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The Fifth Survivor - Episode 3

Page 5

by Angel Ramon

  You have combined a jar of Gunpowder B with a jar of Gunpowder C.

  Deciding to only combine two jars, George heads to the ammo creation machine.

  You have inserted a jar of gunpowder BC.

  +9 Dragonfire Shells (+3 for Crafting Level)

  You have inserted three jars of gunpowder A.

  +33 Pistol Ammo. Pistol Ammo: 49

  +200 XP Gained!

  Crafting XP: 700/700

  Ammo Crafting Increased to Level 4! +4 Extra Ammo Yielded per conversion.

  You have inserted a jar of Gunpowder B

  +10 Buckshot Shells. Buckshot Shells: 16

  You have inserted a jar of Gunpowder C

  +10 Magnum Rounds. Magnum Rounds: 13

  +100 XP Gained!

  Crafting XP: 800/1100

  After crafting some much-needed ammo. He checks the rest of the gun shop and sees there is nothing else to be found. As he’s leaving the shop through a couple of zombies enter the shop. One of them tries to grab him, but he’s able to avoid the attack. Heading back into the shop, he shoots both zombies easily with his pistol.

  Pistol Ammo: 43

  Leaving the gun shop, he continues to see more of the undead reappear in the lobby. Not wanting to waste his ammo, he simply goes down to the first floor. On the first floor, he spots a huge map where he finds the door leading to the security office.

  George begins to walk towards the office and finds the door. When he reaches the door though, he is unable to open it. He spots a keycard panel that requires two keycards. He kicks the door in frustration.

  “Damn it! Can anything get worse in this consumer hell hole?”

  When he turns around, he hears the glass from the pet shop next to him break. Looking to his right, he sees a couple of Lizardas ready to attack.

  “Shit! It looks like I spoke too soon.”

  One of the Lizardas jumps and tries to slash him. George dives the other way to avoid the attack. When he gets up though, he is slashed by the other lizard creature.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  Pulling out his shotgun, he blasts the Lizarda that slashed him with a couple of buckshot shells, killing it. The other Lizarda turns around and latches on to him. The Lizarda attempts to use its sharp teeth to bite into his neck but he fights it off. Using the shotgun, he blocks the Lizarda causing it to bite the shotgun instead.

  He pushes it away from him and it flips to the floor falling face first. The Lizarda gets up quickly. George shoots the creature right away with two shotgun blasts and kills it. The creature bleeds out the signature blue blood that spills over the newly waxed floors.

  Buckshot Shells: 12

  “So much for keeping the tiles in mint condition. I can tell there’s gonna be cleanup to be done when all of this is over.” He says to himself.

  With access to the basement locked, he figures that he should go into the pet shop just in case the key is in there. Going through the broken window, he pulls out his flashlight as it’s completely dark inside.

  Walking through the pet shop, he is surprised by a zombie that grabs his foot. Flashing his light on the undead, George stomps on the head of the zombie. The brain pops out when he stomps the head to his disgust. Despite that, he is able to hold in the urge to hurl. In the pet shop, he can see the fish still swimming in their tanks and Lizardas trying to keep warm without their heating lamps.

  He notices that his flashlight is starting to flicker and he bangs it to get it operating normally again. As he walks, he sees a part of the ceiling come down. A zombie-like human come down head first with its feet stuck on the ceiling.

  “Holy cow!”

  George shoots a single bullet from his pistol into the head of the human until he realizes that the body is not moving. Upon further review, it looks like the body has been bitten to death.

  “Lord have mercy on that poor soul…” He says.

  After the jump scare, another body comes down from the ceiling, but this time this one is moving. It reveals itself as another undead that George shoots with three pistol bullets killing it.

  Pistol Bullets: 40

  Once he kills the zombie, he hears another window break behind him. Aiming his flashlight towards the window, he sees a large horde of zombies entering. Realizing that the horde is quite large, he switches to his shotgun and loads in the Dragonfire shells.

  The zombies enter by the bunches as George shoots them with the Dragonfire shells. The incendiary shells are super effective against the zombies as they begin to go down like bowling pins.

  Dragonfire Shells: 7

  Despite the amount of undead he takes out; more continue to walk towards him. He continues to shoot more shells as he begins to clear out the horde.

  Dragonfire Shells: 5

  Seeing the horde beginning to clear out, he becomes encouraged to leave the pet shop. That is until he sees Mr. Z jump to the ground.

  Without hesitation, George runs from the monster with his flashlight guiding him. Running to the back of the pet shop, he sees a door leading to the storage room. He looks behind him and sees Mr. Z breaking through the shaft blocking the front door.

  In the storage room, he sees lots of boxes that he could try to hide behind. He decides to hide behind the box in the back right corner of the room. Hiding behind the box, he sees Mr. Z break the door and entering the room.

  George remains quiet like a statue as he tries to avoid being spotted by the superhuman. Mr. Z walks around the room and passes right by George. After a minute of not finding George, the monster leaves the pet shop.

  “Whew… not sure how much my heart can take with all these close calls.”

  He walks quietly to make sure he doesn’t make too much noise. Peeking to the actual shop, he sees Mr. Z head back to the lobby. With the monster gone, for now, he notices that his flashlight doesn’t work.

  You use the Lithium Battery to power the Flashlight.

  With a fresh battery inside, he looks around the pet shop to see if he finds any pickups. He sees an herb on top of a desk.

  Picked up a Green Herb.

  You use the Green Herb.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  Seeing nothing else in the pet shop, he carefully leaves making sure the monster isn’t waiting to ambush him. Leaving the pet shop, he becomes flustered not knowing where to go next as the key to the security office could be anywhere.

  “If I was a key where would I be? Hmm… maybe a supermarket.”

  George sees a shop-a-mart supermarket ahead and decides to enter it. To his relief, the supermarket has its own backup generator and the store is well lit. Putting away his flashlight, he walks into the supermarket where he finds some zombies walking around inside.

  He grabs his pistol and shoots the three zombies that are by the entrance.

  Pistol Ammo: 34

  After killing the zombies, he walks carefully looking for the manager’s office. He’s unable to spot the office, so he carefully goes through the meat aisle and doesn’t spot anything unusual besides a large number of dead bodies.

  As he walks, he hears somebody making an announcement over the loudspeaker.

  “Welcome to the shop-a-mart supermarket! Please don’t mind the chaos that might be happening. We got some great deals today, so shop till you drop!”

  “The end result of mass capitalism, a dumbbell that is oblivious to what’s going on.” George says to himself.

  When he turns the corner and enters the dairy section, he spots a couple of giant spiders crawling along.

  “Oh crap. This gives a whole new meaning to crying over spilled milk.”

  He pulls out his shotgun and loads in the buckshot shells. He easily kills one of the two spiders that he sees as it gets close to him.

  Buckshot Shells: 10

  He tries to shoot the other spider from long range, but the buckshot’s range is terrible and they hit everywhere besides the spider. The spider jumps down to the floor and tries to spit poison at him. He easil
y jumps to his left to dodge the poison.

  As the spider gets closer and tries to tackle him, George aims his shotgun and shoots the spider. After a couple of shots, the spider goes down and bleeds out the rancid green blood that he’s had the displeasure of smelling.

  Buckshot Shells: 7

  Before he can get too comfortable though, he is ambushed from behind by another giant spider. The spider tackles him to the ground. As George tries to get up, the spider slaps him to a counter holding cheese.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  His shotgun flies out of his hand after hitting the counter hard. Losing his consciousness, he’s unable to get his magnum out of his holster. The spider crawls up to him and begins to lick his neck. George is too weak to fight back and braces to be eaten.

  Two loud blasts are heard from the distance. The spider is shot twice before it turns its attention behind it. Continuing to crawl, it’s shot for the third time and dies. When the spider dies, George begins to get up.

  “What happened? Did I survive? Who’s there? Could it be my Guardian Angel is here, once again?”

  Getting up slowly, he sees the spider that had attacked him is indeed dead. He turns back and recovers his shotgun. Going back towards where the spider was, he sees bullet casings on the floor. Looking at the casings, they are indeed .50 caliber rounds from a Desert Eagle Action Express.

  “Could it be that woman I met is the mystery person? Nah, it couldn’t be, she wouldn’t go all the way to Brooklyn to save my ass. Elaine…”

  He thinks that it might be Elaine who is around and is hiding her true intentions.

  “Elaine… Elaine! Are you here? Stop hiding and come out here.”

  He hears no response from anyone. After pondering for a few minutes, he decides to just continue exploring the supermarket. Looking through the home supplies aisle, he sees a group of dead bodies one on top of another full of blood. He sees a jar of gunpowder all by its lonesome.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder B.

  Walking down the aisle, his leg is grabbed. Not getting into a panic, he quickly steps on the head of the zombie that tries to grab him. Seeing nothing more in the aisle, he walks back to the dairy section. When he returns to the dairy section, he spots a windowed area that looks like it might be the manager’s office.

  Continuing through the aisles of various fresh cheeses, George meets a couple of Lizardas who try to attack him. He dodges out of the way as they jump towards the bacon section. Watching all the packets of bacon falling to the fall triggers George.

  “Nobody messes with my bacon and lives!”

  With his shotgun, George shoots both Lizardas in complete rage. The two creatures die and fall to the floor. The blue blood contaminates all of the bacon that fell to the floor.

  Buckshot Shells: 4

  At first, he’s angry seeing his favorite food contaminated by the blood but the anger turns to concern knowing that could be the future of the world if Hybrid wins. He begins to notice that his ammo is being eaten away.

  “I better conserve my ammo, there’s no knowing how hard it will be to find more bullets.”

  Heading towards the windowed area, the ceiling in front of him collapses. Along with the debris, Mr. Z comes down.

  “Oh come on, don’t you ever take a break? What the hell do you want from me?” Despite screaming at Mr. Z, George gets no answer.

  He runs towards the detergent section directly to his left in an attempt to get away. When he runs in the aisle, he sees Mr. Z following him. He sees the aisle is blocked by a cabinet with liquid detergent. George tries to climb over the cabinet. He’s not particularly successful as he falls to the ground.

  After falling to the ground, he gets up quickly and gets his magnum. When he tries to shoot Mr. Z, the gun doesn’t shoot. That is when he realizes that he forgot to reload his magnum. With no time to pull out his shotgun, Mr. Z takes advantage and punches him.

  Condition: Danger

  When he falls to the floor, he sees powdered detergent that is slightly opened. Opening it fully, he throws it in the face of the monster. The powder is enough to blind it for a few seconds. George gets up as quickly as possible and runs by Mr. Z who is kneeling down. When he gets out of the aisle, he runs into the next aisle which is full of snacks.

  With some distance from the monster, he reloads his magnum as fast as he can. He feels the shelf next to him ready to fall and he runs before all the cookies fall to the floor. Running out of the aisle, Mr. Z is waiting for him and tries to punch him. George is able to duck under the high punch and runs back from the superhuman.

  When he gets some distance from the monster, he shoots a couple of bullets into the head of the superhuman. Mr. Z kneels down once again and George shoots another magnum round into the head of the monster. Mr. Z falls to the floor face first.

  Magnum Rounds: 10

  George checks the pockets of Mr. Z in case the monster has anything useful.

  Picked up some Slug Shells. These shells are weaker than the buckshot, but they are great from long range.

  +6 Slug Shells

  After taking down the superhuman, he sees the most direct way has been blocked off by the ceiling debris. Turning back, he heads through the cereal and sugar aisle. When he enters the aisle, he hears an announcement on the loudspeaker.

  “Today we have a special of bacon. Only two for $4. Grab it while it… argghhhh, no!”

  “While it’s hot…” George humorously finished the announcer’s sentence.

  Heading back to the front by the cashiers, he sees several zombies walking around. To converse ammo, he outruns all of them and heads to the frozen food section. When he gets to the frozen food section, he sees many zombies blocking the aisle.

  Spotting the middle section where more frozen food is located, he hops on the counter and runs. As he’s running on top of the frozen food, a few zombies try to climb up to his level. He simply shoots them as he’s running causing them to fall back down.

  Pistol Ammo: 28

  He reloads his pistol as he’s running and continues to shoot zombies that try to climb up until he reaches the end.

  Pistol Ammo: 25

  Reaching the end, he sees the door leading to the manager’s office. George quickly enters through the door and runs up the stairs. When he gets up the stairs, he sees a lone zombie in the hallway that he kills easily with his pistol.

  Pistol Ammo: 22

  Reloading his weapon, he spots two doors. He tries to open the manager’s office, but as expected it’s locked. He spots another door that is not labeled and enters. He sees a man next to a microphone all bitten up and mutilated.

  “Poor man… as annoying as he was, even he deserved a better death.”

  Looking around the room, he doesn’t see much except for a herb.

  Picked up a Green Herb.

  You use the Green Herb.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  On the desk, he spots a key.

  Picked up a Key. The tag reads, Manager’s Office.

  Leaving the room, he uses the key to open the Manager’s Office and enters. When he enters, he’s shocked when he finds the manager’s body beheaded. The head of the manager is on the floor next to the window. Even for George, the sight is tough to take in.

  Investigating the office, he finds a few pickups on the cabinet.

  Picked up a Green Herb.

  You use the Green Herb.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  Picked up a Blue Herb.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder A

  He spots a desk that is locked that he easily picks.

  Lockpicking Level Increased to Level 12!

  Inside the desk, he finds a small book. Before he opens it though, he hears someone screaming faintly.

  Chapter 6

  Since the noise is so faint, George doesn’t pay too much attention believing it’s somebody being eaten by a zombie. Looking inside of the book, there is a note and he begins to read it. It lo
oks like an email that he sent.

  “To the locksmith,

  I have a safe behind my desk and I need it open because the card to the security office is inside. The security division has been bugging me about the card because during an emergency I might need it. The problem is… I forgot my safe combination.

  This is a digital safe that I brought from you guys, so I figured that you could open it for me or hotwire it until I get a new safe. I’m sending you this email so I can schedule a service call with you guys as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.”

  Looking at the safe, George sees screwdrivers and pliers that he uses as he attempts to hotwire the safe. His attempts to bypass the security on the safe go for not.

  Level 13 Lockpicking Skill required.

  Despite his best efforts, he still cannot get the safe open. Then he hears another scream that is louder.


  This time, George is able to understand the screaming and rushes out of the manager’s office.

  “A survivor? I might need someone to help me get out of this crazy place. I hope I’m not too late.”

  He goes through the soda and drinks aisle instead of the frozen food section to avoid bumping into the undead. When George gets to the cashiers, he exits the supermarket. After exiting the supermarket, he hears the screaming again. This time, he hears it even louder.

  “Get away from me you monkey!” A female voice shouts.

  He hears loud blasts similar to a high powered gun. Running up the stairs, he sees Mr. Z chasing a woman similar to the one that he met earlier. He gets his shotgun ready as he sees her shooting it with a Desert Eagle. The first thing that pops into his head is that she might be the mystery woman that’s been saving his hide. The female continues to shoot Mr. Z until she runs out of bullets and has to reload. She spots George.

  “What are you doing you fool? Just run!” The female says.

  George refuses to run and watches as Mr. X punches her on her side. With his shotgun, he loads in the slug shells and shoots the monster in the head. The shells might not be too strong, but the headshots do the trick.

  Mr. Z turns around and walks towards George. He shoots three more slug shells at his head until it goes down to the floor. When the superhuman hits the floor, George checks its pockets to see if it has anything useful.


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