No Regrets

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No Regrets Page 11

by Rebecca Deel

  “I don’t believe you. Why would he be that irresponsible?”

  “That’s the question, isn’t it?” Trent folded his arms across his chest. “We have no reason to lie to you.” He looked at each of the four men. “You have some decisions to make.”

  “What kind?” the first man asked.

  “Do you plan to stay at PSI and continue your training?”

  “You’re aren’t terminating our team?” Hope gleamed in his eyes.

  “The problem is Gerard, not your whole team. The rest of you are clear to continue training.”

  “What if we don’t want to stay?” the fourth man asked.

  “We’ll walk to the office and prepare the release papers immediately. Two of us will walk you to your room and you will have ten minutes to gather your gear and leave the premises.”

  “Gary, don’t do it, man.” The first man eyed his teammate. “Gerard isn’t worth throwing away a great opportunity.”

  A head shake. “He’s my friend. Where I come from, that means something.” He shoved away from table and stood. “I’m out. Good luck to the rest of you. You’ll need it.”

  Trent turned to Liam. “Do the paperwork and escort him to his dorm room.”

  “I don’t need an escort,” the man protested.

  “Policy.” Simon flanked Liam. “Let’s go.”

  The other three teammates exchanged glances, then turned to face Trent.

  “What’s the verdict?” Bravo’s leader asked.

  “We’re staying,” the first man said.

  “Excellent. I have a suggestion for one of the replacements on your team. The choice is ultimately up to you.”

  “Who do you suggest?” the second man asked.

  “Molly Fisher. Her personality and skills should complement your own.”

  Again, the men glanced at each other. “We’ll work with her, see if she works out,” the third man said.

  Trent nodded. “We’ll find another trainee to fill Gary’s place. In the meantime, do yourselves a favor and stay away from Gerard.”

  The three men left the conference room without incident. Sasha breathed a sigh of relief. She’d been afraid Gary might go after Cade although the action would have been foolish.

  “What do you think?” Matt asked his team leader.

  “The core of their team is a good one. I hope Molly works out. Be thinking about a replacement for Gary. I’ll see you at six tomorrow morning, Matt. Cade, take good care of your girl tomorrow.”

  “I plan on it.”

  “Sasha, don’t push yourself too hard. Your college students can cover a few hours without you. We start training after lunch tomorrow, Cade.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A cell phone signaled an incoming text. All three of them checked their phones.

  “Mine.” Cade tapped his screen. “It’s Zane.”

  “Call him. Let’s find out what he wants.” Trent dropped into the chair beside Sasha.

  Cade placed the call.


  “It’s Cade. You’re on speaker with Trent, Matt, and Sasha.”

  “I have information on the Harts.”

  “What did you discover, Z?” Trent asked.

  “I told Cade they have ties to a mercenary group. Took me a while to ferret out the name.”

  “Who are they associated with?” Cade wrapped his hand around Sasha’s.

  She glanced at him, then Trent. Both of them looked tense.

  “Black Dog.”


  Cade closed his eyes for a moment. Oh, man. Not what he wanted to hear. Concern for Sasha’s safety exploded in his gut. “Are you sure, Zane?”


  Sasha twisted to face him. “You know about this Black Dog group?”

  “They’re a new startup with a bad reputation in the black ops field.”

  “How new?”

  “Two years,” Zane said. “They’re cheap, have zero ethics, and love taking on dirty jobs the rest of us won’t touch. They’re all about the money.”

  “They also have no regard for life.” Matt leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out in front of him. “Killing innocents doesn’t bother them. Their operatives enjoy hurting people. Being able to kill on a mission is a bonus for them. They’ll do anything to accomplish the mission, and they won’t quit until the job’s done.”

  “Why is Black Dog in Otter Creek?” Trent went to the mini-refrigerator, grabbed four bottles of water, and passed them out. “It’s no secret in the black ops community that this is the Fortress training base. What’s their end game?”

  “Wait.” Sasha frowned. “I understand the Harts are part of Black Dog which means the mercenary group might be thumbing its nose at Fortress. What I don’t understand is why Mario Hart and his buddy faked robbing the bank.”

  “Good question,” Zane said. “I’ll see what I can find out about the group online and through discreet, private sources. Trent, you want to update the boss, or should I?”

  “I’ll call him in a few minutes.”

  “Copy that. Let me know if I can do anything else to help.”

  “When is Durango scheduled to return?”

  “They just boarded the jet. They should be back in Otter Creek before noon tomorrow.”

  “Outstanding.” Trent brightened. “Perfect timing.”

  “I have to go. Claire’s waiting for me to bring the SUV around. Hauling her photography equipment long distances is more difficult for her now.”

  “How is she?” Matt asked.

  “She and the baby are great. The doc says we have four weeks to go. We can’t wait to hold our child.”

  “I’m happy for you, man. Can’t wait to see the pictures.”

  “Thanks. Later.”

  Cade’s heart squeezed. He wanted the same thing Claire and Zane had. A marriage to the love of his life and a family. Did Sasha want the same thing? A question he would ask as their relationship progressed. Could he see himself with Sasha for a lifetime? Oh, yeah. “Zane and Claire weren’t sure they would be able to have children,” he told Sasha. “This baby is a huge blessing.”

  “Z is combat modified,” Matt said. “He’s confined to a wheelchair. Claire never seemed to see the chair, though. She only saw Zane. They are devoted to each other.”

  Sasha’s eyes glazed with tears. “That’s wonderful. I’m happy for them.”

  Oh, man. No tears. He couldn’t take her tears, even happy ones. Cade stood and helped Sasha to her feet. “Come on. If you’re working tomorrow, we need to let the other ladies know. After that, you need to rest. You didn’t have a chance to sleep today.”

  “That’s my cue to leave, too,” Matt said. “See you in the morning, Trent.”

  He and Matt were on high alert during the drive to Cade’s home. Despite the precautions and many detours, they arrived without incident.

  Matt climbed from the SUV as soon as Cade shut off the engine. “I’ll check the perimeter.”

  Cade glanced at Sasha and found her sound asleep. He decided to let her rest while Matt searched for signs of an intruder. Minutes later, the medic signaled the house was clear, then he waited at the back door, weapon in hand as he scanned the area.

  Cade opened Sasha’s door. He unlatched her seatbelt and cupped her cheek. “Sasha.”

  She sighed, opened heavy-lidded eyes, and nuzzled his hand. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “You needed the rest. Matt’s waiting for us.” He helped her from the vehicle and walked with her to the house. Once she was safely inside, he said, “Do you need anything? I think Serena leaves a stash of tea here for days when she cooks. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I make you a cup.”

  “I’d love some tea. I’ll call Serena and the others and let them know they’re off duty tomorrow.”

  Although Sasha might think she was ready for a full day tomorrow, her body had been through trauma twice in three days. A twelve-hour day may tax her too
much. “Do you have an extra college student to help with the shop tomorrow afternoon?”

  She thought a moment. “I might have someone I can ask to lend a hand. Why?”

  “Give your body a chance to heal. If you don’t need the extra help, send one of your employees home. Make your calls while I fix your tea. Matt, go rest. I’ll take the first watch.”

  “Wake me if there’s a problem.”

  Cade filled a mug with water, dumped a packet of chamomile mint tea in the water, and placed it in the microwave. When the heating cycle ended, he grabbed a spoon and saucer, and carried everything into the living room.

  Sasha set down her phone. “Thanks, Cade.”

  He sat beside her and picked up the remote. “Movie?”

  “A cozy mystery.”

  His eyebrows rose. “What’s that?”

  “Murder mystery where the violence happens off screen.”

  While she sipped her tea, Cade scrolled through the offerings and settled on a movie he thought fit her description. “Did you secure extra help for tomorrow afternoon?”

  She nodded. “Will you sleep tonight?”

  Cade slipped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “Matt will take over the watch at midnight. I’ll be fine. The military taught us to operate at peak capacity with three or four hours of sleep.”

  “Wish I could say the same for me. Tomorrow will be rough.”


  Sasha leaned her head on his shoulder. “I have to go to the shop at three to prepare the muffins and scones, and start the coffee.”

  He frowned. “You do that every morning?”

  “Who else is there? I love the early mornings. The scent of baked goods and coffee makes me happy. Perk is quiet and I watch Otter Creek wake up every day.”

  “I hope I don’t crowd you tomorrow.”

  “Why would you?”

  “I want to help. I’m not a baker, but I can haul stuff around and dump things in the mixer with the best of them.”

  “What will you charge me for your services?”

  “Ten kisses.”

  She smiled. “You’re hired. I’m looking forward to paying your bill.”

  Cade chuckled. “Finish your tea, then it’s off to bed with you.”

  Despite Sasha’s halfhearted protests to stay with him a while longer after she finished her tea, Cade plucked the empty mug from her hand and walked Sasha to her room.

  He stepped inside, closed the door halfway, and embraced her. Cade covered Sasha’s mouth with his and indulged in the sweet heat. Mindful of the time, he forced himself to release her and step back a minute later.

  Touching his forehead to hers, he said, “I need to go. Now. My control is hanging by a thread. What time do we leave?”

  “A few minutes before three.”

  He brushed her lips with his. “I’ll be close if you need me.”

  When Cade returned to the living room, he turned off the television and booted up his laptop. A message in his inbox from Brent Maddox had him grabbing his phone and placing a call.


  “It’s Cade. Hope I’m not calling too late.” Although his boss had requested the call as soon as Cade read his message, he was well aware the CEO of Fortress had a wife and daughter. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb them.

  “My daughter has been asleep for two hours, and Rowan is making cookies for Alexa’s class at school.”

  “I bet your house smells good.”

  “I’ll need to run an extra mile or two tomorrow. Trent called. Black Dog, huh?”

  “Looks like. Have you heard anything about them recently?” No one knew all the sources Maddox tapped, but he seemed to know things no one else did.

  “Not enough. I put a few feelers out earlier in the month. So far, I have nothing concrete. The general feeling is Black Dog is preparing to make a move. No one knows what kind, how soon, or the target.”

  “Have to consider someone set his sights on Fortress.”

  “Maybe. They’d be foolish to take a run at us. We also have to consider Hart and his partner had a separate, personal agenda. Robbing the bank and dumping the cash doesn’t make sense unless they had a different agenda.”

  Cade considered that a moment. “Something concerning Sasha?”

  “That’s what you need to find out. My gut says this has nothing to do with her and everything to do with us.”

  He leaned his head back against the sofa. “That’s not the worst problem. Word spreads like wildfire around Otter Creek. Everyone in town knows Sasha and I are dating.”

  Cade’s timing couldn’t have been worse. By starting a relationship with her, he’d made Sasha a target.


  Sasha fumbled in the darkness for her phone to shut off the infernal alarm. Why had she decided an annoying buzzer was the perfect sound to wake up to each morning? She threw off the covers and made the bed to shut down the temptation to crawl back in, a serious consideration today.

  If she didn’t go to the shop, Perk would remain closed and her bank account would suffer. The bills didn’t stop because she’d slept only three hours and had the mother of all headaches.

  She needed caffeine. A big vat of it. Perhaps a cappuccino would blunt the edge of the headache and clear cobwebs from her brain.

  Sasha gathered the clothes she’d laid out the night before and trudged into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged from the steam feeling a little more awake.

  After tying her tennis shoes, she grabbed her phone and went to the kitchen. Sasha pulled up short when she saw the tall, muscular man she’d dreamed about during the night. “Hey.”

  Cade turned, a smile warming his expression. “Good morning. Ready to make Otter Creek’s day?”

  “Can’t wait.” Not quite true, but by the time morning morphed into afternoon, it would be. She loved Perk and her customers. They made getting up early every day worth the effort. “How long did you sleep?”

  “Two hours.”

  Her heart sank. “Cade.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “I’m fine. I’ll catch a nap later if there’s time.”

  There wouldn’t be, not if his schedule for the past few days was the norm. “You could stay here. The police drop in the shop all the time.” She doubted he’d agree to her suggestion, but she felt guilty for shortchanging his rest.

  “Not a chance, Sassy. After wishing for opportunities to be with you, I wouldn’t give up this time for anything.” He handed her a travel mug. “Thought you might need this.”

  Curious, she sipped. “Oh, man. This is great.” She detected a hint of caramel and cream to smooth out the edge of the Sumatra coffee. Perfect. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “Just taking care of my girlfriend.”

  Sasha’s cheeks burned. “Does that mean I can claim you, too?”

  Another kiss from Cade, this one full of blistering heat. “I haven’t dated any woman since the first time I saw you, Sasha. I’ve been yours for months.”

  When her eyes stung, she flapped a hand in front of her face. “We have to go. I don’t want to start my day off with tears, even happy ones.”

  Cade laughed. “Whatever you say, Sassy.” He snagged another travel mug from the counter, slung his black bag over his shoulder, and headed for the back door. He deactivated the alarm. “Stay here while I take my bag to the SUV. I’ll come back for you.”

  Although impatient to leave, Sasha wasn’t stupid. She knew her boyfriend was scanning the area while he stored his bag in the hatchback. Cade took his time walking to the vehicle. When he closed the hatchback again, he walked around his SUV with a small black gadget in his hand. Once he’d made a complete circuit, he dropped to the ground and shone a light on the undercarriage. What was he doing?

  Cade appeared satisfied with what he found and returned to the back door for her. “We’re clear. Straight to the vehicle.” After he reset the alarm, the operative wrapped his arm around Sasha�
�s shoulder, hustled her across the few feet of open space, and helped her inside.

  As they drove from his home, Sasha asked, “What were you doing with the black gadget in your hand?”

  “Checking for tracking devices or some other electronic signal.”

  “And when you dropped to the ground?”

  “Looking for a bomb.”

  Sasha twisted to stare at him. “If you had found one, would you have disarmed it?”

  “It’s what I do, Sasha.” He flicked a glance at her. “I’m well trained.”

  If he was a sloppy bomb tech, they wouldn’t be having this conversation, she reminded herself. “What happened while I was asleep?”


  Protection or truth? Truth, she decided. Nothing active had happened or he would have woken her. “What did you learn?”

  A wry smile curved his mouth. “You’re perceptive. I talked to my boss, Brent Maddox, after you went to bed.”

  “What did he say?” Whatever it was had upset Cade.

  “He’s heard rumors about Black Dog preparing to make a move. No one knows what or where. He doesn’t know if BD’s presence in Otter Creek is a sign Fortress is their objective or if the Harts went rogue and the mercenary organization has nothing to do with what happened.”

  “That’s not what upset you.”

  He captured her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “I’m afraid I brought you to the attention of ruthless operatives, Sasha.”


  “I’m part of Fortress, and one of two teams tasked with training Fortress recruits. If Black Dog is here to test the waters, they’ll do their homework and find out who is important to all of us. This group won’t hesitate to make use of that information.”

  She remained silent for a beat. “Do you believe that’s why Hart took me from the bank?”

  “They weren’t interested in taking the money. I’ll understand if you want to put our relationship on hold until we figure out their agenda.”

  “Whether it’s Black Dog or another group, I’m not walking away from you, Cade.”


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