Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2) Page 7

by J. L. Leslie

  We’re in broad-fucking-daylight about to rob a damn nightclub. What the fuck are we thinking? As we approach the back door where the delivery truck is, Jason motions for us to get our guns out. Then he takes the lead and walks in first.

  I damn near grew up coming to Diesel’s. I know you don’t fuck around with him and yet, here I am, bringing up the rear. The delivery man slips in after Jason and Trent and he’s completely oblivious to what’s going on until I put my gun to his head and tap on his shoulder.

  “What the…”

  “Put the case down and step over here. No sudden movements.” I instruct him and he does as I say.

  Jason has Diesel at gunpoint and I know by the look on his face that he’s pissed. Jason keeps the gun trained at his head and orders him to empty the register. Trent begins to load the delivery boxes back on the truck and I hear him leave with it. Everything is going according to plan. Thirty seconds and we’re out of here.

  “Diesel, where do you…”


  The delivery guy is smart enough to stay still and keep his mouth shut, no doubt wanting to get out of this alive. The guy who came in, I know is Diesel’s bouncer Jeb, shoves me hard from behind and I slam into the delivery guy. Both of us go down and I lose my gun. I look for it, but it has skid across the floor and is out of reach. Before I can get to my feet, Jeb breaks a barstool over my back, causing my bandana to shift down below my nose. I don’t have time to fuck with it though.

  I reach in my boot and grab the switchblade I keep tucked in there. I open it as I hear heavy footsteps rushing toward me. I turn and fling the blade, successfully embedding it in Jeb’s chest.

  I hurry over to my gun and train it on him, switching back and forth between him and the delivery guy who is obviously scared shitless. Jason surprisingly still has Diesel under control and is backing towards me.

  “You good?” he questions.

  I nod and lean down over Jeb, who is gasping for air. I grip the handle of my blade and jerk it out of his chest.

  “You fuckers will pay, you hear me!” Diesel yells as we hightail it out of the back door.

  I have no doubt in my mind that he will follow through on his threat. Everything about this job was fucked up. We never should have done it.


  I curl onto Lincoln’s couch with one of my grilled cheese sandwiches and a beer. He doesn’t have cable, but he had the complete first season of Sons of Anarchy on DVD. Nothing like Charlie Hunnam to get your mind off things.

  I’m halfway through my sandwich and through the third episode when I hear the door open. My hand automatically goes to the pocketknife I have hidden under the couch cushion.

  “It smells good in here.”

  I let the knife go and turn my head to see Lincoln sauntering in. I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting him. It is his apartment.

  “I thought you would be at the clubhouse.”

  “I’m heading there shortly. I needed to get some things.” he answers and heads down the hall.

  I know that’s where is bedroom is. Not because I slept in there last night. I only looked around the apartment so I’d be familiar with it. Then I slept right here on this couch. My duffel bag is shoved in the corner. My toiletries are in the hall bathroom. Not in his bathroom.

  Lincoln comes back through with a bag, no doubt clothes to take with him to the clubhouse. He goes to the sink and I hear him running water.

  “You cook?” he asks.

  I get up and bring the remainder of my grilled cheese and my beer into the kitchen with me. “Not really.”

  I look down at his hands and at the blood he’s washing down the drain. He follows my gaze, but offers no explanation.

  “You have splinters of wood on your shirt.” I inform him.

  “I had a barstool broken over my back.” he replies as though this is an every day occurrence.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Of course.”

  Lincoln grabs a dishtowel off the counter and dries his blade off before closing it and shoving it down in his boot. Then he picks up my sandwich and takes a bite.

  “Help yourself.” I say, sarcastically. “Since when do the Rykers do jobs in the middle of the damn day?” I question him, crossing my arms.

  “The job was Thad’s idea and it was a fucking stupid one.” he answers, finishing off my sandwich. “I was only following orders.”

  “Thad is going to ruin the damn club.” I mutter. “Will you tell me about the job?”

  “It’s better if you don’t know.”

  I suppose that’s better than him just telling me “no,” but it’s still not getting me anywhere with him. I need him to open up. I lean against the counter, not bothering to hide my disappointment.

  Finally, he sighs. “We robbed Diesel’s.”

  “Diesel’s? Are you kidding me?”

  “Not the perfect idea, like I said. It was the first job using your intel on the Drycos.” he explains.

  “The Rykers want the Ravens to think the Drycos is behind it.” I guess. “But the Ravens know the Drycos wouldn’t be stupid enough to pull a heist on Diesel’s.”

  “I know that.”

  “Didn’t anyone tell Thad that?”

  “Do you really think he listens to anyone? He wanted to do this for The Lion’s Den, Sully. That’s the real reason. He’s like Cal! He has enough, but he wants more! Now the delivery truck is stripped and the parts are sold and we have an enemy who is almost as dangerous as the Ravens and Drycos.”

  I shake my head. “The thing is, the robbery didn’t accomplish anything positive for the Rykers. Diesel will just get another delivery in time for tonight’s opening. It won’t stop him from opening his doors. He’ll probably know who was behind the robbery and since he’s loyal to the Ravens, they’ll be out for retaliation even more than they already are. We’re still waiting on that attack to happen because we know it will. We set their president up for arson and kidnapped his daughter. I honestly don’t know what the hell is taking them so long.”

  “I don’t either.” Lincoln agrees and heads to the door. “I’ll see you.”

  I reach for my beer and huff. The fucker took my damn beer.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Business is good tonight. Everything went as planned earlier and now look at how full the club is.” Thad comments, a big smile on his face.

  “Everything went as planned?” I scoff. “Thad, you do realize that Diesel most likely knows it was the Rykers behind the attack, not the Drycos, and I had to fucking stab a guy in the chest.”

  “Like I said, everything went as planned.” he replies. “I don’t give a shit if Diesel knows we were behind the robbery and I don’t give a shit about some guy you had to stab. You did what you had to do to protect this club. That’s your fucking job.”

  “And what did the job accomplish exactly?” I challenge. “We were supposed to have the Ravens out for blood against the Drycos, not more heat on us.”

  “Look at this club!”

  “It’s always like this!” I tell him, tossing my hands up. “It’s always full, just like Diesel’s is. The job accomplished nothing, except the backlash that will come from it.”

  Thad turns to face me and I can see the anger in his eyes. He steps closer until we’re nearly nose to nose. “You need to remember who it is that you’re fucking speaking to.”

  I don’t back down, despite the consequences that may come. “I believe you should have someone in your corner who is going to be honest with you about the dealings in this club, Sir. You’re not from this area and you don’t know how things are around here.” I grit out. “I will not bullshit you and the job we pulled today will have consequences, very severe fucking consequences.”

  It seems like he’s taking in what I’ve said because he gives me a slight nod and doesn’t pull out his gun and put a fucking bullet in my skull. “Do you know how easily the drugs flow in here?”

I do. Everyone has a purpose and everyone knows how the system works in here.” I agree. “It’s pretty flawless.”

  “What else can we sell in here?” he questions and I get the feeling he already has ideas in mind. “We need to turn as much profit as possible. The Rykers are powerful, Linc, and we need to use that power. My San Diego club is unstoppable. I want that for Verdana.”

  “Sex.” I answer, knowing that’s what he wants to hear.

  “Exactly.” he agrees. “There’s not a single person in here who wouldn’t pay for an unforgettable experience. For one they won’t get at home. Damn, our club whores do some kinky shit. I know the DA is after us, but we still have a lot of people on our payroll who will turn the other cheek as long as we sacrifice enough prospects to keep them happy.”

  His statement makes my jaw clench. Is that what I was? A sacrifice to keep the dirty cops on our payroll happy? After all that I endured in jail, I can’t imagine sending another Ryker there, prospect or not.

  “The building beside the club is for sale.” Thad informs me. “Well, it was. I purchased it today and I’ve already hired a crew to begin the remodeling tomorrow. It was a tanning salon so it’ll be perfect for private rooms.”

  “Who would work though?” I question him. “I mean, you’ll have buyers, but you need product.”

  “We have product, Linc. The club whores will do whatever they’re told and they can get a small percentage of the profit. I’m sure they’d like that. We also have prospects too. Buyers want options.”

  “You want our prospects to sell themselves?”

  “I want our customers to have options. I want them to be able to purchase any fantasy they want, whether it be to fuck a woman or a man.” he shrugs. “The Rykers can give them whatever they want for the right price.”

  “Okay, here is where I will be honest with you. If you sell a Ryker to someone, it will diminish his standing in this city. It will degrade him and render him powerless. People won’t respect him. It you want to sell men, you should find men who don’t mind being sold. Don’t fucking sell a Ryker.”

  Thad crosses his arms, but eventually concedes. “I see your point. I’ll take care of it.”

  He walks away and I ignore the sick feeling in my stomach. The fact that Thad says he’ll take care of it should make me feel relieved that he’s not putting this job on me. Instead, it makes me feel disgusted at what he might have in store.


  I knock on Thad’s door and wait for him to tell me to come in. It’s been a couple days since I moved out of the clubhouse and the few times I’ve been here, I’ve managed to avoid seeing Thad. Apparently, he’s been working on a renovation at a new business he bought beside The Lion’s Den. I have no complaints. In fact, I hope it keeps him very busy. Only, he called me this morning and asked me to come meet with him.

  “Men?” I look at Thad, shocked. “I’ve never asked Juan for men before. He’s always secured the women for us. The next shipment will be ready the end of next week. I don’t know that he can have men ready by then.”

  “There will be no private auction this time. I have plans for them.”

  “Thad, we can’t do that to those women! They enter this program with expectations and we need to stick to that plan!”

  The blow Thad delivers knocks me out of my chair and onto the floor. My jaw explodes with pain. I spit blood on the floor as I climb to my feet.

  “A new business adventure is beginning and those women will be lucky to be part of it! They will earn money and they will have a home where they will be provided for.”

  He grabs a tissue and holds it out for me. I take it from him and wipe the blood from my mouth and nose.

  “I’ll be speaking with the club whores tonight and informing them that they are now employees of the Rykers. They will receive compensation for their work.” He stands and unbuckles his jeans. “What are you now? You’re not an old lady?” He slips his rough hands beneath my skirt and cups my ass.

  “I was an old lady and for the president of this club.” I speak, firmly. I wipe my mouth again and toss the tissue onto his desk.

  “And now you might as well be a club whore.” he hisses and lifts me a little before dropping me onto the edge of the desk.

  “I’m not a club whore.” I bite out.

  “Get a condom out of that top drawer.” he instructs and I try to keep my hand from shaking as I do as he says. “I won’t make you do what the other club whores are gonna do as long as you play nice and do as your told.”

  At twenty-three, I’ve learned that sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do. It doesn’t matter how much you hate doing it. I squeeze my eyes shut as Thad slams into me. He jerks my head back by my hair and kisses my neck as he fucks me. I don’t know which is worse. This or what he has in store for the club whores.

  I keep my eyes closed while he thrusts into me. I make a point to moan and aahh every few seconds so he’ll think he’s doing something for me, when I’m really dying inside. He finishes and I try not to look relieved. I stay seated on the desk while he disposes of the condom and then I stand and adjust my skirt.

  “I haven’t seen you around here lately.” Thad states. “Did you move out?”

  “I started staying at my dad’s place. Now that he’s gone, I decided to go back home.” I lie. “It was too hard being in Cal’s room without him.”

  “As long as you’re available when I call. Don’t fucking disappoint me.”

  “I wouldn’t.” I answer and slip towards the door.

  “I want you back tonight.”

  I nod, knowing I’d give anything not to let him fuck me twice in one day, but also knowing that as much as I hate it, I’ll accept my fate for now as long I bring him down soon.

  “You know, Sully, I think you’re right.” Thad smiles and I arch my eyebrows at him. “I think we’ll auction one girl off to the high bidders. It’ll be good for business. Set it up and I want you to take the file and write down everything I need to know.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I exit the office, leaning against the door with the file in my hand. When I go to leave, I see Lincoln staring at me. Without a doubt, I know he can see through me. He can see the self-hatred I have for myself, even though I have no choice. I can’t stop Thad. I’m starting to worry that no one can. Not even Katy.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I keep waiting on the shit to hit the fan. On some kind of retaliation from Diesel or the Ravens, but nothing happens. A few days have passed and nothing. I’d rather have the retaliation come than sit and wait on it. I agree with Sully, what are they waiting on?

  We know the Ravens are planning something. We burned down Victoria’s Diner, a diner Dax Daughtry, the Ravens’ president, built in honor of his dead wife and it just so happened that the cook was still inside. Her late husband was a Raven. That kind of thing doesn’t go unpunished. On top of that, Hayes, now a Ryker, turned traitor on the Ravens. He tried to set Dax up for arson by burning down two of the businesses the Ravens protected in the hopes that it would be connected to the diner fire. It almost worked. Dax was arrested and charged with arson and manslaughter since there was a person living in an apartment above one of the businesses that burned.

  Unfortunately, things unraveled when the ADA, Griffin, discovered that Steve, Sully’s dad, and also the then DA, was on the Rykers’ payroll. I wasn’t there the night Cal, Fisk, and Chase died in the warehouse fire, but according to Hayes, Griffin escaped and Luka killed Cal and Chase. That’s when Hayes realized that my brother, Luka, was a traitor. Fisk lit the building up, trying to kill them all. Everyone managed to get out, except for Cal, Fisk, and Chase.

  I know if one of our members turned against us like Hayes did, we’d be out for blood. We’ve had a few scuffles with the Ravens since, but nothing like the retaliation we’re expecting from them. After all we’ve done to them, I just keep waiting on them to bring war against us. They’re weak if t
hey don’t and I don’t underestimate the Ravens. Especially when they convinced Luka, who never wanted any part of a motorcycle club, to become part of their family.

  “Are we seriously doing patrol tonight?” Darren asks. “I thought we might be working The Lion’s Den tonight.”

  “Do you think we don’t need to patrol?” I ask. “You know both the Ravens and Drycos patrol their territories. How the hell do we know what’s going on in our territory if we don’t watch it?”

  “I get it, man, I just thought- ”

  “You thought you might buy some pussy tonight?” I cut him off. “Shit, man, you were getting it for free before and you still can. Why pay for it?”

  Darren laughs, realizing what I said is true. The Lion’s Den officially opens its back door tonight and the prostitution ring will begin. Five club whores are working and Sabrina is in charge of booking clients. I don’t know exactly how Thad advertised, but he said he was taking care of it. I still don’t trust him when he says that.

  Truth is, I’d rather be out patrolling than in that club now that I know what’s going on. I don’t necessarily disagree with prostitution. If someone wants to sell their body, that’s their business and if someone wants to spend money on sex, that’s their business too. I just don’t know that all the people selling are selling by their own free will and that bothers me. I know Thad has a way of convincing people to do things they don’t really want to do, especially when they think they’ll die if they don’t do it.

  “Let’s head out.” I call out and crank up my bike.

  As we ride, I try not to let my mind drift too much. I’ve been thinking about how things might be once Thad leaves a little too often. What’s going to happen with the Rykers? Who will our new president be? Is it something I might want for myself? Maybe being in charge will get rid of my doubts.


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