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Saviours Page 37

by Beth Abbott

  Kellen’s face darkened like a thundercloud.

  “And what was your response?” He asked, knowing that she must have declined quite forcefully, or she wouldn’t be back in her room. “Apart, from the obvious ‘no’.”

  “I told him that if he was that concerned for his guest’s pleasure, he should go back and bend over for the guy himself.” Micky snarled. “I pointed out that I was there to make money for him with his investments, and that if it was more important to him that I fucked his friends, then he’d have to find someone else to make him some money. I refused to do both.”

  “And he accepted that?” Kellen frowned.

  “No, he warned me that I shouldn’t think myself indispensable.” Micky shrugged.

  Kellen wanted to go and rip Lebedev’s head off.

  “And your response to that?” He asked.

  “I reminded him that he had several loans outstanding that are due to be called in next week, and at the moment, he’s still quite a few million dollars short of what he needs to pay them off.” Micky shrugged. “Sergei knows that without me, he has no way of making enough money to pay them back.”

  “Do you think he’d force you to do that?” Kellen asked. “Have sex with someone, I mean.”

  Micky shook her head.

  “He threatens it from time to time.” She shrugged. “But I think he does it just to remind me who has the power in our relationship. He doesn’t like me to get too comfortable around him.”

  “Will he bother you again tonight?” Kellen didn’t like the thought that Lebedev acted like he owned her.

  “I doubt that very much.” Micky smirked. “He’ll probably fuck one of the hostesses in front of his guests, just to prove what a virile man he is. Then he’ll drink more vodka than everyone, just to prove that he can hold his liquor better than anyone else. Then he’ll go up to bed with one of the regular hostesses, throw up, and sleep like a baby until morning.”

  “And you know that, how?” Kellen frowned.

  “I know that because I know all the hostesses well, and they talk about him amongst themselves.” Micky smiled. “Sergei is so predictable it’s almost laughable.”

  “And you’re sure you’re safe this weekend?” Kellen pushed. “You’re sure he’s not going to send one of his clients to you anyway?”

  “Kellen, I’ve been undercover with Sergei for almost three years now.” Micky explained. “I know for a fact that he only values two things. Money and power. It’s just lucky for me that he values money above power. That’s my guarantee of protection.”

  “That may be so.” Kellen bent down to untie his bootlaces. “But I’m staying right here tonight in case one of the guests thinks they can take advantage of his hospitality anyway.”

  “Oh, so you’ve decided to stay, have you?” Micky grinned. “Just like that? No ‘by your leave’…! Kellen decides, so that’s it?”

  “Would you prefer it if I asked your permission?” Kellen shrugged. “Micky, I’d like to sleep in your spare bed so that nobody can come in here during the night and molest you. Would that be Ok with you?”

  “And would you expect a repeat of last night?” Micky challenged.

  Kellen sighed.

  “Look, Micky, last night was as great as it was unexpected.” He shrugged. “And if it happened again, or, for that matter, if anything else happened, I’d be the last person to complain, because in case it’s escaped your notice, I like you, Micky. I mean, I really like you. And for that very reason, I’d be just as happy if nothing happened. I’d be satisfied just to spend time with you, talking and shit.”

  Micky stared at him in disbelief.

  “You just want to talk to me ‘and shit’.” She repeated. “What exactly do you mean by ‘and shit’?”

  Kellen smiled at her deadpan expression.

  “Cards on the table?” He offered.

  “Cards on the table.” Micky nodded.

  “Ok, then yes, I’d love to do all the things to you a man wants to do to a woman he’s seriously attracted to.” Kellen admitted. “But right this minute, I’d be more than happy if you’d get yourself changed into your pj’s or whatever it is you wear to bed, and then climb up here with me to get some much-needed shut-eye. I’d settle for just sleeping here with you in my arms, talking a little, maybe, until we went to sleep, but nothing more. No sex, and definitely no blow jobs.”

  Micky smiled reluctantly, and for the first time since she’d stepped outside the entertainment room, he sensed that she was free of all the stress and tension.

  “In case it’s escaped your notice, I quite like you, too.” She shrugged. “And I’m not averse to lying in bed and talking with you until we fall asleep. Nothing more.”

  Kellen clapped his hands together, making Micky jump.

  “Well, now we’re getting somewhere.” He grinned.

  Micky smiled back at him shaking her head.

  “I’ll wash and get changed in the bathroom.” She opened a drawer and pulled out what looked like an old t-shirt and shorts.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Kellen nodded, watching her make her way into the bathroom.

  He pulled off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in a t-shirt and his boxers, and piled his discarded clothes on the chair where Micky would see them.

  He pulled back the duvet and sheet and slid underneath, waiting patiently for her to return.

  When she opened the door, he turned to watch her walk across the room, noticing the moment she spotted the clothes he’d removed.

  To give her credit, she didn’t miss a beat, but when she reached the bed, Micky lifted the duvet and climbed in, leaving the sheet between them.

  Kellen reached up to switch off the light as she snuggled down beside him.

  He lay back against the pillows, and as she moved against him, Kellen reached an arm around her and pulled her close.

  Realising that she wasn’t resisting, he pulled her even closer and kissed the top of her head.

  “So, what d’you want to talk about?” He murmured.

  He felt her shoulders shrug.

  “I dunno.” She yawned. “The weather?”

  Chapter 49 – Hannah

  Hannah stared at the map on her screen and tried to make sense of the GPS dots showing the route the ship had taken.

  “I don’t get why they’re occasionally zigzagging.” She huffed. “It’s not like there are roundabouts or roadworks in the middle of the ocean!”

  JT glanced over the top of his laptop screen and grinned at her.

  “There might not be roundabouts, but there are other ships and vessels.” He pointed out reasonably. “And, of course, depending where they are, they may have to take into account water depth and underwater obstacles, like rocks and occasionally wrecks.”

  Hannah knew full well all the reasons a ship might have to temporarily change course, but when she was tired, stressed and generally grouchy, it did her good to complain about irrelevant shit, and generally be contrary.

  JT had worked with her long enough to know all her moods, and for the most part he played along and humoured her.

  “You forgot to mention the fact that the Russians have littered the seabed in and around the Murmansk Fjord with naval mines to deter the Brits or the US navy from sending their subs into the Russian Naval bases to spy on them.” Hannah reminded him, looking over the top of her reading glasses like a nineteen-fifties school-teacher.

  “Allegedly!” JT smirked. “You mean the Russians have ‘allegedly’ littered the seabed with naval mines, because to say categorically that they’ve done so, would be to suggest that the Brits or Americans have actually been into the Murmansk Fjord to check it for themselves.”

  “Actually, Mrs Simons is perfectly correct.” Hannah turned to see a uniformed naval officer standing just inside her office next to Joseph Bailey. “International law requires Russia to declare that they have indeed mined the Murmansk Fjord. Of course, what they aren’t required to do is confirm how many mines
they’ve laid, what type, or where they are positioned.”

  Hannah turned to JT and poked her tongue out at him, delighted to have been proven right once again.

  “See!” She laughed. “The Admiral knows I’m right!”

  JT stood up and stepped forward.

  “The ‘Admiral’ is actually a Commodore, although it’s probably only a matter of time before he gets promoted.” JT held out his hand. “Ron, it’s great to see you again.”

  “Hold up! He’s a Commodore? You’re seriously trying to tell me this guy used to sing with Lionel Richie?” Hannah stood with her hands on her hips. “Nuh-uh, I’m not buying it!”

  JT turned to stare at Hannah in astonishment for a few seconds, until her lips twitched, and she grinned at him.

  “I apologise for my friend.” He shook his head, glancing back at the officer. “She’s got her contrary head on this morning, and now thinks she’s some sort of comedienne.”

  Joseph stepped forward to give Hannah a hug.

  “Actually, I thought it was quite funny.” He smiled at her. “Although, you’re much too young to remember the Commodores, my dear.”

  “True.” Hannah smiled. “But then, you’re forgetting that Lionel is a family friend.”

  “Of course, he is.” Joseph shrugged. “Anyway, let me formally introduce you to Commodore Ronald Parmely. He’s here to see what else the Royal Navy can do to assist our little endeavour.”

  Hannah held her hand out to the officer and smiled. He looked rather like she would expect JT to look when he got to his mid-fifties. In fact, they could almost be brothers, with the dark, slightly greying hair, and blue eyes, although the Commodore’s eyes weren’t quite that dark, unusual shade of royal blue that JT shared with his children.

  “You’re very welcome to join us, Commodore. We were just going over the route the ship has taken since it left Murmansk, hence the conversation about mines in the Murmansk Fjord.” She explained, leading the visitors over to a small conference table. “Can we get you some refreshments before we give you our shopping list?”

  “Please, call me Ron. And, no, nothing for me, thanks.” The officer smiled. “Joseph and I just enjoyed a rather impressive lunch with the Admiral and his staff before coming over here. I don’t think I’ll be eating or drinking anything else for a few hours at least.”

  “It was rather good.” Joseph smiled. “One of the perks of working with the Whitehall crowd.”

  “Then perhaps JT and I can fill you in on the story so far?” Hannah reached for her laptop and turned it around. “This is our ship, the Atlantic Carousel, and this is her position in the Norwegian sea.”

  “Ok, so she’s quite a bit further west than I expected her to be, which tells me that she’s headed for the Atlantic side of Britain, and not for the North Sea.” Ron explained, staring at the screen. “They obviously want to avoid any patrols in either the North Sea or the English Channel, so they’re taking the slightly longer route which keeps them out in international waters. That’s not so unusual, given that their final destination is somewhere on the west coast of Africa.”

  “Does that make any difference when it comes to a rescue mission?” Hannah frowned.

  “Not really.” Ron shook his head. “I was led to believe that the Russian submarine will be on hand to pick up your team and the women they rescue. Is that still the case?”

  “It is, but obviously they can’t keep so many bodies on one sub for any length of time.” JT pointed out. “They’ll have to get them offloaded pretty quickly.”

  Ron nodded his head in agreement.

  “The sub they’ve assigned to this operation isn’t one of their largest models, and it will already be fully crewed.” He explained. “That will leave very little room for extra bodies. We’ve got one of our Vanguard subs in the area, which are the biggest in our fleet. They won’t have any problem taking your people off the Russian sub and getting them to a more appropriate vessel.”

  “How far away from the Atlantic Carousel would the sub have to get before they were safe?” Hannah asked.

  “You mean safe from people on the ship?” The Commodore asked. “Taking into account that this is a merchant ship, and not likely to be fitted with military ordnance, not too far. Joseph mentioned that Lebedev may have some stolen Russian weapons hidden in the containers, but I doubt they’ll have anything more powerful than a fifty calibre T-5000 sniper rifle, or possibly some RPG’s. Both of those could do some nasty damage while your people were transferring between the ship and the sub, but once they were aboard and the hatch was closed, then the danger would be minimal. Besides, the subs can dive pretty fast. They’ll already be moving to keep pace with the ship, so I’m estimating that they’d be out of range completely within a minute or so.”

  “Don’t forget, this will also be a night mission.” JT reminded her. “Visibility won’t be great, and the light on the decks will make looking down at the water and making out shapes in the dark sea very difficult. They’ll be hard pressed to do much with the sniper rifles as they’re big and not easy to handle standing up, plus they’re bolt action not auto or semi-automatic. They won’t be able to get many rounds off in one minute.”

  Hannah looked at JT and he smiled.

  “Does that make you feel better?” He asked. “The extraction will be as safe as we can make it.”

  “I’d be happier if we could drop in some reinforcements by parachute, so our guys weren’t so outnumbered.” Hannah scowled at him. “Like we did when we rescued Tuck and Candy.”

  “On that occasion we had to drop in by parachute because we didn’t already have a team on the ship.” JT reminded her. “Plus, this ship has a completely different set-up. They’d see us coming all the way in, and there’d be a welcoming committee on the deck waiting for us to land.”

  Hannah did her best not to pout.

  “Have you had a chance to go over Drago’s exit plan?” She asked Joseph.

  As JT’s former commanding officer, he was one of the few people whose opinion ranked up there with JT himself.

  “I have, and I can’t see any holes in it.” Joseph nodded. “Ron and I were discussing it on the way over.”

  “The weakest link in any military operation is always going to be the civilian element.” Parmely explained. “Your whole team has been trained to the highest standards in their respective countries. Your civilians, and there are a lot of them, are frightened and terrorised young women. It’s asking a lot of them to stay silent and follow orders when they’re being pushed from pillar to post. I would imagine that for the majority of them the thought of being pushed into a life boat and then lowered into the sea in the middle of the night would be one of the scariest things they’ll ever do.”

  “I think you’ll find that being kidnapped was probably the scariest thing that’s ever happened to them.” Hannah said quietly. “Facing whatever fate terrified them in their worst nightmares was probably the second. Don’t underestimate them, Ron. Risking their lives to escape won’t faze many of them in the slightest. They’ll welcome it.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…!” Ron blushed as he realised that he must have touched a nerve.

  “Several of our family have experienced being kidnapped, Ron.” JT said simply. “Through their experiences we all have a deeper understanding of what those women on the ship will be going through.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Ron said quietly. “I hope you don’t think I was making light of what they’ve gone through.”

  “It’s Ok, Ron.” Hannah smiled. “I was possibly being a little touchy as I’m one of the women who’s been through it. I just wanted you to understand that while they may not respond like soldiers, the majority of those women will fight for each other, and do everything required to get themselves off that ship. I can’t promise that you won’t have a few flaky ones amongst them, but hopefully they’ll take the lead from the others.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” The Commodore no
dded. “Your experience of this type of scenario is obviously far greater than mine.”

  “What weapons do they have available?” Joseph asked. “They obviously weren’t able to take their own onto the ship.”

  “Drago was allowed to take some small arms onboard at the outset, but that was before we knew exactly how many men Sergei would have with him in his security team. Now he thinks they’ll need more.” Hannah explained. “He was going to meet with Micky this afternoon to get whatever else he thought they needed. She was going to check which of the containers was packed with the right sort of equipment and let him have the details. As soon as it gets dark, they’ll get into the containers and take what they need.”

  “What have they got?” Joseph asked.

  “Micky seems to think they’ve got plenty of semi-automatic assault weapons, grenades, all sorts.” JT explained. “What they don’t need, they’ll attempt to decommission so that Sergei’s men can’t use them.”

  “Will the British sub be in the area while the team are getting the women off the ship?” Hannah asked. “Could they act as support if Sergei’s men start shooting from the ship?”

  Ron smiled.

  “We have some excellent marksmen on our subs.” He confirmed. “I’m sure they can maintain a safe distance from the ship and still be of some use.”

  “That’s great.” Hannah nodded. “I can let Drago and the team know they’ve got the extra back-up when I speak to them.”

  “Was there anything else you needed from me?” Ron asked. “Only I have to report back to the Admiralty, so we can get the orders fired up the line, and then get home at a sensible hour for a change. It’s our thirtieth wedding anniversary today, and my wife, Flo, has a rather special evening planned.”

  “No, I think that’s everything.” Hannah smiled. “Do you need me to send you the co-ordinates of where the Russian sub is?”

  She watched the Commodore bite his lip before finally speaking.

  “Umm, thanks for the offer.” He smiled. “But we have this little thing called sonar. It usually does the trick.”

  “Oh, yeah!” Hannah grinned. “I’m so used to tracking things using satellites, I forgot you can track them underwater as well.”


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