Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2) Page 3

by J. L. Leslie

I keep telling myself it was a one-time thing. I don’t think about fucking her again every time I see her. I don’t pretend it’s her while I’m balls deep in Sabrina. That’s what I keep telling myself.

  I park my bike at Walmart and allow Sully to get off first. She takes her helmet off and runs her fingers through her hair. The blonde locks look a little tangled and messy, but she pulls the look off well.

  “Walmart?” she questions, a smile turning up on her face.

  “It kind of has everything.” I answer. “Plus, it’s a neutral location.”

  She falls into step beside me as we walk across the parking lot. “I didn’t take you for a Walmart shopper, that’s all.”

  “Did you think I shopped online or something?” I joke.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. Usually I do the shopping for the clubhouse.”

  “I don’t live there full-time so I do have to get groceries occasionally.” I look over at her and wink. “I only shop online for porn.”

  Sully rolls her eyes and I’m glad that she’s loosening up some. We always got along just fine before so I don’t want things to be awkward now.

  “Are you going to fill me in on this master plan?” she questions me the moment we make it to the electronics department.

  The Rykers typically don’t involve females in any of their plans. The fact that we asked the club whores is bordering on desperation. Females in clubs are used for one thing, other than the shopping and cleaning of the clubhouse. Club business is for the members.

  “Oh, I see. I’m supposed to gather intel, but I’m not allowed to know the plan.” she says, bitterly. “And what if I do actually get caught in Drycos’ territory?”

  “Sully…” I begin, but she cuts me off.

  “Don’t worry about it, Lincoln. I suppose I can just fuck my way out of it. That is why you were asking club whores to do the job.”

  She looks back to the display case and leans down, studying the cameras that are available. I watch her tuck her hair behind one ear and furrow her brow.

  “Is that what you think you are now?” I question her, but she ignores me.

  “This one should work.” She points at the one she wants and motions for an employee to come over.

  I pay for the camera and feel the frustration coming over me as Sully walks two feet in front of me as we exit the store. When she reaches my bike, she puts her helmet on and stands there with her arms crossed, waiting on me.

  “Do you think giving me the silent treatment is going to make me answer you?” I ask, crossing my arms as well.

  “I don’t expect anything from you, Lincoln Varelli.”

  “You volunteered to do the job without knowing all the details.” I remind her.

  “And I will still do it.”

  “Good.” I climb on my bike and put my helmet on. “If you’re speaking to me again, we’ll go grab a bite to eat and discuss how you’re going to pull this off without getting yourself killed.”


  I dip my French fry into the mustard, allowing a generous amount to coat the greasy fry before taking a bite. Lincoln eyes me curiously, his eyebrow arched. He has stopped mid-chew, his bacon cheeseburger inches from his mouth.


  “Mustard on fries?” he asks, incredulously.

  “Don’t knock it till you try it. You put barbecue sauce on your burger.” I scoff.

  He throws my words back at me. “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

  I eat another French fry and ask him about the plan again. I doubt he’ll tell me anything, knowing the Rykers are always tight-lipped when it comes to old ladies and business. At least, the members think they’re supposed to be. Cal told me pretty much everything. The only plan I was excluded on was the one that got him killed. In fact, I probably know more than the damn members do when it comes to club business. I know that not a single member knows about the job Cal conducted every quarter at Governor Chaise’s mansion and it was the most lucrative for the Rykers.

  “You obviously know it’s dangerous.” he finally responds. “But I truly don’t think the Drycos will be suspicious of you. Do you have any reason to believe one of them would recognize you?”

  “I was Cal’s old lady for a while, Lincoln, so it’s possible. I mean, isn’t it their jobs to know our members?” I tell him.

  “You have a point. We need to make another stop when we finish here.”

  “Why do we need the intel?” I ask, prodding for more information. I can’t help myself. I’ve been in the loop for quite some time now and I hate being on the outside.

  “There is no “we” in this, Sully. It’s the Rykers and you. You get what we requested and you’ll be compensated for it. Think of it as a contract job. We contracted you to do this job.” he grins.

  I look down at my plate, accepting the fact that Lincoln isn’t going to tell me shit. All of my work with Katy might be for nothing.

  “If it makes you feel any better, it’s for your own safety.” he comments, then takes a big bite of his burger.

  “That’s such bullshit!” I raise my voice and glare at him. I lean across the table and lower my voice. “None of the damn Rykers are concerned about my safety, all of you just want what I can give you.”

  Lincoln glares right back at me, his dark blue eyes unwavering. His lips are curled in an almost snarl. “Let’s go.”

  I want to smart off that I’m not finished yet, but I decide to keep my mouth shut. Whether he ever shares anything with me or not, I’ve gotten my point across. I know if something were to happen to me in Drycos’ territory, it would eat him alive.

  As we drive off, I grip his waist and do my best to ignore the ache between my legs. At least with Cal he trusted me enough to tell me things. Lincoln is like a closed book. He doesn’t even let you ruffle the damn pages.


  I’m flung forward and slammed against Lincoln’s solid back as he struggles to maintain control of his bike. I bury my face against his shoulder blade, fearing that we’re about to become roadkill when I realize that he’s veered off the side of the highway and we’ve stopped.

  “You can breathe now.” he chuckles. “It’s a flat.”

  My heart pounds in my chest as I let out an uneasy breath and climb off the bike. “What do we do?”

  “Walk. I’ll push.” he answers, tugging his t-shirt over his head.

  Lincoln’s nipple rings glisten under the sun, catching my eye. We were in such a frenzy before, I barely noticed them. I’ve seen the tribal art tattoos that adorn both of his arms, but I definitely didn’t take the time to explore the dragon the tattoo that covers his entire left side and back. I would have wanted to drag my tongue over those flames.

  He tosses his shirt on the handlebars and begins pushing the bike. He doesn’t mention our other stop, so I assume that’s been canceled. He pushes in silence and I walk a few steps behind him so I can admire his physique without him noticing. I take in the way his jeans fit him. The way the muscles in his arms flex. The colors of his tattoo.

  But most of all, I take in the scars. Most of them are small, silvery white scars, but they’re all over his back and I’d noticed some on his chest as well. There’s a large one his left side, too. Seeing them reminds me of how I’d pleaded with Cal not to go through with it. He’s one of our own.

  Once Cal has a plan in mind, nothing can dissuade him from it. Lincoln was a casualty of Cal’s mastery. In Cal’s mind, Lincoln would be the bait the Rykers needed to push the Ravens over the edge. Our retaliation so we could burn down the diner the Ravens loved so much and start a chain of events that would tear the Ravens apart. He had a plan. Burn the Ravens’ diner down. Burn other businesses down. Dax Daughtry would take the fall. Lincoln Varelli just had to be attacked and gang raped in jail for it to work.

  “You okay back there?” Lincoln calls over his shoulder, shaking me from my thoughts.

  “Um, yeah. I’m good.” I answer.

  I’m good. Th
at’s so far from the fucking truth. Looking at Lincoln now and seeing the damage that was done to him, I know he’s far from good, too. To top it all off, the fucking plan didn’t even work. Not even close.

  I walk behind him, disgusted with the person I’ve become in order to do my job. Coming into this situation, I knew I had to close myself off and allow myself to do things I wouldn’t normally do. I had to sink to lows I thought didn’t exist. I had to eventually agree with Cal. That he was right. Lincoln would be okay. He was a survivor. Damn it, I still hate that I ever uttered those words.

  Chapter Five


  I can feel Sully’s eyes on me and I’m not surprised she’s staring. My skin is marred with scars so it’s damn near impossible not to look. They don’t bother me anymore, but to someone unsuspecting, they can come as a shock. Still, when I know someone is looking, gazing at me with pity in their eyes, it takes me back to that day.

  Luke warm water cascaded over my body then a sudden white-hot pain seared through my side. It makes me feel helpless again. I washed the soap from my eyes and my vision blurred as I looked down to see blood washing into the drain. So much blood. Their eyes always show pity and concern. I don’t recognize the faces of the men as I’m slammed onto the tile, but it doesn’t stop me from fighting back. But the pain is unbearable.

  I don’t need anyone’s pity and I sure as hell don’t need anyone’s concern. I lived through it and if I ever find the men who attacked me, I can promise them, they won’t.

  “Do you need me to push for a while?” Sully asks and I burst out laughing, caught off guard by her question.

  “Seriously?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder at her. “No, Sully, I don’t need you to push.”

  “Well, I can.” she says, sounding almost disappointed.

  “There’s no way in hell I will be seen walking down the side of the highway with a woman pushing my fucking bike for me. Thanks, anyway.”

  I hear her soft laughter and it makes me laugh again. I don’t know of any other woman who would have even offered to push the bike for me.

  “Why did you volunteer to help us with the Drycos?” I ask, peering over my shoulder again and then looking back forward.

  “Because it’s what the Rykers need.”

  “That’s what we have members for.” I tell her. “You’re not considered a member. A prospect would have done it.”

  She’s not marked like myself and the rest of the official members are. She doesn’t carry a Rykers’ “R” to show that she’s branded for life. She can leave any time and walk away from this club if she wanted to. Old ladies and club whores have that freedom. Well, if the president deems that they can leave, then they can.

  “You keep reminding me of that.” she grumbles.

  “Because I don’t understand you.” My response tumbles out of my mouth before I think it through and I hear her slight gasp.

  “What’s there to understand, Lincoln? I’m loyal. I was with your president for over a year. Why would I want to leave?”

  I want to shoot back at her that she’s not that loyal or she wouldn’t have let me fuck her the very night he died, but I know that’s not exactly fair. I didn’t give her the opportunity to tell me no. I caught her at a vulnerable time and I preyed on that weakness. I took advantage of the situation and I won’t blame her for that.

  “Why do you want to stay? Cal’s gone and you have no one here anymore. Fuck, Sully, we killed your father and you still want to call this club your family!”

  I shake my head, mainly at myself, for not knowing why I’m pushing her like this. Then her words hit deep.

  “Lincoln, is it me you’re thinking needs to leave or yourself that you wish were able to get out?”

  I swallow at her words, unable to make any sort of response. Since the warehouse fire that claimed three of our members, I’ve had these thoughts. My brother’s betrayal has turned my world upside down. I’ve wanted to believe he would never do what he’s done without reason.

  While I laid in the hospital bed after my attack, he was adamant that the Ravens weren’t responsible for it. In fact, he said the Rykers were. Everything in my gut told me that wasn’t possible. They wouldn’t do that to one of their own. Everything in my gut has also been telling me to get out. To run and leave everything behind. Including my brother.


  When Lincoln is quiet the remainder of the walk to the clubhouse, I know I hit a sensitive spot with him. It hadn’t occurred to me that maybe Lincoln wants out of the club until he mentioned me leaving. It would make sense though. After all he’s been through, it would make sense that he would want out of this lifestyle, even if he’s a natural at it.

  “Maybe we can make that other stop tomorrow?” I ask as Lincoln pushes his bike towards the shop.

  “Sabrina can go with you. I think you need a wig or extensions. Maybe some way to disguise yourself. Like you said, they could recognize you.” he explains. “I have stuff to do tomorrow.”

  I know I’m being dismissed, blown off, for the comment I made. He’s shutting me out. Right now, I don’t want that to happen. I need another way in when it comes to this club and my instincts are telling me Lincoln is it, despite how stubborn he is. It’s either my instincts or my body. Either way, I’m listening.

  “It’s fine. I know of a shop on St. Forresters, so I can go tomorrow and get some things.” I toss out there, knowing that street is in Ravens’ territory.

  I walk inside the clubhouse and head for Cal’s room. After walking in the heat, I’m sweaty and in need of a shower. I toss my shirt off and then peel my jeans down over my legs.

  When I get into the bathroom, I let the water get steaming hot before I finish undressing and get in. I have to admit, one of my favorite things about this clubhouse was always Cal’s shower. He remodeled it to have the cascade showerhead from the center of the ceiling and I always loved it and how spacious it is.

  I lather up my shampoo and wash my hair, allowing a generous amount of the soap to rinse down my body and wash away today’s grime. I’m rinsing my hair when I feel calloused hands across my stomach. I jolt and push out, but my hands are gripped firmly by my wrists.

  Lincoln stares back at me, his body before me in naked glory. He doesn’t speak a word as he steps under the shower spray and then grabs my shampoo. I stand still, watching him wash his hair and clean the dirt and sweat from his body.

  Once he’s finished, he inches towards me and rests his hands on my hips. My heart pounds in my chest as I lean back against the shower wall. His fingertips graze over my skin, skimming their way to my backside, then he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and gasp at the feel of his cock nudging its way inside me.

  “Is this how it’s going to be?” I say, quietly. “You fucking me bare whenever you feel like it?”

  He hesitates, only the tip of his dick inside the slickness of my pussy. “Do you want me to stop, Sully?”

  The ache between my legs tell me no, I can’t let him stop. I need him to fuck me. I need to feel him inside me, making me forget everything else. I’m on the pill and have been years. I don’t give a shit that he’s not wearing a condom. I don’t care that he’ll probably fuck me now and go fuck Sabrina later. It doesn’t matter.

  “Don’t stop, Lincoln.” I whisper and he pushes inside me until he’s seated to the hilt.

  I grip his shoulders and hold on, biting my lip as he withdraws and slowly eases into me. He’s slow for only two strokes and then his pace quickens until he’s slamming into me, fucking me roughly against the shower wall. I clasp my ankles together and dig one into his ass cheek. I let out a moan when his lips find the curve of my neck.

  “Oh, please!”

  I know I’m completely entwined around Lincoln, my arms folded around his neck and my legs encased around his waist. I don’t want him to stop. He’s whispering naughty things in my ear about how good my pussy feels and how I’m squeezing him like a vice. How he wants t
o taste me next time. Next time. Yes, there definitely has to be a next time.

  “Yes, Lincoln, I need…fuck…don’t stop!” I know my words don’t form a complete sentence, but I don’t care. All that matters is the way this man’s cock is moving inside me. The way the piercings in his nipples scrape over mine.

  My core tightens with bliss and my orgasm rocks through me, sending shockwaves of delight through my body. Lincoln groans deep and the warmth of his release shoots deep inside me as he rests his forehead against mine.

  When he lowers me to the floor, his softening dick slips from my body. I’m tempted to kiss him, realizing that we haven’t shared an actual kiss despite the fact that we’ve fucked twice now. Before I can lean in and do so, he turns his head and grabs a washcloth. He applies some soap and cleans me up before stepping out of the shower. I peek my head out and see him getting dressed. I wait until he’s finished before I turn the water off and step out. Lincoln wraps me in a towel and then gently kisses my forehead.

  “I’ll take you somewhere tomorrow. Don’t go to St. Forresters.”

  Chapter Six


  I look over at Sully and stifle a laugh. The pink wig she’s wearing looks atrocious. She smiles a big smile and strikes a pose, arching her eyebrow in question.

  “I don’t think so.” I comment, shaking my head. “You don’t want to stand out, remember?”

  “I don’t want to be recognized either, remember?” she retorts, playfully, and this time I arch my eyebrow at her. “Fine, give me a few more minutes and I’ll be finished.”

  I walk around the store, letting Sully finish up with the wigs while I make idle time just looking at merchandise. The shopkeeper keeps glancing in my direction as if I’m going to steal something. I’m tempted to do so just to be an asshole.

  “Lincoln Varelli, in a specialty shop?”

  I turn around and for the life of me, still can’t remember this woman’s name. I’ve shared her twice with Luka and her name doesn’t stick.


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