The Fifth Survivor - Episode 3

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The Fifth Survivor - Episode 3 Page 6

by Angel Ramon

  Slug Shells: 3

  Picked up +6 Buckshot Shells.

  Buckshot Shells: 10

  Then he looks at the woman and sees she is down on the ground.

  “Hey, are you ok? You seem to be my guardian angel, now you owe me.” He says humorously. The woman groans in pain.

  “You don’t look good. I’ll take you to the medical area.”

  George picks her up and carries her to the medical area equipped with a bed and everything else. Putting her on top of the bed, he looks at her more carefully. He realizes that she is the same woman that he had lunch with earlier. As much as he wants to ask her questions, she is unconscious.

  He looks around the room to see what he can gather and finds a few items.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder A

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder B

  Picked up a First Aid Spray.

  Continuing to investigate the room, George finds nothing else that will prove useful. As bad as he feels leaving the woman lying by herself, he knows that he needs to continue to find a way out of the mall before he runs out of resources. He figures that he’ll take a small trip to the gun shop to craft some ammo and then come right back.

  He begins to walk back to the gun shop with the lobby being clear compared to before. As George enters the gun shop, he finds a few zombies that were not in there before. He is grabbed by one of them but is able to push it off before it can bite him. He dives back as he’s shooting at the zombies. He’s able to shoot two of the three zombies. The third zombie grabs him, but he doesn’t panic and grabs his survival knife. With the knife, he stabs the undead in the head, killing it.

  Pistol Ammo: 22

  Once the gun shop is entirely clear, he heads to the counter where the gunpowder conversion machine is located.

  You combine a jar of Gunpowder A with a jar of Gunpowder B.

  He decides to only combine two jars of gunpowder before he begins to convert ammo.

  You have inserted a jar of Gunpowder AB.

  +10 Slug Shells. Slug Shells: 13

  You have inserted a jar of Gunpowder A.

  +12 Pistol Ammo. Pistol Ammo: 34

  You have inserted a jar of Gunpowder B.

  +10 Buckshot Shells. Buckshot Shells: 14

  +150 XP Gained!

  Crafting XP: 950/1100

  Before he leaves the shop, a Lizarda enters the shop and ambushes George by slashing him on his left side.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  He’s unprepared and has no time to pull out his shotgun. The Lizarda jumps onto him and tries to bite him. Grabbing his survival knife, he stabs it in its chest and the creature screams out in pain. With time to spare, George pulls out his shotgun and shoots the Lizarda with two slug shells killing it.

  Slug Shells: 13

  With the Lizarda dead, he pulls the knife out of the creature and makes his way out of the gun shop. When he gets out of the gun shop, he decides to head straight back to the medical area on the other side. When he gets to the medical area, he doesn’t see the woman lying down.

  “Where did that woman go?”

  “Put your hands where I can see them.”


  “I said put your hands where I can see them.” A female voice says.

  “You gotta be kidding me. I should have known not to trust you.”

  The female goes around him with her Desert Eagle pointed at him and reveals herself as the woman he had lunch with.

  “Why? I took you out to lunch or did Hybrid order you to take me out. Who are you exactly?”

  “I actually know who you are. You’re George T. Fisher or the Fish Master. I know that you guys have been probing around Hybrid. I saw you take the sample back in the California Headquarters, so I began to follow your every move.”

  “So you’re the one who was saving me all this time?”

  “You can say that.”

  “What is a beautiful looking girl like you doing with Hybrid? Shouldn’t you be out modeling?”

  “I appreciate the comment, but I have my reasons.”

  “So this is it, huh? You gotta complete your mission order by that pig, Anthony. I totally understand. All I will say is this. You got a choice, what is more important? Your dumb mission or your morals? You seem like a good girl caught in a huge mess.”

  The woman keeps her Desert Eagle held tightly and after a few seconds lowers it while putting her head down in shame.

  “I knew it. It doesn’t have to be this way. You saved me because you’re different from the other Hybrid puppets.”

  After George makes his statement, he hears the woman begin to tear up as she sits on the bed.

  “Hey take it easy. You did the right thing. I just want to know who you are, that’s it. I promise I won’t judge you. I might be a vigilante but I don’t bite.”

  The woman lets out tears of guilt and after a couple of minutes, she gathers herself ready to talk.

  “My name is Dawn and I’m the one who has been saving you from certain death. I saved you because I thought I could use you to help me take down Hybrid. However, a man from Hybrid told me he could have them spare my life and give me a big payday if I took out any spies. At first, I was planning on killing you.” Dawn answers while still tearing up.

  “Did you use to work with Hybrid?”

  “Yes, it’s a life I haven’t been proud of. I went into Hybrid thinking they were really into curing cancer and being the frontrunners in the medical field. As soon as I found out about the Raven Hawk and the truth, I set the self-destruct sequence and the creatures loose in their laboratory in Buffalo. I became public enemy number one for a while. Afterward, a former employee stood up for me saying I was just disgruntled because I didn’t get a raise and they decided to have mercy on me, but not after trying to kill me in their mansion hell hole in Upstate N.Y.”

  “Is that the same mansion that blew up back in May?”

  “Precisely… When I ran away from their laboratory in Buffalo, they managed to capture me and lock me up in their underground laboratory down in their mansion. I barely escaped with my life, but with all that they forgave me. So as far as Hybrid is concerned, I’m still on their side. They have no idea that I plan to take them down from the ground up and now that I finally met you, I believe you can help me take them down.” Dawn stutters as she talks.


  “What’s wrong, feeling a little cynical?”

  “You can’t blame me. You had a gun in my face.”

  “Sorry, I just needed to make sure you were sincere and not a spy trying to get a hold of the Raven Hawk in order to sell it. I guess I was a bit cynical myself.”

  “Why did you put this charade of hiding yourself?

  “I did it because I was scared when you found out I worked with Hybrid, you would think less of me.”

  “Listen, Dawn, I know you meant no harm when you were working with Hybrid. However, we gotta work together like you said to take them down and it all starts with getting out of here. I know you been through a lot, but it’s good you know that Hybrid is your enemy. What do you say? Ready to put the past to bed and start fresh?”

  “I just want to protect nature, especially the animals such as the birds. I’m an aspiring environmentalist… Wait… You really trust me?”

  “Not 100%, but I’m not worried. I’m sure as we go along we’ll get to know each other better.”

  “That means a lot George, it really does. I’m sorry I spied on you. Anyway, what do you think of getting out of here?”

  “Well, I need the keycard to the Forever 21 store as that’s where the maintenance area is located. I’m not sure if that will help us entirely, but it gives us the best chance of escaping. Have you had any luck finding any keycards?”

  “No, the closest I been to escaping was in the underground parking lot where I parked. Too bad my car was crushed by the debris caused by that monster that nearly killed me.”

  “I say we split up, last I checked
the security area had a panel indicating that it needs two keycards. My guess is that they’re in separate locations. If anything happens or if you find something, let’s meet up by the security door, ok?”

  “Sounds like a plan George. Be careful out there, these monsters mean business.” Dawn says while George nods his head in agreement.

  Dawn heads back down to the parking garage to re-investigate there. George decides to stay in the main mall area to see if he can find anything else that he hasn’t checked yet. Walking down the lobby, he sees a huge electronic shop called The Wiz.

  “The Wiz, huh? Might as well give it a check. Who knows, right?”

  He is armed with his pistol and flashlight as the electronics shop is dark. Entering the shop, he is a bit thrown off by the huge size of the shop and sees that it has two levels. Walking with his flashlight, he sees a group of dead bodies on the fall.

  “This place looks like Armageddon came early, holy shit.”

  George is appalled by the amount of blood and corpses on the floor and the fact that a single company is responsible for everything he’s been through. He decides to walk towards the cashiers on the level he’s on now. As he’s moving through the television section, he is grabbed from behind by a zombie that he doesn’t see. He gets bitten well before he’s able to push it back.

  Condition: Danger

  When he pushes it away, he turns around and shoots it with a few pistol headshots. The zombie goes down to his relief.

  Pistol Ammo: 19

  George is unable to get too comfortable. Turning around, he spots a horde of zombies behind him. He runs back to get some distance from the undead. Grabbing his shotgun, he loads the Dragonfire shells and shoots one strategically at the televisions. The flammable nature of the televisions causes them to explode and carry the flames to burn most of the horde.

  Dragonfire Shells: 4

  Most of the zombies burn to a crisp with the exception of three are in the back of the horde that stood away from the flames. Switching to his slug shells, he shoots the last three zombies in only two shots from mid-range.

  Slug Shells: 11

  “There goes your blowout deal up in smoke, hehe. I never liked The Wiz anyway. Their stuff was always second-hand crap.”

  After killing the horde of zombies, he continues to walk towards the counters. Getting to the counter, George sees more zombies behind the counter. Shooting his slug shells he takes out the three of them out with only a couple of shots.

  Slug Shells: 9

  After killing the undead, he checks behind the counter for anything useful. Looking under and everywhere, he finds a couple of items.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder A.

  Picked up a Red Herb.

  You use a First Aid Spray.

  Condition: Fine

  George heals himself completely and continues to look on the counter. He doesn’t find anything that proves useful. That is until he spots a small safe on the back counter. It’s another digital safe that he tries to hotwire. Unlike the one in the supermarket, he’s able to hotwire this one easily. When he opens it, he finds an item.

  Picked up an EMP Device. This is used to disable electronic devices such as electronic locks.

  “This might be useful for that safe, but I’ll head downstairs just in case.”

  As he’s heading down the stairs, the scene is oddly quiet. George is alarmed by the silence in the shop. Trying to ignore that, he walks to the stairs and begins to walk down. Reaching the landing in the middle of the stairway, he hears a noise behind him. He flashes his light in that direction but doesn’t spot anything.

  Aiming the light down to the lower levels, he sees more dead bodies next to some vacuums and toasters. Walking down to the first floor, he looks around the area for anything odd. Flashing the light towards the back, he spots the manager’s office. As he’s walking towards the back, a couple of froggers hop in front of him. One of the giant frogs spits its poison at him and it hits George.

  Condition: Poison

  After getting spit by the poison, he begins to feel numb. Nevertheless, he continues to run from the frogs trying to get distance from it. One of the frogs is able to grab him by the foot with its tongue. George drops his pistol and flashlight.

  The frogger begins to pull him towards its huge mouth. Grabbing his magnum out of desperation, he shoots a magnum round into its mouth killing it. Getting free from the first frogger, the second frogger jumps in front of him and slashes him. The huge creature walks up to him and attempts to eat him whole but he’s able to shoot it with a single magnum round. The frogger dies and bleeds out its signature green blood. Despite the eerie look, the smell is not nearly as bad as the spider’s blood.

  Magnum Rounds: 8

  You use a Blue Herb

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  After eating the blue herb, George begins to experience a bad aftertaste due to the fact he’s eating it dry. He takes the bad aftertaste like a man and begins to vomit out the toxins in his system.

  “Damn that is disgusting indeed. Lord have mercy on me.”

  Once he’s done hurling his guts out, he gets up and recovers his pistol along with his flashlight. Walking to the back of the store, he spots a few zombies eating corpses that he simply ignores to conserve ammo. Going through the stereos and video game sections, the scene turns eerily quiet.

  George turns in every direction trying to avoid any surprises. As he walks through the telephone section, he flashes his light and spots something that is red in color. Flashing his light up, he sees the face of Mr. Z and immediately runs.

  Not taking any chances, he rushes to the back where he sees the door to the manager’s office. Before George reaches the door, he checks on Mr. Z and sees the monster is turning around in his direction. George ducks under the counter and tries to hide from Mr. Z.

  Looking under the counter, he sees a small opening where he can see the superhuman’s legs. Getting under the counter properly, he watches where the superhuman walks. He begins to sweat but washes it off quickly to avoid giving his position away. While his heart is beating fast, he remains still as a statue.

  Thirty seconds later, George sees that Mr. Z is beginning to walk the other way. As soon as the monster turns the other way, George gets up from the counter right away and runs towards the manager’s room. Opening the door quickly, he goes up the stairs and hides in the manager’s room.

  From the window, he’s able to see Mr. Z from a safe distance. Hiding under the table with his magnum out, he waits to see if the monster walks out. After waiting for about five minutes, the superhuman walks out of the store to George’s relief.

  “Whew, I just hope Dawn doesn’t see that monster. Let’s see what the manager has in here.”

  Getting up from the floor, he flashes his flashlight around the room as he looks for anything useful. He does find a couple of items in a couple of locations.

  Picked up a Red Herb

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder B

  He spots a wooden desk that is unlocked and opens it to find another item.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder C

  Beneath the jar, he finds a memo that he begins to read.

  Security at the Brewster Mall

  “While we have gone over some of the simple aspects of security, we also have to go over the more ‘farfetched’ ideas. As you might know, ever since 9/11, we have to be on the lookout for terrorist attacks. While we have been blessed to not be hit with one, we must always be vigilant and keep our eyes open. This is why we have the maintenance areas so secured. That way if anybody tries to do anything malicious, they will have to get past security first.

  I know some people are worried that this will increase the amount of time needed to escape. While that might be true in one sense, the truth is the security guards will open the doors with their keycards and escort everyone to safety without risk of any bad guys getting into the sensitive parts of the mall.

  Believe it or not, what scares
me is Hybrid. I’m almost certain those guys are up to no good. They might deem the hospital incident an accident, but I got a bad feeling that it wasn’t. Something took place in that hospital and that is why I implemented these security clearances.

  Between me and you, I’m more afraid of zombies and giant spiders invading the mall than a regular terrorist attack. The security office needs two keycards for added security just in case. However, I fear that a simple EMP blast will bypass the locks.

  I know I might be scaring you, but all I’m asking for you guys to do is be careful and keep your eyes open. Although as long as Hybrid is around, we might not be able to close our eyes. Even for a minute.”


  Marvin Heckler

  President and CEO of Brewster Mall

  “It seems that not everyone was a fan of Hybrid. No wonder why Hybrid is trying to clear the world.”

  Putting the memo down, he decides to head back to the supermarket in an attempt to open the safe that he was unable to open before. Leaving the electronics shop, he bumps into a few more zombies that he kills easily with his pistol.

  Pistol Ammo: 13

  After killing the zombies, he sees that the lights in the main lobby come back on.

  “It looks like Dawn got the lights back one, good work girl.” He says to himself.

  Back in the lobby, he is met with a couple of giant spiders that crawl nearby. Before he can start to shoot the spiders, one of them rushes and tackles him to the ground. Falling to the ground, George is able to roll out of the way from the spider who tries to slap him with one of its legs. Getting up quickly, he runs from the spiders. The other spider tries to spit its poison at him, he’s able to hide behind a fake palm tree.

  Loading in the Dragonfire shells, the spit hits the tree. The spit has so much acid that it burns through the tree and begins to melt it. With the tree melting behind him, he runs and dives to his left while shooting at the spiders. One Dragonfire shell is enough to engulf both spiders. The flames burn through the spiders and in ten seconds the flames burn the spiders to a crisp.

  Dragonfire Shells: 3


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