Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7)

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Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7) Page 12

by Colbie Kay

  "Cheers to that!" Jacey takes her shot. The rest of us do the same.

  I wince as the poison burns the back of my throat. "Oh my God!" I grimace while the others laugh at me.

  Zoey begins, "So…Tinsley." Oh no! I've been around these ladies enough to know they like to be nosy. "Is Romeo everything you hoped and dreamed he would be?"

  "Yes." I smile and nod. "Can I tell you something?"

  "Spill it." Sierra sits up straighter. She's really come out of her shell since things worked out between her and Hacker.

  I bite my bottom lip to keep my smile from growing any further. "He asked me to be his ol' lady."

  "Ah!" They all squeal in happiness.

  "I have a secret too," Audrey announces, "Hunter asked me to marry him."

  "What?!" Daphne jumps up and hugs her friend and employee.

  "I know! I was surprised because he just gave me my property cut, but I'm so happy!" She gushes.

  I can’t hold back any longer, and my smile grows to the point my cheeks are hurting. "Congratulations."

  "You too!" She hugs me, and everyone joins in with us.

  We do another round of shots and continue talking before Zoey says, “Let's play a game.”

  "No!" Chatty yells while giggling. "We aren't playing one of your crazy drinking games.”

  Zoey sticks her bottom lip out. "Oh come on! This one won't be bad."

  I give her a skeptical side-eye. "What is it?"

  "Y'all go ahead. I'll be the DBS." Daphne laughs.

  "DBS?" Ever questions.

  "Yeah." Daphne nods. "The designated babysitter. I'll deal with any of the kids if they wake up." We all guffaw because when it comes to Zoey and drinking games, we’re bound to end up white girl wasted.

  "Let the games begin," Sierra shouts while downing another shot.

  Zoey sits up straighter. "I'm going to the bar. That’s the name of the game. What we have to do is, I'll start by saying I'm going to the bar, and I'll say a drink, then Jacey will repeat what I say and add a drink. Once you mess up, you have to drink. Got it?"

  "Got it," We all say in unison.

  Zoey starts, "I'm going to the bar to get a shot of tequila."

  Jacey goes, "I'm going to the bar to get a shot of tequila and a margarita."

  Sierra's turn. "I'm going to the bar to get a shot of tequila, a margarita, and a sex on the beach."

  Audrey repeats and adds a Mai Tai.

  Ever adds a shot of fireball.

  Chatty adds a screwdriver.

  And it finally becomes my turn. "I'm going to the bar to get a shot of tequila, a margarita, a sex on the beach, a Mai Tai, a shot of fireball, a screwdriver, and a grasshopper." I take a deep breath after repeating all that.

  The round starts again, and Jacey is the first to mess up forcing her to drink her shot, and Sierra begins. After I don't know how many rounds, we're all laughing, and the music has begun. We sing and dance around the living room, removing our shirts as the tequila warms us up.

  "Wow! What the fuck is going on in here?" Romeo's voice stuns me until I realize he's really here. Running into his arms, he lifts me up, and my lips slam against his as I throw my arms around his neck. "I'm so happy you're here!" I squeal in my drunken state.

  Romeo laughs. "What did you ladies do to her?"

  Zoey answering. "We got her drunk."

  He nods. "I can see that."

  Chatty adds, “Crazy Girl and her games.”

  “Ah, Christ.” Hanger laughs.

  My mouth suddenly takes on a mind of its own. "Take me home and have fun while I ride you."

  "Oh, shit!" Chatty says, giggling.

  "You gonna get it good tonight, heartbreaker." Jacey giggles as Bear picks her up, throws her over his shoulder, and smacks her ass on the way out.

  "We'll be back to get the kids," Bear announces on his way out.

  Romeo glances at the big man. "Hanger, can I borrow your truck?"

  "Here." Keys are thrown in the air, and Romeo catches them. "I'll get her situated and come back for Hope."

  "Hope, my baby. I have my baby! All because of you!" I cry into his shoulder and pepper kisses all along his neck and cheek.

  "Yes, you do, but it wasn't all me, babe." He pats my back with a chuckle.

  "You called me babe!" I cry harder. "We're like official!"

  He laughs harder. "We were official the first time I fucked you."

  He helps me walk out to the truck. "I think we need to work on your romance skills, Romeo,” I declare.

  "Sure." He puts me inside the truck.

  I wait for him to get Hope and fasten her into one of the car seats. He jumps into the driver’s side and shuts the door. “I mean, really, you can’t have a name like Romeo and not be romantic.”

  His hand lays on my thigh. “I didn’t get the name because of my romance skills.”

  I glance at him with curiosity. “Well, how did you get it then?”

  “I got Romeo because I used to have a way with words. Women would hear me and want to—”

  I put my hand up and stop him. “Okay, okay. I got it.”

  He pulls into our driveway and parks the truck, which he’ll have to return to Hanger. He carries Hope in first and comes to get me. Holding me bridal style, he never lets me go until he lays me on our bed in the master bedroom. "I think I want you naked.” I try to give him my best sultry expression, but my eyes are closing.

  “Yeah?” He questions, his tone laced with amusement.

  "Mmhm," I respond, but it comes out nothing more than a mumble.

  "I think you..." is the last I hear before blackness takes over.

  "Tin, wake up." Romeo's voice startles me awake.

  Sitting up, my groggy eyes roam the darkened room, which is only lit by the table lamp next to the bed. "What? What happened?" It's been a week since he got back from Texas, but I thought things had calmed down for the club. Well, besides the patch party they had for Drifter a few nights ago.

  That was a wild night, and the first time I’d left Hope since I'd gotten her back. Zoey's parents were nice and added Hope into the kids that they already had. She loved getting to play with all the others, and I trust Zoey's parents. She had a great time, and it fills my heart with happiness at how quickly she is growing comfortable with everyone. I thought it would take her longer to adjust, but she’s really doing well.

  "Nothing happened." Romeo chuckles but holds something in front of him. Blinking my eyes, I focus my vision, and a gasp falls from my lips. "Is that for me?"

  "Yeah, Chatty brought it over tonight, and I couldn't wait to give it to you." The back says Property of Romeo with the Sinners’ emblem, and when he turns it around, I see the name Tin across the front left side of the vest. "Do you like it?"

  "I love it!" Standing in my naked form, Romeo helps put it on me. I spin around letting him see me in it. "How does it look?"

  "It looks perfect! And sexy as hell." He begins to remove his clothes, and I start to take the cut off to hang it up. "No," He shouts at me, and I jump, startled by the sudden harshness in his tone. "Sorry." He chuckles. "Leave it on."

  I huff and place my hand on my naked hip as he sits on the edge of the bed. "You scared me. All you had to do was ask."

  He takes my hand in his and yanks me between his legs. His lips brush against my stomach as he peppers kisses across to said hip bone, and back across to the other.

  My body is lit on fire, I thirst for him. Straddling his lap, I reach down and hold his hard cock in my hand as I begin to guide him inside me. Once he's far enough in, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as we begin to move in sync. Our bodies melt into one as his arms snake around to my back, pulling me impossibly closer. Flesh against flesh, mouth against mouth, we show each other the love we share for one another.

  "Tin, I love you."

  I swallow his words of endearment just as he does when I reply, "I love you too."

  There aren’t any rough or quick movem
ents. It's a slow set of rhythmic thrusts, but that doesn't stop my orgasm from rushing through my body at lightning speed.

  "Romeo," I call out in bliss.

  "Fuck, Tin!" He groans, "I'm coming too." We hold each other tighter, riding the wave together. He pulls me down on top of him as he lays on the mattress. I’ll never get tired of the way he loves me. My dark knight in a dark fairytale. He’s my twisted good in a world of bad.

  The sunlight shines through the window casting a glow against Tinley's face. My chest seizes with a feeling of complete happiness, something I never thought I would feel. Tinsley makes me happy, she makes me want shit I've never wanted before, such as waking up next to her every morning and holding her every night. She's the good in my world of bad, and I never want to lose that. I used to be content fucking the whores at the club, never putting myself out there like I did with Giovanna, and never falling in love again, but it happened. With Giovanna, it was different; it wasn't real love. I didn't want to spend every waking moment with her, I didn't want to make her my ol' lady, and I didn't want kids with her. I want all that and so much fucking more with Tinsley.

  Sneaking under the covers, I situate myself between her thighs. Just as I’m about to taste her, I hear Hope’s little voice calling for her momma over the monitor. Nothing can dampen the mood quicker than your baby waking up. We’ve had Hope for a month now, and although our sex life isn’t as spur of the moment as it used to be, I wouldn’t have it any other way as long as we have this little girl.

  I walk into her bedroom and pick her up out of her crib before bringing her into our room. I lay her between the two of us. Tinsley smiles, and my fucking heart skips a beat.

  "I'm her dad," I whisper more to myself than anything. "She's mine. You're mine. This is our family, and I want to make it official."

  Tinsley sits up in the bed, her eyes blinking rapidly. "What are you saying?"

  I stare into her shining orbs. "I'm saying I want you to call that attorney we hired to get Hope’s paperwork situated and have him put my name on her birth certificate as her father. Then we’re going to the courthouse, and we’re getting married."

  "Married?" She squeaks.

  "Yes, married. At the courthouse. Today."

  "Romeo." My name falls from her lips in a hushed gasp.

  Taking her hand in mine, I ask, "Will you marry me, Tin? Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you let me love your daughter as my own flesh and blood?"

  Tears pool in her eyes. "Yes!"

  Smiling, I sit up and we lean over Hope as our lips meet.

  "Momma. Daddy." She giggles

  We break apart laughing. "Oh my God!" Tinsley picks Hope up and puts her in her lap. "She called me momma for the first time!"

  "And she called me daddy!" I say with pride and excitement. "I think she is giving her approval."

  "I think so." We both laugh and kiss the top of her little head.

  While Tinsley was getting Hope ready, I made a call to the club's attorney, Mr. Winters, and he's freed his schedule for us to come in and speak with him.

  We get Hope into her car seat in the new Chevy Traverse I bought. I’d realized after bringing Hope home that we couldn’t only ride my bike any longer. Tinsley sits in the passenger seat while I begin driving to the attorney’s office. Once we're sitting down in front of him, he asks, "What do you need from me?"

  I tell him, "We need the paperwork on Hope. We need a new birth certificate and everything on her."

  Mr. Winters’ eyes lift from the notes he’s taking. "Is she biologically yours?"

  Tinsley states, "She's biologically my daughter, yes."

  "Okay, so I think where we need to start is setting up a DNA test to have proof without a shadow of a doubt that she is, in fact, yours. Is there any paperwork on her at all?"

  I tell him, "Hacker has the files. I can have him email Hope's over to you."

  He nods. "Sounds good. Once we have the results back, then we should be able to move forward on getting everything else situated."

  I add, "I want you to remove the biological father's name. Make his name disappear."

  Mr. Winters sighs and his brow knits. "Romeo, I'm not sure I can do that."

  I sit up straighter and lean closer to his desk. My voice drops into a deadly serious tone. "You can, and you will. I don't give two fucks how long it takes, or the price I gotta pay. That sick fuck's name will not be attached to Hope. Got it?"

  He lays his pen on top of the notepad and crosses his arms on the desk. "I'll do my best. It could take more time."

  "Do it!" I order.

  His hands lift in surrender. "Okay. I'll get it done."

  "Good." I blow out a breath and lace my fingers with Tinsley's. I ignore the wide eyes she's giving me. "Now, we gotta go get hitched. Have a great day, Winters."

  I stand and take Hope into my arms as the three of us walk out.

  "You don't have to be so demanding with people," Tinsley smirks as she gets into the SUV.

  "If you play nice, Tin, shit don't get done." I grin back and give her a wink as I start the vehicle.

  His office isn't but a ten-minute ride from the courthouse, so it doesn't take us long to get over there and find a parking spot.

  We go inside, and I glance around, suddenly feeling anxious.

  "You okay?" Tinsley asks beside me.

  "Yeah, I'm good. Just never thought I'd willingly step foot inside a courthouse."

  She snickers as we search for the room we need.

  We enter into the clerk's office, and the clerk comes to stand on the other side of the counter from us. "How can I help you?"

  "We wanna get hitched," I blurt out.

  Tinsley elbows me in my side. "Ignore him." She smiles at the woman, who is now glaring at me. "We would like to get married."

  She goes over to a filing cabinet and shuffles through it, finally pulling out a piece of paper. Bringing it back to us, she slides the form across the counter. "You have to fill this out, and it takes three days."

  My brows pull down, and my excitement begins to evaporate. "We have to wait to get married?"

  "Yes. You can come back in three days, and the judge will marry you."

  I glance at Tinsley. "Maybe we should go to Vegas."

  Tinsley huffs, but I see the amusement in her eyes as she glares at me–as is the clerk. "We're not going to Vegas." Her attention refocuses on the clerk. "We'll be back in three days." This time, Tinsley grabs my arm, yanking me out of the building.

  Tinsley comes back into our living room with Hope after changing her diaper. "Hey, husband.” She beams. That’s what she’s been calling me since we said our “I do’s” a few days ago.

  Smirking back, I respond, “Hey, wifey.”

  “Can you watch Hope for a little while?" She puts Hope down on her feet, and our little girl runs happily over to her toys.

  "Yeah, sure. Where are you going?"

  "I talked to Daphne about getting a tattoo."

  "Oh, yeah? What are you getting?" Tinsley is sexy, but to put some tattoos on her beautiful cream skin would be...shit, my cock's getting hard just thinking about it.

  "I'm getting a reminder that I am creating my own path and that I have navigated my way through all the bad in my life."

  "I can't wait to see it."

  She steps over to the couch and bends down, her face is level with mine. "Thank you." She leans forward pressing her lips to mine. "I love you."

  "I love you too." She steps over to Hope, kneels down, and pulls her in for a hug. "You stay with Daddy. I'll be back in just a little bit."

  "Bye, Mommy." Hope sticks her lips out for a kiss. Tinsley smiles and kisses our daughter.

  Still, after two months of having Hope, my heart still clenches at seeing Tinsley as a mom.

  When the door shuts, I crawl down onto the floor with Hope and begin playing with the blocks that she's stacking. “It's just you and me, pretty girl."

  "Daddy." She smiles and holds a
block out to me. I swear I wanna drop to my knees and cry like a goddamn baby every time she calls me daddy. My life is fucking perfect, and I feel like the luckiest motherfucker on earth.

  Tinsley's been gone for close to two hours, and we've played with every single toy and read every single book, and Hope is nowhere ready to take a nap. She’s running from the icebox into the front room over and over again. It’s as if she's racing.

  Thinking she's occupied for a moment, I go to the bathroom, and while I'm in there, she suddenly becomes very quiet. I know that's never a good sign. Hurrying, I wash my hands, and when I enter the living room again, my eyes are ready to pop out of my head.

  "What the shit?" I stare at the wall that Hope's painted, and not in a good way.

  Rushing to my phone, I call Tinsley. "Hey." I hear the smile in her voice as I rush over to Hope and begin to remove her shirt.

  "Tin, get home!" I exclaim in my rush and may have gagged from the smell and sight.

  "Why? What's wrong?" Now she sounds worried.

  "Shit! Shit is what's wrong!" Holding the phone with my shoulder, I grab Hope with my hands and hold her in front of me…keeping her as far out as possible. "Shit is everywhere!"

  Tinsley laughs hysterically. "What are you talking about?"

  "Just come home!" I drop the phone and put Hope in the bathtub. When the water is the right temperature, I begin to spray her down with our showerhead. "Why, Hope, why? You don't ever take your diaper off with your momma, but you wait until you're with me, and you make art on the wall with shit?" I will probably laugh about this later, but right now, it's far from funny. “You just put me on that list of dad’s that shouldn’t be alone with their kids. You know that, right?” Hope gives me her sneaky little smile.

  As I'm getting Hope dried off, the door slams. "Ahhhh!" I hear Tinsley scream.

  And at this moment, when Hope smiles and screams back, "Mommy," I do laugh.

  Tinsley comes into the bathroom while I'm putting a clean diaper on Hope. "What did you do?" Tinsley asks with her nose scrunched.


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