The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3) Page 7

by Marie Higgins

  Not like Brad had.

  Growling, she pushed her fingers through her hair. Why did she have to think of Brad? It seemed that since she met him, she’d been finding more fault with Tom. And yet, deep inside her heart, she had been wondering these things about her boyfriend for a few months now. Probably longer than that.

  As she sat at the table and stared at her untouched cereal, she glanced around the room. The party the other night wouldn’t leave her thoughts. She recalled the exact place where she’d been standing the moment Brad had kissed her neck, or danced with her, or picked her up to throw her in the pool. She smiled widely. Had she ever had such a wonderful night? Not that she could remember, anyway.

  And then after the party, in her bedroom...

  She sighed dreamily. Brad had kissed her so tenderly, and the way his eyes were glued to hers made her heart flip with wanting. There was so much emotion in his green orbs, which of course made their kissing more meaningful. He’d also held her so tight, and caressed her with such tenderness.

  Tom had never done that.

  But she really shouldn’t make a big deal out of the way Brad treated her. He was like that with every woman. Well, she didn’t know if he kissed them like he had her, but still, he was a flirt and charmed everyone. Breanna giggled. Even her landlord.

  She glanced at her bowl of uneaten cereal and frowned. Her stomach was in knots. How could she eat at this depressing point in her life? She quickly rinsed out the bowl in the sink, and then placed it and the spoon in the dishwasher.

  After showering, she moved into her bedroom to get dressed. She found a faded pair of jeans and a baseball jersey that her brother, Cade, had given her. Respectfully, she touched the jersey and her heart softened for her superstar brother who played for the Chicago Bullets. Cade had reached his dream of being a professional baseball player. Breanna was sure their parents smiled down from Heaven, knowing that Cade was very successful and happy.

  When Breanna and Cade were still in grade school, their parents died in a car accident. Years afterwards, the two siblings were shipped from one relative to another. When they ran out of relatives, the state sent them to foster homes until they found a couple who adopted them. Lloyd and Trina Young were nice enough, but Breanna had never felt real, unconditional loved. She also felt they gave her brother more attention. After all, he was the go-getter, not her. He was the one with a lot of talent and potential. Not her. Younger than her by two years, he was better looking and had lots of friends. Breanna had always been just a shy bookworm.

  Would her parents in Heaven be happy knowing what Breanna was doing with her life now? Would they approve of Tom? She frowned. Probably not. So what was she going to do about it?

  She stared at her reflection through the mirror. She tilted her head. “Are you going to sit around the apartment and be depressed, again? No, you’re not. Breanna Loveland, you are going to get your butt out of here and do something with yourself!” She nodded, silently finalizing her plans.

  The ringing of the doorbell pulled her out of her thoughts. Her heart dropped. Hopefully, it wasn’t Tom. Then again, he was probably still asleep in bed like he’d been yesterday at this time.

  Leaving the bathroom, she walked into the front room and opened the door. A gasp sprang from her throat. The first thing she saw was a bouquet of red roses in front of her. As she studied them more, she noticed the man’s hand holding them, but she couldn’t see his face.

  It definitely wasn’t Tom. He would never do something like this, mainly because he complained it was too expensive.

  The man didn’t say anything, just continued to hold the flowers in front of his face. However, she did see his dark... long hair. Her heart leaped as happiness filled her. Brad!


  Breanna smiled. “You know, even though the flowers are very beautiful, they are no substitute for your face. In fact, you could get into many fights with flowers doubling for your face.”

  Brad laughed and moved the flowers away. She bit her lip, wanting to comment on his attire. He wore a pair of green khaki walking shorts, a gray shirt, and black flip-flops. Then again, she was sure she looked funny in her baseball jersey with Chicago Bullets printed in big letters across the front, and the number 16 and Cade’s name across the back.

  “How did you know it was me?” he asked.

  Her attention shifted to his hair. “Not many men have long hair.”

  His forehead creased. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  She laughed at his boyish remark. “It means that you need a haircut as badly as do I.”

  His handsome face brightened. “Does that mean you’re willing to get your hair cut?”

  “I will if you will.”

  “What?” His voice was higher than normal, and his appalled expression was comical.

  “Brad, your hair is too long, and just about as unruly, too. If you want me to cut my hair, you’ll have to come with me and get yours cut as well.”

  Silence stretched between them as his gaze locked with hers. He moved his jaw back and forth, and she thought it was cute the way he literally looked like he was contemplating her suggestion.

  Sighing, he nodded. “All right, Tyger. You win.” His gaze swept over her. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Sure. Let me take these flowers inside and put them in water.”

  He handed her the flowers and she carried them into the kitchen. In her cupboards, she had a few vases she rarely used, so she grabbed one and added water before carefully placing the beautiful roses inside. The fragrance wafted around her. Breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes. It was hard to believe Brad bought these just for her. But, she shouldn’t overthink his actions. She knew what kind of man he was.

  When she turned around, he stood behind her wearing a wide grin. Darn it! Why was her heart fluttering faster now? It probably had something to do with his dreamy eyes.

  “Are you ready?”

  “You betcha.” He winked.

  She grabbed her purse and keys before following him out of the door.

  “Should we start out the day with breakfast first?” he asked.

  “I... guess.” Although she wasn’t hungry earlier, she was now, especially for his company.

  Although she should pull her hand away, the warmth spiraling from his touch made her twine her fingers with his. This was too cozy, and she didn’t want anything to ruin the happiness blossoming inside her right now.

  He walked her to his black, GMC truck, and opened the door for her. Surprise washed over her and she sucked in a breath. He assisted her up into the vehicle and closed the door. His masculine scent filled the air, and she breathed deeply, memorizing his scent.

  When he climbed in and shut the door, he smiled at her. “Are you ready for a fun-filled day?”

  She smiled. “I’m more than ready.”

  “Are you sure you want to cut your hair?”

  Unease washed over her once more, and she cursed Tom for making her feel so inadequate.

  He must have noticed the panic on her face because he leaned over and caressed her cheek. “What’s wrong, Tyger? Do you want to back out?”

  She loved gazing into his eyes, and for some strange reason, she loved the way he said her name. For years she’d hated her first name, but now she enjoyed hearing it, as long as it came from him.

  Breanna swallowed the dryness gathering in her throat. “It’s just that my hair hasn’t been cut for so long, and well... Tom isn’t quite sold on the idea. He doesn’t like change very well.”

  Brad arched an eyebrow and gave her a look of disbelief. “Is this guy for real?” He shook his head. “Change is good, especially in this situation. I’m sure that after he sees what you look like with a new haircut, he’ll love it.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, Brad. What if he hates it?”

  He leaned closer and took her face in both of his hands. “But what if you love it? Who are you doing this for? You or him? Tyger, my sweet, this is you
r life, not his.”

  His nearness made her breathing irregular, and yet his words made sense. How many times had she tried to tell herself that very thing in the past five years since meeting Tom?

  Brad’s gaze dropped to her mouth and she held her breath. Would he kiss her? As much as her soul cried out for affection, she couldn’t let him kiss her again. Little by little, she was losing control, and she worried that if they kissed like they did after the party, she might enjoy it so much she’d want more.

  Thankfully, Brad pulled away and gripped the steering wheel. “But don’t worry about it now. You can think about it over breakfast.”

  Relief poured over her, yet at the same time, disappointment lodged in her chest. Perhaps she shouldn’t feel let down because he hadn’t kissed her. After all, this was only the beginning of their day together.

  It didn’t take long before he was pulling the truck into the parking lot next to Denny’s. She wanted to laugh. Why would he pick this place when he was supposed to be a billionaire?

  “Seriously?” she asked, arching her eyebrow.

  “What can I say?” He parked the truck and killed the engine. “I love their breakfast.” He touched her arm. “Don’t move.”

  She wondered why he’d told her that and then jumped out of the truck. But as he walked to her door and opened, she understood. “Brad, you don’t have to do that for me.” She took his hand as he helped her down. “I am capable of opening and shutting doors by myself, you know.”

  He gently pushed her back against the side of the truck and pressed his body against her. Softly, his fingers caressed her cheek and she nearly sighed with pleasure.

  “It’s my privilege to do that, so you better let me.”

  Her heart melted, along with the rest of her body. He was such a gentleman. “Okay, I’ll let you.”

  Brad took her hand in his again and led her toward the restaurant. As she tried to regulate her crazily-beating heart, she realized she needed to feel special today. And she deserved it at least once in a while. She’d make the most of it, since it would only last tonight, and just like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight, she’d turn back into a regular woman that nobody wanted to notice.

  Inside the restaurant, they were shown to a booth and given the menus. Motioning with his hand, he silently communicated for her to sit. Once she slid on the seat, he sat next to her. It surprised her that he would sit so close instead of across from her. Tom never did this.

  Inwardly, she growled. She really needed to stop thinking of that man. She was with Brad today, and she would have an enjoyable time no matter what.

  He picked up his menu and peered down at it. “What are you going to have?”

  “I don’t know.” That was the truth because her nervous stomach was in knots that nothing on the menu looked appetizing.

  “How about an orange juice and a muffin?” he asked without looking at her.

  “Brad, really.” She placed her hand on his arm.

  His attention snapped toward her and he grinned. “I don’t want to eat by myself. Please?”

  How could she deny this man anything when he looked at her with a pouty expression? He was just too dang good looking. “Fine. I’ll have a muffin and orange juice.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted a little higher. “No pressure, of course.”

  “Oh, none at all.”

  He sighed and turned toward her, taking hold of her hand. “Actually, I’m serious. I don’t want to tell you what to do. I don’t want you to think I’m like him. I want you to choose for yourself, just as you should be doing all the time.”

  If her heart softened anymore it would turn to jelly. She squeezed his hand. “Thank you. But I think I will have a muffin.”

  He lifted her hand to his mouth and briefly kissed her knuckles. “Great.”

  An older lady, probably in her early to mid-fifties, with white hair bound up in a fishnet on top of her head, stopped by the table. She wore the customary waitress uniform that Denny’s required their staff to wear. Her smile was bright, especially when she saw Brad.

  “Well, look who’s here. Hello, Bradley. I haven’t seen you in a while. Thought you might have forgotten about us.”

  Brad turned and grinned. “Hello, Carol. How could I forget my favorite waitress?”

  The woman took his menu and playfully whacked him on the shoulder. “Aww, you’re still just as sweet as ever, aren’t you?” She giggled. “But it won’t work this time. You’re going to have to pay for your meal today. As you can see, Sunday is our slowest day.” She swept her hand toward the empty tables.

  Breanna blinked with wide eyes as she studied Brad’s profile. He really charmed Carol into a free meal? Amazing! Didn’t the waitress know how much money he had?

  “Of course I’m going to pay, you silly girl. I have to make a good impression for my woman, here.” He grasped Breanna’s hand. “Carol, it’s my privilege to introduce you to Tyger.” He glanced at Breanna. “Tyger, this is the best waitress in the whole world, Carol.”

  Brad’s words made Breanna feel special, and she was quite sure they made Carol feel the same. The glow on the other woman’s face said it all. For once, it was nice to be with a man who was cheerful and appreciated things.

  Carol shook her head. “Bradley, you’re such a flirt. It’s nice to meet you, Tyger. You are very lucky to be with this man. He’s very special. Hang onto him, won’t ya?”

  Breanna was speechless for a second. Sure, she knew he was a special guy, but they weren’t together as he’d hinted. “Uh, sure. It’s nice to meet you, Carol.”

  Brad gave Carol their orders and the older woman walked away. Once again, he turned his full attention on Breanna. It was rather nice. Scary thing was she could get easily used to this.

  He adjusted in the seat and slid his arm on the back of the bench, which blocked Breanna from the aisle. She didn’t mind at all. It gave them more privacy.

  Brad’s sweet gaze caressed her face, lingering on her mouth, before moving down her neck and to her shirt. His expression changed as he studied her jersey. Then he grasped her shoulders and turned her so he could read the back. When he switched her back around, his face lit up.

  “You like baseball?” he asked.

  “Yes. The Chicago Bullets are my favorite.”

  “Really?” His grin widened. “What if I were to tell you that I know number 16, Cade Love?”

  She nearly snorted with shock. Instead, she about lost her breath. “Are you kidding me? You know Cade?”

  “Lightning Cade is his nickname.”

  Excitement shot through her and she grasped his hand. “Cade is my brother.”

  This time, the gasp came from him and his mouth hung open. “No way! He’s your brother?”

  “Yes. Just ask him when you see him next.”

  “But your last names are different.”

  “Actually, he just took off the ending and used Love. That was his agent’s suggestion.”

  Brad studied her face again, and then his forehead crinkled. “He’s a dishwater blond. You’re a beautiful redhead.”

  Her heart flipped again from his compliment. “I actually have dark auburn hair. But I inherited the color from my mother. Cade got our father’s hair color.”

  Slowly, he shook his head. “I can’t believe it. When I’m in Chicago, I hang out with him and his teammates. But I don’t think he’s ever mentioned a sister...” He stopped short and his expression shifted. His eyes widened. “Hold on, I think he did mention a sister.”

  Her chest filled with homesickness for her brother. “He did? What did he say about me?”

  She waited for him to say something, but at the moment, all he wanted to do was stare at her. Gradually, his face softened.

  “You know, you need to smile like this more often. You’re so beautiful when you do.” His gaze dropped to her mouth.

  Her heart tripped over itself in the race to see how fast it could beat – and melt – in one day. Why ha
d Brad changed the subject so quickly? She wanted to know more about her brother. And yet, at this moment, she wanted Brad’s lips on hers. She wanted this wonderful, charming man to hold her in his strong arms and never let her go.

  Finally, his face moved toward her. She held her breath, waiting for that second when their lips met. She anticipated the tantalizing moment when her heart would soar as passion filled her, just as it had done after the party when they were in her bedroom.

  When his mouth touched hers, she closed her eyes and sighed. Just as his arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her closer, the clanking of dishes was heard, and the waitress cleared her throat.

  “Here you are, you two love birds. Eat first, and then you can kiss.” Carol set the plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of Brad and a muffin and orange juice in front of Breanna.

  Shaking his head, Brad peered at Carol over his shoulder. “Would you be terribly upset if I decide to kiss this pretty woman first and then eat?”

  Carol didn’t answer, but she laughed and walked away from the table.

  Embarrassed, Breanna kept her attention on her muffin even though Brad had turned and faced her once more. She’d never been in a situation like this. Although she still wanted him to kiss her, the mood had been ruined. Hadn’t it?

  “Hey, pretty lady.” He ran his knuckles softly on her heated cheek. “Don’t worry about Carol. She teases me all the time.”

  “I’m all right,” she mumbled.

  Putting his hand underneath her chin, he turned her face toward him. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to kiss you like I wanted, but don’t worry. We still have plenty of time for that later.” He winked and turned to his plate of food.

  Relief swept over her, and yet, so did longing. Making out in a restaurant wasn’t a good thing to do. Although her lips were begging for his tender attention, this was not the place for it.

  Suddenly, her heart flipped again. He’d said they’d kiss later. She couldn’t wait!


  Brad didn’t know if he could be this close to Tyger without wanting to be closer. He would have swept her away into a passionate kiss, but he could tell how uncomfortable she was. He didn’t want to embarrass her any further.


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