,” he says finally. “Nobody will bother you there.”

  I hope he’s right.



  Morgan glances around my apartment and I’d give a penny for her thoughts right now. She’s pale and looks really frightened. I want nothing more than to put my arms around her and comfort her, which is a weird feeling for someone like me, but I can’t help it.

  I’ve felt protective from the get-go and now I feel even more so.

  My apartment is my bachelor pad, one I’ve never shared with a woman permanently. It’s industrial—polished concrete floors, exposed beams, and brick walls. There’s a giant living room with an over-sized L-shaped lounge and automatic shutters on all the windows. It’s dark, lavish, and exactly my taste.

  Above us, there’s a small loft which is my bedroom, it holds a huge king-size bed and a decent-sized walk-in robe.

  The kitchen, which I barely use, is fitted with all the mod cons but nobody really does it justice unless my mother’s visiting for the weekend or Christmas,
which gives her an excuse to use the oven for the first time.

  “Your apartment is…”

  I wait with bated breath to hear what she thinks, most people love it because it’s different, it’s a one-bedroom but it’s functional and suits my needs, and I spent a lot of money on décor and nice appliances.

  “Amazing,” she finally says. “It suits you, Jax.”

  I think that’s a compliment. “Thanks, I didn’t decorate it myself.”

  She gives me a small smile. “I can tell a woman doesn’t live here.”

  She’s right, there’s no hint of any womanly touches in my overly exuberant masculine apartment, it suddenly hits me that I’m not sure if that’s something to be proud of or not.

  I think of Morgan’s apartment and how chic it is, she’s so very different yet we are the same on so many levels.

  “Would you like something to drink?” I ask to ease the awkwardness; never in a million years did I imagine she’d be here in my apartment willingly. Maybe in my dreams, but definitely not in reality.

  I know I have nothing in my fridge but I definitely have alcohol.

  “Just water please.”

  I pad barefoot to the kitchen and open the fridge as Morgan stands in the middle of the living area, she hugs her arms.

  “Are you cold?” I ask, retrieving a bottle of cold water and a glass.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I think I’m just a bit numb from shock.”

  I pour the water and I can feel her looking at me.

  “I’ll run you a bath if you like, or a shower… whatever you prefer.”

  I bring the water to her and she stares at me like she’s seeing me for the first time.

  “You have a bath?” she asks like it’s hard to comprehend.


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