Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2) Page 12

by J. L. Leslie

  I’m definitely liking where this is going and I know exactly how he wants me to answer. I look over my shoulder and smile.


  My ass stings with his slap, but I’m quivering, needing more. He palms my left cheek and smacks it twice in quick succession and I gasp, gripping the seat. I love being spanked by Lincoln. I love knowing his hand print is marking my ass. Lincoln surges into me and I cry out, not with pain.

  “Does it feel like this cock belongs to me?” He manages, slamming into me only to draw out to the tip and bury himself to the hilt again. “It’s yours, Sully!”

  This admission has me perching my hands on the seat, looking back at him. His comment at the hospital earlier made me think he still wanted Sabrina. Made me think the closeness I thought we were experiencing was all one-sided. He’s so closed off. This is where we connect the most.

  “It’s mine!” I agree with him and this encourages him to thrust deeper, harder. If that was even possible. “Fuck, Lincoln, it’s mine. You’re mine. I just needed you to show me. I need you to make the choice…to make me yours.”

  “You are mine.” he growls against my ear. “Now fucking come with me.”

  He pinches my clit and I scream out his name, feeling his seed pour into me in hot spurts. My knees buckle, but Lincoln keeps me steady, like I knew he would.

  In this moment, I am Caroline Sullivan. Sully. I am a Rykers’ old lady. I’m his old lady.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The bitch receptionist eyes me with disdain. I’m starting to think it’s just her face. Maybe she looks like this at everyone. Or maybe it’s just her Monday morning face. She glances back down at her computer and I hear her fingernails clicking. I know she can click all she wants, my name isn’t going to show up.

  “If you’ll just tell him Lincoln Varelli is here, he will want to meet with me.” I grit out, frustration clear in my tone.

  “Mr. Varelli, people typically make appointments…”

  “Beverly, I’ll see him.” Griffin interrupts and motions me towards his office.

  Of course, nothing has changed since the last time I was in here except for the height on the stacks of folders on his desk.

  I’m not surprised that Griffin has been busy.

  “A little birdie told me to come meet you.” I say, getting straight to the point.

  Griffin laughs. “She wouldn’t like hearing you call her that.”

  His eyes soften when he speaks of Raiden and I know he still cares for the woman that he lost to my brother. He might have been using her to gain information on the Ravens, but she meant something to him too.

  “Glad you showed up.” he changes the subject and takes a seat in his leather office chair.

  I reluctantly sit down across from him. I feel out of place, like I’m dining with the enemy although there isn’t any food. Whatever Griffin Knowles might tell me today, he’s definitely still my enemy.

  “What are the Rykers up to today?” he asks, a condescending smirk on his pretty boy face.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I respond and move to get up.

  “Alright, I have a point.” he assures me. “They’re picking up some fellow comrades today, right?”

  I roll my eyes. “You know this already. What does this have to do with a rat?”

  “Make sure you take a good long look at who gets released, Linc. I’m sure it’ll stir some memories for you. If it does, come back and see me.”

  “That’s it?” I snarl. “You send a message to me that we have a rat in our club, but you give me fucking nothing!”

  “I have another meeting.” he clips.

  I tamper down the rage boiling inside me. This was a waste of time, just like I knew it would be. Griffin Knowles likes to play with people, use them for what he needs them for, but he never gives them anything in return.

  I slam his door and flip off the bitch at the desk on my way out. Her shocked gasp makes me feel a little better.

  When I get to the parking lot, I check the time and head over to the Verdana County Jail, only two blocks from the courthouse. Most of the Rykers are already there to welcome our brothers. Trent’s old lady, Daphne, is parked nearby in the Suburban. I can see a few club whores ready to give them all a proper welcome.

  I’ve never met Lon, Myron, or Kolton. They’ve been locked up for almost three years for some drug charges. Apparently, the three of them were original members with Cal. I know a big celebration is planned. With everything going on with Thad, I left Sabrina in charge of planning it. She’ll handle it well.

  “There those fuckers are!” Trent yells.

  A howl ensues and for a moment, I’m taken back. Stay down bitch. A chill descends over my body despite the warm California weather. My limbs go numb for a moment and the eggs and bacon I had for breakfast threaten to rise from my stomach.

  Luka swore to me the Ravens weren’t behind my attack. I’d tossed my own brother, my flesh and blood, aside like he meant nothing to me. Like our entire lives together had been wasted time.

  He’d told me the truth.


  “Try it!” I call out to Leon, but the engine doesn’t turn. I know I’m close to figuring out whatever the hell is wrong with this Beretta, but she’s being stubborn.

  “Let’s take five.” Leon says, closing the driver’s door. “We’ve been at it awhile.”

  He’s just as greasy as I am, but I’m proud to say we are working through the vehicles that litter his parking lot. I’m certain the one-month wait he has will be knocked down before long.

  “I suppose I can go ahead and finalize your paperwork.” he grins and takes a swig from his bottle of water. “You’ve been kicking ass, young lady.”

  “I appreciate that. In fact, I appreciate it so much, I think I’ll go make us some celebratory sandwiches.”

  Leon lets out a laugh. “You do that. Ham and cheese for me.”

  “No working without me.” I warn as I walk out of the garage and head over to the house.

  As I’m making the sandwiches, I hear the rumble of motorcycles. It’s not an uncommon thing for me to hear, but a little uncommon here at the garage. Luka and Raiden haven’t been back and I haven’t seen Lincoln come by before. I finish up and then grab the plates.

  The sight of Rykers’ bikes unsettles me. I have no idea why they would be here. I haven’t had my phone on me, but as far as I know, Lincoln didn’t send them. I don’t believe he would want them near his dad.

  I put the sandwiches on the porch and ease towards the garage. I stop at the window and peek inside. I recognize three prospects stalking around Leon.

  “Mr. Varelli, we’re aware that our previous president, Cal Harrison, spoke with you about purchasing your business before.” Dean says. “We’ve been sent to follow up.”

  Thad sent them? He’s supposed to be lying in a hospital bed recovering from a busted spleen. Even incapacitated, he’s causing trouble.

  “I told the Harrison boy I wasn’t selling, so I’ll tell you, I’m not selling.” Leon replies, proudly. “Now if you have a bike that needs fixing, I can help you with that.”

  I know this isn’t going to go well. I hurry back and grab the sandwiches from the porch and then push the door open to the garage. Dean has Leon by his shirt, a knife blade pushed to his neck.

  “Sandwiches are ready!” I call out, startling the four of them.

  “Sully, what the…”

  “Hey, guys! Didn’t know you were coming by the garage today.” I say, pretending as though I didn’t see what was going on. “You hungry?”

  Dean shoves the knife back into his pocket and glances at Parker and Adam. “No, we’re good. We were just getting a quote from Mr. Varelli on a couple of bikes that need fixing.”

  “He’s the best in town.” I smile. “And Lincoln’s dad. Did you know that? He’s the father to one of our own members.”

  I enunciate the word “member,” remin
ding them they are only prospects. They don’t even wear a Ryker cut yet and they sure as hell haven’t been marked with the Ryker “R”.

  “Yep. That’s what we were told.” Adam answers. “Thanks for the quote, Mr. Varelli.”

  The three of them watch me closely as they leave, no doubt wondering what I’m doing here. The moment they exit, I put the sandwiches down and rush over to Leon.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I question him, but he shrugs me off.

  “I’m fine.” he replies and steps past me. With a mouth full of ham and cheese he answers, “I’m not selling.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Music rages around me. It certainly isn’t anything as profound as angels being on the moon. The singer sounds more like he’s screaming than singing. I can’t understand a fucking word he says.

  I stare down at the empty shot glass I’m holding. I’ve lost count of how many times Dean has refilled it for me, but I motion for him to do it again.

  As he fills it up, I cringe. The incessant howling the fucker, Myron, makes is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Even the music doesn’t drown him out.


  I close my eyes, fighting back the anger that has consumed me each time I’ve thought of Sully today. I toss the shot glass back and let the liquid burn down my throat.

  Sully leans in, the slight scent of grease and vanilla surrounds me. She whispers something in my ear about my dad and prospects, but I’m not listening. I don’t want to hear what she has to say. I can’t listen to her right now.

  I grip her chin with one hand and turn her face to mine. I close my mouth over hers in a demanding, almost bruising, kiss. I slip my other hand underneath the short, leather skirt she’s wearing and roughly brush my fingertips over her panties. Sully gasps and pulls back, pushing my hand away from her dampening pussy.

  “Not here.” she bites out.

  I stand up and haul her up onto the bar. “Why the fuck not?”

  My anger doesn’t allow me to think straight. I know without a doubt that she knows who was behind my attack. Cal. She touched my scars. Ran her fingers over them. The very same scars her damn old man ordered that I be given.

  I jerk her to me, spreading her legs wide and standing between them. She puts her hands down between us as if that could protect her from me. Her ocean blue eyes glisten with tears.

  “I need to talk to you.” she tells me.

  I’m sure you do.

  “I don’t want to talk.” I reach for her pussy again, but she pushes me away, keeping her grip on my hands and clenching her legs at my sides. “I can get this from someone else if you’re not willing.”

  Sully’s eyes go wide, but then narrow with irritation. Before she can respond, Myron lets out another howl.

  “Can someone please shut him the fuck up!” I yell.

  “Lincoln, don’t do that. Let me take you home.” Sully warns and pushes me back as she climbs off the bar. “Come on.”

  I snatch my hand from hers. “I’m not fucking ready to leave!”

  The Rykers, the people I consider my family, are staring at me. I’m normally the member who has everything under control. The one who takes charge when no one else does. The one who never loses his temper. Now, I’m yelling and screaming as though I’m having a fucking meltdown. Hell, I am having a meltdown.

  “Someone get this fucking lightweight out of here.” Myron sneers.

  “Fuck you!” I yell.

  “Let’s go, Lincoln.” Sully intervenes. “I’ll take him home.”

  “Fuck you, too.” I hiss at her. “You knew.”

  She pales at those two words. Her eyes shift from me to Myron and she knows exactly why I’m behaving the way I am. A tear streams down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away.

  “Don’t fucking do that!” I scream at her. “Don’t!”

  “You let him speak to you that way, Sully?” Myron asks. “Damn, Cal would be pissed.”

  I lunge towards him and we both tumble to the floor. His fists pound on my back and with each blow, I’m reminded of each shot I just took. This will be an ass beating I won’t enjoy.

  Cheers and claps resound in my ears as we go at each other with everything we have. I know that, short of death, the Rykers won’t break up this fight. Myron has a good thirty pounds on me and he’s not nearly as sloshed as I am. Although I trained Luka, my brain is slightly impaired from all of the alcohol I’ve consumed.

  I try to focus, but Myron is quick. My hits aren’t fazing him like his are me. He cracks me good in the cheek and I drop to my knees. My left eye feels as though it’s swelling shut as I steady myself with one hand. The laughter I hear fades in and out. Thick blood dribbles out of my mouth and onto the floor.

  I suck in a breath as Myron wraps his arm under my chin and around my neck. He pulls me back against his chest and howls loudly in my ear. Fucking prick. I close my eyes, wanting to welcome the darkness I feel coming.

  “You should stay down this time, bitch.” he growls and tightens his hold.

  The darkness I wait for doesn’t come. Instead, I slam my elbow into his gut twice until he lets me go. I fight him with every ounce of hatred I have inside me.

  Hatred for the men who stabbed me. Hatred for the men who raped me. Hatred for the men who turned me against my brother.

  I hear yelling and screaming for me to stop, but I can’t. He deserves this. He deserves to fucking die. I almost did.

  The sound of a barstool cracking over me is the only thing that stops me. Fuck! What is it with me and barstools? I think this as I crash to the floor.


  I sit on the edge of Lincoln’s bed at the clubhouse. He’s still out cold, but I have his head bandaged up and his knuckles are wrapped as well. Trent and Dean had to carry him in here after Trent had broken the barstool over him. He wouldn’t stop. He would have killed Myron. I can’t say that I blame him.

  You knew.

  I wipe away another tear. I’ve been sitting here crying in silence since Trent and Dean left us. I have no right to cry. None.

  I didn’t endure what he did. I wasn’t beaten. I wasn’t stabbed. I wasn’t raped. But he’s right. I knew it was going to happen. I knew what Cal had planned for him and I did absolutely nothing to stop him.

  “You can leave.” Lincoln’s gritty voice chokes out.

  Rather than turn to look at him, I start telling him what happened. The story of his attack and the reason behind it.

  “You already know Cal was pissed that Raiden turned down his proposal for a meeting with Dax.” I begin. “It was a blow to his ego. He thought he could get Raiden to give in. Things hadn’t been going his way in a lot of things.”

  “Just stop.”

  I ignore him and continue. “Some of the businesses he was interested in purchasing, weren’t interested in selling. He always wanted to be the best. I think he thought…he thought you would give him a reason to heighten the war with the Ravens.”

  I let my tears drop onto my hands that are resting in my lap. I don’t bother wiping them away this time. “He knew you wouldn’t know Myron. Lon and Kolton had been locked up just as long. I told him it was a bad idea. You were one of us, but he wouldn’t listen. Things went too far, but Cal was pleased. You were alive. Barely. The rage your brother felt showed Cal that the Ravens would expect retaliation and we gave it to them.”

  “The diner.”

  “Yes. Cal wanted to show the Ravens that we wouldn’t stand for one of our members being attacked in such a personal, volatile manner. We’ve been back and forth ever since. More so now than ever before. I’m certain that’s why Luka joined with us for a while. He wanted to help you. Try to get you away from us.”

  “I should have listened to him.”

  “I’m sorry.” I say, quietly. “I should have done…”

  “Don’t waste your fucking breath.”

  “I never wanted you hurt, Lincoln. You have to believe that. I t
ried to convince him not to go through with it, but you know how Cal was.”

  He stands up and for a moment, sways on his feet. “Why should I believe that?” He snatches his shirt over his head and motions his hands over the scars on his abdomen. “You knew who did this and you said nothing.”

  Disgust and shame overwhelms me. I haven’t recognized the person I’ve become for a long time now. The person I am.

  “I was afraid.” I admit and I can tell this wasn’t the answer he was expecting. “I was afraid then and I’m afraid now.”

  I look down at my hands, still in my lap, but the tears they caught have dried. I can’t look up at Lincoln. I can’t look at his scars knowing I did nothing. I can’t look at his eyes knowing how I’ve hurt him.

  “I don’t know who I am, Lincoln. That scares the shit out of me.” I confess. “I thought I knew what I wanted. What I was supposed to do. Then out of nowhere, you made me realize that I didn’t have it all figured out. That my plan had a kink in it. You. The decisions I was making didn’t involve you and didn’t plan for an outcome with you in it. Now I have to rework everything and I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know…”

  Lincoln lowers himself to the floor in front of me. “I don’t know either, Sully.”

  “I’m sorry.” I apologize again and he wipes away my tears with the pads of his thumbs.

  He leans in and brushes his lips over mine. Fire warms in my core. He teases my mouth open and his tongue flicks over my lips just before he breaks the kiss.

  He looks right at me and says, “I don’t trust you.”

  It hurts me to hear these words, but I caused this. I did this to myself. I nod and close the gap between us. I could tell him who I am right now and completely destroy what we have, but I can’t bring myself to do that. I need this. I need us. I need him.

  Lincoln and I both stand. I pull my shirt over my head and toss it down on the bed. Then I unzip my skirt and shimmy it and my panties down my legs while he does the same with his jeans.


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