Aeromancist (SECOND EDITION): Art of Air (7 Forbidden Arts Book 3)

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Aeromancist (SECOND EDITION): Art of Air (7 Forbidden Arts Book 3) Page 1

by Charmaine Pauls

  Aeromancist (Second Edition)

  7 Forbidden Arts, Book 3

  Charmaine Pauls



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Excerpt from Hydromancist


  Also by Charmaine Pauls

  Book Blurbs

  About the Author

  Published by Charmaine Pauls

  Montpellier, 34090, France

  Published in France

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Copyright © 2020 by Charmaine Pauls

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by The Artful Cover

  ISBN: 978-2-491833-07-7 (eBook)

  ISBN: 979-8-576910-7-17 (Print)

  Created with Vellum


  Dear reader,

  This book is the conclusion of Katherine and Lann’s story, which begins in Book 2 (Aeromancist, The Beginning).

  Read Aeromancist, The Beginning now.

  Some reminders:

  There are 9 books in the series. Each book reads as a standalone (with the exception of Aeromancist that has a prequel, Aeromancist, The Beginning) but there is also a series arc. I recommend that the series is read in order.

  This is a relaunch of the series that has originally been published by Mélange Books.

  I hope you’ll enjoy the final part of Katherine and Lann’s story.

  Happy reading!


  Chapter 1

  The air in the apartment was thick, not cool like when he was around. It had been two weeks since he’d left her, and Katherine White swore she’d lost her ability to breathe. All she wanted to do now was be sick. Fittingly. Her body was in withdrawal. What she needed was Lann Dréan’s touch. But she’d signed a contract not to contact him after thirty days. That was all he’d promised to give her. A month of the most incredible sex of her life.

  “Come on, Kat,” Diana said, “you’ve been cooped up in here for two weeks. Come out for dinner with us. It’ll be fun.”

  Kat swallowed down bile, trying not to vomit.

  “Enrico won’t mind.”

  “I’ll just stay here with my head in the toilet,” Kat said, not looking at her roommate.

  “Kat.” Diana crouched down next to her. “You haven’t been well since … well, since you know when.” She wiped Kat’s hair from her forehead. “I’m just trying to help.”

  “I’m in no condition to go out, never mind eat. Besides, I’ve got to work. I’m behind with my research.”

  Diana straightened and rested her hands on her hips. “Is that maybe because you haven’t been back to his library?”

  Kat rolled her eyes at Diana’s determination not to speak Lann’s name, as if that was going to prevent Kat from missing him. “There are other libraries, you know.”

  “Yeah.” Diana gave her a condemning look. “Not with the same material. Not with what you need. Besides, you haven’t been to any of those other libraries either. You haven’t been anywhere since he left.”

  “You and Enrico go and have fun. I—”

  The wave of nausea Kat had been fighting broke. She emptied her stomach, the little of what she could manage at lunch, into the toilet.

  When only dry heaves remained, Diana handed her a wet wipe and patted her shoulder.

  Kat supported her back against the bathtub. “I’ve never had a stomach bug that lasted for seven days.”

  “Kat?” Diana’s voice was soft. “I think you should consider an alternative reason for your condition.”

  “Like what? Can’t be food poisoning. It doesn’t last this long. Besides, I don’t have a fever.”

  Diana sat down next to her. “I was thinking along the lines of doing a pregnancy test.”

  Kat looked up quickly. “Impossible. I told you he’s infertile.”

  “You haven’t had your period.”

  “I’m never regular. Lann wouldn’t lie to me. I trust him. Completely.”

  Diana shrugged. “Then it can’t hurt to do a test.”

  “That’s crazy. Impossible.”

  “All right.” Diana got to her feet again. “Tell you what, I’ll stay in with you tonight. I’ll heat up some tomato soup, as that’s all you seem to tolerate these days, and we’ll watch a movie on TV. But before that, I’m going to the pharmacy.”

  Thirty minutes later, Kat sat on the closed lid of the toilet. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and didn’t recognize herself. Her usually tanned skin was pale, making her eyes appear a brighter blue than normal, and her red hair was a tangled mess that fell to her waist. This wasn’t the girl who’d welcomed Lann into her life just over a month ago. That person was in charge of her life, knew what she wanted, and where she was headed. What reflected back at her, this washed-out version of herself, was the woman he’d walked out on.

  Diana touched her shoulder. “Kat?”

  She trembled. “It can’t be. It’s wrong.”

  “Girlfriend,” Diana took her hand, “you’ve done two tests. They can’t both be wrong.”

  “Why would he have lied to me?” Kat pushed to her feet. “He isn’t like that.”

  “Maybe he’s not like you think he is,” Diana said sternly. She hugged her friend. “Come. We’ll work it out. First things first. Let’s go make you something to eat. You must be starving.”

  In the kitchen, Kat took a seat by the table, her head in her hands, while Diana heated a tin of tomato soup in a casserole on the stove.

  “What will you do?” Diana asked, her voice sympathetic.

  “I have to do a blood test to be sure. If it’s positive, I’ll have to tell him.”

  What Kat didn’t say was that she didn’t need the blood test to be sure. Deep down, she already knew the truth she tried so hard to deny. She was pregnant. It didn’t make sense, and yet, it did. They hadn’t used protection because Lann had told her he was infertile. If he only wanted a thirty-day fling, why would he have lied?

  “You could just say nothing if you never want to see him again,” Diana offered.

  “He has a right to know.” She added tersely, “And I have a right to answers.”

  She didn’t go back on her word or break her contracts, but this was an exceptional condition. She picked up her phone.

  “What are you doing?” Diana asked.

  Kat dialled Alfonso’s number. Lann’s butler answered with, “Miss?”

  “Alfonso, I need to speak to Lann. Can you please give me his number in New York?

  This wasn’t something one did over the phone, but given the circumstances, she didn’t have a choice. He was probably having a good time back home. Maybe he’d already offered another woman a thirty-day trial with a no-strings-attached clause.

  “In fact,” Alfonso said slowly, “Sir will be back here on Friday, just for a couple of days, if Miss wishes to see him.”

  Her mouth fell open. He was coming back? Without telling her? He wanted to slip in and out of Santiago without her knowledge. Wow. That hurt.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Shall I give Sir a message?”

  “No. No, thank you.” She ended the call.

  “You’re better off staying away from him,” Diana said, pointing the wooden spoon at her. “He’s trouble of the kind that can destroy a girl’s life.”

  Too late. If Diana only knew. Kat was already in way over her head.

  Chapter 2

  From the expression of surprise on Lann’s face, he hadn’t expected her. Alfonso hadn’t warned him of her visit. Maybe for a good reason. Maybe Alfonso knew Lann would’ve refused to see her.

  Lann sat behind his desk, very similar to the first time they’d met, but this time he was in the library, and not in his office. He’d probably been working on the restoration of his antique books, because he wore his glasses.

  Removing them, he got to his feet. The air felt lighter, as it always did in his presence. Wisps of her hair lifted as if to an invisible caress, but Lann didn’t acknowledge the subtle dance of molecules.

  It hurt, as did seeing him. Her heart gravitated toward him, paying her more logical mind no heed. Yet he kept his distance, the cool look with which he regarded her as she crossed the floor telling her he was untouchable to her now. Only a short while ago, he’d made her feel like the centre of his universe, and here she was, feeling more lost and out of place in his majestic monastery than ever. Like an intruder.

  As always, he looked impeccable in tailored slacks and a white dress shirt. Suddenly conscious of her casual attire, she pulled at the hem of her sweater. He stood immobile, exerting calm, waiting for her to make the first move. Kat had never been fooled about the latent danger that lurked under his quiet sophistication and intellectual air. There was a raw energy about him that hinted at his wildness, even as his exterior was polished civility.

  “Alfonso showed me in,” she said.

  “Katherine.” His lips lifted in the corner.

  Her heart broke at his smile. Her chest constricted painfully. It was the one he reserved for other people. Never for her. It was automatic, a practiced social stance, and she hated it.

  Her smile was faint in return. She glanced at the library workers who were handling his books with protective gloves. “May we speak in private, please?”

  He frowned. “Let’s go to my office.”

  He led the way. At least he hadn’t thrown her out on sight. She was walking the familiar path she’d believed she’d never walk again. The air gathered around his ankles as he moved, lapping at her feet as she followed in his wake. She’d never felt it stronger, and yet it should’ve been the reverse. She was supposed to be cutting the tie, not strengthening it, dammit.

  Inside his office, he almost took a military stance, his shoulders straight and his arms behind his back, as if keeping them there would prevent him from touching her. But his eyes were filled with warmth and concern.

  “Katherine, I didn’t tell you I was back because I didn’t want to make it harder on you.”

  He didn’t owe her an explanation. She’d agreed to his terms. With her eyes wide open.

  “I came back to take care of the money,” he continued. “When Alfonso told me you returned everything—”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “You can live in comfort. Why struggle, if I have enough to share?”

  “Because it wasn’t part of our agreement,” she snapped. She took a calming breath. Damn hormones. “Because it’ll make me feel like a prostitute.”

  His expression was incredulous as he considered the statement, but after a moment, he inclined his head. “Of course. I respect your decision.”

  “Lann…” She chewed her lip, thinking of the best way to tell him. Hadn’t she practiced her line a million times? “I wouldn’t have broken our agreement and come back here if it wasn’t necessary.”

  He stared at her expectantly.

  Shit. There was no easy way to break the news. “I’m pregnant.”

  He froze. The heat evaporated from his gaze. His biceps flexed. She couldn’t tell if he was mad or disappointed. Either way, neither was the reaction she was hoping for.

  The silence stretched between them as his gaze dropped to her stomach. For a while, he seemed incapable of speaking or moving.

  “It’s impossible,” he finally said.

  She opened her handbag, retrieved the blood test results, and offered the report to him with a shaky hand. He lifted one hand from behind his back and took the piece of paper. She watched him closely as he read it. His eyes widened and narrowed again. She presumed he was looking at the age of the child growing inside her, doing the calculation in his head. Emotions she couldn’t place played across his face. Was it sadness, envy, or anger that made him press his lips so tightly together? When he finally he lifted his head, she didn’t like the way he looked at her.

  He handed the report back to her. “Congratulations,” he said in an impersonal voice. “Who’s the father?”

  The words punched the air from her lungs with the same ferocity as when he’d cut her airflow during lovemaking. Then it had given her an earth-shattering orgasm. Now it caused her pain, with the same intensity. She couldn’t believe he’d said that. Hurt and anger blurred her vision.

  She drew back her hand, and, before she could stop herself, slapped him. She took a step away from him, biting back the tears. The trace of her fingers lay red across his cheek. Lann accepted her abuse with a stoic expression, without uttering a word.

  “You bastard,” she whispered. “You needn’t feign your innocence by insulting me. Are you afraid I’ll ask you for child support? Do you think I’ll expect you to play an unwilling role in this baby’s life? Maybe you think I’ll try to emotionally blackmail you into marrying me.” She clutched her bag to her chest. “I didn’t come here expecting anything from you. I only came because you had a right to know.” She took a ragged breath. “And to ask why you lied to me.”

  When he still didn’t speak, she nodded, the unwelcome tears threatening to find their way to her cheeks. He wasn’t going to offer any explanation, any solace, or any excuse.

  “I see,” she said. “Then we have nothing more to say to each other.”

  She turned for the door, but Lann’s voice halted her. “Please stay. You’re upset. I’ll take you home when you feel calmer.”

  To her dismay, a small gasp escaped her throat. Did he honestly think she’d stay after what he’d just said? Not looking back, she ran downstairs, not caring that Lann was calling after her loud enough for the building to hear or that his employees were staring at her from the library window.

  The security men who’d been following her since the day she’d left Lann’s home for good waited outside. Lann had said it was for her protection. She wasn’t involved with Lann any longer. She didn’t need them. She didn’t want them or anyone else to witness her humiliation and pain.

  She walked in the direction of the bus stop, breaking into a run long before she got there. When she passed the fresh food market, she went inside and stole a look over her shoulder as she snaked her way through stalls. The heavy flow of shoppers hampered the guards’ advance. The men pushed forward, looking around as they searched for her. Ducking low, she made her way to a side exit. Once outside, she ran for two blocks and only slowed down when they didn’t follow.

  She didn’t stop until she was home, in the safety of her own apartment, where she collapsed on the sofa with one hand on her stomach and the
other on her forehead.

  Diana appeared in the frame, her gaze sympathetic. “It didn’t go well, did it?”

  Kat wiped her windblown hair from her face, gathering the long strands at her nape. “He didn’t tell me why. He didn’t even try to lie himself out of why he deceived me.” She took an elastic from her wrist and tied her hair into a ponytail. “He insinuated he’s not the father.”

  Diana gasped. “That son of a bitch! Oh, Kat, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m glad. Now I can just get on with my life.”

  “Just like that?” Diana took a few steps into the room. “You’re just going to let him off the hook?”

  “He knows. I’ve done my duty. At least he’s not going to be a part of my future, constantly hurting me every time I have to look at his face.” She was so damn tired. All she wanted to do was go to bed and sleep forever.

  “If you never planned on holding him accountable, you shouldn’t have told him.” Diana crossed her arms. “I knew he was going to upset you.”

  “He had a right to know. How he deals with it is his problem.”

  “He’s a first-class asshole and I’ll give him—”

  The sound of the doorbell gave them both a start.

  “It’s Enrico,” Diana said on the way to the door. “I’ll tell him I’m staying.”

  “No. You should go. I’m fine.”

  The security chain rattled. The door squeaked as it opened.


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