The Cowgirl's Forever Love

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The Cowgirl's Forever Love Page 10

by Vivian Arend

  Lisa pushed past the heavy door to find a shower big enough to host a party. She cranked on the tap and stepped in before the water had a chance to warm.

  A second later, welcome heat rushed over her skin, and she sighed with relief. Rotating toward the window, she shook her head in amazement. The master bathroom had a view of the mountains nearly as impressive as the one from the great room.

  She used Josiah’s shampoo and soap, the thought of having invaded his space so intimately sending pulses of heat deep into her core that had nothing to do with the refreshing water. The woodsy-scented suds washed away the smell of the barn, replacing it with a far better one. And while she lingered for a while in the hopes he might join her, she didn’t feel comfortable staying there forever in case he was waiting to take a separate turn.

  The bottom drawer held some women’s sweatpants and T-shirts. Lisa pulled on a pair of thick woolen socks and bright red sweats, but she ignored the ladies’ shirts. Instead, she stole into Josiah’s T-shirt drawer to grab one of them for a top. She held the fabric against her nose and took a deep breath, the scent she was coming to associate with him sliding from the fabric and through her system. The clean, crisp aroma chased away a few more of the lingering blues from the work they’d faced that day.

  She blinked guiltily then quickly pulled the shirt over her head. Josiah was going to think she was some kind of psycho stalker if she wasn’t careful.

  Lisa stepped back into the main part of the house, totally surprised to find Josiah had beat her to the kitchen and was standing at the stove. His hair was wet and he’d pulled on clean clothes as well. He was wearing worn jeans and a red-and-white checked flannel shirt.

  He twisted to check her out, a smile creasing his cheeks. “You look good in my shirt.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Lisa did a little twirl, spinning on the spot, pleased to see his eyes lingering on her body. Go for broke. Be honest. “I’m glad you got a chance to get cleaned up already, but I meant it, Josiah. You could’ve joined me.”

  He closed the distance between them, hands falling to her hips to pull her against him. “I heard you. Next time.”

  Josiah lowered his head, and the next thing she knew, their mouths were connected. He was kissing her again—

  God, the man could kiss.

  It wasn’t something he did halfheartedly. Unlike guys who seemed to have a checklist to work down—not that Lisa tended to spend much time with those guys once she’d realized they were shitty lovers, but there were men out there who acted as if each activity was something to get out of the way so they could get to the main event.

  Josiah kissed like it was the main event. His tongue teased, his teeth nipped, and by the time he picked her up and turned her in the air, she was far enough gone to not care where he was taking her.

  Not far. Her hips landed on something solid, and she opened her eyes to find she was sitting on the island in the kitchen.

  Josiah ran a finger down the edge of the T-shirt neckline, caressing her skin. “I wasn’t staying away because you aren’t attractive. You’re exactly my type.”

  It took a moment for her to remember what they’d been talking about. Or that they’d been talking in the first place.

  “Just saying you’ve got a go-ahead from me.” Lisa undid the top button on his shirt. “I find you very attractive too.”

  “Fantastic—” The word vanished into a breathless moan.

  She’d leaned forward and kissed his jaw. It would have been a shame to pull back too quickly, so she moved to the side of his neck and nipped then kissed the spot. Then again, this time just above his collar bone.

  Lisa worked at his buttons until she could slide her fingers over his chest. A light tangle of hair scratched her knuckles and another breathless groan escaped him as she pushed the fabric aside far enough to press her palms against his torso.

  “Do you have something cooking on the stove?” she whispered, staring down at her hands, loving the texture of his skin under her fingertips. “Something that’s going to burn?”

  “Who the hell cares?” Josiah grumbled.

  He caught the bottom of her borrowed T-shirt and jerked it off over her head. A second later, the fabric was scrunched into a ball and thrown mindlessly to one side, the material catching on the lampshade beside the couch before dropping to the floor.

  His gaze locked on her naked torso. Blue eyes swept over her as a smile grew on his lips. “I’m hungry,” he muttered. “Excuse me while I enjoy my appetizer.”

  Josiah had been trying to be patient. Dealing with Ollie’s paw, then giving the animal a quick wash and a meal had taken less time than expected, and he’d been two seconds away from joining Lisa in the shower when the old reluctance kicked in. Unwelcome, unwanted, but undeniable.

  He knew the reasons behind this particular hesitation were unfounded—he was now fit, and in shape, and Lisa had made it clear she was interested in a more physical relationship.

  Demons from the past were tough to defeat, no matter how strong the current motivation.

  Instead, he’d scrubbed down quickly in the guest bath and gotten supper started.

  Seeing Lisa turn up in his shirt? He’d gone so fucking hard he didn’t think his brain was firing on all cylinders anymore. And when she touched him—that gentle tease had melted every remaining concern, and he was cursing his past self for being stupid and missing out on naked and wet time with her.

  Thankfully, one swift move had corrected part of his mistake, and she sat in front of him, dusky red nipples and sweet rounded curves, and any chance he’d had of thinking fled entirely.

  “Yes?” he asked. His voice trembled. He wasn’t even sure what he was asking, except she had to say yes.

  Lisa leaned back, arching as she placed her hands behind her on the countertop. Her gaze met his, bold and unwavering. “Oh, yes.”

  He slid one hand around her back, palm flaring with heat as he touched her, pressing her knees apart with his other hand so he could slide her to the very edge of the counter, he stepped in close, drawing her against his body to take her lips again. He feasted on her mouth as heat passed between them. Naked skin caressed briefly with each rub. Josiah eased back far enough to slip his hand up and cup her breast. Teasing his thumb over her nipple as it peaked.

  Somewhere in the distance, a long, sorrowful howl sounded.

  Lisa tensed. “Ollie?”

  It had to be. They both sat motionless for a moment, hearts racing fast enough her pulse vibrated against his chest.

  A second later the sound cut off.

  They listened, hard.


  Lisa grabbed him by the head, leaning in as if to resume where they’d stopped—when the howl rang again. A heartbreaking sound full of gloom and utter despair. If this had been a performance, his parents would have called the actor out for overplaying their role.

  She swore. He swore.

  Neither of them could ignore the plea. Not after what the poor creature had experienced.

  “Stay here,” Josiah ordered. “Please.”

  He sprinted across the room and down the hall, sliding into the garage that had been made over as a clinic room.

  The instant he opened the door, Ollie rose to her feet, tail wagging a million miles an hour as she approached the front of the penned area he’d left her in.

  “You’re a great mood killer,” Josiah muttered. “But whatever. I’ll forgive you this time. Just try not to do it again.”

  He opened the door to the dog kennel, and Ollie stepped out, balancing daintily on three legs. He grabbed a blanket from the shelf, following after the dog that seemed intent on making herself at home.

  She headed unerringly to the kitchen, stopping at Lisa’s dangling feet and staring up adoringly as her tail thumped the side of the cupboard, butt shaking hard enough she nearly tipped over.

  Lisa had folded her arms over her chest, naked from the waist up. Leaning over, she reached down as far as possible to
offer her fingers for Ollie to sniff. “You’re safe, sweetie. Go lie down.”

  Josiah took the blanket and headed to the corner of the room. Ollie followed after him, crawling onto the soft surface then scratching to form a nest.

  He backed away, hoping that was going to be enough to satisfy the little creature.

  “She okay?” Lisa asked.

  “She’s fine. Bruised, and a little on the thin side, but healthy. Also, damn, she’s well behaved.”

  Lisa laughed. “Except for the howling loud enough to be impossible to ignore.”

  “Yeah, except for that.” He glanced over to discover Ollie had snuck off the blanket for long enough to grab his T-shirt—the one that Lisa had been wearing. The dog dragged it back to her blanket, turned in a circle and settled with her chin buried under her tail.

  Firmly on top of the stolen T-shirt.

  “Oh my God, she’s adorable,” Lisa whispered.

  They both watched for a moment, but it was clear that Ollie had nothing more on her agenda except sleep.

  “She’s a family dog.” Josiah glanced over at Lisa. “Is it going to bother you to have her in the room?”

  Lisa’s expression turned into a dirty, sexy smirk. “As long as she doesn’t post any pictures to Doggie Instagram, I’m good.”

  Thank God.

  Josiah took hold of her wrists, pulling her arms away from her torso. It was like unwrapping the sexiest present ever. “Where were we?”

  Lisa opened her knees, inhaling deeply. The movement lifted her breasts, and he moved without hesitation. He kissed her again, moving against her. His hand rose instinctively, teasing her nipple back to hardness. Dragging his lips away from hers, he shifted position to cover the tight tip with his mouth, sucking hard for a moment before licking.

  She wiggled, pressing toward him. Wrapping her legs around his hips even as she arched against his mouth. “Yes. Oh yes. God, that feels good.”

  Tormenting her was tormenting him. Josiah reached down and adjusted his aching cock best he could while multitasking. Then, he slid both hands up her back, moving closer until she was arched back and he hovered over her. His erection pressed tight to her hot core as he alternated nipping one breast and then the other.

  Impossible to stop. He scraped his teeth along the edge of her ribs, heading downward. Kisses pressed along her navel, a brief dip with his tongue into her belly button.

  He lowered her fully to the granite countertop, and she shivered. “These goose bumps are impossible. I’m so hot I’m about to melt,” she murmured.

  “I’ll finish warming you up,” he promised. He tucked his fingers into the edge of her sweatpants and stripped them away.

  Such a glorious sight. A completely naked woman lay spread like a feast. Soft and beautiful, her eyes glazed with passion as he adjusted until he could see her fully and make sure she was still on board with being ravished.

  Lisa propped her heels up on the edge of the island, and her knees fell apart. An invitation if he’d ever seen one—a golden, emblazed, illustrated invitation.

  He put his mouth over her. With one hand he separated her curls to lick lazily. The sweet scent of her drifted up, filling his nostrils and soaking into his system. Her pleasure coated his tongue as he greedily tasted one side of her folds, then the other, followed by lots of attention to the most sensitive spot in the middle.

  A low rattle of pleasure began, escaping her lips as if he were heating up a kettle—the old-fashioned type that whistled when it was ready. She wasn’t whistling, but she was damn noisy. Perfectly noisy, the kind of sounds that brought a man to the brink.

  He slid a finger into her, and this time, a pulse of need raced over his skin. Wet heat that promised perfect pleasure was waiting for him. But this was all about Lisa. He moved his hand slowly, gliding in and out, stroking his fingertips against the front of her body. He used every trick in the book to make sure those amazing sounds kept escalating in volume.

  “Josiah,” she gasped.

  A series of breathless little pants followed as he sped up his strokes, using fingers and tongue until she was trembling. He used his free arm to pin her down, one hand spread across her warm belly that quivered under his touch.

  He curled his lips around her clit and sucked.

  She went off like a firecracker, exploding as she jerked against him. Body tightening, core shaking. Wordless noises bursting free.

  A gust of icy wind shot through the room as the front door opened, and his houseguests called out a greeting. “Hey, Josiah. We’re back. You around?”

  Lisa curled up partway, panic in her eyes as she clutched the arm that stretched over her belly.

  Josiah pulled his hand free from paradise, swung her into his arms, and stepped toward the only place he could think of that was safe.

  He had the door open to the pantry and both of them inside before Finn’s voice finished echoing through the house.

  They stood there for just a brief second, utterly motionless.

  Lisa’s look of panic rapidly changed into astonished shock. “My clothes are out there,” she whispered.

  He was already shrugging out of his shirt. “If I’d taken you anywhere else, they would’ve seen you. Damn open-room concept.”

  Lisa snickered, covering her mouth with both hands as she waited for him to finish.

  He held out the shirt, and she slid her arms into it, doing up the buttons before motioning to the door. “You need to get rid of them. Oh my God, or at least go pick up my sweatpants.”

  She snickered softly, and Josiah found he was grinning far too hard.

  “I’ll tell you when it’s safe to come out,” he promised, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to her smiling lips. “I should be able to distract them for a little while.”

  “Josiah?” Finn’s voice was louder, and closer.

  Josiah held a finger to his mouth in warning to Lisa, then stepped backward, slipping from the pantry and closing the door firmly behind him as he pulled on his best performer’s smile. “Hey, guys. I didn’t expect to see you this early.”

  Finn and Zachary stood in the kitchen. Both of them eyed him with confusion as they took a calculated glance around.

  Yeah, it wasn’t going to take long for them to figure this out. Josiah stood there wearing nothing but jeans, after coming out of the pantry. There wasn’t a good explanation, so he didn’t even bother to try.

  Zachary poked his elbow into Finn’s side, both of their gazes falling to the sweatpants strewn on the floor.

  Distraction arrived from an unexpected corner. Ollie had gotten up and approached, although her tail was doing its usual metronome imitation.

  Both of Josiah’s new roommates turned to say hello, the lady’s sweatpants temporarily ignored. Thank God for dogs.

  “Careful,” Josiah warned. “She seems like a good-natured animal, but we rescued her from a backyard breeder pit today. I don’t know much about her.”

  Zach squatted and offered a hand for Ollie to sniff. “Someone down at the coffee shop told us about the puppy mill. You got it all straightened out?”

  “Started to.” He glanced at both of them. “If you guys want to grab a shower, I’ll work on getting dinner on the table,” he offered in a desperate attempt to get them out of the room so he could help Lisa escape.

  Finn stooped, picking up the sweatpants on the floor, his amusement showing. “Sounds like a plan. Right, Zach? We can totally get out of Josiah’s hair for—what half an hour? An hour?”

  Josiah could put up with teasing. Half naked, clearly interrupted— “Great. Whatever. Yeah, great.”

  “Always glad to be of help.” Finn winked.

  Just when Josiah thought they were going to get away with it, the pantry door jerked open behind him, and Lisa stepped out, pushing him aside with her shoulder.

  She stared at the two men who gawked unashamedly at the woman dressed in nothing but a man’s flannel shirt.

  “Finn Marlette?” Shock coloured
her voice. “Oh my God, it is you.”


  Any embarrassment she might’ve felt had totally fled at the sound of the familiar voice. It’d taken a moment to place it—five years had passed since she’d last seen the man.

  It barely registered when Josiah slipped an arm around her and tugged her against his body protectively. Lisa was too busy checking Finn over with complete astonishment.

  He recovered quicker than she did, a lazy smile spreading across his handsome face. “Lisa Coleman. Fancy meeting you here.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should poke him or laugh for leaving that comment so open ended. Here in Heart Falls? Or here, mostly naked, in Josiah Ryder’s kitchen?

  But she didn’t get a chance to decide which because Finn stepped forward, hand outstretched—

  The next thing she knew, Ollie was between them. The beast crowded at her feet, front paws spread wide. The little thing tucked her head down and bared her teeth. A protective growl worthy of a creature five times her size rattled at Finn.

  He pulled his hand back immediately. “Easy girl. Just saying hello.” He glanced at Josiah. “You never said she was an attack rat.”

  The third man in the room laughed softly, tipping his head at Lisa, his amusement clear. He kept his eyes firmly focused on her face as she offered him a quick wave.

  Considering the possessive hold Josiah had on her, this newcomer obviously had good survival skills. “So you’re Lisa Coleman. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Zach. Finn and I are staying with Josiah. Which means we might be seeing a lot of you. Ahem.”

  Her cheeks flashed at the second tease in under a minute, but she grinned back. “Nice one. If you don’t mind, though, I’ll take those.” She plucked her borrowed sweatpants from Finn’s hand, easing toward the hallway even as she shook a finger at him. “Don’t even think about running away before I get a chance to interrogate you.”

  “We’ll be a minute,” Josiah added. Then his hand was on her lower back, and he was escorting her from the kitchen, down the hallway to the master bedroom.

  He waited until the door closed behind them before whirling on her. “You know Finn?”


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