The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3) Page 5

by Marie Higgins

  “No, you won’t. I know what you want to do, and I’m not going to let you throw me in the water like you’ve been doing to everyone else. Now put me down. Besides, I don’t want to get my glasses wet.”

  He grinned. “Fine. If it’ll make you feel better, I won’t throw you in the pool, but I’ll carry you in and gently set you inside the water... and we can leave your glasses here.” He removed her glasses and set them on a shelf by her front door.

  “Brad, no! Brad—” She struggled in his arms as they walked out of the apartment and toward the pool.

  His teasing laughter increased as he carried her in, walking right down the steps. Being careful not to slip, he steadied himself as he waded in the warm water until he reached the deep area where the water slapped against his mid chest. His little Tyger screamed the whole time, which caused everyone to stop and watch. Brad could tell by the sparkle in her eyes and her relaxed expression, she wasn’t really angry at all.

  The lapping water rocked him gently, but he held her firm. “Should I put you down now?”

  “You’re a pain in my butt.” She splashed water in his face.

  He shook his head. “You’ve done it now, Tyger. Nobody splashes water in my face and gets away with it.” Holding his breath, he took them both under the water for a few seconds. When he came back up, she gasped for air and rubbed the excess liquid from her face.

  She glared. “All right, put me down. This means war. You’re going to get it now, Brad Montgomery,” she threatened with a grin.

  “Ooooh, I’m really scared.”

  For the first time since meeting her, a different woman emerged. Stress lines were absent from her face, and when she laughed, her face brightened. When her laughing eyes met his, the golden specks inside the gray sparkled. Tiny drops of liquid clung to her lashes and made them look like specks of diamonds glittering on her face. Something within his stomach jumped, and a feeling he hadn’t experienced for quite some time grew inside of his chest.

  Although he knew her feet would touch the bottom of the pool, she still clung to him in a playful action. His arms were reluctant to release his hold, but this strange new desire sweeping through his body made him let go and step back.

  Breanna must not have sensed the change in him, because she cupped her hands and splashed water into his face. When he turned his back to block himself against the water, she jumped on him and tried to dunk him under. He kept her from accomplishing this goal, but when the desire inside of him kicked up a notch, he knew he had to get her off him before the new sensation took over completely.

  He dipped them beneath the water until she finally let him go, and then he quickly swam away. When he surfaced and looked her way, she remained in the same spot he’d left her. Her laughter let him know she wasn’t aware of the crazy, unexplained emotions jumping inside of him.

  Breanna continued to splash water toward him, coaxing him to come back and take some more. That was the problem. He couldn’t take any more without wanting much more. Shaking his head, he rubbed his forehead. She certainly wasn’t the kind of woman he usually dated. So why was he thinking about her that way now?

  The more he watched her, the prettier she became. All relaxed and smiling, her face held a natural beauty. Without those large-rimmed glasses, she was a very enchanting woman.

  He mentally shook the idea from his thoughts. There was no way he could think such things. He didn’t know what had happened to him just a few minutes ago, but he must stay away from her for the rest of the night. If he didn’t, he’d take the chance of enfolding her in his arms and keeping her that way for the remainder of the party.

  Funny, but that wasn’t such a bad idea.

  AT TWO O’CLOCK IN THE morning, Pat Gurrister announced the party was over. Brad agreed, since some of the guests had disappeared from the swimming pool about an hour before. Although he had the time of his life, he knew when to call it quits.

  After waving goodbye to the last guest, he walked beside Breanna back to her apartment. It wasn’t fair to let her cleanup by herself, and he’d promised her she could count on him to help.

  Breanna sighed heavily as she stared at the living room. “Well, I guess it could be worse.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I’ve been to parties where the house was completely destroyed. This is nothing compared to what I’ve seen.”

  “Before we get started, I’m going to go change into some dry clothes,” she said, pulling her wet T-shirt away from her body.

  He didn’t want her to leave. He liked seeing her in wet clothes. He took her hands in a loose hold. “No, don’t go. You can’t change now. If you do, I’ll be the only one wet. Besides, you’ll have to wait until you’re a little drier, then your clothes will come off easier.” He laughed. “If you tried to take them off now, you’d have to ask for my help.” He grinned, teasingly. “Which, of course, I wouldn’t mind giving.”

  Her lips tugged into a grin, and an adorable pink blush covered her cheeks. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll take your suggestion and wait until I’m a little drier.” She looked back at her messy floor and blew out a gush of air. “Where do we begin?”

  “This room is as good as any.”

  Alongside Breanna, Brad started to clean, picking up paper plates and napkins, empty cans and bottles. It relieved him the guests weren’t very messy when it came to the food, so there weren’t a lot of food spills to clean up. Breanna vacuumed while Brad straightened, and when one room was completed, they moved to the kitchen and then to each room after that until they ended up in the bedroom.

  She glanced at the bed and frowned. Brad noticed the comforter was halfway to the floor. Some of the guests must have been in here.

  “Hey, Tyger. I’m sorry about your bed. Some people can be so irresponsible and not have any respect for others’ property.”

  He leaned against the door-frame and crossed his arms over his bare chest. The coolness from his damp hair made him shiver. But because his hair was still bound with a rubber-band, it would take longer to dry. He reached back and removed it, then shook his hair. When he looked up, he caught Tyger staring at him, the color of her eyes turned darker than he’d seen before. He liked seeing her this way. Liked it too much.

  “I didn’t expect everything to go perfectly,” she said then quickly looked away. “Besides, I don’t care right now. I’m much too happy.” She picked up the pillows scattered on the floor and tossed them on the bed.

  Her damp jeans clung to her legs perfectly, and it surprised him to see how slender her body really was. He would’ve never guessed this when he saw her at the office this morning.

  She glanced around the room, and then looked at him over her shoulder. She smiled. “Oh, Brad. I can’t believe how happy I am right now.” She swung her arms out and fell backward onto the length of the bed in blissful exhaustion. “And it’s all due to you.”

  He liked the blissful expression on her face – the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. “Me?” he asked innocently, stepping away from the door-frame and closer to the bed.

  “Yes, you. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve sat at home tonight feeling lonely and depressed, but instead, I feel wonderful!” Her arms flew above her head and rested on the bed. She giggled. “You know, I feel a little giddy and strange right now, and I haven’t had a drop of alcohol all night.”

  “Really?” He stepped closer.

  “Yeah. I don’t believe in the stuff. I think a person can have a good time without any help from liquor.”

  “I, too, think a lot of people had a good time without getting drunk.”

  Her eyes met his. “Did you?”

  “Did I what?”

  “Did you have a good time without drinking alcohol?”

  “Yes, it was the best party I’ve attended in a long time.” Taking one more step closer, his legs touched the bed. Slowly, he sat down by her legs. “I really had an amazing time.” He scooted up next to her, and lay on his side so he could look down
at her as his elbow held his body weight. “I’m pleased Mrs. Gurrister let us use the pool.”

  “Me, too. At first, I really didn’t want you to get me wet, but I’m glad you did.”

  He kept his gaze locked with hers. “Good. I had fun doing it.”

  He gently lifted her head, removing the wet scarf holding the ponytail together. His fingers spread her hair out around her. It was definitely long and straight and needed some kind of style. He took a lock between his fingers and caressed. “You do have lovely hair. Is it true that you’ve never cut it?”

  “A while ago I cut it because it was down past my waist, but I’ve never had it styled.”

  “You’d be surprised at what a style can do to enhance your beauty.”

  She chuckled softly. “Oh, Brad. You’re such a flirt. I’m not pretty, and even a haircut couldn’t change that fact.”

  He frowned. “Why don’t you think you’re pretty? I happen to think you were hot tonight, and I wasn’t the only man looking.”

  “Quit teasing me. Men weren’t looking at me, especially when they had all those other women to ogle.”

  “I was looking at you more than the other women,” he confessed in a deep whisper as his heart pounded in an irregular beat. He leaned closer, and he liked the fact she didn’t push him away. “I watched you play in the pool with all of the other guys, and I wished that they would just leave. I wanted to be the only one in the water with you.”

  “ could’ve come back and played with,” she stuttered.

  “No. Not when strange feelings came over me whenever you were near.” His face was just inches away from hers. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. He wanted to kiss her so badly. Would she push him back? He hoped she didn’t.

  “What kind of feelings?” she whispered.

  “The same kind that I’m having right now, that I’ll die if I don’t kiss you.” He leaned over and brushed his lips over hers; once, twice, then closed his eyes and fully covered her mouth.

  She gasped. Thankfully, she didn’t stop him. Instead, her hands circled his shoulders, pulling him closer as she moved her lips back and forth with his.

  Her mouth was soft, so sweet. Passion flared inside him, and he had to have more. He touched his tongue to her lips until she parted her mouth and allowed him entry.

  A gentle moan escaped her, and she tightened her hold around his neck. He cuddled closer as he moved his hand from her hip, slowly, over her stomach and to the knot on her almost dry shirt. With one pull, he loosened the knot and slid his hand underneath to rest on her stomach.

  Her body stiffened and she pushed away from him. “Brad, this is wrong. We can’t do this.”

  Disappointment washed over him, and he wanted her back in his arms. He reached for her, but she moved farther away. “Tyger, honey? What’s the matter?”

  “This is very wrong. I have a boyfriend. I can’t do this to Tom.”

  Brad shook his head, not fully understanding. Why would she even care about Tom? Especially after tonight when the jerk cancelled their date? “Tyger, honey? You’re not married to him, and I want you now,” he said, huskily.

  She jumped off the bed. “Don’t you see? If I continue kissing you, I’m admitting I don’t love Tom, and I do love him. Why else would I want to be his wife?”

  In defeat, Brad blew out a gush of air and rolled off the bed. He tenderly caressed her cheek. “I’ll leave you now, Tyger, but I want you to know I’m not giving up. You’re not married yet.” He kissed her briefly on the lips. “Thanks for a wonderful time, before, during, and especially after the party.” He turned around to leave.

  “Wait!” Her voice rose in panic. “Will... I ever see you again?”

  He touched her cheek in a soft caress. “Yes. I’ll be staying at home for a while. I’ll definitely see you again. You can count on that. I have some unfinished business with you that I can’t wait to finish.” He walked out of the bedroom, and out of the apartment. The only thing on his mind was trying to figure out how to get her away from her deadbeat boyfriend.


  Breanna slept until noon that Saturday, still feeling exhausted from her party. She had such a hard time getting to sleep after Brad had left that she finally ended up taking a sleeping pill. Guilt was what kept her awake, and she needed something to take the edge off her nerves.

  She’d never been one to take medicine while growing up, not even aspirin, but since she’d known Tom, he’d introduced her to a lot of things she wasn’t used to taking – telling her that it was the only thing that could help.

  She sighed a ragged breath. Tom. What was she going to tell him? Should she tell him about the party? Of course she would. He’d probably even know that something happened the moment he walked into her place. Would she tell him about Brad? She was sure Brad’s name would be mentioned, but she decided to forget about the kiss.

  Now she realized why she’d acted that way with Brad after the party. He was such a sweet talker, saying things to her that he probably didn’t mean. She wasn’t used to being told that she was pretty, lovely, or even beautiful. Tom never said things like that just to please her. Tom was a nice guy and he made her happy enough without saying sweet words, yet it had been a while since she and Tom kissed to their heart’s content.

  It wasn’t that Tom didn’t want to, it was just that his job took a lot out of him and all he ever wanted to do anymore was sit around and watch television while he was with her. Sometimes, he would take her out to a movie or out to eat, but that had been quite a while ago, too.

  Tom told her that he would find another job that didn’t stress him out as much, then they could go and do fun things together again. But, was a night clerk at a hotel really a stressful job? And why did he have more energy with his friend Kevin than he had with her?

  She silently scolded herself. Why was she trying to find Tom’s faults, anyway? So he’d called off their date last night. It wasn’t the first time that had happened, and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last.

  She loved Tom and wanted to marry him, no matter what. As soon as he asked her, anyway. Wasn’t it time for her to marry? All of her high school friends were married and had at least two kids. She was nothing but an old maid.

  After she showered and dressed, she put on a pair of jeans and an over-sized shirt. On impulse, she gathered the bottom of her shirt and tied it together in a knot, just like last night.

  She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror and studied her hair. It had been a while since she cut it, and although she really didn’t want to admit, it had bothered her lately. She was tired of coming up with new ways to keep it out of her face. Maybe she should cut it. She’d have to ask Tom and see what he thought.

  As she applied her makeup, she noticed that without her glasses, her face looked prettier. Definitely not as plain as she thought she was. Maybe she would leave her glasses off and wear them when she read, which was the only reason she needed them, anyhow. Or, maybe she would get contacts. She’d have to ask Tom first. He might not like her in contacts.

  The day passed slowly, and she hadn’t yet heard from Tom. Some of the girls from the office called and told her how much fun they’d had at the party and how good she looked last night. They also wanted to know if they could have another party tonight at her place. She told them she and Tom were going out. If only he would call her and quit making her wonder.

  She’d never received so many compliments in her life than what she’d heard at the party. It made her feel good and gave her more confidence. She would have to seriously think about changing her style of clothes, too. She didn’t know. She would have to ask Tom.

  As the miniature grandfather clock in her front room chimed five o’clock, a knock came upon the door. Angrily, she marched to the door and opened it. The look on Tom’s face made her wonder if he even wanted to be here. Usually, she greeted him with open arms and kind words, but right now she was a little upset. He could’ve called earlier this mornin
g or even this afternoon to let her know when he was coming over. Did he think she sat around all day waiting for him like she had nothing better to do? Well, she had a life, and he’d better realize that quickly.

  “It’s about time I heard from you,” she spat angrily.

  He glared at her as he entered. “Excuse me?” he asked with authority. “Why are you jumping on my case? Is that really necessary?”

  She looked down at her clasped hands and frowned. He certainly was the king when it came to making her feel bad. “I’m sorry, Tom. I was just hoping to hear from you earlier today, that’s all.”

  He sighed heavily. “If you must know, I just barely got out of bed a half hour ago. I worked until six o’clock yesterday morning and slept until three in the afternoon. Then I was up all night with Kevin and I didn’t get to sleep until about four o’clock this morning. That is why I haven’t called or seen you until now.”

  Her chest ached with guilt, and she regretted lashing out at him with her hasty tongue. “I’m sorry.” She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his stiff body and kissed him on the lips. “Please forgive me? I just missed being with you last night. Can you blame me? I haven’t been with you all week.”

  He didn’t push her away, but neither did he put his arms around her. This action made her heart ache even more.

  “I told you the reason. Can’t you remember? It’s my job. It’s just too stressful,” he complained.

  The urge to ask him why his job was so stressful was on the tip of her tongue, but she decided not to speak about it. He was already upset with her and she didn’t want to make it worse.

  “Yes, I know, and I’m sorry again for not understanding.” Dropping her arms from around his neck, she reached down and grabbed his hands, pulling him over to the couch with her.

  She and Brad had put everything back in its original spot last night after the party and had cleaned up really well, but she could see Tom’s nose twitching and his eyes quickly scanning the room. She knew he was going to realize something was different. Worry crept inside of her, twisting her stomach. She’d better say something before he did. Seeing his temper wasn’t something she wanted right now.


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