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Conquered Page 5

by Kallista Dane

  I transferred my mouth to the other breast and went back to tweaking her engorged nipple with my fingers. She moaned again and grabbed my head. It was time to use what I’d learned about her so far.

  Seizing both her wrists in one hand, I pulled away.

  “Oh, no. Don’t you dare try to stop me. You say you don’t want to be mastered, but that’s not entirely true. You want someone, need someone, to take control of your body. Show you the pleasure you’re capable of receiving, the ecstasy of being taken to the peak—and then beyond.”

  I slid my other hand between her thighs, fondling her slick folds, teasing her with a single finger. The cybellus had done its job. She was dripping wet, squirming on my lap.

  “Here are your new rules. You will call me Master. When I command it, you will kneel at my feet. You will spread your legs for me whenever I order you to, so I can touch you and lick you and fuck you until you scream in ecstasy. For my pleasure. Your body belongs to me now, Aja. I alone will bring you to climax. From this moment on, you are not allowed to touch yourself here.” I rammed two fingers into her pussy, and she squealed. “Or here.” I pulled my fingers out, slick with the juices of her arousal, and stroked her clit. She let out a strangled moan, grinding her mound against my hand. “Unless I want to watch you do it.

  “If you disobey me, you will come to me and confess. And then I will punish you.” I gave her throbbing clit a smack, and she squealed again. “Do not think you can deceive me. If you touch yourself but do not tell me, I will know. And I will punish you. Harder.”

  Her head was bowed, buried against my shoulder. Long lustrous strands of gleaming black hair hid her face. I brushed her hair aside, tilted her chin up, and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I will be your Master, Aja. I will make you do all the wicked, shameful things you’ve secretly dreamed of doing. And I will make you love it.”

  Her eyes widened, and she shuddered in my arms.

  “Now say, ‘Yes, Master,’ and then go lie down on the bed and spread your legs for me. I want to examine every inch of my new possession.”

  With a haze of debauchery and desire filling her mind, it took a moment for my words to sink in. I saw it in her eyes. A flicker of fear then the raw hunger. My little captive wanted everything I said I’d do to her.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered. Trembling, she got up off my lap and went to the bed. Lay down and spread her legs.

  “That was very good. I believe obedience should be rewarded.” I knelt between her thighs. Bent my head and ran my tongue slowly up her pink slit.

  “Oh gods!” she shrieked.

  Her passionate cry aroused my hunger as much as the taste of her did. I’d forgotten the sheer pleasure of being a female’s first. I licked her again, ending by flicking my tongue back and forth across her clit. She jerked reflexively and clamped her thighs around my head. Time to drive home the rules.

  I rolled her onto her side and gave her ass two stern whacks. She gasped, more out of shock than pain. “When your Master tells you to lie down with your legs apart, you do not move without his permission.”

  “Y-yes, Master.”

  “Get back in position. And then I want you to use both hands and spread your pussy lips open for me.”

  Hands shaking, too embarrassed to meet my eyes, she turned her head away. But she did as I ordered. I found her reluctance charming. It was so much at odds with those explicit fantasies. I decided that though I wouldn’t let her escape, I would very much enjoy freeing the naughty slut hiding inside my shy virgin.

  I explored her with my lips and tongue. Leisurely, taking my cues from her wordless cries. My tongue grazed her fingers, and she shuddered. That’s when I discovered calling her attention to the shameful command she’d followed made the act of submission even more arousing for her. So I made sure to do it often, sometimes deliberately licking her fingers then dipping my tongue into her pussy to lap at her juices.

  By the time I transferred my attention to her throbbing bud, she was panting wildly.

  “Put your fingers here…and here,” I said, showing her with my own hands what I wanted. She whimpered as I pulled back the hood that covered the tip of her swollen bud, exposing it fully. Once her hands were in place, I ran my tongue around it. First circling, then licking and flicking back and forth over it.

  Her whimpers became desperate little cries. I drew it into my mouth and sucked.

  She shattered. Bucked her hips and let out a full-throated scream as she climaxed.

  I kept going. Rode her through the first wave and on to the second. Her pussy clenched then gushed.

  My cockheads went wild. Swelling, writhing madly. I got to my knees and yanked my pants down.

  Then I slid on top of her—and set them free.

  Chapter Eight


  I’d asked for things I had no understanding of. Read stories, seen a few videos in secret late at night where men and women did things to each other. I was drawn to the dominance of strong men even while fighting those who made decisions for me without my consent.

  Consent…was that the issue?

  My Master, Vyraz, seemed to know without my saying a word just how to send me to the pinnacle of ecstasy. He buried his head between my thighs and drove me to orgasm—and it didn’t take nearly as long as the porn vid scenes seemed to take. Was I desperate? Horny? A slut? Was it the cybellus?

  I didn’t care. Master couldn’t have unlocked my ecstasy better if he’d had a key. He touched me, sucked me, licked and nipped, all with the touch of dominance I was shamed to admit I craved.

  How he could know? Almost as if he could read my mind, but he was definitely older than me and everything about him showed me he was vastly more experienced. He probably could read a woman’s body. And I couldn’t be unhappy about that. In fact, if there were men half as intuitive on Earth, women would be a whole lot happier. From the stories my friends told, the daughters of my father’s friends, girls who’d been much more cooperative in the marriage market than I, even older men were selfish bastards who were only interested in their own pleasure.

  Still, when he revealed what those pants truly held, my pleasant fog dissipated, replaced by panic. I tried to scramble back, to escape the very alienness of them. “Don’t touch me! I can’t—I won’t.” But he grasped my ankle and pulled me back down to him. “No!”

  “I have seen pictures, Aja. I know that my anatomy is not exactly the same as that of your males. But I also know that yours is not identical to our females’.” A shadow crossed his face, deep pain, and I remembered what put it there. They had no females. His mother, his sister, aunts, cousins, nieces, whoever he’d had in the female department. All dead.

  Sure, he was different, and a little scary, those multiple—were there really five?—heads reaching for my body, but I was different to him, in ways I didn’t even know. And he’d lost almost everything. Yet, despite being handed me as a breeder, a sex toy, he took the time to make me feel safe, treasured even, and pleasured me before taking his own.

  I could do so much worse.

  And I’d decided, right? I was going to get rid of my virginity as soon as possible, lowering my value, making me ordinary. Less valuable to those who sought such things—i.e. all the men who wanted to marry me on Earth.

  Plus, one more look into those eyes, and all I wanted to do was ease his pain any way I could. We were both orphans of the storm, different storms, different planets. But cast adrift nonetheless.

  Plus, I was so horny—if my inexperience was not causing me to misname what I was feeling—I would die if he did not get those things inside me


  “Aja?” His voice held question but his lips twitched. I was really starting to think he could read my mind. Despite the scientists swearing it was impossible. “Aja, are you ready?”

  In answer, I wrapped my legs around his hips, bringing his cock and all its extra parts right to my entrance. They moved with lives of their own, but su
ddenly I was okay with that. He was strange to me. I was strange to him. And that was fine. As they entered, it felt like all together, then came to my hymen, the part of me most precious to my father in his negotiations for my future, my Master paused and bent to kiss me. His lips moved on mine with care and patience that increased as he held me tight and plunged through into my body. It hurt, that’s no lie. But less than I’d expected, a sharp sting followed by the caress of the heads as they passed by, almost soothing before driving into me again.

  His mouth on me had been more pleasure than I’d even known was possible. And certainly more than I’d thought would be in my life. But this! Coherence fled as the five or more, it felt like more, heads of his fabulous alien cock worked their way deep into my body, stroking places I was sure no human man could reach, finding nerve centers that flared to life at his touch.

  His kisses muffled my cries as he drove me to orgasm after orgasm, each one more intense and seeming to come from individual places inside me. How could this work? I had no idea and didn’t even care. I sent pity to women on my planet who would never know such ecstasy, and to their men who had no ability to give it.

  Bucking my hips under him, I writhed and sobbed, tears flooding my cheeks in not sadness but a release of tension I would never have admitted I held. And a surge of optimism, also brand new.

  Had I never felt good before?

  As I tipped over the edge into climax for the seventh or eighth time—at least—Vyraz tangled his fingers into my hair and plunged his tongue deeper into my mouth, dominating me from the crown of my head deep into my core. He wrapped the length around his hand and tugged. It hurt, but somehow the sting blended with the kiss, with the cock invading me, with his hips bumping mine, and the tightening once again in my depths.

  “I can’t…not again,” I gasped when he lifted his face and I could draw a breath. “I can’t…I’m no!” I felt totally out of control, and it scared me a little.

  “You don’t tell your Master no, Aja.” He cupped a breast and squeezed it. “Come with me.”

  My body responded even when my mind hesitated, flying over the edge and into the hardest climax yet. And just as I started to come down, I felt the first spurt. His cockheads went off one after the other, bathing my insides with his cum. Burning hot but also driving me into another series of explosive orgasms, one rolling over the other. I shrieked, clinging to him, riding the waves of incredible pleasure until at some point my mind became overwhelmed and I blacked out, retreating into a place of calm, of silence.

  “Aja.” A deep voice rippled over me, like water over smooth stones in a creek, implacable, unavoidable. “Aja, wake up.”

  “What?” I forced my eyelids open to see him lying next to me, nude, propped up on an elbow and smoothing strands of tangled hair back from my face. Oh, the tangles. I’d be combing them out for hours. Did he have a comb? His head was smooth, either shaved or always bald, sexy, but no solution if they were all like that. Nobody would have a comb or brush.

  “There you are.” His smile transformed his face, made him appear younger, less severe. “I was afraid I’d killed you for a minute.”

  “Me too.” I stretched out my arms and legs, relieved not to be under the effects of The Controller or the cybellus, but aching in every cell from the unaccustomed activity. “I guess that salve wore off?”

  He shook his head. “No, I washed it off. I didn’t think you could take much more for the moment.”

  “Right.” How long did it last when nobody removed it? I didn’t want to consider it. “Thank you…” Did I have to call him Master? Still?

  “Address me properly, Aja.”

  “Yes…Master.” God that seemed weird. “Will I always have to call you that? It isn’t something I’m used to.”

  “We’ll see. But for now, yes.” He sat up and drew me with him. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “Would you like to shower and go to the dining hall? Or would you rather I used the machine here in the room for a fast snack?”

  Despite myself, I laughed. “You mean I’m not a prisoner in this room, Master?”

  His appalled expression made me feel a little guilty, which seemed odd since I was a captive, although a sated one. “You are my female. You will be, if all goes well, the mother of my young and honored as such. We are in charge, we males of our people, but that does not make you less than us. Rather, you are to be protected and respected.”

  “So I have the freedom of the ship?” Escaping might be easier than I thought.

  He eyed me, and once again I got that uneasy feeling he knew what I was thinking. “No, I would prefer you don’t leave my quarters unescorted for now. I will go with you or, if I am busy and you need or want to go somewhere, I will arrange for a crewman to accompany you.”

  “And once I’ve proven myself? Once you see I don’t get into mischief or get lost or something?”

  “Let’s take this one sol cycle at a time. Today, once you’ve showered, I will show you the dining hall and then, if you’d like, my work space.”

  It was a start. “That would be nice, Master.” Gods that still felt weird. “I’d like to see what you do. If I stay here in this room all the time, I’ll go crazy fast. Like a trapped rat.”

  His chuckle surprised me. “Well, we can’t have a trapped…whatever that is. Claws and teeth?”

  How did he know that since he didn’t know what a rat was? “Yes, to both. Where is the shower?”

  He took me into a cubicle through yet another dissolving wall and showed me how to use it. It cycled through water, a spray of foamy suds, and a rinse cycle then a blast of air that dried me off. When I emerged, I felt like myself for the first time in a while. In however long I’d been prisoner. But my hair, predictably ,was a rat’s nest. We had a rodent theme going. I dressed in the jumpsuit he gave me, rolling up the sleeves and legs. It was still big, but perhaps I could find a way to make it fit better, or a belt or something. He’d even come up with shoes, which remarkably fit, low boots that were pretty stylish.

  Vyraz waited, dressed in tight black pants but with no shirt yet. He had elaborate tattoos over much of his skin. I’d noticed before but been more worried about other things.

  “Are you ready to go, Aja?” he asked, reaching for a shirt.

  “Master, do you have a comb?”

  “Comb?” His brow furrowed.

  I held up a knotted strand. “To fix my hair?”

  “Oh.” He rubbed a hand over his smooth skull. “No. But perhaps Jess can help you. Her hair always looks smooth.”


  “Captain Mantsk’s female.”

  Even though I knew I was one of many, I thought the rest were still asleep or maybe on other ships. “I’d love to meet her!” I gushed.

  He still watched me as if I was going to run or explode or something. But he gave a regal nod. “She can help you adjust to life aboard the solport.”

  “I would like that, Master.” For however short a time I planned to stay.

  Chapter Nine


  After clearing the visit with Mantsk, I escorted Aja to his quarters and introduced her to Jess, who met us at their door.

  “Aja! I’ve heard about you. It’s great to meet you. Welcome to my home.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well.” Aja took two steps in and stopped, staring around the room, filled with dazzling color. She ran her fingers over a plush turquoise throw tossed over a nearby lounging pad, as if she couldn’t resist its soft texture. “But this—this is so beautiful! Your quarters don’t look anything like what I’ve seen of the rest of the ship.”

  Jess grinned. “I know. Right? I found the most fabulous shopping mall…well, technically it’s not a mall. It’s the ship’s storage bay.” She waved at the walls. “There’s this enormous space crammed with incredible works of art, furniture, textiles, rugs, vases. You name it, they have it down there.”

  She picked up a ceramic cino
ra rimmed with mother of pearl she’d proudly displayed on a side table. “I don’t know what half of the stuff is or what they used it for, but it’s all so beautiful.”

  It was my turn to grin. “That particular piece is an antique. It once belonged to a royal infant. I believe your people would refer to it as a training potty.”

  She made a face. “I was going to use it as a fruit bowl! Guess I’d better take Mantsk along when I pick out our dishes.”

  “Why do they keep such beauty locked away? And surround themselves with gray walls and gray floors. Everyone I’ve seen since I woke up wears gray all the time, too. Except you and the Archon.” Aja reached out to touch the sleeve of Jess’s gown, the color of a ripe dasifruit.

  “They used to live like this.” Jess waved a hand around the room. “Until their world was destroyed. You know about that, right?”

  Aja shook her head. “All I know is that the females on their world all died in some kind of attack or invasion.” She glanced at me and lowered her voice. “So the aliens bought us. Or traded for us. Or … something.”

  “Oh, sweetie, you haven’t heard the whole story. It’s hard for most of them to talk about. Honestly, it will break your heart when you hear what they’ve been through. And it will piss you off when you hear the truth about how we all ended up here!” She gestured to the lounging pad. “Please, sit down. I’ll fix us a cup of Arythian tea. You’re gonna love the stuff. It’s as good as a nice glass of Chardonnay for girl talk. I’ll tell you everything you need to know—and you can tell me all about you.”


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