Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2) Page 10

by J. L. Leslie

  I look over at Lincoln and he hasn’t even stirred. His naked ass looks completely delectable as he lies flat on his stomach and my mind flashes back to him biting mine last night. And spanking it.

  “Early. I need you at the clubhouse so we can prep for tonight’s meeting.” He states and I can tell he’s eating something.

  “I’ll be there soon.” Tonight. I can’t believe the meeting is here already. Tonight, we meet with the Juan to pick up the merchandise. Then I’m sure those men and women will go straight to The Lion’s Den. Literally and figuratively.

  I shower quickly and dress in a pair of jeans and a simple blue t-shirt that says “Biker Chic”. When I come back into the living room to get my boots on, Lincoln is still in the same position on the couch. I don’t know if I should tell him I’m leaving or just go. What we did last night and what we’ve been doing is only a way to make each other feel better, right? I know that and so does he. And it worked. God, how it worked. It’s the only thing that’s been making me feel better lately.

  Just thinking about it now makes me want to take my clothes off, wake Lincoln up, and forget everything all over again. And again.

  When we were fucking, I didn’t think of Cal and how my life had changed when I made the decision to join the Rykers and become his old lady. I didn’t think of the person I would become while being with him. Cal dying never crossed my mind. Thad never crossed my mind. Most importantly, the guilt I feel over Lincoln being a Ryker never crossed my mind.

  “Going somewhere?”

  I jump at the sound of Lincoln’s voice right behind me. I was so lost in thought I hadn’t even heard him get up. I’m still standing over the couch watching him. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, and walk into the kitchen to grab a bottled water from the fridge. He follows right behind me.

  “Uh, yeah, I have to go to the clubhouse. I’ve been summoned.” I answer, somehow managing to avoid staring at his naked form as he leans into me.“Five minutes.” he whispers into my ear.

  I close my eyes as he tugs my earlobe into his mouth. Five minutes. “I don’t have…” I start to argue, but his hands are in my jeans and then my panties and they’re telling me otherwise.

  “Five minutes.” he repeats.

  Eight minutes later, I’m getting into a cab. I’m satisfied. I’m completely fucking satisfied and all Lincoln had to do was tease my damn clit and dip his fingers inside me until I came. It feels swollen and sensitive as it rubs against the crotch of my jeans.

  I spout off the clubhouse address and shift in the seat of the cab. I need to focus. I have a job to do tonight and I don’t need to be thinking about Lincoln’s magic fucking fingers, especially when he’ll be there with me and Thad.

  Even so, when we pull up at the clubhouse, my mind is somewhere between Lincoln tangling his fingers in my hair last night to hearing him whisper ‘five minutes’ this morning.

  I shake the thoughts from my head and pay the cabbie. As I walk into the club, it’s quiet and I know that’s because it’s barely nine a.m. Everyone is still asleep. I make my way back to Thad’s office and knock lightly on the door. I hear his muffled ‘come in’ so I push it open. I gasp when I see Sabrina on his lap, her tits bouncing as she rides him.

  “I can come back.” I mumble and Thad bellows out a laugh.

  “We have business to discuss.” He says, stopping me. Sabrina stills, but he roughly grabs her hair, yanking her head back. “Did I tell you to fucking stop?”

  I ignore the curl of her lips as she smiles. “What do you need?” I ask him, not sitting in the chair across from his desk as Sabrina continues.

  “Is everything set up for tonight?”

  “Yes, sir.” I reply and if Sabrina is interested in our conversation, she doesn’t show it. “We meet at eight o’clock and I scheduled our other meeting for eleven p.m. Did you purchase your tuxedo?”

  Thad groans, his eyes closing for a moment. “Tuxedo?”

  “Yes, the second meeting is a black-tie event. Very formal.” I explain. “It was in the file.” I already purchased Lincoln’s for him, but wanted Thad to purchase his own.

  “I’ll have it ready.” he clips and groans loudly, no doubt finishing.

  “I’ll be back in time for the meeting.” I inform him.

  “I approve of you bringing Lincoln in on this. He’s proven himself to be a valuable member of the Rykers.” he states as Sabrina climbs off his lap. He disposes of the condom and tucks his cock into his jeans.

  “I agree.”

  “Maybe even president material.”

  I don’t argue. Maybe the fact that he’s thinking of Lincoln as president material means he’s getting ready to go back to San Diego. It could be a good thing for the Rykers. We could be free of him. Only I don’t know what it means for Lincoln.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I take my shot, letting a solid sink into the corner pocket of the pool table at the clubhouse. It’s Saturday and our meeting with Juan Gordino is tonight. I’m on edge, despite the few minutes I had with Sully this morning. We had some members get injured last night after news of the Raven I killed hit the paper. Shit, they’re lucky to be alive.

  It’s obvious that the Ravens have figured out our patrol routine. They knew we would have members at Findrell Avenue and there was an ambush. The retaliation has officially started.

  Travis and Clay, two new prospects, joined Jason on patrol and the two prospects are now in the hospital. Jason has a head wound, but only needed a few stitches. The Ravens left with only minor injuries.

  “Linc, you ready?” Thad asks. “We need to head out.”

  I nod and hand Trent my pool stick so he can take over. He’ll be going on patrol tonight without me. It crosses my mind that he could be ambushed and I won’t be there to help him. Even as I think this, I have to accept it if it happens. He can take care of himself. Daphne will be the one that would have to figure out what to do without him.

  I head to my room and grab my bag that carries my tuxedo and shoes. I don’t think I’ve ever worn a penguin suit for anything before.

  “You have everything ready?” Thad questions Sully as he walks around to the driver’s side.

  “Yes, sir.” she replies, her gaze sliding over me as I open the passenger door for her.

  I’m certain if I were to smell my fingers, her scent would still be there. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been on a run today already and I’ve played three games of pool. She’d still be there.

  “Lincoln, you follow behind us. We’ll make the pickup and bring them to The Lion’s Den and we’ll change there.”

  “Works for me, but do we have a plan for if this shit goes south?” I question.

  “We have two meetings tonight. One to pick up the goods and one to deliver them. Nothing should go south. I’m certain you can handle it if it does.” He glances over at me and laughs. “And maybe you’ll look good in a fucking suit. Now let’s go.”

  So, I’m still left with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as I get in the other Tahoe and follow behind Thad and Sully.

  My mind keeps going back to her telling me about this deal and how she was a big part of it. It seems so out of character for her. Why would she sell these women? It violates them just the same as being raped, in my opinion.

  Then my mind goes to the ambush that happened last night. Was Luka part of it? Was he injured? The moment this question enters my mind, I push it away. He’s a MMA fighter and most likely was unharmed.

  When Thad slows, I realize we’ve driven a couple hours and I don’t recognize where we are. I hadn’t even noticed we had been on the road that long since I was so caught up in thoughts of Sully and Luka.

  Thad pulls around to the side entrance of the truck stop. I see a 24-hour diner around the back and diesels parked back there. I shift in my seat, trying to get a gauge on the situation.

  I take in my surroundings and notice the truck stop sign, GDL 24-Hour Truck Stop. I sp
ot a red truck with GDL Trucking on the side and Thad parks beside it. I pull up behind him. Before I can get my door shut, Sully is beside me.

  “He’s expecting you, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy about me bringing in a new party. I told Thad the same thing. Juan may feel a little bombarded by two new men showing up.” Sully looks at me, her blue eyes concerned. “Stand by the truck and don’t make any sudden movements.”

  Well, fuck. I follow her instructions and let her and Thad take the lead. I don’t really care to be part of this anyway. I stand with my arms at my side, my hand close to the nine-millimeter shoved in the back of my pants.

  A Mexican, dark-haired and covered in tattoos, climbs down from the truck and greets Sully with a firm handshake. He eyes Thad suspiciously and then his eyes narrow at me. He definitely isn’t happy about two new faces.

  “Are you trying to fuck me over, Sully?” he questions, a snarl on his face.

  “Of course not, Juan.” she replies. “We informed you of Cal’s unfortunate demise, so we’re under new leadership, Cal’s father and his second-in-command, Lincoln.”

  “I’ve heard of him.” Juan says, pointing at Thad. “Ruthless, right? Doesn’t mean I want to work with him. I know of the deals he’s made in San Diego. He doesn’t always keep his fucking word.”

  “I’m breaking in a new president.” Thad cuts in. “From now on, Lincoln and Sully will be handling these meetings. I wanted to make sure they were done right.”

  Whoever this Juan is looks from Thad to Sully. “Is this so? Cal’s dead and now it’s time for a new pres? Daddy’s not sticking around?”

  “Yes, Thad has to return to San Diego.” Sully explains, a sound of hope in her tone. “We still want to do business with you. That hasn’t changed.”

  For a minute, I think he’s going to call the whole thing off. This entire meeting has taken a turn I wasn’t expecting. Since when is Thad going back to San Diego? Fuck, since when am I being appointed as the new president? Finally, Juan approaches me and extends his hand.

  “Juan Gordino. You fuck with me and you won’t be fucking president long.”

  I look down at his hand, knowing that if I shake it, I’m not only accepting his offer of business, but accepting Thad’s offer as well, to become the new Ryker’s president.

  “Lincoln Varelli.” I shake his hand. “It’ll be good to work with you.”

  A sadistic smile spreads across his face. “Where’s my money?”

  Thad opens the back door of the Tahoe and retrieves a bag. “The merchandise?”

  Juan snaps his fingers and a man I didn’t even see standing at the back of his truck opens the door. Five women and three men file out, all of them looking a little weary, but relieved. I can’t imagine what’s going through their minds at this moment. Hell, the thoughts going through mine are pretty un-fucking-believable right now.

  Then something happens that shocks the shit out of me. I didn’t think the situation could get anymore fucked up, but it does. One of the women steps forward and wraps her arms around Sully.



  I know by Lincoln’s silence that he’s upset. I don’t blame him. I don’t blame him at all. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting to hear Thad was considering him as the next Rykers’ president. Is that something he even wants?

  I wanted to ride back with him and tell him he doesn’t have to agree to it. Tell him it’s his choice, but we both know that isn’t true. Being selected as president should be considered an honor. Any member would jump at the chance. Any member who actually wants to be part of that family. I don’t think that’s what Lincoln wants anymore.

  Instead, I rode back with Thad and the women and explained to them what their new life would entail. It honestly broke my heart to explain to those four women that they weren’t going to new homes as they were originally promised. The plan had changed. Instead, they would be staying together. Living this new life and it would be better for them. They were excited. It broke my heart to lie to them.

  Now, Thad, Lincoln, Avina and I are on our way to the governor’s mansion. Lincoln sits in the passenger seat in his tuxedo, his face hard and his gaze set out the window. I glance over at Avina and see that she’s fidgeting, twiddling her thumbs in her lap. She thanked me when we got her from Juan. Actually, threw her arms around my neck and thanked me. I had to choose her for the auction.

  She’s twenty-one, only a couple of years younger than me, and from Cuba. I don’t know exactly what I’m saving her from or if I’m saving her at all. Maybe I’m making things worse for her than better. I need to believe that her life will be better. Katy will monitor her, like he’s done all the others, and when this is all over, they will all be rescued.

  “We’re here.” Thad announces as he pulls up to a gated estate. Guards check the vehicle, but I know they’re expecting us.

  “Will they like me?” Avina questions, fear and concern in her big, brown eyes.

  “You fuck before?” Thad asks, rudely, and Avina gasps.

  I take her hand to calm her. “What he means is, virgins auction at a higher rate.”

  Her face goes pale. “I…I am…a virgin.”

  “Lincoln and I can fix that for you if you want. A quick fuck in the backseat before we take you in.” Thad offers with a leer.

  I squeeze Avina’s hand. “She’ll bring in more if her virginity is in tact.”

  Thad drops it, not pushing to deflower the merchandise. He parks the Tahoe and I ease out of the backseat, letting Avina slide out behind me.

  “I’ll take you in and get you changed. You’re going to do wonderful.” I assure her.

  “You bet your ass she will.” Thad chimes in, placing his hand on my bare back. He lowers it and his palm grazes over the sequins of my gown. “If she doesn’t, I’m certain those men in there will pay to sample your sweet ass.”

  “I’m not for sale.”

  “I’m still the president of this fucking club, Sully. You just make sure she brings in enough.”

  I don’t satisfy him with an answer or argument of any kind. I won’t be sold tonight, regardless of who he is or the power he has right now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  To say I feel out of place would be an understatement. The men milling around the large room are senators, politicians, and judges. They’re supposed to be the fucking pride of California. They’re all here to buy a woman. Must be the reason this estate is out in the middle of fucking nowhere.

  Sully has taken Avina to a private room to get her ready for the auction. She made a short introduction with Governor Chaise and Thad is chatting him up as though politics are his forte. I stand a few feet away from them, simply observing the type of men who are in attendance.

  I’m certain they look down on me. On the Rykers. Shit, on the Ravens and Drycos for that matter too, but the savage behavior we exhibit, we do in public. We don’t hide it behind tuxedos and closed doors. We don’t pretend to be something we’re not. These men are the savages.

  “She’s ready.” Sully says as she slips up behind me.

  She looks stunning tonight. Her blonde hair is pinned with a sparkly clasp on one side and the rest cascading down her back in loose curls. The black sequined dress she wears hugs her body in all the right places. It’s hard not to notice the men practically salivating over her. She doesn’t look like any man’s old lady tonight. She looks like she belongs in a governor’s mansion.

  “What do I do?” I ask.

  “I’ll let Governor Chaise know she’s ready and the auction will begin. We wait until it’s over, get paid, and then leave.”

  “Looks like Thad is making friends.” I comment.

  Sully doesn’t reply, but I can see the concern on her face. Instead, she politely interrupts and I hear her inform the governor that it’s time for the auction to begin.

  Seeing the auction in person feels as though I’m on the outside looking in. It doesn’t seem real. It
doesn’t seem as though I watched Avina walk out in lingerie, a matching red lace bra and panty set with stockings and garters. It certainly doesn’t seem as though I watched politicians greedily bid higher and higher, their eyes full of hunger and desire for a woman they all wanted to possess. I don’t think past what her life will be like when she leaves here with her new owner.

  Thad is happy with the monetary outcome though. As we exit the gate to the governor’s mansion, he slams his hand on the steering wheel.

  “Hot damn! We should have brought two girls, not just the one piece of ass!” he shouts.

  I don’t risk glancing back at Sully. She was quiet after the auction. Governor Chaise attempted to deliver the payment to her, but Thad had taken it. I know that bothers her. This was her and Cal’s job. They set it all up and now Thad has stepped in. Regardless of him mentioning heading back to San Diego, we have no idea when that will be.

  As we drive on the quiet highway, no other drivers on the road, but us, I wonder when he’ll get the fuck out of our lives. No matter when it is, it won’t be soon enough.

  “I even think their whiskey tastes better.” He laughs. “Did you see how quickly the Mexican bitch turned on her sex appeal? She was all virginal and quiet in the truck, but when it came down to the money, she knew how to work that fucking pussy.”

  Thad takes another sip of his drink and slaps his hand on my shoulder. “Damn! You know who would turn a pretty profit? Raiden Daughtry! I bet those fucking suits would pay high dollar to fuck her! I mean, the daughter of a man they’ve been trying to put behind bars for years!”

  I simply nod, unable to open to my mouth to answer for fear of what I might say. I may not be on speaking terms with my brother, but I wish no harm to Raiden.

  “She might be a brunette, but she’s the spitting fucking image of her mom, rest that bitch’s soul.” Thad mumbles.

  He seems lost in thought for a moment and I’m grateful for the silence. I don’t question how he knew Raiden’s mother or why he has such disdain for her. If speaking about her made him shut up, I’ll take it.


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