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The Fifth Survivor - Episode 3

Page 10

by Angel Ramon

“I thought he was. I swear to god Stephen, if I get my hands on you, you’re a dead man…” Dawn says before being slapped by Stephen.

  “All you had to do was accept my proposal and you couldn’t do that.” Stephen says.

  “You mean marrying you? I told you I’m already married to Paul. We could have still been good friends though. At least we ‘could’ have been.”

  “You mean you were married to Paul. He died in an ‘accident’. My condolences go out to him. He was a good man indeed. Now, do you want to go out with me?” Stephen says.

  “Not anymore. Now that you’re working with this corrupt chief and Hybrid. I swear if you had anything to do with Paul’s death, you’re a dead man!” Dawn answers angrily.

  “I don’t think you’re in a position to be making threats. I will say that I had nothing to do with his death, it was really just a freak accident.” Stephen replies.

  “Now how did a couple of good men like you end up working for the devil?” George asks.

  “It’s about the money, wise guy. Hybrid is paying us quite the bounty to get rid of anybody who threatens them. It just so happens that we’re about to make some good money getting rid of you two. However, before we do that we thought we would take you to the station to see what you know. Who knows if you answer correctly, we might spare you your lives.” The Chief says.

  “Stephen, you fucker! You’ll pay for your sins, I can promise you that!” Dawn says.

  “I doubt that sweetheart, who is your friend next to you?” Stephen asks but gets no response from Dawn.

  “He asked you a question.” The chief says to Dawn who still refuses to answer.

  “What’s your name?” The chief kneels down and grabs George’s head who doesn’t answer.

  “What’s your fuckin name?” Chief Jefferies asks again.

  “George!” George says.

  “You mean George Fisher? The fish master isn’t this a surprise. Actually, it’s not, I knew you already. I’m just enjoying this moment too much, haha.” The chief says.

  “How did you know?” Dawn asks.

  “Dawn, I have my sources. You should be careful who you tell your secrets to. There’s no telling if they’re gonna actually keep your secret for you. Let’s say your little vigilante operation has been totally exposed.” The chief says.

  “Stephen, I don’t believe you. You gave up your morals for a lousy buck. You’re a disgusting bastard!” Dawn says.

  “Don’t take it, personal honey. Just consider this your own fault for not taking George out when you were supposed to. You were given a task and disobeyed it. Dawn, you’re a bad girl. You remember what the code at Hybrid is. It’s either you’re with them or against them. It appears you’re against them, haha” Stephen says.

  “Stephen you fool, they’re using you and the chief. They’re blinding you with money and before you know it, they’ll stab you in the back and send their creatures to take you both out. That’s not a threat but a promise.” Dawn replies.

  “That’s very touching. You always had a way with words, Dawn. Too bad sweet talk will not get you out of this one. It’s time to put this vigilante crew to bed. What’s wrong George? Looking a little quiet there.” The chief begins to taunt George.

  “I will only say this. I will get my hands on you and when I do, you will be begging for mercy. Besides, you shall be judged in the afterlife. You were supposed to protect and serve and you broke that code. You will be judged, just you wait.” George replies.

  “Screw the code. It’s ride or be ridden on. I almost feel sorry for you, after surviving all this and to be caught with your pants down.” The chief continues to taunt George.

  “Bite me!” George responds.

  “That’s cute. Alright, the show’s over. Come on Stephen; get these fuckers in the van while I open the gate.” The chief says as the shaft is opening.

  Dawn is still numb after finding out her childhood friend has betrayed her in the worst way possible by joining Hybrid. She and George are placed in a black van at gunpoint by Stephen. George, on the other hand, begins to piece together the idea that this was all an elaborate and premeditated trap set by Stephen and the Chief of Brewster.

  George is still baffled by the idea that they knew he was going to the mall. He has a theory that perhaps Dawn was being followed by Stephen and he gave away his location. Nevertheless, that doesn’t explain the outbreak taking place. That is unless Stephen and the chief knew that Hybrid was planning on spreading the virus or it was all a coincidence.

  “Damn, now I’m in some real shit. Not even Elaine is gonna get me out of this one. Hybrid is even more dangerous than even I gave them credit for.” He says in his head.

  “Stephen, you got those vigilantes in the van?” The chief asks and Stephen nods his head in agreement.

  “Why Stephen. why? Is Hybrid this powerful where they can buy out people and officials to join their sick army? I sure hope not, I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to buy out all the officials in New York.” Dawn says to George.

  “That’s their plan at least. Too bad it seems that it’s working. They managed to buy out the precinct in my neighborhood. It’s why I came up here.” George replies.

  “Hey! What are you two talking about? Like it matters anyway. Come on Stephen, let’s go.” The chief cuts the two off.

  Stephen gets into the van and the two of them drive out of the mall.

  “Where are you taking us?” Dawn asks.

  “None of your fucking business.” The chief answers.

  “No worries sugar cakes, you’ll find out soon enough.” Stephen follows.

  George remains silent as he refuses to give more opportunities for the chief or Stephen to taunt him. After a forty-five minute drive, they arrive at what looks like to be the precinct of Brewster. Chief Jefferies drives down a ramp and parks the van at an underground parking lot. After parking the van, he leaves the van.

  “Ok my dear vigilantes get out of the van and no sudden moves or you’ll have a respiratory problem.” Chief Jefferies says.

  Dawn and George are escorted to a cell in the basement of the police station.

  “Get in the cells!” The chief says as he uncuffs them and throws them into the cell.

  “Get comfortable because you’ll be there for a little while.” The chief says and laughs.

  “I’ll get you fucker!” Dawn shouts and kicks the cell.

  “Calm down Dawn…” George replies.

  “How can I calm down when those goons are helping Hybrid? You don’t get it, these guys are capable of poisoning the entire world. We’ll soon live in a world where we’ll have to walk around in hazmat suits. The poor birds will die, including mines.” Dawn begins to cry.

  “I do understand sweetheart. We’ll find a way out of here. I’m sure of it.” George responds.

  “If I get my hands on Stephen, he’s a dead man!” Dawn’s tears turn to rage as she kicks the cell again.

  “I feel the same way my friend, but we have to play it cool or we’ll never get out of here.” George says.

  George and Dawn sit on the bench in a cell that has brown brick walls and looks like it’s been in disrepair for a long time. The two of them also smell piss in the cell along with the smell of cigarettes.

  Stephen comes by the cell and gives the two of them a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches along with sodas. The two eat their sandwiches and soda’s only to spit them out.

  “No surprise that this ham is old as hell and the soda is flat as heck.” George says as he spits out his food.

  Stephen laughs as he walks back to the office. Dawn tries to eat, but the rancid nature of the food is enough to kill her appetite. With the sun already down, George and Dawn find themselves locked up in a cell instead of going home. They try to come up with a way to escape but with the cell locked tightly, they are unable to get out of the cell. With the umbrella of Hybrid growing the vigilante crew of Dawn and George find themselves in a hopeless situation. Can they escape?r />
  End of Episode 3

  Lookout for Episode 4 of

  The Fifth Survivor


  In this section, we will go over the different characters, weapons, and cool Easter eggs in the book. You don’t have to read this section, but you might learn something new. Note: Characters that have been introduced already will not be repeated. Please refer to the previous episodes if you wish to refresh yourself with older characters and weapons.


  Elaine – While she is introduced in book one as the woman who saves George, she has always had a crush on George. Once she finds out the truth about George, she becomes that much more attractive to him. Elaine becomes so obsessed with George, she’s willing to divorce her current husband. She seems clueless about the Hybrid Corporation and their intent once George reveals the truth. George decides to go to Westchester in order to prevent Elaine from being mixed up with Hybrid.

  Elaine is upset when George leaves to Westchester. Although, she bounds to remain ready for him when he gets back, there is no telling whether she will remain faithful or she will still be around when and if George returns.

  Scott – George’s best friend from his childhood, he is around the same age as George. The two of them used to fight for the same females rather often. Despite that though, they grew into best friends. He helps George get an apartment when he comes to White Plains. Not much is revealed about Scott.

  Fun Fact: Scott used to be a Democratic Politician in the New York City area. He was an assemblyman for eight years.

  Catherine – George’s younger cousin. She is in her middle forties but looking at her, one could think she’s much younger. She recently became a widow when her husband was reported dead during a car accident. Catherine doesn’t believe her husband died in a car accident but perhaps bitten by a zombie or a cannibal. Despite her suspicions, she has no idea that Hybrid is behind everything. George decides to keep it that way for now.

  Hybrid Supervisor – The unnamed supervisor is interviewed by George. He is a middle aged chubby Italian. For the most part, he’s mostly business. However, George nearly breaks him when he throws in some hard questions. The supervisor is your traditional company man, even his demeanor speaks company puppet.

  Dawn – To make the long story short, Dawn reveals herself as the mystery woman that has been saving George from death. She bumps into George in the Brewster Mall before the zombie outbreak. Dawn doesn’t reveal herself at that point because she is still deciding whether she will kill or spare George’s life as she was ordered to take him out by Hybrid. When the zombie outbreak takes hold of the mall, she is chased by Mr. Z and nearly killed. George comes in and returns the favor by saving her. When the two get to the medical room, she pulls her Desert Eagle out and holds him at gunpoint. At that point, she tears up and gets a change of heart. She reveals her story to George that she used to work with Hybrid.

  She is an aspiring environmentalist and wants to change the world for the better. However, she feels ‘guilty’ for working with Hybrid once she finds out their true intentions. Once she decides to disobey the orders that were given to her, Dawn decides to make it her mission to take out Hybrid. After announcing her change of heart, she decides to team up with George.

  Chief Jefferies – He is the police chief of the Brewster Police Department. Jefferies is a soft-spoken man and is rather jolly in nature. Dawn actually views the chief as a possible ally in her quest.

  He meets Dawn in the mall although they have met beforehand. When they meet in the mall, the Chief is willing to help her and indeed does help her. That all changes when he spots her with George in the underground parking lot of the mall, he holds her at gunpoint. The chief reveals that he’s working with Hybrid and is getting a bounty to capture the two vigilantes. This once proud police chief has decided to go to the dark side.

  Stephen – He’s a British blond headed man who is around the same age as Dawn. In fact, he and Dawn grew up childhood sweethearts until he moved to the states after High School. When Dawn came to the states, he introduced her to a job at the Hybrid Corporation. The two worked together a scientists until Stephen decided to be a mercenary due to higher pay.

  When Dawn ran away from Hybrid and caused the lab in Buffalo to self-destruct, he stepped up to defend her. Eventually, he vowed to Dawn that he would help her take Hybrid down if he promised to purpose to him. While she wanted the help, she was not comfortable to marriage as she was already married. Stephen took it well, at least that was the impression that Dawn got.

  When she gets to the mall, Stephen saves her from the ManBearPig. Dawn sees Stephen’s true colors come out in the underground parking lot when he joins Chief Jefferies in detaining her and George. He reveals that he decided to turn on Dawn because she decided to decline his proposal. Dawn is left in shock when she sees Stephen betraying her and working with Hybrid to complete their mission. Dawn’s anger becomes greater when she suspects that Stephen was involved with her husband’s sudden death.

  ManBearPig – The boss of the episode. This is a mutated creature that combines a pig, bear, and a human. It’s Hybrid’s answer to the myth that started back in the middle ages. It cannot be weakened by shooting it in the front, instead its weak spot is in the back with a third eye that closes when shot too many times. It’s armed with tentacles to grab its target but its main attack is a powerful tackle that it uses with it bull rushes its victim. It’s has average speed for a huge creature. The fact that its weak spot is in the back makes it a tough boss to tackle solo.


  Shotgun - A Remington M870 series tactical shotgun. Capable of shooting Buckshot, Slugs, and flammable Dragonfire shots. Damage will be greatest at close range while being less effective at far range. Three different types of shells can be loaded into the shotgun.

  The buckshot is great at close range and can deal massive damage. However, it’s not all that good at longer ranges. In fact, the buckshot can spilt and hit everywhere around the target without hitting it.

  Slug shells are much better at longer ranges and head shots are possible at the cost of a weaker overall shot.

  Dragonfire are the most powerful shells and can set zombies ablaze. It’s also effective against creatures and even the ManBearPig. The biggest pitfall is that the if shot at close range the user can actually set themselves on fire.

  UMP45 - From Heckler and Koch, this is a submachine gun with two shooting modes. One is semi-auto for headshots, effective against zombies. The secondary mode is rapid fire. While it’s good for hordes, but its accuracy suffers badly further from mid-range. Also, it’s weak against certain bosses. This is one of the three weapons that George can select in the gun shop. It uses .45 ACP rounds.

  Dueling 1911’s - From Colt, these twin .45 caliber handguns can deal out some mean punishment. These handguns are almost as powerful as a Desert Eagle. They suffer from a lower rate of fire which could prove havoc when it comes to defeating hordes of zombies and quick enemies. It’s one of the three weapons that George can select in the gun shop. Just like the UMP 45, it uses .45 ACP rounds.

  Fun Fact: The best weapon that could be chosen would be the shotgun due to its power and different shell types. The worst weapon that could be chose is the UMP 45 due to its inaccuracy using the rapid fire mode. The Colt 1911’s would be somewhere in the middle.

  Magnum – A Colt Python magnum six-shooter that shoots .357 rounds. It’s impact is the greatest out of all the weapons and best of all it’s a weapon that George starts with right away. The biggest problem is that there are no ammo pickups for the magnum in the mall and ammo has to be created using gunpowder. It is very effective against everything including the ManBearPig.

  Easter Eggs and Fun Facts – Bacon World is a fictional fast-food restaurant made up to pay homage to the author’s love for bacon. George is also a lover of bacon to the point where he can’t get enough of it and is borderline obsessed with it.

  The ManBearPig boss w
as an idea given by one of the author’s writing friends. Rob Bauer.

  The mall is based on a real mall that the author has been to before, though not necessarily located at Brewster, NY.

  The supermarket design is based on Key Food Supermarket that the author went to when he was a kid back in Brooklyn, NY.

  The EMP device is based on a design found in one of the 007 games called Everything or Nothing. The design is of a stick, not a coin like in the actual video game.

  Some cool sites to check out!

  I hope you enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed writing it. Anyway here are some cool groups you should check out on Facebook and of course this is not the last GameLit horror book I plan to write either. So stay tuned for updates! Seriously though, please follow these groups and help push LitRPG and GameLit to become huge genres for the literary future!

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